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For the past few years or so, streaming services have been engaged in a multibillion-dollar battle to grow as fast as possible and capture market share.
However, as interest rates have risen and demand for new content has dried up post pandemic,
companies have responded by battening down the hatches and trying to squeeze as much money as possible out of their existing subscriber base.
At first glance, the winner here looks to be Netflix, who have maintained their dominance in the streaming game and seen their share price recover over 2023.
一見したところ、勝者は Netflix のように見えます。ネットフリックスはストリーミングゲームにおける優位性を維持し、株価も2023年にかけて回復しています。
However, the real winner here might actually be YouTube which has seen by far and away the steepest increase in view time over the past year.
しかし、ここでの本当の勝者は、過去1年間で視聴時間が圧倒的に急増している YouTube かもしれません。
So in this video, we're going to take a look at how the streaming wars are going, why Netflix is doing better than the rest and why YouTube is actually doing the best.
このビデオでは、ストリーミング戦争がどうなっているのか、なぜ Netflix が他より好調なのか、そしてなぜ YouTube が一番好調なのかを見ていこうと思います。
So let's start with a quick recap of how the streaming wars are going.
In the late 2010s and during the pandemic, there was a sort of streaming gold rush as big players plowed billions of dollars into streaming to guarantee themselves a share of this apparently lucrative market.
When digital companies like Netflix started producing competitive original content in the 2010s, the Hollywood establishment started worrying that Silicon Valley was making a play for its business.
2010年代に入り、 Netflix のようなデジタル企業が競争力のあるオリジナルコンテンツを制作し始めると、ハリウッドの大手企業はシリコンバレーが自分たちのビジネスを狙っているのではないかと心配し始めました。
Like many other industries before them, music, books, taxis, the movie industry suddenly looked at risk of being replaced by a flashy digital surrogate.
And Netflix and co weren't quiet about their ambitions either.
Netflix とその共同出資者も、その野心について黙ってはいなかったです。
In 2013, after Netflix released the critically acclaimed House of Cards, its CEO Ted Sarandos told investors that the goal is to become HBO faster than HBO becomes us.
2013年、Netflix が『ハウス・オブ・カード』をリリースして高い評価を得た後、CEO のテッド・サランドスは投資家たちに、HBO が我々になるよりも早く HBO になることが目標だと語りました。
To defend their position, establishment titans like Disney HBO and Paramount plowed billions of dollars into developing their own streaming services.
その地位を守るため、 Disney、HBOや Paramount などの大手企業は、独自のストリーミングサービスの開発に数十億ドルを投じました。
Netflix and co then responded in kind, borrowing and investing billions of dollars in an attempt to supercharge their growth and capture market share.
そして、Netflix とその共同出資者は、何十億ドルもの資金を借り入れ、投資することで、成長を加速させ、市場シェアを獲得しようとしました。
And this investment only grew in 2020 and 2021 when money was cheap and the pandemic spurred demand for new shows.
However, in the past 18 months or so, as the cost of borrowing has increased and subscriber growth has stalled, the streaming gold rush has apparently come to an end.
In fact, subscriber bases started shrinking and many streaming services started posting billion dollar losses throughout 2022.
Now, these companies then reacted by focusing less on subscriber growth and more on cutting costs and squeezing as much money out of their existing subscriber base as they could.
To do this, they laid staff off, stopped commissioning as many shows and cut writer costs.
Some of them also introduced ads or tiered subscriptions.
And Netflix specifically cracked down on shared subscriptions.
また、Netflix は特に共有契約を取り締まりました。
And this tighter monetary environment has proven especially difficult for smaller streaming services who don't have piles of cash in the bank.
And there's a good chance that if borrowing costs stay high for a while, these smaller companies could end up being bought out by their bigger cash-rich peers.
The richest of these is Apple, which obviously has a presence in the streaming industry via Apple TV, and has literally the biggest cash reserve of any company in the world with an estimated $160 billion.
これらの中で最も裕福なのは Apple であり、明らかに Apple TV を通じてストリーミング業界に参入しており、推定1600億ドルという世界最大の現金準備を有しています。
In fact, Apple is so rich that in 2021 when it decided to borrow $14 billion in five year notes, its annual interest rate was just 0.7%.
実際、 Apple はとても裕福で、2021年に140億ドルの5年債を借りることを決めたとき、その年利はわずか0.7%でした。
That means that incredibly, Apple could borrow money roughly as cheaply as the US government.
つまり、信じられないことに、 Apple はアメリカ政府と同じくらい安くお金を借りることができるのです。
But perhaps the one company that's truly the exception to this tightening and this squeezing of budgets is Netflix.
しかし、おそらくこのような引き締めや予算の絞り込みに対して本当に例外的な企業は、 Netflix でしょう。
Like other streaming services, Netflix did have a tough 2022.
他のストリーミングサービスと同様、Netflix も2022年は厳しい状況でした。
In fact, we made a whole video about it, but it's rebounded significantly this year.
You can see this just by taking a look at their stock price which fell 75% from October 2021 to May 2022, but has since recovered about two-thirds of its 2023 value.
Netflix's revival seems to have something to do with the fact that it has the deepest content library, which means that it was the least affected by Hollywood's writers' strike, which began on May 7th with the Writers Guild of America.
Netflix の復活は、最も深いコンテンツライブラリを持っているため、ハリウッドの脚本家ストライキの影響を最も受けなかったという事実と関係があるようです。このストライキはアメリカ脚本家組合(Writers Guild of America)が5月7日に始めたものです。
Anyway, according to its Q3 report, Netflix's profits were actually up 20% year on year and they added 9 million new subscribers.
とにかく、Netflix の第3四半期報告書によると、利益は前年同期比で20%増加し、900万人の新規加入者を獲得しました。
However, while it's not really a streaming service in the typical sense, perhaps the even bigger winner of the streaming wars this year has been YouTube.
しかし、一般的な意味でのストリーミングサービスではないものの、今年のストリーミング戦争でさらに大きな勝者となったのはYouTube でしょう。
Now, Netflix have always made clear that they weren't just competing with the other streamers, but rather with the entire attention economy.
Its CEO even once said that they thought they were competing against sleep.
その CEO は、自分たちは睡眠と競争していると考えていると語ったこともあります。
But while Netflix has had a good few months as streaming services have started squeezing their existing user base for profits, they've still made the experience more expensive and less fun.
しかし、ストリーミングサービスが既存のユーザーベースから利益を搾取し始めたため、Netflix はここ数カ月は好調でしたが、それでも体験はより高価で楽しいものではなかったです。
And the big winner here has apparently been YouTube.
そして、この大勝利者はどうやら YouTube のようです。
Data collected by Nielsen suggests that a year ago, Netflix accounted for 7.3% of all TV viewing in America while YouTube accounted for 6.9%.
Nielsen が収集したデータによると、1年前のアメリカでは、Netflix がテレビ視聴の7.3%を占め、YouTube は6.9%でした。
Today though, while Netflix's share has gone up a bit to 8.1%, YouTube has been the big winner, leapfrogging Netflix to 9%.
しかし現在では、Netflix のシェアが8.1%に少し上がったものの、YouTube が9%に躍進し、大勝利を収めています。
In practice, this means that YouTube accounts for nearly a quarter of all streaming time more than any other platform.
実際には、これは YouTube がすべてのストリーミング時間の約四分の一を占め、他のどのプラットフォームよりも多いことを意味します。
Now, this has helped YouTube maintain its steady revenue growth, which has gone from an estimated few billion in the early 20 tens to about $30 billion today.
今、YouTube の収益も順調に伸びており、20世紀初頭には数十億ドル程度であったものが、現在では約300億ドルに達しています。
Impressively, ad rates have also held up pretty well in 2023, despite the wide economic slowdown.
And in fact, they're actually expected to come in higher than last year.
And it's not just these big aggregate numbers.
Individual YouTubers like MrBeast already garner more eyeballs than the best TV shows out there.
MrBeast のような個々の YouTuber は、すでに最高のテレビ番組よりも多くの視聴者を集めています。
According to data from tech analyst Benedict Evans, if you assume that MrBeast viewers watch 75% of the entire video, then he would get as many views as all but the most watched Netflix TV series.
技術アナリストのベネディクト・エヴァンスのデータによると、MrBeast の視聴者が動画全体の75%を視聴していると仮定すると、最も視聴されている Netflix のテレビシリーズを除くすべての番組と同程度の再生回数を獲得することになります。
Anyway, the data here suggests that while some people have moved from other streaming services to Netflix, more people just gave up on paid streaming altogether and decided to spend their screen time on YouTube instead.
いずれにせよ、このデータから、他のストリーミングサービスから Netflix に移行した人もいるが、有料ストリーミングを完全にあきらめ、代わりに YouTube でスクリーンタイムを過ごすことにした人の方が多いことがわかります。
Netflix even made a passing mention to this in their Q3 shareholder letter noting that our share of TV stream time in the US is greater than any streamer other than YouTube.
Netflix は、第3四半期の株主書簡で、米国におけるテレビストリーミング時間のシェアは YouTube 以外のどのストリーミングサービスよりも大きいと述べています。
While this might have been meant as a brag, it betrays a real problem for streaming services.
If margins remain tight and streaming services have to increasingly rely on ads, then their fraction of the total attention economy will wane even further, probably to YouTube's benefit.
ストリーミングサービスが広告に頼らざるを得なくなれば、アテンションエコノミー全体に占める割合はさらに低下し、おそらくYouTube が利益を得ることになるでしょう。
Perhaps the main question for YouTube is whether they can convert these new casual viewers into paying subscribers.
おそらく YouTube にとって最大の問題は、こうした新しい無料な視聴者を有料会員に転換できるかどうかでしょう。
YouTube TV, which sells a bundle of live television channels to American viewers has been a bit of a damp squib.
YouTube TV は、アメリカの視聴者にライブテレビチャンネルをバンドルして販売していますが、少し低迷しています。
And while Alphabet doesn't regularly publish subscriber numbers, YouTube's ad-free subscription, YouTube Premium, reached 80 million subscribers in late 2022.
また、 Alphabet は定期的に加入者数を公表していませんが、YouTube の広告なしの定額制サービス「YouTube Premium」の加入者数は2022年後半に8000万人に達しました。
And while this sounds like a pretty big number, it's only about a third as many as Netflix.
これはかなり大きな数字に聞こえますが、Netflix の3分の1程度に過ぎません。
So there's definitely space for growth.
And all the stuff we talk about at TLDR can often seem pretty complicated, especially when we dive deep into economics and detailed data.
私たちが TLDR で話していることは、特に経済や詳細なデータについて深く掘り下げると、かなり複雑に見えることがあります。
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それは、 Brilliant が数学、データサイエンス、コンピュータサイエンスをインタラクティブに学ぶ最良の方法だからです。
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