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  • Lionblaze: OW!

  • Lionblaze: Geez! What was that for?!

  • Jayfeather: It doesn't matter! It's in the past!

  • Jayfeather: *maniacal laugh*

  • Lionblaze: Yeah but it still hurts...

  • Jayfeather: Oh yes, the past can hurt...

  • Jayfeather: But the way I see it... you can either run from it,

  • Jayfeather: Or...

  • Jayfeather: Learn from it!

  • w h a c k s w i t h s t i c c

  • Jayfeather: Hah!

  • Jayfeather: See?! So what are you going to do?

  • Lionblaze: First... I'm gonna take your stick.

  • g r a b s s t i c c

  • Jayfeather: NO NO NO NO

  • Jayfeather: NOT THE STICK Q-Q

Lionblaze: OW!


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A2 初級

Jayfeather gives a motivational speech // shitpost // warrior cats

  • 17 0
    WarriorsCatFanWhiteClaw に公開 2024 年 02 月 19 日