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  • Hey, I'd love to pick your brains on some best  practices. Do you have a minute to hop on a  

  • call? What in the world, pick your brainsAm I some kind of Frankenstein monster? No,  

  • absolutely not. These are some common business  English expressions that if you work in English,  

  • if you speak with clients in English, if you  speak with coworkers or colleagues in English,  

  • you need to know these phrases so that you can  accurately convey what you want to say so you  

  • can understand what other people are saying, and  so you're simply not embarrassed in the workplace

  • Hi, I'm Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.comAnd today I have some good news, you are going  

  • to learn 20 Essential Business English  phrases, plus five bonus acronyms that  

  • you are likely to see in the workplace, and  you need to know what they mean. Like always,  

  • I've created a free PDF worksheet for you with  all 20 of these essential phrases plus the five  

  • acronyms. And at the bottom of the free worksheetyou can answer Vanessa's Challenge Question

  • You can click on the link in the description  to download that free PDF worksheet today and  

  • never forget what you are about to learnLet's get started with the first Essential  

  • Business English phrase. It's kind oftwo for one. It is a case of the Mondays,  

  • or you might hear some people say, "Mondays, am  I right?" I got a question for you. Do you love  

  • waking up early on Monday morning and going to  work? If you said no, well, you're not alone

  • A lot of people really do not look forward to  starting a new work week. They had a great time  

  • relaxing over the weekend and ugh, here comes  Monday again. So sometimes we just simply blame  

  • Monday. You could say, "Ugh, I just don't have  any motivation to do anything today. I guess,  

  • I have a case of the Mondays." Or  you could say, "Ugh, this printer  

  • really isn't working. Mondays, am I right?" Of course, it's not Monday's fault that the  

  • printer isn't working, but it's kind of a silly  way to blame Monday. Poor Monday. The second  

  • Essential Business English phrase is actuallyquestion and it's extremely polite and you just  

  • heard me say it at the beginning of this lessonwhen you have a minute or do you have a minute

  • This is a great way to ask, do you have some time  to help me? I see that you're in the middle of  

  • your work, but I'd like to ask you a favor. So  you can use this really polite phrase, "When you  

  • have a minute, could you look at this report  for me?" Or, "Do you have a minute to look at  

  • this report?" Wonderful, polite phrase. Essential  Business English phrase number three is a fun one

  • I'd like to bounce some ideas off of you. Do you  get the idea here that there's a bouncy ball,  

  • the ideas, and one person shares an ideathe other person shares an idea. Your idea  

  • gets better and better and better as you  bounce ideas off of each other. This is  

  • a wonderful phrase to use when you want to share  an idea and you want the other person's opinion,  

  • but they don't have to give you solid answers. You just want to share your idea. Let's look  

  • at some sentences. Do you want to grab some  coffee right now? I'd like to bounce some  

  • ideas off of you for this assignment. You  just want their opinion. I've been thinking  

  • about this project and I'd like to bounce  some ideas off of you. Do you have time

  • And just a little note, sometimes we cut off the  final of and we simply say, "I'd like to bounce  

  • some ideas off you." Both of these are equally  acceptable, and it's just a personal preference.  

  • Essential Business English phrase number four  is, first thing in the morning. Notice that  

  • there is no the, in this phrase. Take a look at  a sentence, "First thing in the morning, I make  

  • a pot of coffee." Or, "If I don't hear from her  today, I'll call her first thing in the morning." 

  • This is a good fixed phrase to remember  and you can add it when you're talking  

  • about something that you do right away. Sorry,  I don't have time to finish the report today,  

  • but I will do it first thing in the morningEssential Business English phrase number five  

  • is pick your brains. This is a fun one, and it  means that you're asking for someone's input or  

  • advice when they have more experience than you. So you could say, "I know you've worked at this  

  • company for five years, so I'd love to pick  your brains about what it's like to work  

  • here." Or you could say, "Could we hop oncall and I can pick your brains about what  

  • you're thinking about the next quarter?"  This means you simply want to know what  

  • they're thinking about the next quarter. Phrase  number six is one I just used, to hop on a call

  • This could be a phone call or it could be a Zoom  call, which are becoming more and more popular  

  • nowadays. And it means you're talking probably  unexpectedly. It's not planned, it's spontaneous,  

  • and you want to discuss something. So you could  say, "Do you have a minute to hop on a call?  

  • Our client has some questions and I don't know  exactly how to answer them." Or you could say,  

  • "I was going to send you an emailbut it might be easier to talk

  • Can we hop on a call?" Great phrase. Essential  Business phrase number seven is kind of two for  

  • one. It is to shoot off an email or to fire off  an email. Both of these verbs to shoot and to  

  • fire have the sense of it's quick, it's fastit's organized, it's not long and drawn out. So  

  • this means that you are quickly sending an emailYou could also shoot off a text on your phone,  

  • but it has this idea of something fast. So you could say, "I'm going to fire off  

  • an email with these questions before we meet with  the client." Or you could say, "Shoot me an email  

  • and I'll get to it first thing in the morning."  Oh, a good way to combine both of these phrases,  

  • shoot me an email and first thing in the  morning, check. Check Essential Business  

  • phrase number eight is keep someone in the loop. If we have a loop, that means that no one is left  

  • out, everyone is included. So we often say, "Hey,  I missed the meeting yesterday, so could you keep  

  • me in the loop and still send me the emails?"  This means I don't want to be not included. Please  

  • send me the information I need to know. We can  change that pronoun in the middle. You could say,  

  • "The boss wants you to keep her in the loop." That means you are going to need to tell her  

  • everything that's going on. You need to tell  her everything, you need to keep her in the  

  • loop. Essential Business phrase number nine  is brainstorm. This is commonly used to talk  

  • about generating new ideas. So you could  say, "Hey, tomorrow during our meeting,  

  • we are going to brainstorm our new marketing  ideas for the next quarter." Great

  • Everyone's going to throw out ideas. Maybe some  of them will be great, maybe some of them won't  

  • be great, but we're going to put all ideas on the  table and just see what works. Or you could say,  

  • "Our team got together to brainstorm  better ways to help our customers."  

  • Excellent. Essential Business phrase number  10 is debrief. This is when you're kind of  

  • summarizing or giving information after an event. So you could say, "After the project is complete,  

  • let's have a meeting to debrief." Maybe you're  getting together and you're talking about what  

  • went well, what didn't go well, how can we  do it better the next time. After the project  

  • is finished, we'll have a meeting to debriefYou can use this as a noun. So you could say,  

  • "We had a debrief and decided to make some  changes the next time we do this project." 

  • This is a debrief versus to debrief, but they all  mean the same thing. Essential Business phrase  

  • number 11 is one that you do not want to have to  use. It is a slacker. Oh, no. This is someone who  

  • is lazy and does not do their part of the workYou might unfortunately say, "Ugh, he's such  

  • a slacker. He's always late with his projects  and he expects me to work harder to keep up." 

  • No one wants to work with someone who's a  slacker. Have you ever been part of a group  

  • project and said this? In every group projectthere's always a slacker who expects other people  

  • to do the work for him. That's so frustratingisn't it? But on the other hand, our next phrase  

  • is beautiful. Essential Business phrase number 12  is the opposite of a slacker, it is a workhorse

  • This is someone who works really hard and  diligently. So you might say, "He is a real  

  • workhorse. Whether it's in the office or at homehe always gets projects done." Or you could say,  

  • "She really deserves a promotion. She's a  workhorse." We know that she is always on  

  • the ball. So I hope for you, you are more of  a workhorse and less of a slacker. Essential  

  • Business phrase number 13 is all hands on deck. This used to come from boating and sailing.  

  • The main part of a boat where you walk is  called the deck, but here we're using this  

  • more figuratively to talk about a project that  is really all consuming, so we need everyone  

  • to be active. We need all hands on deck. So  you could say, "We need all hands on deck if  

  • we're going to finish this project on time." You  might even hear this phrase twisted just a bit

  • You might hear someone say, "The boss called  for an all hands meeting on Thursday." That  

  • means everyone needs to be there. It sounds  pretty urgent. Talking about manager's,  

  • Essential Business English phrase number 14 is  really annoying. It is micromanage. Ugh. This  

  • is somebody, usually a boss or a managerwho tries to control every little detail  

  • that their employees do. If you've ever been  micromanaged or you've had a micromanager  

  • watching you, ugh, that's so frustrating. You could say, "He tries to micromanage his  

  • team by telling everyone how to do their job."  And if you have a boss who micromanages you,  

  • you might say, "No one likes to be micromanagedCan't you just trust me to do my work?"  

  • Business English phrase number 15 is alignNotice that the G is silent align. And this is  

  • talking about being in agreement or supporting  something. So you might say, "You know what

  • That project does not align with the company's  goals, so we're not going to do it." For example,  

  • I get contacted by companies all the time who  want me to promote their products, but 99.99% of  

  • these products don't align with the Speak English  With Vanessa goals, which are teaching you better  

  • English and helping you speak confidentlySo I just tell these people, "No, I'm sorry

  • Our goals don't align. This isn't a good fit  for us." We can also use this to talk about  

  • supporting someone else or another company. So  you could say, "The company aligns itself with  

  • other organizations that have similar  goals." They're friends or allies with  

  • other companies. It aligns itself. This isvery beautiful business english expression

  • Essential Business English phrase number 16 is  to streamline. This is not going crazy all over  

  • the place. Nope, it is effective and efficientSo you could say, "If we take time to streamline  

  • this process, we will lower costs and be more  efficient." So when you have a good system,  

  • when your system is streamlined, it's not  an email here, a document here, a call here

  • No, it's very streamlined. They know what to  do at what time. You can lower costs and be  

  • more efficient. Or you might say, "The  organization streamlined its company by  

  • reducing the number of managers." GreatEssential business English phrase number  

  • 17 is scalable. You'll especially hear this  for small businesses that would like to grow.  

  • This means that you are efficiently able to expand  the business and grow profits at the same time

  • So you could say, "This business is  small, but it is scalable and has a  

  • lot of potential for growth." For example, if  I were teaching English in a classroom, well,  

  • I can only fit maybe 30 people in the classroombut teaching English on YouTube is scalable. I can  

  • teach millions of students around the world  at the same time. Great. Or you could say,  

  • "She proved that her idea was scalable and  it brought increased profits to the company." 

  • Essential Business English phrase number 18  is in the weeds. Sometimes we say lost in the  

  • weeds. This is the idea that you are too focused  on unimportant details and you're not seeing the  

  • big picture. So you could say, "Let's not get lost  in the weeds. We need to focus on the main goal." 

  • If you're having a meeting about an  important topic and people start to  

  • go off topic and they're sharing ideas that  maybe are too detailed or there's something  

  • that you should focus on later down the road  in the process, you can use this expression,  

  • "All right, everyone, let's not get lost in the  weeds. We can focus on those details later. Let's  

  • talk about the overall goals right now." Essential Business English phrase number  

  • 19 is to circle back. So if you start here and  then you make a circle and you end that circle,  

  • where are you now? You're at the same place that  you began. That's the idea here. It means you  

  • are going to come back to something or reconsider  something later. So talking about a meeting that  

  • kind of gets out of hand. People are talking about  things that are not so related to the main topic

  • You might say, "Okay, can we circle back  to those questions later in the meeting?  

  • I want to make sure that we can finish the  main reason for our meeting first." Okay.  

  • Your questions are important, but we will circle  back to those later. And maybe if someone forgot  

  • to circle back to your question, you could  say, "To circle back to my question earlier,  

  • when do we need to get this done?" Great. That means, "Hey, I asked you this earlier.  

  • You haven't answered it yet, but I want to  politely and clearly tell you my question  

  • again." Beautiful. All right. Let's go to  our 20th Essential Business English phrase  

  • before we get to some bonus acronyms. Our final  Essential Business English phrase number 20,  

  • is to put a pin in it. This is somewhat  similar to circling back to something. It  

  • means that, Hey, I think your idea's important. We don't have time to discuss it now, but let's  

  • [inaudible 00:15:39] put a pin in it, so a mentalor maybe you're writing it down, a little reminder  

  • to circle back to this later. Let's put a pin in  it and we'll circle back to that later. Wonderful  

  • phrase. So you might say, "Let's put a pin in  it and we'll discuss it at next week's meeting."  

  • Okay, you're saying, "I want to talk about it. We can't talk about it right now,  

  • but I made a mental note that we'll talk  about it next time." Before we go today,  

  • I'd like to share with you five important Business  English acronyms that are specific to work culture  

  • in English. I'm sure you'll see these in emailsYou might even hear people say them, and hey,  

  • even if you don't use English in the workplaceyou'll probably see these on TV shows and movies

  • You might get an email that says, "We need  this report by EOD on Wednesday." What in the  

  • world? EOD means end of day. But they maybe  didn't want to type out that whole thing,  

  • so they might have written, "We need that  report by EOD on Wednesday." You're not  

  • really likely to hear someone say this, but you  will definitely see this in emails or in reports

  • You might send someone an email, and then you get  an auto reply back that says, "Sorry, I will be  

  • OOO until February 5th." What? This means out of  office. I don't know why someone didn't just write  

  • out of office, but hey, you're going to see OOO to  mean I'm not here, but I'll be back at this date.  

  • The next business acronym you will hear people  use in spoken conversation as well as written  

  • Business English, and that is this fun one, ASAP. That's how we would pronounce this. Or you can  

  • say each individual letter, A-S-A-P. And it  means immediately. So you could say, "Hey,  

  • I didn't receive your reports that you sent me  yesterday. Can you send them over ASAP?" Or, "Can  

  • you send them over ASAP?" This conveys extreme  urgency, now. I need it now. So be careful using  

  • ASAP because it does mean this is really important  and I need it absolutely without any delay

  • You can use this in written English. For examplein an email, you might say, "I'm sorry, I didn't  

  • receive the reports yesterday. Can you send them  over ASAP?" Make sure you capitalized ASAP. What  

  • if you got an email that said this, "FYI, the  meeting time has changed to 1:30." FYI? For  

  • your information. If you're just adding a little  extra bonus information, this is something that's  

  • pretty important though too. You might add FYI. It's just like saying, "Hey, just to let you know,  

  • the meeting time has changed to  1:30." But in business emails,  

  • you might see that written as FYI. Sometimes  you'll hear people say this in spoken English,  

  • "Oh, FYI, I can't make it to the party tomorrow."  You might hear people use that in spoken English,  

  • but it's more common in written English. Our final business acronym, and the last one  

  • to finish off this lesson is a fun one, TGIF.  I can't wait for the weekend. If you have a  

  • company chat where you chat about different things  throughout the day, at the end of the work week,  

  • you might see someone send you TGIF. Huh? This  is thank God, or thank goodness it's Friday

  • This is a expression of, "Yes, it's the weekendWe finished this week, and now I can go and have  

  • a relaxing or fun weekend." So this is a common  thing to write. You might hear people say this  

  • in conversation, "TGIF, have a good weekend."  But it's a little less common to say. Instead,  

  • you might write this in a business chat with  someone or in a chat with a friend, TGIF

  • Great. Well, congratulations on learning 20  Essential Business English phrases in English  

  • plus five bonus acronyms. I have a question for  you. In the comments let me know, do you need to  

  • use English for your work? Or maybe you'd like  to get a job where you need to use English? This  

  • can be a great motivating way to practice  English if you have to use it for your job

  • Let me know in the comments. And don't forget  to download the free PDF worksheet for this  

  • lesson with all of the essential phrasessample sentences, ideas, and concepts. You  

  • can download that free PDF with the link in the  description and never forget what you've learned

  • Well, thank you so much for learning English  with me, and I'll see you again next Friday  

  • for a new lesson here on my YouTube channelBye. But wait, do you want more? I recommend  

  • watching this video next where you will learn  some essential polite Business English phrases,  

  • including how to politely leave a conversation  if someone's talking too much and you need to  

  • get out of there. Watch that video  to find out, and I'll see you there.

Hey, I'd love to pick your brains on some best  practices. Do you have a minute to hop on a  


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20 Important Business English Phrases

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    羅仁咨 に公開 2023 年 05 月 20 日