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  • Men are working fewer hours than before the pandemic while women are working more, at least in the UK.


  • This is News Review from BBC Learning English, where we help you understand news headlines in English. I'm Beth.

    BBC Learning English の News Review です。ニュースの見出しを英語で理解するお手伝いをします。ベスです。

  • And I'm Georgie.


  • Make sure you watch to the end to learn the vocabulary you need to talk about this story.


  • And remember to subscribe to our channel so that you can learn more English from the headlines.


  • Now the story.


  • Men in the UK are working fewer hours while women are working more.


  • Since the pandemic, the average number of hours worked in the UK has dropped, especially in men.


  • At the same time, the number of women working full time has increased, possibly due to more flexible working.


  • Some experts believe that the overall drop in working hours may be bad for the economy.


  • You've been looking at the headlines, Georgie, what's the vocabulary that people need to understand this news story in English?


  • We have "pick up the slack," "drive a trend," and "put in."

    「pick up the slack」と「drive a trend」と「put in 」があります。

  • This is News Review from BBC Learning English.

    BBC Learning English の News Review です。

  • Let's have a look now at our first headline.


  • This one's from City AM: Men are working much less than they used to. Women are picking up the slack.

    こちらは City AM から: 男性は以前よりずっと働かなくなっている。その分を女性が補っている。

  • So this is about the story that men are working less and women are working more.


  • We're going to look at the expression "pick up the slack."

    「pick up the slack」という表現を見てみましょう。

  • Can you start by explaining slack?


  • It comes from sailing. A rope that is slack is loose.


  • It's not tight.


  • There are a few expressions that come from it, but to pick up the slack means to do work that someone else hasn't done.

    この表現はいくつかありますが、「pick up the slack」は「誰かがやっていない仕事をする」という意味です。

  • Ah, ok. So if someone is going on holiday and they haven't done all the work that they're supposed to.


  • Don't worry, Beth, I'll pick up the slack. I'll do the work for you.


  • Thank you.


  • Ok. Now you said that there are some other expressions that use the word slack.


  • Can you give us some examples?


  • Sure. If you cut someone some slack, you're flexible and let them not do what they're supposed to.


  • Slack off. That means you're relaxing or just being lazy.


  • Well, we cannot slack off because we've got more news review to do. So, let's look at that again.


  • Let's have our next headline.


  • This one's from Fortune: Millennial men in the UK are helping drive a trend of falling working hours, and it might be starting to hurt the country's economy.

    これは Fortune からです:イギリスのミレニアル世代の男性は、労働時間の減少トレンドを推進しており、それが国の経済に影響を与え始めているかもしれない。

  • We're going to look at the expression "drive a trend."

    「drive a trend」という表現を見てみましょう。

  • But what kind of driving is going on here?


  • Drive is being used here to mean move something forward, but it's not a car, it's a metaphor.


  • Trend is the other part of the expression and it means a pattern of behavior.


  • So something that drives a trend causes a pattern to happen.

    「drive a trend」ということは、あるパターンが起こる原因となることを意味します。

  • OK. So this headline is saying that when hours in the UK are falling, that is the trend, and men working fewer hours is making it happen. It's driving it.


  • You'll often see this in the news, something is happening -- a trend-- and it makes us ask the question, what's driving this trend?


  • So for example, high petrol prices could drive a trend for electric cars.


  • Yes, that's right.


  • Ok, let's look at that again.


  • Can we have our next headline, please?


  • This one's from The Telegraph: Men work less since Covid - while women put in more hours.

    Telegraph からです: コロナ禍以降、男性は働く時間が減少している一方、女性はより多くの時間を費やしています。

  • We know the story, but we're going to look at the phrasal verb "put in." Who's putting what, where?

    ストーリーはわかっていますが、「put in」という句動詞を見てみましょう。誰がどこに何を入れるのですか?

  • This headline is about women in the UK. They are putting in more hours, they're spending more time working.


  • This meaning of put in is very similar to spend.

    この「put in」の意味は「spend」とよく似ています。

  • Ok, so we spend time but we can also spend money and spend effort.


  • So can we also say that we put in money and effort?

    では「put in money and effort」とも言えるのでしょうか?

  • Yes, as well as putting in time, you can also put in effort or put in money.


  • It suggests that something isn't easy.


  • If you really have to put in the effort to achieve something, it's hard work, and putting in money often means that you're investing in something.


  • OK. And now we want you to put in the effort and look at that word again.


  • We've had pick up the slack -- do work that someone else hasn't done.

    「pick up the slack」:誰かがやらなかったことをやる。

  • Drive a trend -- make a pattern happen.

    「Drive a trend」:トレンドを作る。

  • And put in -- spend.

    「 put in 」:投入する。

  • Now, if you've enjoyed this, we think you'll love this six-minute English episode all about flexible working.


  • Click here to watch.


  • And don't forget to click here to subscribe to our channel so you never miss another video.


  • Thank you for joining us.


  • Bye. -Bye.


Men are working fewer hours than before the pandemic while women are working more, at least in the UK.


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