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  • - [Narrator] You might not think

  • copper is worth more than a penny,

  • but in today's global economy, it's actually worth a lot.

  • For electric vehicles, windmill farms,

  • even the power grid itself copper is essential

  • and in short supply.

  • - At the start of the next decade,

  • we're going to have a shortfall

  • of over 5 million metric tons.

  • - [Narrator] Here's why the metal has become so important,

  • and how a severe shortage

  • is threatening the global push toward electrification.

  • - Electrification essentially means moving away

  • from relying so much on fossil fuels for our energy needs.

  • - [Narrator] Copper is critical to electrification

  • because it has the highest conductivity

  • of any non-precious metal.

  • That's important when trying to make an electric car,

  • or windmill efficient so electricity isn't lost in transit.

  • - So copper is actually used in a great quantity

  • for these electric vehicles,

  • and other renewable energies much more so

  • than what you would use

  • in a traditional fossil fuel power plant

  • or traditional cars.

  • - [Narrator] EVs require an estimated four times

  • as much copper as gas fueled cars.

  • Wind and solar farms also typically need

  • about twice as much copper as coal power plants.

  • - Just to demonstrate

  • how much copper is needed for electrification

  • by 2031 we're going to need

  • over 35 million metric tons of copper,

  • and supply on the other hands

  • is supposed to lack behind at 30 million metric tons.

  • - For decades our nation has failed

  • to meet the climate crisis with the urgency it demands.

  • - [Narrator] Kamala Harris is talking about

  • the Inflation Reduction Act,

  • which has pumped federal funds

  • toward green energy and electrification.

  • (audience applauding)

  • - Through the law, you basically get tax credits,

  • and also other support

  • if you are involved in the making of, you know,

  • wind farms, or factories

  • that are making solar components and whatnot.

  • And obviously since copper is such a huge component of that,

  • it's helping the prices for that as well.

  • - [Narrator] In May, copper was trading

  • at a little over $3.50 cents,

  • a dramatic increase from previous years,

  • and those prices could continue to rise.

  • Goldman Sachs estimates that demand for green uses of copper

  • drives 7% of global consumption today,

  • up from just 4% in 2020.

  • And we'll account for a whopping 47%

  • of total demand growth between 2023 and 2040.

  • So it's no surprise that copper

  • is the word on mining leader's lips.

  • - Copper.

  • - Exciting copper development.

  • - We're choosing to prioritize copper.

  • (bus engine growling)

  • - [Narrator] It sparked a flurry

  • of consolidation in the industry.

  • Glencore, BHP, Rio Tinto, and Newmont

  • have all made moves to buy up other miners.

  • - They've realized that copper

  • is going to be in such a huge need

  • over the next decade or so,

  • so they have decided to instead go buy other miners

  • to get quick access to their deposits

  • and get them producing in the market much faster.

  • - [Narrator] But all of this consolidation

  • can't create more copper.

  • To find more, companies need to open new mines,

  • which is very expensive.

  • - [Mike] What we're not going to do,

  • is simply go out and buy a stream of copper.

  • - [Narrator] Analysts say that copper prices

  • would need to rise to $15,000 per metric ton

  • to attract investment in new mines.

  • Today prices are around $8,000 a ton,

  • and starting a new mine can take a prohibitively long time.

  • Deutsche Bank estimates that projects

  • that start applying for permits today

  • will take around 10 years to reach first production.

  • - And that's just the permitting process,

  • that's not even getting to the production part.

  • So just imagine how long it would take for you

  • to get any single like mine in the producing stage.

  • - [Narrator] Plus, new and current mines

  • have also faced heightened scrutiny

  • on environmental and social grounds.

  • - There is increasing amounts of environmental unrest,

  • social unrest with regards to them being online,

  • especially as we've seen recently in some countries

  • when they're trying to do that.

  • (reporter speaking in foreign language)

  • - [Narrator] In response to looming shortages,

  • some companies are looking to change their products.

  • For example, Tesla is changing the makeup of battery packs

  • to cut copper usage in their EVs.

  • - That means we need only about a quarter

  • as much copper in the car

  • as would be needed for a 12 volt battery.

  • - [Narrator] But these changes may not be enough.

  • Electrification is only expected to increase,

  • and with it demand for this non-precious metal.

  • - And that's going to be a thing

  • that's going to define, you know, commodity markets

  • for the rest of the decade.

  • And a lot of people are also saying that

  • this right now is the next big bull run

  • in commodity markets.

- [Narrator] You might not think


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Why Copper Is Now One of the World's Most In-Demand Metals | WSJ

  • 56 0
    Kelly Lin に公開 2023 年 07 月 01 日