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I'm just obsessd over it and I'm obsessed over until I fall asleep and I dream about it, then I wake up and I do it again.
Building this business is like cocaine to me, I just don't know how to stop.
I basically spent five years of my life when I was a teenager just obsessively studying YouTube, watching YouTube ten hours a day, obsessing over it.
If a video got 40 million views, figuring out why, doing that, just literally tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of times.
To the point where I was basically just kind of a YouTube loser and this was back when YouTube wasn't cool.
No one in my entire school wanted to make content.
I had no equipment.
My brother had a really old hand-me-down laptop that I just would kind of steal at night.
I didn't have a microphone, I didn't have anything, I had no one to teach me.
So it was a long brutal process from like 11 to basically when I was 19 years old.
Things started to take off a little bit, but every comment was like, "get better quality," "get better audio."
I had to just slowly just build up money to buy the equipment.
I had to sort of train myself how to edit, to do the camera, be entertaining, make videos people like.
I basically got 100,000 subscribers, filming on a hand-me-down iPhone.
I don't mind talking to a camera. I find that fun.
It's actually more difficult for me to talk to people.
There were actual points in my life for my family thought I was mute.
Which later on in life I learned it's because I couldn't find people I related to and no one around me was obsessed over business and content and the things I was obsessed over.
I just didn't know how to speak normal teenager language when I was a teenager. I just couldn't figure it out.
It's just, it was crippling boring and my brain would just be like, this is mind numbing.
I want to figure out how to become successful and build a business and stuff like that.
I thought I was just like a loser that would never be able to talk to anyone and never know how to speak to anyone.
But really, I just learned that I just, there's just certain people that I get along well with and it's like just a very small section of the human population
When I'm around those people, Iife is amazing.
The beauty of YouTube which I think does better than anyone else is the algorithm is so refined where your YouTube account is just what YouTube thinks you'll watch, which is very accurate.
You don't even really study the algorithm anymore.
You just kind of study what do people want to watch if you want to get 100 million views on video, you don't go "how can I trick YouTube to serving this 200 million people."
It's just not gonna happen.
You just think how do I make something that 100 million people will want to watch and then YouTube will give it to them, with the data tells them that 100 million people want to watch it.
If I see an idea, I can just tell like yes, 100 million people would want to watch that or no.
Like that's more like something that a little more niche but it would kill that niche and then but that's probably like 10 million views or 20, you know what I mean?
We work on videos probably 3 to 4 months in advance.
So from start to when they get uploaded, it's probably like 1 to 2 months coming up with the idea, 3 to 4 months working on the idea and then a couple weeks filming and then like three weeks editing.
So probably five months from start to finish.
Two years ago, we were spending 100 grand a video, now we're spending probably 1.5 million a video.
2年前。今は1本10万円のビデオを使っています。 私のために、おそらく150万円のビデオを使っています。
For me, it comes pretty easily.
It's just... (if) I don't think the video is great, just don't upload it.
I mean the beauty of not really doing things for money.
If I don't think the audience will like it. It's gone.
I just don't need a mansion to be happy.
I don't need a supercar to be happy.
I don't really need anything outside of this.
You know, as long as I have a bed in a bathroom, I'm fine.
Because that, I don't have any liabilities outside of the company so I can just reinvest it all.
'Cause I don't have to have the fear of, well, if things don't work out, I can maintain my crazy lifestyle or my down payment each month,
like 50 grand on my five supercars and $100,000 on this giant mansion and insurance and all this other stuff and I have to maintain 30 maids or whatever it is,
you know, the crazy stuff people end up getting into.
So to me, money is just fuel to grow the business and help people and not much else.
MrBeast Burger, we launched during COVID.
And so this is when restaurants were shutting down left and right, there's lockdowns like everyone was switching over to delivery.
The big driver was really wanted to just help a lot of restaurants generate extra revenue because you know, by the time they take home their pay and the delivery apps take their fee and everything.
It's not like the profit margins are that great on it.
It's more to help other people.
Like I haven't taken a single dollar out of it. We just reinvested all over there.
With MrBeast burger, that's what I'm really trying to figure out how we can get more people eating something like impossible meat or right now, we're looking Headley into lab-grown meat and stuff like that.
I would personally love to switch over to one of these soon if we just, but I don't want it to just switch over and then we don't sell any and then it does no good,
it's gonna be like festivals where people are actually buying it, so it actually makes a change.
One thing I noticed is, you know, I could go stand in any Walmart in America and random people come up and ask for a photo or I could go stand in target or a gas station anywhere.
Just kind of clicked once we started putting these in retail, those same people that if I stand there will ask for a photo, they'll also buy our product.
I wanted to just make a better for you snacks because I think a lot of stuff out there is just terrible for you.
Like the first serial, one of the products I want to do next, right?
Like you have the lucky charms at 250 a box and I mean kinda how many ingredients are like a box of lucky charms and then you have stuff like magic spoon which is infinitely better for you and good, like it's not going to kill you to eat, but it's also like really, really expensive.
And so this is a perfect example where I want to live in the middle and help bring that high quality, low ingredients, good for you down to more like a $4.05 dollar price range and put my brand behind it.
So people eat it and if they do that then I can sleep well at night because it's a net positive.
A lot of people still see Youtubers as kind of like a subclass of influencers or they still just don't truly understand the influence a lot of creators have
in the last 90 days, we've had 300 million unique people watch our videos, that's a lot and on average for like 40 minutes each and that's just on youtube.
I mean if you factoring Tiktok and everything else is probably closer to 450 million unique people are revenue has gone up every single year, the last 10 years my investment is the content here and any money I take out is usually just a free up time so I can make more content.
Not at the point yet, but I kind of literally want to just sell everything I own minus like a bed and like just put everything on the bed that I own and just live off of that.
I think so many people just are so materialistic and they just, that's just what they chase and I really don't want that lifestyle
when you die.Why does it matter?You know what I mean?
All this materialistic stuff really just want to focus on building the business and helping people because I feel like that's more of what matters in life.