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  • Did you know that over 300 million people worldwide live with an anxiety disorder?

    世界で 3 億人以上の人が不安障害と闘っていることをご存知ですか?

  • This causes them to behave in a way that reflects an internal cycle of restlessness, which others can dismiss as simple overreaction or being sensitive.


  • Let's identify six common statements that people with anxiety say so we can further understand and empathize with their experiences.

    不安を抱えた人がよく口にする 6 つの発言を確認し、彼らの経験をさらに理解し、共感できるようにしましょう。

  • "Oh, I'm just being paranoid."


  • How often have you downplay your anxiety just to avoid bothering others?


  • Having anxiety can not only cause physical symptoms but social ones as well.


  • You may feel the need to stay silent about what you're going through because you think that no one will understand.


  • This can lead to high functioning anxiety.


  • High functioning anxiety is when a person remains fully functional and usually successful despite struggling with anxious feelings and thoughts.


  • It's not an anxiety disorder recognized by the DSM-5 but is just a term used to describe the state.

    DSM-5 で認められている不安障害ではなく、その状態を表す用語に過ぎません。

  • Although high functioning anxiety sounds harmless, it can deteriorate your mental health over time.


  • "Everyone's looking at me."


  • Social anxiety is when you have an intense fear of being in social situations to the point where you continuously avoid them.


  • It is a common type of anxiety disorder and it's not the same as shyness and it certainly cannot be solved by the simple "get out of your shell" advice.


  • Social anxiety is a mental health condition that can worsen over time.


  • Social anxiety disorder is one of the most prominent psychological conditions.


  • It is prevalent among women and the cases of people having the disorder continue to increase at high rates globally.


  • "I think I'm gonna have a heart attack."


  • A quick internet search shows that a lot of people are worried about whether they're having an anxiety attack or a heart attack.


  • This is because both their symptoms can be quite similar.


  • Both conditions can be accompanied by shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, sweating, a pounding heartbeat, dizziness and even physical weakness or temporary paralysis.


  • Due to this, people might rush to the ER out of panic.


  • If you're uncertain about seeking hospital assistance during an attack, it's more advisable to go for help.


  • "I'll do it tomorrow."


  • Have you ever been stressed out about a task and decided to put it off to watch Netflix?

    ストレスが溜まって、Netflix を見るために仕事を後回しにしたことはありますか?

  • But now you're stressed while watching Netflix.

    でも今は Netflix を見ながらストレスを感じています。

  • Continuous procrastination may not be a time management issue but a work of anxiety.


  • Studies show that 20 to 25 percent of adults worldwide are chronic procrastinators and this issue is linked to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, ADHD and poor study habits.


  • Having anxiety can make simple decisions difficult.


  • You may worry about when to begin a task, how to do it or even what task to start with.


  • The idea of doing a project can become so intimidating that you end up putting it off instead.


  • Before we continue, please hit the like button to show your support.


  • "I think something bad is going to happen."


  • A lot of people say to trust your instincts, but do you have a hard time doing that because it often leads to unnecessary worry and even paranoia?


  • Having anxiety can make you prone to and be upset by paranoid thoughts.


  • This is because you're more on edge and accustomed to negatively interpreting things.


  • To minimize the chances of paranoia, remember to take care of your daily needs, and challenge your paranoid thoughts.


  • "I'm so overwhelmed."


  • Work? School? Kids? Chores? Love? Money? Future?


  • How often have you felt bombarded by your thoughts that you don't even know what to do anymore?


  • People with unmanaged anxiety are prone to having nervous breakdowns.


  • The combination of pressure, stress, worries and triggering events can cause a mental breaking point where you're not able to function well.


  • During a difficult time, remember that it too will pass.


  • We know it's difficult, and we know that giving advice is easier than actually doing it.


  • But see how strong you are for getting through everything and being here. You are a fighter, just by living.


  • Did you relate to any of these points? Let us know below.


  • Living with anxiety can negatively impact you in many ways.


  • Please don't hesitate to reach out to a healthcare provider for help.


  • You can also click on "The Different Levels of Anxiety" to know more.

    また、「不安の様々なレベル 」の動画をクリックすると、さらに詳しく知ることができます。

  • Thank you for watching and see you next time.


  • Remember, you matter.


Did you know that over 300 million people worldwide live with an anxiety disorder?

世界で 3 億人以上の人が不安障害と闘っていることをご存知ですか?

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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