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  • Chawanmushi is a classic Japanese dish that  translates to "steamed in a tea cup." It is a  

  • savory custard made with a mixture of eggs, dashi  (a type of Japanese broth), soy sauce, and mirin.

  • Though the ingredients can varymushrooms are often a key component,  

  • along with other items like  shrimp, chicken, and vegetables.  

  • This dish is typically steamed until setresulting in a delicate, smooth custard.

  • Mushrooms play a significant role in Chawanmushi  for a few reasons. First, their earthy flavor  

  • adds a contrasting note to the silky-smoothumami-rich custard, creating a balanced palate.

  • Second, mushrooms offer a different texture,  

  • adding a bite that counters  the custard's softness.  

  • Additionally, their capacity to absorb flavors  makes them little pockets of savory delight  

  • within the dish. Mushrooms not only enhance the  overall taste and mouthfeel but also contribute  

  • to the layered complexities that make Chawanmushi  a beloved, versatile dish in Japanese cuisine.

Chawanmushi is a classic Japanese dish that  translates to "steamed in a tea cup." It is a  


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What is Chawanmushi (aka japanese steamed egg or japanese egg custard

  • 56 1
    Jay に公開 2023 年 09 月 18 日