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  • Like it's really hard for me to watch TV with my dad because he's trying to make me explain everything to him.

    父と一緒にテレビを見るのは本当に難しいんだ。父は僕に何でも説明させようとするから。まず、アジア人はみんなテレビを見ない。 彼らはテレビを批判する。

  • And first of all, old Asian people, they don't watch TV, they judge the TV.

    これはまるで、ソファに座っている父の隣に座っているようなもので、父は昔のアジア人男性のコスチュームを着ている。彼はただ腕組みをして座ってテレビを見ていた。 軽い。

  • This is like, I'm just sitting next to my dad on the couch and he's wearing his like old Asian man costume, which is just a wife beater and tighty-whities.

    ええ、家の中で適当に騒いでいるだけです。今では、くしゃみをするときはいつも、ただくしゃみをするだけではない。 まるで津波が押し寄せてくるようだ。 まるでクソみたいだ。

  • He just sitting there, arms folded, judging the TV like.


  • He just makes random noises around the house.


  • Now whenever he sneezes, it's never just a sneeze.


  • It's like a whole tsunami of sound waves that comes after.


  • It's just like.


  • I'm like, "What the fuck, Dad? (Did) you just have an orgasm? What was that?"

    私たちはただそこに座っていて、父は、ああ、ジミーJマン、どういう意味だ?彼はランボルギーニ・マーシーと言った。 え?

  • And he doesn't understand what I'm saying half the time.


  • He's like, "Oh, orgasm. Okay. The orgasm. Orgasm."

    とても高価な車だ。そして、ああ、わかったという感じだった。 分かった。

  • And he's trying to make me explain everything to him on TV.


  • Do you understand how difficult it is to explain a rap music video to an old Chinese man?


  • We're just sitting there and my dad was like,


  • "Jimmy, Jimmy, what (does) it mean when he said Lamborghini Mercy? What's that?”

    ランボルギーニだ。オッケー、ジミー、彼が君はひよっこだとか、彼女はのどが渇いてるとか言ったのはどういう意味なんだ? いいかい? 彼女は他の男から注目されるのが好きで、フェラチオとかセックスをするのが好きなんだ。

  • And I'm like, "Dad, he's bragging about his car. It's a Lamborghini Murcielago, very expensive car. You know what that is, right?”

    OKだ。そうだ。 そうだ。

  • And he's like, "Oh, okay, okay, yes, yes."


  • That's when you know they have no idea what the fuck you just said.


  • He's like, “Okay, okay, yes, yes. Lamborghini, okay."


  • "Jimmy, what (does) it mean when he said, 'Your chick she so thirsty,' what's that?"


  • And I was like, "Shit. Umm...

  • Dad, he's making fun of somebody's girlfriend, okay? Saying like, she likes attention from other guys, and she likes to do sex stuff with them.

  • You know, like blow jobs and such."

  • And he's like, "Oh, okay, okay, yes, yes, yes. Blow jobs, okay."

  • "Jimmy, Jimmy, I'm thirsty too, okay? So..."

  • I was like, "Oh God, no, no."

  • I lost my translation.

  • It′s disgusting.

Like it's really hard for me to watch TV with my dad because he's trying to make me explain everything to him.

父と一緒にテレビを見るのは本当に難しいんだ。父は僕に何でも説明させようとするから。まず、アジア人はみんなテレビを見ない。 彼らはテレビを批判する。

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