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  • Hi everyone! Welcome to today's lesson, I'm  Arnel. Today we're going to look at relative  

  • pronouns. Who, which, that, whose, and  whom. What about where, when, and why?  

  • Those are relative adverbs. Today we're going to  stick to relative pronouns. And we're also going  

  • to look at relative clauses. Relative clauses  are also called adjective clauses, same thing.  

  • There's going to be a lot of information  today, so at the end of this lesson I have  

  • a mini test for you. Let's start. Let's start  with an overview, I have three sentences.

  • Each sentence has a relative pronoun. Whowhich, that. What about whose, and whom? Don't  

  • worry, we'll get to that later. The relative  pronoun is the head of the relative clause.

  • Each relative clause has a subject and  a verb. You can see in my first example  

  • the relative pronoun is the  subject. More on that later.

  • The relative clause always goes after the  noun it is describing. Man, cake, email. Keep  

  • these basic points in mind because you'll see  this repeated again and again in today's lesson.  

  • How do I know when to use who, whichthat, or whose? I think we need a chart.

  • What relative pronoun do I need?

  • That, is always less formal and more common in  spoken English. Which, is slightly more formal.  

  • I had a friend who could speak six languages.  I had a friend that could speak six languages.  

  • I bought a blanket which glows in the dark.  I bought a blanket that glows in the dark.  

  • I spoke to a friend whose uncle is a lawyer.  

  • Possessive can be a bit confusing, but think about  it like this: I spoke to a friend, his uncle is a  

  • lawyer. Same thing. We can also use who's for thingsnot just people. It was a beautiful hotel whose  

  • lobby looked like a palace. It was a beautiful  hotel, its lobby looked like a palace. Same thing.

  • My neighbor has a dog who constantly barksSo annoying. Yes, sometimes for pets we do  

  • use witch or that. Giant pandas, which are  endangered, can spend 10 hours a day eating.  

  • Animals that have hair or fur are called mammals.

  • Remember earlier in the lesson I said: Relative  clauses are also called adjective clauses. Same  

  • thing. That's really important. We need to takelook at adjectives just for a sec. Two sentences:  

  • The big car is mine. I have my adjective, big, it  helps describe the car. These beautiful flowers are  

  • for my mom. Beautiful is my adjective, it describes  flowers. Which noun, which adjective is necessary?

  • The first one, right? If i remove big, the  sentence is grammatically correct, but  

  • you don't know which car I'm talking aboutIt's necessary, it helps identify the car.  

  • Beautiful is optional. If I remove it there is  no confusion. Necessary information, optional.  

  • Not necessary information, necessary. Not necessaryIn English, relative clauses that provide  

  • necessary information are called defining  relative clauses. They help to identify the noun.  

  • Relative clauses that give extra or interesting  information, are called non-defining relative  

  • clauses. In your grammar books these clauses  might be called restrictive or non-restrictive.  

  • Same thing. We normally need defining relative  clauses because there is more than one thing.  

  • Let's compare. The printer that or which is next  to the door, can only print in black and white.

  • The printer, which is ancient and needs to be  thrown away, can only print in black and white.

  • I need the names of all the people who were here  last night. I didn't speak to Ed who was working in  

  • a different room. So what makes a clause defining  or non-defining? Look at the first sentence. There  

  • are two printers. If I remove the relative clauseyou don't know which printer I'm talking about.  

  • Imagine a conversation with a person who  always removed the defining relative clause.  

  • The email had a mistake in itWhich email, was this from yesterday?  

  • Food is bad for you. Oh, no. I actually... food is  important, it's important for our... I hate people!

  • Everybody?

  • Okay. You can see the sentences here. Obviously  something is missing. The email that, or which,  

  • you sent me last night had a mistake in it. Now  it's clear. Food that or which is high in sodium,  

  • is bad for you. Oh! Now I get it. I hate people who  walk super slowly and take up the whole sidewalk.

  • Excuse me. Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse  me. Can I get. Oh, can I just get...

  • Okay. So it's clear, we need our defining  relative clauses. Let's go back to comparing.

  • If I remove my non-defining relative  clause, it doesn't matter. You still  

  • know which printer I'm referring to. Here,  I'm just giving you extra information.

  • Do you notice any other differences between  defining and non-defining relative clauses?  

  • Commas. We always need commas to separate  our non-defining relative clauses. Think  

  • of the commas like handles. So you can  easily remove the clause if you want.

  • You can also see I haven't used that after  

  • my comma. Rule: Do not use that innon-defining relative clause. It doesn't  

  • matter if you're speaking about a person  or a thing. Do not use that after a comma.

  • But this whole comma rule is only important in  

  • written English, right? In spoken  English there are no commas.

  • Yes. In spoken English there are no commasBut if we give not essential information  

  • we would still use which. Or when we're speakingsometimes we add a little pause. That pause is  

  • kind of like our comma. My boss decided to  end the workday early because of the blizzard,  

  • which i thought was a good idea. My teacher gave us  a lot of homework for the weekend, which was unfair.  

  • I have my relative pronoun the  relative clause, and the comma. Fantastic.

  • The blizzard was a good idea? The weekend was  unfair? We can use which in a non-defining relative  

  • clause, to refer back to the entire sentence. Or  the entire situation. My boss allowing people  

  • to leave work early, so they can drive home  safely. That was a good idea. Not the blizzard.

  • My teacher giving us a lot of homework on a Friday.  I mean that, that whole idea was unfair. Wow! There's  

  • already been a lot of information. I think we  need a mini review. We use, who or that for people.  

  • Which or that, for things. Who's possessive for  people, but sometimes things as well. When it comes  

  • to animals, normally we use which or that. But we  often use who for pets, because it's a little bit more  

  • personal, right? And your relative clause always  goes directly after the noun it is describing.  

  • Okay. Defining relative clauses give us necessary  information, they help identify the noun.  

  • Non-defining relative clauses give us extra  interesting information. We need commas to separate  

  • our non-defining relative clause. Do not use, thatin a non-defining relative clause. And we can use,  

  • which, in a non-defining relative clause. To refer  back to the entire idea before it. Let's keep going.  

  • Okay. The good news is we can forget  about non-defining relative clauses.  

  • We need to focus on the defining  clauses. I have two sentences here:  

  • Are the relative pronouns the  subject or the object of the clause?

  • In my first example, it's the object. How doknow that? Because look at the verb in the clause.  

  • Brought. You brought. What? You brought  the amazing dish. It's the object.

  • In my second example, it's the subject of the  clause. My verb is have. The lines have an x on them.  

  • Why is this important? Subject? Object? Because  we can remove the relative pronoun if it's  

  • the object of the relative clause. We can't remove  the subject, it's too important. So in sentence one,  

  • people are still talking about the amazing dish  you brought to my party. That's perfectly correct.

  • Please sign the lines... have anon them? Very unnatural. Your turn.  

  • I have three sentences here, which relative pronoun  can I remove? Pause the video if you need to...

  • We can remove the second one, it's the object  of the clause. Where is the hat I bought you? Is  

  • perfectly correct. In the first sentence it's the  subject. And for sentence number three, you might be  

  • thinking: Relative pronoun, subject, verb, fantastic! I  can remove it. We never remove whose. Because whose  

  • hair is the subject of the clause. Her hair. Let's  do another one. Which relative pronoun can I remove?

  • I can remove the second one because  it's the object of the clause.

  • Who or whom? I know who or whom is a big topicBut when it comes to relative clauses and  

  • relative pronouns, it's pretty simple. Who issubject form, whom is the object form. I think  

  • we need a few more examples. Let's take a lookJared was a prisoner who always broke the rules.  

  • Jared was a prisoner whom everyone feared. This is  my grandma who makes the world's best cheesecake.  

  • This is my grandma whom you spoke to earlierWho is the subject of the clause because it's  

  • clearly the subject of the verbs, broke and makesJared broke the rules. My grandma makes the cakes.  

  • Whom is the object of the verbsfeared and spoke. Everyone feared Jared.  

  • You spoke to my grandma earlier. We can remove  the first whom, but we can't remove the second.  

  • Why? Because it's part of a non-defining  relative clause. Keep an eye out for those commas.

  • I have to say whom is slowly  disappearing from the English language.

  • In spoken English especially,  

  • it's not very common to hear whom. You  might see in written English, which is  

  • great. But generally when people are speaking, they  either say who or that. Are you ready for a test?

  • Okay. Can you complete each  space with a relative pronoun?  

  • Yes. There can be more than one answer  possible, and look out for those commas.

  • Okay. You can see in answer number  six I have who in parentheses.  

  • Technically, whom is the correct answer. But most  native speakers would actually just use who.

  • Now which one of these relative  pronouns can you remove? There's only one.

  • We can remove that in number five. That or  which, because it's the object of my clause.  

  • I can't remove the other pronouns. They  are either the subject of the clause,  

  • or they're part of a non-defining relative clause.  

  • So, let me know in the comments how you did on the  test. Thank you so much for watching today, I really  

  • appreciate you guys watching my videos, and I can't  wait to make another one for you. Thank you! Bye!!!

Hi everyone! Welcome to today's lesson, I'm  Arnel. Today we're going to look at relative  


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    Rebecca Li に公開 2023 年 09 月 08 日