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  • A historic day for semiconductors here in Japan.


  • The world's biggest chip maker TSMC has formally opened its first fab here in Japan in Kumamoto Prefecture.

    世界最大のチップメーカーである TSMC が、熊本県に日本初の工場を正式に開設しました。

  • It's now become the country's most advanced chip making facility and is set to give a major boost to Japan's tech industry.


  • Tokyo has been spending billions of dollars trying to revive chip production at home, and it also gave considerable subsidies here to the Taiwanese company.


  • Now the fab uses tsmc's local subsidiary name, JASM, which includes local tech giants like Sony and Denso.

    現在、このファブでは TSMC の現地法人である JASM の名前が使われており、ソニーやデンソーといった地元の大手ハイテク企業が名を連ねています。

  • And certainly, the sheer scale and significance of JASM is clear.

    そして確かに、JASM の規模の大きさと重要性は明らかです。

  • Here at the opening ceremony, Japan's Prime Minister Kishida Fumiyo sent in a video message, saying that he anticipates more bilateral trade between Japan and Taiwan thanks to JASM.

    開幕式では、岸田文雄首相からビデオメッセージが寄せられ、JASM のおかげで日本と台湾の二国間貿易がさらに拡大することを期待していると述べました。

  • Meanwhile, TSMC founder Morris Chang and chairman Mark Liu thanked Japan for supporting their business here.

    一方、TSMC の創業者であるモリス・チャン氏とマーク・リュー会長は、日本でのビジネスを支えてくれている日本に感謝の意を表表しました。

  • And we will work to implement green manufacturing, green semiconductor manufacturing, and we will execute effective water recycling and commit to conserving more groundwater than the amount used by our fabs.


  • TSMC's arrival has transformed this area which as you can see, even from the neighborhood of the fab is mostly made up of farm land.

    TSMC の進出によって、この地域は一変しました。工場の近隣から見てもわかるように、この地域のほとんどは農地で占められています。

  • Now, as many as 750 Taiwanese people have already moved here to the Kumamoto area and that's just the start.


  • TSMC is set to build a second fab here later this year.

    TSMC は今年度後期に、ここに第2工場を建設する予定です。

  • Now it's already impacted things like prices and traffic congestion.


  • Some people here are nervous about the speed of growth.


  • Earlier this week, I spoke to the owner of a pig farm just a couple of minutes away from the TSMC site.

    今週初め、私は TSMC の敷地から数分のところにある養豚場のオーナーに話を聞きました。

  • And she says that she's worried that new neighbors may be not used to things like the noise and smell of her pigs.


  • But she did say that she and other farmers are aware that they need to adapt, given that supporting chips is a matter of it's a national policy.


  • And so she is eager to find ways to work with TSMC to find ways that Kumamoto's existing industries can thrive alongside advanced chips.

    だから彼女は、TSMC と協力して熊本の既存産業が先端チップとともに発展する方法を見つけたいと考えています。

  • Joseph Wu and Joyce Tseng in Kikuyo, Japan, for TaiwanPlus.

    ジョセフ・ウーとジョイス・ツェンが TaiwanPlus のために日本の菊陽で取材しました。

A historic day for semiconductors here in Japan.


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