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Over the past few years, one Chinese company has thrived in the online fast fashion industry reaching a valuation of 66 billion dollars in 2023, and controlling 40% of the U.S. market.
- Shein. - Shein.
- Shein - Shein
I say Shein.
Shein と言います。
It's Shein.
Shein です。
Shein is known for$2 T-shirts and $7 pants with prices even lower than its competitors.
Shein は2ドルのTシャツと7ドルのパンツで知られています。
Shein made its U.S debut in 2015, and the brand's sales exploded during the pandemic growing sixfold in two years.
Shein は2015年に全米デビューを果たし、パンデミック時には爆発的な売れ行きを見せ、2年間で6倍に成長しました。
The company generated an estimated 23 billion dollars in revenue in 2022.
And its filed to go public in the U.S.
Shein takes fast fashion to a different level, and they're on top of every micro trend.
Shein はファストファッションを別次元のものにしており、あらゆるミクロのトレンドに対応しています。
But there's a larger story behind Shein's low prices.
しかし、Shein の低価格の裏には、もっと大きなストーリーがあります。
A congressional report found that Shein uses a tax exemption to cut costs, and the company released a report that cited cases of involuntary labor in its supply chain.
議会の報告書は、Shein がコスト削減のために免税を利用していることを明らかにし、同社はサプライチェーンにおける非自発的労働の事例を挙げた報告書を発表しました。
This is The Economics of Shein.
これが Shein の経済学です。
Scrolling through Shein's website can feel endless.
Shein のウェブサイトをスクロールしていると、終わりがないように感じることがあります。
We offer thousands of new items per day.
But Shein only initially produces 100 to 200 units of each new product.
しかし、Shein は当初、それぞれの新製品を100から200ユニットしか生産しませんでした。
Shein's designs originate with Shein designers and with our Shein X third-party designers.
Shein のデザインは、Shein のデザイナーと Shein X のサードパーティーデザイナーによって生み出されています。
As customers browse those designs, Shein has technology that monitors user engagement activity.
顧客がこれらのデザインを閲覧する際、Shein はユーザーのエンゲージメント活動をモニターする技術を持っています。
When a customer shows interest in an item by hovering over it, clicking on it, or adding it to their cart, Shein takes note,
顧客が商品にカーソルを合わせたり、クリックしたり、カートに入れたりして興味を示すと、Shein はそれを記録し、
then it creates new designs based on data from popular items.
This way, the retailer can test how popular an item is with its customers.
If it does well, Shein starts producing more.
Shein は、その商品が売れ行きが良ければ、さらに生産を増やします。
This differs from traditional retail where orders can often be placed in the 10,000 to 100,000 copies of a garment and can be placed between three and six months in advance.
And while it's fast at creating new designs, it's also quick to go through them.
A Boston Consulting group report found that Shein has an inventory turnover rate of 40 days.
ボストンコンサルティンググループのレポートによると、Shein の在庫回転率は40日だそうです。
That same report found that Shein is twice as fast as other competitor retailers like H&M and Zara.
同レポートによると、Shein は H&M や ZARA のような競合小売企業の2倍のスピードで成長しています。
The small batch model is a matter of controlling the cost and controlling the inventory wastage so that they won't have a large number of clothes that are sitting unsold in their warehouses in China or in the U.S. or anywhere else in the world.
The company calls this an on-demand model, and to support this on-demand model and lower prices, Shein hires thousands of smaller manufacturers.
同社はこれをオンデマンド・モデルと呼んでおり、このオンデマンド・モデルと低価格を支えるために、Shein は何千もの小規模メーカーを雇っています。
It took the journal to film in one of its third-party supplier factories in Dongguan.
Our designers will identify an item, design it, prepare a spec for it, and then they'll put it into our supplier management system, which will identify a contract manufacturer.
That contract manufacturer will procure the supplies necessary to produce that garment from a network of suppliers that Shein has approved.
その契約メーカーは、Shein が承認したサプライヤーのネットワークから、その衣料品の生産に必要なサプライヤーを調達します。
If a design is popular, Shein's ordering platform can automatically place another order with its platform working in real time.
人気があるデザインであれば、Shein の発注プラットフォームがリアルタイムで機能し、自動的に別の発注を行うことができます。
They're able to see as demand for a particular product is either waxing or waning in the marketplace so they can adjust their operations accordingly.
And this concentration of information allows our suppliers to efficiently structure their own business to be able to meet demand at near real time.
By ordering in smaller batches, Shein says it can reduce the risk of excess unsold inventory.
小ロットで発注することで、過剰な売れ残り在庫のリスクを減らすことができると Shein は語ります。
It means that we don't carry excess inventory waste when we produce garments.
That saves around 30 to 40% in cost of goods sold on the garments alone.
But while less inventory waste in the factory may lower prices for consumers, environmental activists say it might not lead to lower waste levels overall.
Critics are saying that because Shein's clothing is so cheap, people are buying a lot of it.
批評家たちは、Shein の服はとても安いので、人々はそれをたくさん買っていると言います。
And because fashion conscious young people may retire some of their Shein quicker than other more expensive clothing that actually may cost inventory wastage after the consumption happened.
また、ファッションに敏感な若者は、他の高価な服よりもはやく Shein を引退させるかもしれません。
Oh my goodness, there's so much.
A 2023 UBS report found that the average U.S. Shein shopper reported spending $100 per month on women's clothing.
That's about 60% more than the average U.S. female consumer, and critics argue that there's even more behind how the brand is able to keep prices low.
Retailer Shein is in hot water once again.
小売業を営む Shein がまたもや窮地に立たされています。
Shein has faced accusations of worker abuse.
Shein が労働者虐待の告発に直面しています。
The brand has recently come under fire.
Shein's on demand business model is not the only reason why its products are so cheap.
Shein の商品が安いのは、オンデマンドのビジネスモデルだけが理由ではありません。
It's also benefiting from cheap labor in China.
Shein has not been fully transparent about its supply chains.
Shein はサプライチェーンについて、完全な透明性を保っていません。
In 2022, Shein released the results of its supplier audits, but unlike some other retailers, Shein didn't disclose who its suppliers were or where they were located.
2022年、Shein はサプライヤーの監査結果を公表しましたが、他の小売業者とは異なり、サプライヤーが誰なのか、どこにあるのかは公表していません。
The audits reported some incidents that involve what the company calls involuntary labor, but didn't mention exactly how many or where these incidents occurred.
The Wall Street Journal's calculations found that these audits accounted for about 36% of Shein's contracted manufacturers.
ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル紙の計算では、これらの監査は Shein の契約製造業者の約36%を占めていました。
The company said in a statement to the Wall Street Journal,
"Shein is committed to providing a safe and fair work environment for all our suppliers employees.
「Shein はすべてのサプライヤー従業員に安全で公正な労働環境を提供することを約束します。
We pay manufacturing suppliers competitive rates so they can pay fair wages to their workers."
Shein says it's committed about $70 million towards improving supplier factory conditions and training workers.
Shein によると、サプライヤーの工場環境の改善と労働者のトレーニングに約 7,000 万ドルを投じているといいます。
Congress is investigating Shein's labor practices and whether the company sources cotton from China's Xinjiang region.
The U.S. government has accused Chinese authorities of using forced Muslim Uyghur labor, which Beijing denies.
Some U.S. lawmakers have pushed Shein to be more transparent about their supply chain.
米国議員の中には、Shein にサプライチェーンの透明性を高めるよう求める者もいます。
In a statement to WSJ, the company says it has zero tolerance for forced labor, does not have contract manufacturers in Xinjiang and doesn't source cotton from China.
WSJ の取材に対し、同社は「強制労働は容認しない」「新疆ウイグル自治区に契約製造業者はいない」「中国から綿花を調達していない」と述べています。
Fashion Analysts say Shein hasn't provided evidence to back up these statements including a list of its suppliers, which goes against industry standard.
ファッション・アナリストによれば、Shein はサプライヤーのリストを含め、これらの発言を裏付ける証拠を提示しておらず、業界標準に反しているとのことです。
And in addition to its on-demand model and low labor costs, Shein also keeps prices low by taking advantage of a U.S. tax exemption, which allows low-valued packages to enter the U.S. tariff-free.
また、オンデマンドモデルと低い人件費に加え、Shein は米国の免税制度を利用することで、低価格のパッケージを無関税で米国に持ち込み、低価格を維持しています。
Under the de minimis tax rule, shipments sent to individual buyers in the U.S. aren't subject to tariffs if they're worth less than $800.
According to a report from the U.S. House of Representatives, 30% of all packages shipped to the United States each day under the de minimis rule are from Shein and its rival Temu.
米国下院の報告書によると、デミニマスルールに基づき毎日米国に発送される荷物の30%は、Shein とそのライバルであるテムのものだといいます。
Between the two companies, that adds up to millions of packages.
Shein says that it supports reforming the de minimis exemption.
Shein はデミニマス免除の改革を支持しているといいます。
Meanwhile, the valuation has fallen.
The company's $100 billion valuation in 2022 dropped by a third in a fundraising round earlier this year, and Temu, which launched last September, overtook a larger share of the U.S. market last June.
Recently, Shein has tried to improve its image through social media amidst environmental and labor criticisms, but with limited success.
最近、Shein は環境問題や労働問題で批判を浴びる中、ソーシャルメディアを通じてイメージの改善を試みていますが、その成果は限定的です。
Shein brought a group of influencers to tour factories in China.
Shein はインフルエンサーのグループを連れて中国の工場を視察しました。
The tour didn't really help address a lot of the criticisms that people have about Shein.
このツアーは、人々が Shein に対して抱いている多くの批判を解決する助けにはなりませんでした。
The company has also moved its headquarters from Nanjing China to Singapore.
Shein is also trying to diversify its supply chain outside of China.
Shein は中国以外のサプライチェーンの多様化も図っています。
With this move, Shein is also adding new manufacturers in other countries.
この動きにより、Shein は他国にも新たなメーカーを増やしています。
Although the majority of Shein's supply chain is still in China, the company promised to invest $150 million to train 2000 Brazilian manufacturers over the next three years.
Shein のサプライチェーンの大部分はまだ中国にありますが、同社は今後3年間で1億5000万ドルを投資し、2000人のブラジル人製造業者を育成すると約束しました。
And Shein has recently partnered with Forever 21 and acquired roughly one third of the fashion brand's operator, Spark Group.
また、Shein は最近 Forever 21 と提携し、同ファッションブランドを運営するスパーク・グループのおよそ3分の1を買収しました。
Shein has in recent months, been trying to pivot to a marketplace model,
Shein はここ数ヶ月、マーケットプレイスモデルに軸足を移そうとしています、
which allows third-party sellers to sell products directly to consumers as Shein expands globally and is trying to capture more of market share in the U.S. and in other countries around the world.
Shein は、サード・パーティーの販売者が消費者に直接商品を販売できるようにする「Shein ・オンライン・ショップ」をグローバルに展開し、米国をはじめ世界各国でシェアを拡大しようとしています。