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This morning in our Consumer Confidential, valuable information for anyone even thinking about taking a job, a new job.
>>> 今朝、貴重な>>> 今朝、貴重な 誰にとっても有益な情報 新しい仕事に就くことを考えている。
Today LinkedIn is out with their annual list of top companies, the best employers for growth, success and perks.
Here with an exclusive first look is LinkedIn's editor-in-chief Dan Roth. Dan, good morning.
Good morning.
We always love when you're here especially when you know people are getting themselves out of the job market.
Which companies are the top companies? How do you decide who's the best?
Yeah, sure so we're looking for the companies that are best for long-term career growth.
We measure against a number of different categories but it's things that we know will turn into the kind of careers that people want.
So it's like are you gaining skills in those jobs? Are you gaining a good network? Are you being surrounded by people who will help you? And are you getting promoted while you're there?
に出る。雇用市場。 どの企業がベストか 企業? >> 私たちが探しているのは 長期的に最適な企業 キャリアの成長。 私たちは、以下のような多くの指標に照らし合わせている。 異なるカテゴリーだが になってしまうことが分かっている。 人々が望むようなキャリアを。 それらのスキルを身につけているか? JOBS? 良いネットワークを築けているか? に囲まれていないか? あなたを助けてくれる人たち。 あなたが昇進している間に そこ? すべてのデータを見て順位をつける には、さまざまな 各国を訪問し 素晴らしいだけではないリスト 働く場所、しかし素晴らしい場所 あなたのキャリアのために 長期的に。 >> トップ5を見てみよう。 そして、何がこれらのいくつかを作ったのかを見てみよう。 がトップに立つ。 >> 5位にpwc。 デロイト、ウェルズ・ファーゴ、アマゾン そして、新しいナンバー1は JPモルガン・チェイス 彼らは本当に際立っていた。 を誘致することにコミットしている。 本当に幅広い 全国の従業員 だから、彼らは次のようなことをしている。 そうでない場合は 大卒であれば JPモルガンで素晴らしい仕事を得る チェイス には全プログラムがある。 場所 キャリアを積むなら 休憩、彼らはあなたを連れて来たがっている バック と呼ばれるものがある。 クリーン・スレート・ポリシー 法に触れる 過去は関係ない 彼らに。 新入社員の10%が 犯罪歴。 で大きな位置を占めている。 デトロイトとバルティモア バーチャル・コールセンターは
We look at all the data, we rank them in a bunch of different countries and then we give you these lists that are in the ideas like not just great places to work, but great places for your career for the long term
All right, let's take a look at the top five here and talk about what made, you know, some of these companies rise to the top.
Oh, look at that, okay.
Yeah, so we got PWC at number five, Deloitte, Wells Fargo, Amazon and we have a new number one which is JP Morgan Chase.
JP Morgan Chase really stood out for their commitment to attracting and building a really wide range of employees across the country.
So they're doing things like making sure that even if you don't have a college degree, you can get a great job at JP Morgan Chase.
They have a whole program in place if you've taken a career break, they want to bring you back it's 10 years running now.
They've got something called a clean slate policy that says if you've got in trouble with the law in the past, it doesn't matter to them.
10% of the people they hired last year had criminal records, which is pretty wild.
They are putting jobs in places around the country where other companies are ignoring, so they've got a huge job place in Detroit and in Baltimore for doing virtual call centers and they're training people, they're upskilling them in those areas.
And then they're just, like, committing to growing skills of people that other companies are sort of ignoring.
And the last thing is they promote from within.
So a quarter of the people who got to MD this year, managing director this year, started as analysts.
>> ラーニング。
You can start there at the bottom and you work your way up
That's great.
Dan, you say another thorough point with all these companies: learning.
You know, like we've always heard about companies wanting to help you grow new skills, but you said now companies are really leaning into this.
Yeah, learning is like the buzzword and it's not just like tuition reimbursement, a lot of companies offer that.
But it's things like internal mobility is really big continental.
>> 授業料だけではない
We'll put you in a job anywhere in the world for a short-term stint, you can learn that role.
AMX is doing things like buddy programs where they'll pair you up with someone again internationally.
And in leadership and you can sort of learn from them and network.
And then there every one of these companies is AI, AI, AI.
Amazon is training two million people on AI skills by 2025.
PWC has a new program where they're putting 75,000 people through AI training.
And I just talked to the CEO recently. He was like, "We don't just want them to learn these skills. We are telling managers you have to give people time to apply these skills they can really sink in."
しかし、それは内部のようなものである。機動力は本当に大きい。 大陸はあなたを 短期滞在の仕事だ。 amazonにはバディ・プログラムがある。 とペアを組んでくれる。 国際的に活躍する リーダーシップを学ぶことができる 彼らから、そしてネットワークから。 どの企業も AI、AI。 アマゾンは200万人をトレーニング中 aiのスキルに関する人々。 pwcは75,000人を雇用する aiのトレーニングを通して。 というCEOに話を聞いた。 のように、私たちは経営者たちにこう言っている。 には時間を与えなければならない。 これらのスキルを身につける。 を持っていると判断される。 AIファーストの労働力。 >> 信じられない。 多くの人が新しいものを探している。 特典。 3つのFは本当にある 重要。 >> 家族、柔軟性、そして楽しさ。 家族にとっては サポートできるようにする チャイルドケアや高齢者ケア。 それは寄付をする人々を助けることだ 子供たちは家庭教師が好きだ。 学校をうまく乗り切ることができる。 柔軟性、kpmg、彼らは今 全社的な休日のタイミング 学校のカレンダー >> OH! >> アーメン! >> はい。 >> 彼らはどこにいたのか? >> 最後に >> すべての企業がそうすべきである。 面白いところでは、ウェルズ・ファーゴ。
They are determined to have an AI-first workforce.
That's incredible.
A lot of folks look for certain perks when it comes to a new job and you say the three Fs are very important. What are those?
It's family, flexibility and fun.
So for family, it's things like making sure that you can support child care or elder care.
>> を手に入れたくはないだろう。
It's helping people with giving their kids like tutoring so they can get through school well.
On flexibility, KPMG. I thought this was cool: They are now timing companywide days off to school calendars.
>> そして
Oh. - That's pretty good. - Amen.
I know. Every company should do this. - It's fantastic.
And then on the fun part, we saw Wells Fargo, I love this. They have peppy putting, no, they have puppy petting programs where they're bringing in these foster dogs.
You don't want to get those confused.
And then a number of the companies told us they're bringing in Pickleball courts to help people play while they're working.
So older people can get injured.
So if you're watching at home right now or you have a relative who's looking for a job? How do you stand out with some companies like this to get hired?
>> 高齢者のための
Yeah, there's like three.... First of all, every one of these companies is hiring. There's 85,000 open jobs among these 50 companies.
One-third of them are hybrid jobs and about 10% are remote jobs. This is really good.
>> 親戚がいる場合
They tell us that they are looking for sort of three key soft skills as communication, adaptability and then how well you can sort of work with others.
They want to make sure that you are someone that can work well within a team.
And then they find out whether that you have those skills or not during the interview process.
So Synchrony Bank is a good example.
>> そうだ。まず第一に 各社が求人を出している。 85,000の求人がある。 3分の1がハイブリッド車 10%がリモートワークである。 それはいいことだ。 彼らが探しているのは 3つの重要なソフト・スキルのために、 コミュニケーション、適応性、そして では、あなたはどれだけ 他人と一緒に仕事をする。 彼らはあなたが 仕事ができる人 チームの中で。 そうすれば、彼らはあなたが そのスキルがあるかどうか 面接のプロセス だから、シン・クローニー・バンクは良い銀行なのだ。 例 インタビューの質問のひとつ は、いつスタジチャレンジしたのか? 現状維持?
They told us one of their interview questions is: When have you challenged the status quo and what happened when you did it?
And they're trying to find out like, do you stand up, do you say what you believe and do other people get on board with that when you do?
They want people who have like big adventurous mindsets and are kind of pushing the company to a new place.
This is great I think this makes everything very, very hopeful.
Go and stand up and stick it to the man. - Yes.
Within boundaries. - Yeah.
That was great. Thank you, Dan.
>> これはとても希望に満ちている。