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  • There's hot water.


  • Help yourself to tea and take a seat anywhere.

  • It feels amazing to be able to make a living doing my dream job.


  • I think there are so few people who get to say that.


  • I love that you all just, like, jumped in and were like, I'm gonna learn something new tonight, even though I have no idea what it is.

    そのことだ。私は、あなた方が飛び込んできたことが大好きです。何か新しいことを学びたいんだ。 今夜は、それが何なのか全然わからないのにね。

  • The mission of this project is really just to build creative community.


  • I'm Liz Chick, I'm 27 years old.


  • I turned my side hustle into my dream job, and last month was able to bring in $25,000.


  • Hi, everybody.


  • Thank you so much for your attention.


  • My name is Liz. I'm the founder of RecCreate Collective, which is the studio that you're in tonight.


  • RecCreate Collective is a creative event space in Brooklyn, New York.


  • I help 20-somethings who are looking for creative outlets and community come together over all different kinds of creative arts and craft-focused events.

    私は、クリエイティブな仕事を探している20代の若者を支援している。アウトレットとコミュニティが一体化 さまざまな種類の創造的な芸術と クラフトに特化したイベント

  • [RecCreate Collective hosts events and workshops about 15 times a month]

  • [Participants can learn how to knit, decorate cakes, draw still lifes and more]

  • So this is knit club with Ella Emhoff, she does a lot of these knitting events.


  • I just call it knit painting because I used to be a painter, and I treat all of the knits as paintings.

    私はニットペインティングと呼んでいる。ニットはすべて画家として扱っている。 絵画。

  • I have brought in close to $150,000 since starting this business last March.


  • [In January, it brought in about $25,000]

  • A lot of that goes to paying the artists.


  • A lot of it goes to materials and supplies for the workshops, as well as just like coffee and drinks and all of these things that kind of create these experiences.

    その大部分は、次のような製品のための資材や消耗品に使われる。ワークショップだけでなく、コーヒーや 飲み物や、こういったあらゆるものが、このような状況を作り出している。 これらの経験。

  • The biggest expense is partnerships and artists.


  • Any partners that I have generally make 50% of the profit of those events, which gives them a take home of generally around $1,000.

    私のパートナーは通常、50%を稼いでいる。これらのイベントの利益は、彼らにテイクを与える。 一般的には1,000ドル前後である。

  • So when you add up, if I'm doing like five of those a month, that's about $5,000.


  • So my first job out of school was working for a New York City park and I was working in just like a windowless office. There was like, nothing to do.

    だから、学校を出て最後の仕事は、ニュージャージー州で働いた。ニューヨークの公園で、私は窓のないところにいた。 オフィスには、何もすることがなかった。

  • It's like staring at a computer. When I worked for a park, which was devastating.


  • It didn't seem like there were a lot of jobs out there that like, were a good fit for me.


  • I've always wanted to be an entrepreneur.


  • So I was just kind of waiting for my idea.


  • I started off experimenting with natural dye when I was just going crazy in me desk job.


  • I made this jacket, it's one of me favorite things I ever made.


  • So this is avocado pits and skins, they make pink which is pretty sick.


  • And so I was like, "Can't keep doing this for fun, got to figure out how to monetize it."


  • I made this botanical dye club kit.


  • [Liz started planning workshops so others could learn this technique] Let's see. There's like the fun dried florals. Um, there's this instructional guide.


  • And I started to really love that work and even see how it, like, might end up being a business, even if it was like still really in the early stages.

    そして、その仕事を本当に愛するようになった。それがビジネスとしてどうなるかを見るんだ、 たとえそれが、まだ本当に初期のことだったとしても。

  • [Liz eventually took a part-time job so she could grow her business on the side]

  • So in September of 2022, while I was actually on a call resigning from my last full time job that I've ever had, I got an email.

    のステージにいる。2022年9月、私は実は、前の会社を辞める電話をかけていたんだ。 今まで経験したことのないフルタイムの仕事に就いたとき、一通のメールが届いた。

  • It's kind of crazy.


  • I won $50,000 on accident, which ended up being like all of the seed money that started this project.

    偶然5万ドル当たったんだ。そのシードマネーのすべてが このプロジェクト

  • After tax, it was about $30,000 but was still like life-changing amount of money.


  • I had never had jobs that had allowed me to have any savings at all, let alone like a hefty fund to invest in something.

    私はこれまで、自分の能力を発揮できるような仕事をしたことがなかった。貯蓄はまったくない。 何かに投資する。

  • So I kept exploring options for spaces and things just kept falling through.


  • And then I like I had a friend who texted me about a space and I was like, "Ugh, I've kind of given up on this but whatever I guess I'll go see it."

    それから、ある友人からメールをもらったんだ。あるスペースについて、私はこう思った。 あきらめていたんだけど、まあいいや。

  • Which as soon as I walked in, my jaw was on the floor.


  • I was like this beautiful, magical land, I don't know what it is, but like, I want it, like, this is amazing.


  • And I was like, I'll just take the risk and I'll apply for it on my own.


  • [Liz accepted, and signed the lease in March 2023 for $2000/month]


  • I have like $100,000 of student debt.


  • I was like, who let me sign this lease alone, I don't know.


  • [Student loan debt is a common barrier to entrepreneurship, but the cash infusion gave Liz a jumpstart]

  • I think as helpful as the money was in being what allowed me to get this space.


  • The most important thing was that if everything didn't work out exactly how I planned that, I would have like some kind of a safety net.

    最も重要なことは、もしすべてがしかし、私の計画通りにはいかなかった。 ある種のセーフティネットのようなものだ。

  • [She had subletters for about six months before taking over the entire space]

  • My side hustle really started focused on my art, and then when I moved into this space, was really able to focus on the production, the collaboration, not just around my own artistic practice, but around others.

    私の副業は、本当に自分のアートに焦点を当てて始まった、そして、このスペースに引っ越したとき、私はこう思った。 生産に集中することができる。 私自身の芸術の周辺だけでなく、コラボレーション 練習はするが、周りはしない。

  • [Liz hosted the first event, a collage club, in March 2023]

  • And then from there I just started like hosting more and more events and collaborating more and more.


  • It's like still shocking to me that you can just put something out on the internet and like, 30 strangers will just come like, that's amazing.

    もっと。まだショックを受けているようだ。インターネットで何かを発信し 見知らぬ人たちが30人も来るんだ。

  • I think a huge challenge has just been like getting people in the door, like to some extent, to be able to have this be a financially sustainable business,

    素晴らしい。大きな挑戦はドアに人を入れるようなものだ。 このようなことが経済的に可能であるためには 持続可能なビジネスには 十分なイベントと十分な人数、そして それは本当に小さな観客である。 挑戦的だ。

  • there just have to be enough events and enough people and working with a really small audience, that can be really challenging.

  • This is what a real beginner looks like.


  • And then every little thing just adds up.


  • Like all the art supplies up front.


  • Even the scissors and then folding chairs are shockingly expensive.


  • These vintage ones are like about $75 each, so you can kind of do the math on that.


  • It was terrifying and I didn't even want to do it.


  • It was my bosses who encouraged me.


  • They were like, maybe you just need to jump and do it.


  • I think I was paying myself about $2,000 a month and subsidizing a little bit with my savings over the summer.

    そうだね。一日に2,000ドルくらいは払っていたと思う。毎月、私の貯金で少し補助している。 夏の間に。

  • I only started turning a profit in December, I believe, of 2023.


  • [Liz says she now pays herself $5,500 a month]

  • It's been cool to just like, be able to, like, validate all of the time and the energy and the love that, like I put into this thing, and to be able to, like, pay myself a livable wage, which I quite frankly have like, not maybe ever made before.

    そうすることができたのはクールだった、時間とエネルギー、そして 私がこのことに打ち込んだように、それを愛している。 生活できる賃金を支払うことができる。 率直に言って、これまで一度も作ったことはない。

  • [Liz hired her first employees in February 2024]

  • No, I would never go back to an office job.


  • I guess you have to do what you have to do.


  • But I hope to never have to.


  • It feels amazing to be able to make a living doing my dream job.


  • I think there are so few people who get to say that.


  • And oh, am I getting emotional?


  • And yeah, I just feel like beyond grateful every day to like, wake up and do work that I love and to like be able to create a business that can sustain spaces like this and can like create room for people to be creative and to connect to here, like almost every single day.

    そして、ただただ感謝の気持ちでいっぱいだ。朝起きて、好きな仕事をする。 持続可能なビジネスを創造できるようになりたい。 このようなスペースがあれば、次のようなスペースを作ることができる。 創造的であること、そしてここにつながること。 ほとんど毎日だ。

  • Like how impactful this work is to people.


  • And that's just like, so special.


There's hot water.


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