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  • Back in 1994, NASA was transporting an ET-70 fuel tank from New Orleans to Cape Canaveral, to be delivered to the Kennedy Space Center.


  • It was a two-boat joban ocean-going barge named Poseidon and its tugboat escort, the J.A. Orgeron.

    ポセイドンという名の外航船と、その護衛のタグボートという2隻の船による仕事である。J・A. オルガロンです。

  • But right around here, off the coast of Florida, the two got caught in a tropical storm, and the tugboat lost power.


  • The barge, with its fuel tank hangar acting as a sail, started to drag the tugboat further out to sea.

    燃料タンクの格納庫を帆に見立てたバージは、さらにタグボートを引きずり始めました。しかし、地元の海上保安庁に助けを求めたところ、その海上保安庁は、「このままではいけない。 は、「ああ、ごめん、今は熱帯低気圧で死なないようにするのが忙しいんだ」と言った。

  • They requested help from the local Coast Guard, but the local Coast Guard was like, "oh sorry, we're busy not dying in a tropical storm right now."

  • At that point, the tugboat's only option for survival was to cut the bargeand its millions of dollars worth of cargoloose.


  • Now, most people might see this and think, "Hmm, this is a bad situation,"


  • but there's a different group of people who might see this, and also have a large marine vessel, a thorough understanding of maritime law, and possibly a psychopathy diagnosis and think "Oh, actually, this is an awesome situation."


  • Why?


  • Well, because, it turns out that due to some obscure, ancient maritime laws, the first person to drag this barge back to shore would be able to legally claim a percentage of its cargo from NASA.

    というのも、古くからの海事法という曖昧な法律があるため、最初のうちはこの艀を岸に引き揚げる人は、その艀の何割かを合法的に請求することができる。 NASAからの貨物。

  • Yeah, that's right, you can still legally plunder ships... kind of.


  • Let me explain.


  • Normally, cases like this don't come down to obscure maritime laws that need to be explained in six minute YouTube videos.


  • A few dozen large cargo ships are lost at sea every year, and in most of these cases,


  • the company that owns the ship doesn't need to go to admiralty court with whatever Yahoo happens to paddle up to their multi-million-dollar mistake first;

    船を所有する会社は、どんなヤフオクでも提訴する必要はないのです。が、その数百万ドルのミスを先に漕ぎ着ける。 "コントラクトサルベージ "と呼ばれています。

  • usually what happens is something called "contract salvage."

  • The way this works is pretty straightforward; whoever owns the ship in peril will draw up a contract with a dedicated salvage firm to save as much of the ship or cargo as possible.


  • Take, for example, the Costa Concordiathe universe's answer to the question, "What would happen if we let an Italian drive a boat?"


  • This was one of the biggest salvage contracts ever awarded, and was fought over for months.


  • It eventually went to two firmsTitan Salvage and Micoperiwho worked together to refloat the ship and scrap what was left for a predetermined sum.


  • But I'm not here to talk to you about how contracts work; I'm here to ask a much more interesting question: what happens if a ship is salvaged before a contract is written?


  • The intuitive answer is, well... nothing.


  • If someone crashes their car, and you tear the rearview mirror out of the smoldering wreckage, you don't get to keep it. That would be stealing, and also, like... weird behavior.

    もし誰かが車をぶつけて、くすぶった状態からバックミラーを引きちぎったらの残骸は、持っていてもしょうがない。 それは盗みであり、また...奇妙な行動だ。

  • But at sea, there's no such thing as weird behavior, and so there exists a little-known legal principle called "pure salvage"—

    しかし、海では変な行動などありえないので、あまり知られていない存在である純救済」と呼ばれる法理があります。 は、その船の貨物の何割かを受け取る権利があるはずです。

  • the idea that if someone volunteers to rescue a ship, they should be entitled to a percentage of its cargo.

  • If that sounds old-fashioned, it's because it is.

    ビザンツ帝国が開発したものです。救助されない船は海賊に掬われるだけだからという原則と しかし、その1500年の間に、私たちはこのようなことを思いつかなかったのです。 より良いシステムを

  • The Byzantine empire developed this principle because any ship that wasn't rescued would just get scooped up by pirates,

  • and it turns out that in the intervening 1500 years, we just kind of couldn't think of any better system.

  • But as you might imagine, the modern legal proceedings for "Hey, I just rescued this guy's sinking ship and now I want his stuff" are... a little complicated.


  • So, let's go back to our story, where a tugboat had to make the tough decision to abandon millions of dollars worth of spaceship juice in the ocean off the coast of Florida.


  • Just before the J.A.


  • Orgeron cut the barge loose, it contacted the captain of a nearby oil tanker named the Cherry Valley who believed he could help.


  • He attached tow lines to the tugboat and barge, and managed to drag them safely back to Port Canaveral.


  • Now, this was a relatively rare situation where someone hadaccidentallymet all three modern legal criteria to make a pure salvage claim.


  • The first of these is called "real peril;" if you're trying to claim the cargo, you have to prove to a court that the cargo was actually in danger.


  • You can't just drag a boat to shore on a nice sunny day and demand some of its cargo.


  • The degree of danger is also relevantthe court will usually determine how much the salvor is entitled to based on how much danger the cargo was in in the first place.


  • The second condition is "voluntary service," which is kind of a weird one; basically, anyone can be a salvor—a baby in an inner tube could be a salvorbut only if the baby volunteered.


  • In other words, you can't make a pure salvage claim if you had to save the cargo.


  • The coast guard, for example, can't make pure salvage claims because it's their official duty to guard coasts.


  • This also applies to anyone who's under contract to save the cargothe firms hired by the Costa Concordia folks wouldn't have been able to turn around and say that they were actually doing pure salvage instead of contract salvage, even if it would make them more money in the end.

    これは、貨物を救うために契約している会社にも当てはまります。コスタ・コンコルディアの人たちは、自分たちのことをこう言ってはいけないと思ったでしょう。 そのため、契約サルベージではなく、純粋なサルベージを行うことになったのです。 最終的にはより多くのお金を得ることができます。

  • And generally, anyone working on a ship would be under a similar sort of contract, so you can't just start looting things as soon as you see a big wave approaching.


  • This also rules out anyone acting in self-preservation; if, for whatever reason, saving the cargo also means saving yourself, then you don't get money for being a good boy.


  • The last condition is "success," and this is a bit of a harsh one.


  • Pure salvage claims are made under what's called a "no cure, no pay" basis, which means that if you fail to successfully salvage anythingregardless of how much time, risk, or money you put inyou get nothing.

    ピュアサルベージの請求は、「ノーキュア、ノーペイ」と呼ばれる基準で行われます。というのは、時間やリスクに関係なく、うまくサルベージできなかった場合です、 を投入しても、何も得られない。

  • This is part of the reason why pure salvage is so uncommon these days, particularly for actual salvage firms, because spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a salvage mission where you might not get any money whatsoever is not what we call a big-brain business move.

    最近、特にピュアサルベージが珍しいのは、このような理由もあるのでしょう。実際のサルベージ会社は、サルベージミッションに何億円も費やすので お金にならないかもしれないところで、大風呂敷を広げるようなことは、いわゆるビッグブレイン・ビジネスの動きではありません。

  • There are a few modern exceptions to this, mostly in cases where the ship or cargo aren't saved, but where someone does something to stop the ship from leaking oil everywhere and turning the ocean into pelican soupthat got classified as salvage in 1989 when the soyboy SJWs took over our admiralty courts.

    現代の例外はいくつかありますが、そのほとんどは船や貨物がない場合です。しかし、誰かが何かをすることで、船からオイルが漏れ出すのを防ぐことができるのです。 が、1989年にサルベージに分類され、海をペリカンのスープに変えてしまいました。 soyboy SJWsが私たちの提訴を引き継いだのです。

  • So, our story does have a happy ending: after fulfilling these three criteria, the crew of the Cherry Valley took the tugboat to court in Louisiana and were awarded 6.4 million dollarsan eighth of the value of the barge and cargoand then presumably sailed off into the sunset, to do whatever it is that oil tanker crews would do with 6.4 million dollars.

    というわけで、この3つの条件を満たしたクルーは、ハッピーエンドを迎えました。チェリーバレー号は、ルイジアナ州で裁判を起こし、640万ドルの賠償を命じられた。 ドル、つまり艀と積荷の価値の8分の1に相当し、そしておそらくは出航した。 石油タンカーの乗組員たちが、640万人分の仕事をするために、夕暮れ時になると ドルです。

  • Now, I don't know what oil tanker crews would do with their salvage money.


  • But I know what they should do: subscribe to our sponsor Nebula, so they can watch Half as Interesting's Crime Spree—a country-spanning travel competition show that eventually morphed into Jet Lag and is exclusively available on Nebula.

    しかし、私は彼らが何をすべきかを知っています:私たちのスポンサーであるNebulaを購読することで、彼らはHalfを見ることができます。国別対抗の旅行番組で、「面白おかしくクライムスプリー」として放送されました。 を「Jet Lag」に収録し、Nebulaで独占配信しています。

  • Four years ago, some of my creator friends and I had this idea for a streaming service that gives both creators and their audiences a better deal: no ads, bigger budgets, no algorithm calling the shotsthat idea became Nebula, and Nebula became a huge success.

    4年前、クリエイターの友人たちと、こんなストリーミングサービスの構想がありました。クリエイターと視聴者の双方がより良い取引をするために、広告なし、より大きな予算、そして、より高い報酬を得ることができます。 そのアイデアがNebulaとなり、Nebulaは大成功を収めました。

  • We have some of the most engaged users in all of streaming, meaning people who sign up for Nebula really use it and really love it.


  • And how could they not?


  • We've got early releases, companion pieces, and exclusive originals from tons of your favorite YouTubers, from RealLifeLore to PhilosophyTube to Tier Zoo to something called Ween-dover?

    アーリーリリース、コンパニオンピース、独占オリジナル作品など、様々な作品をご紹介しています。RealLifeLoreからPhilosophyTube、Tier Zoo、Ween-doverというものまで、好きなYouTuberは?

  • No clue what that is, but it seems cool.


  • And right now, Half As Interesting viewers can get an annual Nebula subscription for just two-fifty a monthor half as priced.

    そして今、「Half As Interesting」の視聴者は、ネビュラの年間購読料を月々わずか2,500円、つまり半額で購入できるのです。

  • It's kind of a perfect deal: you get half off Nebula's full library of amazing contentfrom this, to this, to these, to those, to thatand HAI gets a cut of your fee so we can keep making the quasi-satirical edutainment niblets you know and love.

    Nebulaの素晴らしいコンテンツが満載のライブラリーが半額になるのですから、まさに至れり尽くせりです。そして、HAIはあなたの報酬の一部を受け取るので、私たちはそれを維持することができます。 を制作し、皆様に親しまれている準風刺的なエデュテインメントを提供しています。

  • If that sounds good to you, head over to and sign up today, and thanks so much in advance for your support!


Back in 1994, NASA was transporting an ET-70 fuel tank from New Orleans to Cape Canaveral, to be delivered to the Kennedy Space Center.


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