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  • On paper, the job market now looks solid.


  • Unemployment hit a 54-year-low at 3.4% back in January of 2023, and U.S. employers added 2.7 million people to the payroll in 2023 alone.

    失業率は3.4%と54年ぶりの低水準を記録した。2023年1月、そして米国。 雇用者は270万人を雇用した。 2023年だけで

  • The January jobs report also showed the 2024 labor market was off to a solid start.


  • When we look at the hard data, it seems to suggest that the labor market has been fairly strong and in fact, surprisingly resilient, especially after 2023 where we had headlines about layoffs and forecasts of recession.

    確固としたデータを見ると、次のようなことが言える。労働市場はかなり好調で 実際、驚くほど回復力がある。 レイオフの見出しが躍った2023年以降

  • But when you look at the soft data, Americans tend to be a little bit less optimistic about how the economy is doing and in particular about the job market.

    そして景気後退の予測。しかしソフト・データを見ると、アメリカ人は、このような傾向がある。 を楽観視することはできない。 経済の動向、特に仕事について 市場だ。

  • Politicians just talking about how the economy is so great. I just want to scream from the rooftops.


  • But then how come no one can find a job?


  • Recently, unemployed full time workers applied to an average of 30 jobs only to receive an average of four callbacks or responses.

    最近、失業中のフルタイム労働者たちが、この会社に応募してきた。平均30件の雇用を獲得し、平均10件の雇用を獲得した。 4つのコールバックまたはレスポンス。

  • If you look at the job vacancies, they're down a little bit, but not down enormously.


  • But if you ask, you know, how hard are you working to fill them?


  • The answer seems to be not very right now.


  • So why does it feel so hard to get a job right now?


  • And is the U.S. labor market as strong as it seems?


  • Hi. My name is Jenna Jackson.


  • I'm from Ardmore, Pennsylvania, in suburbs of Philadelphia.


  • This job market is like the craziest that I have ever seen.


  • I was frustrated just with how my job search process has been going.


  • I haven't quantified how many applications I've applied to.


  • It would be a little depressing, I feel at this point to quantify it.


  • But it was definitely in the hundreds, at least.


  • 55% of unemployed adults said they were burnt out from searching for a new job.


  • Younger generations were impacted the most, with 66% complaining of burnout stemming from job search.

    若い世代が最も影響を受けた。66%が仕事に起因する燃え尽きを訴える を検索する。

  • Looking for a job can be a full time job.


  • There's a lot that goes into it.


  • Filling out applications online can be tedious and can be time consuming and can be really stressful.


  • Every day, it just feels like Groundhog Day or waking up doing the same thing.


  • When I looked at the data, if you just applied to a job through a job board, the odds of you getting hired were about 3%.

    私がデータを見たとき、もしあなたが、あるチームに申し込んだだけならジョブ・ボードを通じて仕事を得る確率は 雇用率は約3%だった。

  • So you got to apply to a lot of different jobs in order to have a chance to get them.


  • And you're going to get lots and lots of just no responses. And it's exhausting if you do that.


  • A 2023 study from Glassdoor revealed that mentions of applicants being ghosted by their prospective employers grew substantially since before the Covid 19 pandemic.

    グラスドアの2023年の調査によると、次のことが明らかになった。応募者がゴーストになったという話 以来、就職希望者は大幅に増加している。 Covid19のパンデミックの前に。

  • We often hear from job seekers that they send out tons and tons of applications, and they don't even hear back, and that can be very emotionally and mentally taxing.

    求職者からよく聞くのは、次のようなことだ。何トンものアプリケーションがある。 返事がないこともある。 感情的にも精神的にも負担が大きい。

  • It's unprofessional as well.


  • It's like, especially if you're going to take the time to do an interview with them, you could at least let them know.

    それは、特に、もしあなたが彼らにインタビューする時間があれば、次のことができる。 せめて彼らに知らせてほしい。

  • I think it's because of technology.


  • It's easy to put up a job and so many people can see that job. So when you get such an overwhelming response, it's often very difficult to get back to every single solitary candidate.

    仕事を出すのは簡単だし、多くの人が見ることができる。その仕事。だから、そのような圧倒的な に戻るのは非常に難しい。 一人残らず。

  • Certainly during the Great Resignation, when the market was at a fever pitch, companies were being ghosted by candidates, which is something that hadn't happened as much in the past.

    確かに、大辞任の際には、次のようなことがあった。市場は熱狂的な盛り上がりを見せ、各社は次のように述べた。 候補者からゴースト扱いされている。 にはあまりなかったことだ。

  • So we've seen it happen on both sides of the fence.


  • And I think a lot of it is caused by just sheer volume.


  • The time it takes for a company to hire an employee also hit an all time high at an average of 44 days during the first quarter of 2023, with some industries like the energy and defense sector taking more than 67 days for hire.

    企業が人材を採用するのに要する時間の従業員平均も過去最高を記録した。 2023年第1四半期は44日間であった。 エネルギーや防衛といった産業 雇用に67日以上かかる

  • Application process has been getting longer and longer with going through multiple rounds and doing assessments.


  • My worst experience so far was with a large financial institution where I had a phone screen with them, and I also had a Zoom interview with one of the team members.

    評価これまでで最悪の経験は大手金融機関で また、ズームも持っていた。 チームメンバーのひとりとインタビュー。

  • After that, I had a case study where I was given very vague instructions.


  • They got back to me and said that the team didn't feel like there was enough, that they gave me another attempt.

    彼らは私に連絡してきて、チームはそうしなかったと言った。十分な量があったと思う。 別の試みだ。

  • In the end, I just ended up just going back to the recruiter and saying like, you know, 'I'm sorry, I don't think this is the best fit.'

    結局、私はただ、あの店に戻るだけだった。リクルーターにこう言ったんだ。 申し訳ないが、これは最適ではないと思う。なぜなら

  • Becauseeven if I did move forward and they were okay with my revision, there still would have been three more interviews.

    たとえ私が前進して、彼らが大丈夫だったとしても私の修正を加えても、まだ、まだ、まだ、まだ、まだ、まだ、まだ、まだ、まだ、まだ、まだ、まだ、まだ、残っていただろう。 さらに3つのインタビュー。

  • A lot of employers think that doing more interviews is a good thing.


  • And it's not a good thing.


  • Most job interviews are not doing anything important.


  • They don't know that the questions they're asking are going to reveal anything about whether you are a good candidate or not.

    重要だ。彼らはその質問が彼らが尋ねているのは、次のようなことだ。 あなたが良い候補者かどうか。

  • They don't know when they ask the question what the right answer is.


  • And this is a development that's been going on for a while.


  • It's not a good thing for anybody.


  • And even if the labor market was stronger, you would still be seeing some of this.


  • There are generally two terms economists use to describe the state of the job market tight and loose.

    一般的に、経済学者が使う用語は2つある。厳しい雇用市場の状況を説明し 緩い。

  • Usually when economists talk about a tight labor market, they mean hot, essentially.


  • Mostly what that means is it is difficult for employers to find workers.


  • And so in that context, employers tend to be more hesitant to lay off workers.


  • They tend to try to be more aggressive about how they hire, whether that means offering bonuses or offering on-the-job training.


  • By contrast, a loose labor market or cold labor market is one where there might be layoffs, it might be hiring freezes.

    OJTを提供する。これに対して緩やかな労働市場、あるいは冷たい労働市場 レイオフがあるかもしれない。

  • It might be difficult to find a job for workers who are either already in the workforce or workers who are trying to enter the workforce for the first time.

    雇用凍結。仕事を見つけるのは難しいかもしれないの労働者のためのものである。 労働者、あるいは労働者になろうとする者 初めての労働力

  • The American labor market has remained extremely tight, following the end of the pandemic.


  • So many companies had to scale back during the pandemic, and then all at once, companies were able to hire again as their businesses started to move.

    そのため、多くの企業が景気後退局面で事業縮小を余儀なくされた。パンデミック(世界的大流行)が発生し、その後一挙に各企業は 事業が軌道に乗り始めると、再び雇用を開始した。

  • So you had so many job openings happening all at the same time.


  • Job openings surged to historic highs while the country continued to struggle from the devastating labor shortage.


  • With so many plentiful job prospects, even working Americans quit their jobs at a record pace for new jobs, in a trend that came to be known as the Great Resignation.

    壊滅的な労働力不足多くの豊富な雇用の見込み、働くアメリカ人でさえ 過去最高のペースで仕事を辞めた、 として知られるようになった。

  • But the job market is beginning to show signs of cooling.


  • There's less of a frenzy on the part of the employers.


  • If you're somebody who wants a job, you would like a frenzy on the part of the employers because you would like to have lots of people trying to hire you.

    雇用者もしあなたが仕事を求めているのなら、を熱狂させたいのだろう。 雇用主は、あなたがたくさんの雇用を望んでいるからだ。 あなたを雇おうとしている人たち。

  • I think one interesting thing about the job market right now is that it is strong, but the hiring rate is low, and similarly the layoff rate is actually very low.

    雇用市場について、ひとつ興味深いことがある。今は好調だが、雇用は減少している。 同様に解雇率も低い。 は実際には非常に低い。

  • The layoff and discharge rate in the U.S. has been hovering near historic lows, despite the barrage of layoffs reported specifically within the more visible tech and media sectors.

    米国における解雇・解雇率にもかかわらず、歴史的な低水準で推移している。 レイオフの嵐 より注目されるハイテクやメディアの分野である。

  • So I think what might be going on here is that employers are hesitant to lay off workers.


  • They're hesitant to push workers out because of their recent experience with labor shortages.


  • But on the flip side, that also means that a lot of workers are sitting tight.


  • They're not quitting, they're not being laid off.


  • And so there aren't as many of those opportunities you would normally expect from attrition for folks who are trying to break into those roles.

    だから、そのような人はそれほど多くない。通常であれば この業界に入り込もうとしている人たちは、減点されることになる。 これらの役割だ。

  • Meanwhile, research from LinkedIn found that job seekers search intensity in the U.S. grew by 27% in 2023 compared to the year before.

    一方、LinkedInの調査によると、次のような結果が出ている。米国で検索強度を求める求職者 2023年には前年比27%増となる。

  • In 2022, there was one open job for every active applicant on the LinkedIn platform.


  • By 2023, the ratio turned to one job for every two active applicants.


  • Right now in the marketplace, what we're seeing is both employers and employees being a little bit more selective.


  • Everybody's taking a little bit more of a measured approach right now, being a little bit more selective in their choices.

    もう少し選択的にみんなもう少し慎重なアプローチ 今は、もう少し厳選している。

  • And that's why we've seen a little bit of a cooling in the marketplace.


  • However, experts reassure that the cooling labor market is no reason for concern yet.


  • It is important to have a perspective that's a little more historical on this.


  • You know, if you're hunting for a job right now and you can't find one, it looks like a lousy job market to you.


  • But compared to your parents experience, it's a great job market.


  • I think that sentiment is outcomes minus expectations.


  • So in 2021, 2022, there were labor shortages.


  • Companies were hiring very aggressively.


  • And so even if 2024 is shaping up to be a relatively healthy labor market by recent comparison, it doesn't feel quite as strong.

    たとえ2024年が比較的健全な労働市場 比較すると、それほど強くは感じられない。

  • A cooldown in the labor market was also what the Federal Reserve had intended with its series of interest rate hikes.

    労働市場の冷え込みも、このような結果を招いた。米連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)が一連の政策で意図していたこと 利上げの可能性

  • If you are the Federal Reserve and you want to slow the economy down, that means you want to slow the markets down a bit.

    もしあなたが連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)で、次のようなことを望むなら景気を減速させるということは、次のことを意味する。 市場は少しスローダウンする。

  • The biggest market is the labor market.


  • If you look at what employers do, where their budget is, it's mainly going to labor.


  • So you can't easily cool the economy down unless you cool the labor market down.


  • Experts also noted that the health of the labor market will largely rely on where the economy is headed next.

    専門家はまた、労働者の健康状態についても言及している。市場の動向は、景気の行方によって大きく左右される。 次に向かう。

  • If the economy does slow down more significantly in 2024, if we see a recession in 2024, the labor market can be somewhat resilient, but it can't fully buck the broader economic trends.

    もし今後、経済がさらに大きく減速するようなことがあれば2024年、もし2024年に景気後退が起こるとすれば 労働市場はある程度回復力があるが、それは より広範な経済の流れに完全に逆らうことはできない。

  • And so that's definitely something we want to watch out for in 2024.


  • It's not a guarantee that the job market is going to remain as strong.


  • Broadly speaking, we might have some optimism about the economy.


  • That doesn't necessarily mean that the job search is an easy process.


  • I guess the big thing I would say is it's not you.


  • It's not you. It's happening to thousands of other, hundreds of thousands of people at the same time.

    それはあなたではない。何千人ものには数十万人が集まった。 同じ時間だ。

  • And it has to do with what's going on in the bigger economy. It has to do with uncertainty, but it also has to do with a lot of quirkiness inside employers about how they handle hiring these days.

    そして、それは、この国で何が起こっているのかに関係している。より大きな経済。それは不確実性に関係しているが それはまた、内面にある多くの風変わりさとも関係している。 最近の雇用の扱い方について。

  • It's definitely, um, difficult out there.


  • But I just encourage you not to give up and still keep diving into your network and stay tight with family and friends,

    でも、あきらめないでほしい。自分のネットワークに飛び込み続けよう。 家族や友人と密に過ごす。 不足しがちな心の支え

  • just to give you the emotional support that you might be lacking at the moment and to give you that confidence that you can do it.


On paper, the job market now looks solid.


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