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  • Gone Girl, the latest from director David Fincher is out really soon,

  • and that was a good enough excuse for us to celebrate

  • a Fincher Classic here on Things You Didn't Know.

  • It's thin reasoning, I know. But hey, that's never stopped us before.

  • So, here are seven things you didn't know about Fight Club.

  • (Probably)

  • Gentleman, welcome to fight club.

  • Since we're talking about Fight Club let's start off with the thing about a fight.

  • In this scene where the narrator fights Bob AKA Meatloaf

  • They were both supposed to be shirtless. After all that is one of the rules of Fight Club.

  • They've built a special version Meatloaf's fat suit for the scene

  • That looked like a real torso with,

  • you know, skin and limbs and stuff, but the fat suit super super heavy and hot

  • and it caused a lot of problems

  • For example, in this scene later in the movie Meatloaf's pants fall down

  • because of his fat left him.

  • You can even see his leg padding for the fat suit, but Fincher kept the take

  • in the movie because it was the best one.

  • Anyway, going back to the fight scene, Meatloaf had to be rushed in oxygen mask

  • after every take just to recover from the exertion.

  • He would be drenched in sweat

  • Fun fact: they include a shot Meatloaf with his oxygen in the movie itself right here.

  • The other issue is showing a shirtless Bob fighting was

  • David Fincher felt that it would just be too much.

  • You know with Meatloaf's giant sloppy tits flopping around and on.

  • Let's move on. The scene with the narrator's boss confronting is a favorite.

  • But you may not have noticed that it has a continuity error.

  • They actually had to reshoot Edward Norton's profile shot because they came up with

  • a different take on how it should have played.

  • Well, in the time between principal photography in the reshoot,

  • the office building they shot in had change the thermostat,

  • so it changes from black to silver and back again

  • during the scene, and it just occurred to me now that you probably won't

  • be able to even watch this scene ever again without looking at the thermostat

  • literally the whole time.

  • Well, since they've already kinda ruin in the first half of

  • the boss confrontation scene, why not break the fourth wall on the second half

  • where the narrator kicks his own ass?

  • In this part here where he's on the floor bleeding out his nose,

  • there's actually a guy crawling on the floor behind Edward Norton

  • squirting the fake blood through it too, and clearly this guy is a pro.

  • And squirting fake blood pro too. I mean a pro.

  • Look at that, look at how good that looks.

  • Tyler Durden's outfits are pretty memorable,

  • but a lot of people including the MPAA didn't seem to pay much attention to

  • this tank top that he wears at the end of the film, in case you're not seeing it either,

  • that shirt right there is a collage of pornography

  • Motion Picture Association of America,

  • you know the guys who give movie ratings, were actually really tough on Fight Club.

  • There are a lot of things left on the cutting room for just to get it down to R rating,

  • but the porn shirt apparently wasn't one of them.

  • I guess the MPAA just didn't notice.

  • Colonie executives Fox. But I noticed. The Pervy narrator always notices.

  • Okay, so during the sequence with the narrator's trying to

  • track down Tyler, there's this scene

  • where he looks at the phone bill for clue. What we probably don't know is the

  • numbers on the bill were fake ones like they usually are in movies.

  • But apparently, Tyler had been dialing

  • Hollywood mega agency CAA all night.

  • David Fincher put that in there because he figured that CAA wouldn't sue,

  • and even if they did, they have to sue themselves for ten percent.

  • Here's a couple history for you.

  • See the movie marquee right there? That theater is showing Seven Years in Tibet,

  • which of course stars Brad Pitt.

  • And later on in the same scene, the other marquee in the distance

  • is for The People vs. Larry Flynt, an Edward Norton movie.

  • Norton and Pitt are the only ones with nods to their earlier work. David Fincher has one, too.

  • It was just a complete coincidence the station wagon in this scene here happens

  • to also be in the movie The Game which Fincher had directed two years before Fight Club.

  • He just ask production to get him old beat-up car.

  • Well, in wagon arrived, it looked nearly familiar too.

  • He then realized it was the same one they used in this scene with Michael Douglas

  • in Jim's reborn. I know, fun fact right?

  • Let's finish on Marla. Uh, I, I mean, I don't mean

  • finish on Mar... I mean, well you... you know what, never mind.

  • Actually, maybe I did mean that, and I am... I am a pervy narrator.

  • Anyway, Marla has some of the best lines in the movie,

  • including this one: "My god. I haven't been f*** like that since grade school."

  • Fans of book will know that the original line was even more controversial.

  • So controversial that Fox execs insisted that Finch should change it,

  • which he did, but they weren't able to film any alternates until reshoot after principal,

  • and the reshoots for the scene was shot in an odd places, a church rectory.

  • Knowing that little bit of info makes Marla's line

  • even more awesomely wrong, doesn't it?

  • Even the camera operator started cracking up over Helena Bonham Carter's delivery.

  • The shot cuts out one frame before the camera starts shaking from him laughing.

  • Well, those are our seven things for today,

  • but the first rule of Things You Didn't Know is

  • tell everyone about Things You Didn't know,

  • and the second rule is the same as the first rule.

  • So if you guys tell enough people, maybe we'll do a part 2 on Fight Club.

  • Thanks for watching. Be sure to check out

  • and subscribe for more true-ish things about movies spoken to you by a pervy narrator

  • right here on things you didn't know.

Gone Girl, the latest from director David Fincher is out really soon,


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あなたが(おそらく)知らなかった7つのこと ファイトクラブについて (7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Fight Club)

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    陳翰德 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日