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now if pasta is so bad why do the Italians live so long at least in
certain parts of Italy one part of the northern part called Liguria they live
longer than any other region in Europe and in Sardinia which is the
second-largest island off the coast of Italy in the Blue Zone they also are
tied with Japan as living the longest now I just wanted to mention that I'm
not saying that the entire country of Italy ranks higher than other countries
as far as living longer but these two areas definitely are at the top of the
list and another point that's interesting out of over a thousand
residents aged over a hundred and five years old 951 of them are female
okay that's eighty seven point two percent this is because of estrogen
estrogen can act as an antioxidant thereby slowing down the free radical
exposure and damage to the DNA in the mitochondria so now I recently did a
trip in Italy and I interviewed a lady from Sardinia a lot of times when you
read a books or in the news you hear about the blue zone Sardinia they have
all sorts of opinions on what they eat you're gonna find out exactly what
sardines eat so there will be no more mystery and I think you're gonna be
quite surprised at a couple things but before I show you this interview I want
to talk about pasta what's so different about the pasta in Europe and especially
Italy there's no glyphosate in the US they spray wheat with glyphosate that's
like the stuff they used in Roundup Ready now in the u.s. is not GMO but
it's still sprayed with glyphosate unless it's organic but they don't use
glyphosate in Italy now the argument about glyphosate is
that it doesn't affect our genes okay well it definitely affects microbes for
sure okay and we have a lot of microbes within our gut and throughout a body in
fact we have over thinkin sicom a hundred trillion microbes living inside
and around it's it's about five pounds of microbial life and this chemical can
definitely affect the genetics of those microbes and we depend on those microbes
and they depend on us and they become part of us
so glyphosate can definitely create a lot of problems in your gut if you
consume it also the wheat used in pasta in Italy is not enriched okay with iron
and synthetic vitamins iron is very oxidative and corrosive to our bodies in
fact we don't really have a mechanism of getting rid of iron so if you
accumulates too much it can create a lot of problems especially in men because
men are not menstruating like women but if you're a woman in post menopausal
you're in risk of accumulating too much iron if you consuming the wheat in the
u.s. now the type of wheat that's used with pasta compared to bread is the
durum wheat it's a hard wheat it's higher in protein and it digests very
slowly now what's interesting about pasta because it's so condensed is that
it will not spike your blood Sugar's initially okay and it has a glycemic
index of 45 to 50 compared to bread which is 70 however here's the problem
check your blood sugars in two or three hours sometimes four hours and it will
definitely spike your blood sugar so I am not recommending pasta all I'm saying
is the quality of pasta is a lot better in Italy compared to America that's
probably why people go to Italy and they eat pasta and they don't bloat now let's
go to my interview from the lady who lived in Sardinia okay so we have this
young lady here from Sardinia you born there right yeah I was born in
yes and when did you move from Sardinia when I was 20 years old 20
okay and give me some examples of types of food that you eat in Sardinia oh yeah
is it more organic pork meat yeah
pork we ate fish fish what kind of fish it depends sea bream sea bass sea shells
how about lobster and then vegetables vegetables of course do they taste
really good artichokes artichoke many artichokes Wow do you believe do they
eat a lot of sugar there no no too much sugar
Wow even they be so it for their not know and this way they're not really
sweet and then a little pasta but not too much not too much pasta Wow and
what about bread yeah we have right a little bit or a lot of it it depends
that's not too much okay and then olive oil olive oil
yes we've got very good olive oil in Sardinia as well it's right from the Tuscany
other things we we drink the Mirta
what's what is my kind of digestive with my berries the typical plants in
Sardinia any good and then what about people live a long time but they they
spend a lot of time cooking preparing maybe yeah in the past there the women
were more used to you know just find time to bring food for all the family
now we have less time to do that but still really interesting no to to to
cook food no to to to prepare things with some dishes for family fascinating
and how old are you I'm nearly 49 and you're the age to do a woman right it's
bad but your grandmother's still living no how old is she she dies when she was 92
and she look fairly young Wow and then how about your stress level and
Sardinians did a high stress low stress
that's that's one of the secret Wow the stress you know the life is very
quiet no no pressure it's an island right yeah
so you're on the island you have got a fish low pace low stress but vegetables
and healthy food and like many part of Italy a thing but
maybe in Sardinia even do you know the water Pantheon is different
do you drink do you drink the water right from the tap or do you have a
filter yeah when I was young yes I used to drink water from the tap now and then
do they drink wine yes they drink a lot yes but do they
ever drink too much or just enough just a little bit between beers you know 13
yeah yeah do they make you longer no not their own beer but there are many
interesting many companies are two beers Wow and how about like the pesticides
the GMO foods do they do that there or no I think not too much
I'm gonna trust them no so they kind of kept the culture there all the time
looks like agriculture has been there for they keep the culture the same they
don't alter it and become more American no no they want to keep you know the
culture to imitate the culture to the island we are an island
so we don't have many in the past we don't we do not we didn't have any
contact with the other countries they keep
they preserve the culture the or them the food recipes even the maybe
the veget called the plans young well so I will be moving to Sardinia shortly and
I'll be living there that was interesting wasn't it I mean she
definitely does not look 48 or almost 49 years old but did you hear what she said
pork okay now we've been taught that pork is very bad for us right well they
consume a lot more pork fish shellfish loaded with DHA okay
iodine selenium zinc copper very very good for anti-aging vegetables
artichokes but not much sugar not many desserts and not much pasta some bread
some wine of course and some beer olive oil of course and a digestive okay some
type of berry that actually helps the digestive process low stress they walk a
lot probably to burn off these carbs right here now it's very very difficult
to isolate exactly what specific food or thing is helping Sardinians look longer
but I want to ask you out of all of these or some other other factors go
ahead and list down below in the comment section what you think contributes most
to longevity from people that live in the Blue Zone
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