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  • Hey guys, good afternoon and welcome to my 34th birthday party at home in Japan by myself, not the ideal conditions for a birthday party, but I get to spend the day with you guys and the weather is absolutely beautiful outside.


  • I just got home from a walk, it could be a lot worse.


  • So I'm not complaining.


  • I got a whole bunch of packages in the mail yesterday and I've been saving them so I can open them with you guys.


  • I got surprised with this lovely bouquet of flowers from my friend Michaela, Thank you so much Michaela, that was so sweet of you to send that to me.


  • That was such a nice surprise.


  • It was just sitting in my post box when I came back from my walk this morning.


  • I've been trying to go for a walk every morning while the weather is nice because the sakura are in full bloom at the moment and the type of sakura that they have in Japan really only are in full bloom for about a week depending on the weather if I storm hits and it's really windy or rainy one day they could be gone overnight.


  • So I'm really trying to get out there and enjoy the sakura while they're here for the very short time that they're here And last year I found this really beautiful spot down by the river in Morioka.


  • So I made the trek out there today to see if it looks just as beautiful this year and it does.


  • So I filmed a little clip for you guys.


  • So enjoy this.


  • My balcony is looking really nice.


  • I'm so glad I did that.


  • It has rained a few times since I installed the flooring and the furniture and it still looks wonderful.


  • It dried and went back to how it looked when I originally installed it.

    だからみんなのために、短い動画を撮影したの。 楽しんで

  • So it looks like it's pretty weatherproof and it should be okay.


  • Today we, we are going to make some cocky gory because when I showed you guys that I had soy milk in my freezer, so many of you requested that we make some shaved ice together using the soy milk.


  • So we will do that later.


  • That can be my birthday dessert.


  • And I actually found the perfect thing when I was at the store, check this out.


  • These are brand new.


  • I got two different flavors of these brand new Marusan soy milks that are actually for making category like they're specifically designed for that.


  • So there are the flavors that you would normally see shaved ice come in.


  • So this one is strawberry venue venue is condensed milk and the other one is just condensed milk flavor.


  • So those should be perfect.


  • We will use those in the machine today and hopefully works out.


  • I've actually never used this.


  • I purchased this out after summer last year because it went on sale.


  • It was originally 34 80.


  • It's about 30 bucks and it was on for half price after summer finished.


  • So I've been waiting for the weather to warm up and I think now is the perfect time.


  • So put those back in the freezer.


  • We will do that later.


  • But can we please open my packages.


  • I really want to see what's in them because one of them I've been waiting for for like two months.


  • It was delayed because of the virus and it's finally showed up and it's actually something that involves you guys.


  • Don't know if you remember because it was so long ago now.


  • But I asked on my Youtube community page and on twitter for you guys to pick out some glasses for me and I left it all up to you.

    いつものことだけど、この眼鏡は から頼んだ品よ

  • I got you to pick out six pairs I think I have no idea what they look like and they have arrived now and we can open them together.


  • So let's do that.


  • So as always all these glasses are from glasses usa dot com.


  • I literally just copied and pasted the names of the glasses you guys chose in your comments along with my prescription sent in an order.

    これはOttoto Talinumのピンクね。桜の季節のために選んでくれたから完璧なタイミングね

  • I have no idea what they look like.


  • But I thought it would be fun to let you guys let me know what you think would look good on me.


  • So we will see.


  • So this first pair we have here were chosen by Leila.


  • Thank you Leila for your pick.


  • These are the O toto Talyn Iem in pink and she chose these for Sakura season.


  • Perfect timing.


  • I really like that.


  • This is actually something I would choose for myself.


  • So I'm very happy with these Next step.


  • We have burberry.


  • These were chosen by Connor now these are definitely not a style I would have chosen for myself.


  • Oh, cute.


  • They've got the burberry plaid pattern on the arms I actually really like though.


  • These are cool.


  • So Connor originally picked these ones because the lenses in the more green.


  • They were this really cool dark green color.


  • But when you put your prescription in sunglasses, unfortunately, the lens color can only be black.


  • I love having prescription sunglasses.


  • So I think it's worth it for me.


  • But I actually really like these.


  • Thank you.


  • Connor.


  • I will be using these.


  • These are really cool.

    おっ、この最後の1点は凝ったケースに入っているわね、書いてあるのは Vogue

  • Oh, another pink.


  • I love it.


  • You guys all chose pink glasses for me.


  • You know me well.


  • Oh, these are nice.


  • These are by the same Brando Toto.


  • I really like their glasses.


  • I actually own quite a few of them and they have really nice designs.


  • These are nice.


  • Thanks.


  • Eddie.


  • Good choice.


  • This next part was chosen by jade.


  • Thank you jade for your comment.


  • Oh wow.


  • They're very bright.


  • Not a color I would have chosen for myself.


  • But the whole point of this was to try something new.


  • So whoa!


  • The shape is totally different from something I've ever worn as well.


  • But I actually really like them.


  • I think they look really professional.


  • I would probably know I'll definitely wear these like to meeting or when I'm wearing a suit or blazer second.


  • The last pair was chosen by Angelica.


  • I know I'm going to like these right off the bat.


  • I definitely have something similar in my collection already, but I do not have this exact pair.


  • These are definitely something that will probably end up being like an everyday wear type glasses for me because they're so comfortable.


  • I'm so bummed that I didn't order any of these glasses in the style of lens that's supposed to help your eyes for looking at the computer.


  • They just started offering those on glasses, U.

    おー美味しい。 ふむ。軽くてフワフワ

  • S.

    エマ(Emma) 時々トラベラーに一言ありがとう。この機械の存在を昨年教えてくれたのよね

  • A.


  • And I could obviously use some because I'm staring at my screen all the time.


  • I will probably order some next time.


  • Oh, this last pair comes in this fancy case that says vogue.


  • They are like a super cat eye version of the Prada sunglasses that I have that are actually like my absolute favorite sunglasses.


  • If you're looking for a really cute pair of sunglasses I've been wearing them all the time.


  • But these are like really pointy version of those.


  • I feel like they're a little too high fashion for me.


  • But I will find a friend to give them to and they were fun to try.


  • There are thousands of different frame styles available on their website.


  • They're very affordable.


  • So especially if you're from Canada like me where glasses cost an absolute mint.


  • You can save a lot of money by ordering on glasses.


  • Usa dot com and if you're not as brave as me and you would like to try the glasses on before you order them.


  • They have a virtual try on tool where you can apply a selfie of yourself and choose any of the frames and see how they look on your face before you place your order.


  • Thanks so much for choosing those for me, you guys.


  • It was really fun to try out some different styles that I certainly would not have tried on my own.


  • So that's great if you guys are interested in checking out the glasses on glasses usa dot com I will put the links down to all of the glasses we've shown today and also to my favorite Prada glasses.


  • I hope they still have them in stock because they're so cute.


  • Alright, what should we do next to you guys?


  • Should we make shaved ice or should we open my package from my good friend Sunny.


  • She sent me a big box of stuff from Indonesia and I think there's also some things from Korea in there.


  • Really excited because it's a bunch of food and cosmetics that she really likes and it's going to be all brand new things for me.


  • Let's open that in a sec.


  • I say we make the shaved ice because I am just as interested in how this is going to turn out as you guys are okay.


  • It tells you how to put the machine together.


  • But I feel like it's already pretty much all attached.


  • Okay so must go inside there.


  • You know what might work well for this.

    このリップを試すのが楽しみ。 ちょっと今、してみようか…

  • I've got these little soccer dishes.


  • I say we use the condensed milk flavor because I've got some mango that I can put on top and I think that would be really good.


  • Whoa.


  • Success.


  • Oh that's cold.


  • That's so cool.

    英語でミーゴレンの意味はと… 焼きそば的なものらしいね、それだけの話?

  • It fits perfectly.


  • Says to push the top down a lot sides.


  • Alright so far.


  • So good.


  • Alright here we go.

    お湯が沸くのを待っている間、何か見せていい? これはこないだスーパーで発見したの

  • This is the hard part.


  • Oh it's working.


  • Oh my God, this is so easy.


  • Look at it.


  • That is like perfect textured shaved ice.


  • Like soft and fluffy.

    唐辛子を全部入れるのはやめようかなw 凄く辛かったらちょっとね…でも少し入れよう

  • Look at it.


  • This is so freaking exciting.


  • Oh my God, this thing is so great!

    おっ、これは辛いよ。 絶対に唐辛子を入れるべきではなかったw

  • You guys, I think we've done it.


  • We've made the perfect little shaved ice dessert at home.


  • How easy was that?


  • I'm so thrilled with this machine.


  • That was such a good purchase of only $15.

    あっ、そして送られてきたアートを見せるね。 時間を費やして、これを描いてくれて嬉しい

  • I'll definitely be using it a lot in the summer.


  • I've cut up some mango pieces to go with the condensed milk flavored soy milk.


  • Mm Oh good.


  • Mm It's so light and fluffy!

    では、また近々、次の動画で会おう! またね、元気で!

  • Shout out to Emma Toki Toki traveler for showing this machine to me last year.

  • I think she tweeted a picture of it or something and I was like I gotta find that and then when I came across it in my book store and it was on sale, I had to get it.

  • So it's all thanks to her that I have this.

  • So thank you Emma.

  • All right.

  • Time to open this box of surprises from my friend Sunny.

  • But me and Sonny actually did like a little box trade.

  • If you guys would like to go see the box that I sent Sonny, I will link her channel down below and she will have that video up soon.

  • Then it's a really good way to keep in touch with your friends, even if you can't see them at the moment.

  • So if you guys have friends in other parts of the country or even if they live close by to you, you should send some mail to each other.

  • Oh my God, starting off the box with some instant noodles from Indonesia.

  • Sunny told me they have a lot of vegan and vegetarian products in Indonesia.

  • We are going to have to make some of these together once I'm done opening this box because I can't wait to see what they taste like.

  • I'm not sure what that flavor is unfortunately, there's no english on them so I'm not quite sure of the flavors but that just makes it more interesting.

  • Oh and some stuff from Korea.

  • Look at those purple potatoes, aren't they beautiful.

  • We have these here in Japan too.

  • They're often used in desserts.

  • They're quite sweet.

  • Oh my God, so many things.

  • Oh, these look so pretty.

  • A bunch of really pretty lip colors.

  • I think these are all Indonesian brands.

  • What color is this one?

  • Oh, that is perfect.

  • Thank you sonny.

  • Those are gorgeous.

  • She got me hand sanitizer, that was so kind of her.

  • We are all sold out in japan.

  • Any of the shops that I have checked for Hand sanitizers have just been completely sold out for the past couple of months now and it doesn't appear that they're getting any more stock in.

  • So that is super handy.

  • I really appreciate that sonny and she also sent me a lot of like disinfectant wipes for cleaning my house and for my hand and thank you.

  • It seems like Korea is not short on anything at the moment.

  • You can buy masks, you can buy hand sanitizers, that's a really nice tube of it.

  • I'll keep that in my purse.

  • But Japan is like really sold out of all the things that we need right now.

  • Unfortunately, I'm so lucky to have friends like sunny that will send me things from Korea.

  • She told me about this.

  • Oh, that's super cool.

  • Unfortunately we're not allowed to use reusable cups.

  • Starbucks at the moment, but this is a really fun reusable Starbucks cup that collapses so you can like squish it down and keep it in your purse and last but not least, we have this really pretty assortment of Indonesian chocolates, ginger, that sounds so yummy.

  • Thank you so much sunny.

  • So many new things to try.

  • Can't wait to try those lip products.

  • Can we try one together now?

  • Oh, it's kind of like a burnt orange.

  • Can't really tell on camera.

  • Oh, it's so pretty.

  • It's really like matt and smooth.

  • Make over.

  • Let's go make some of these noodles.

  • Which flavor should we do?

  • Mi mi goreng.

  • Uh rasa soto, I don't know what either of those are.

  • Let's look up what this means in english me goering fried noodles.

  • Okay, are these just like fried noodle flavor them?

  • Oh no, it says rasa rasa jiggering.

  • What's rossa?

  • The taste of fried noodles were back?

  • Um Okay, well I say we go with those ones because maybe it's just like the basic flavor that you would find fried noodles to be in Indonesia and that's what I want to try.

  • I want some authentic Indonesian flavor.

  • So while we're waiting for the water to boil, can I show you guys so that we found at the supermarket the other day Lipton Sakura flavored tea, how cool is that?

  • And it was on sale?

  • So I bought like four boxes of it, but it actually tastes more like cherry than it does Sakura.

  • It's basically like a black tea.

  • A regular lifted black tea with a hint of cherry flavor and it's really nice with milk.

  • Look, it comes with all these different toppings to add to it.

  • Some crunchy things flavor pocket.

  • This one says, seasoning powder and this one says chili.

  • Maybe I won't put all of the Chilean.

  • I don't want them to be super spicy.

  • Put a little bit in the this is so cool.

  • These are so different from any instant noodles I've tried before.

  • So many different flavors to mix up.

  • Mm It tastes a lot like fried noodles.

  • You'd get like a chinese restaurant in Canada.

  • Oh, they're spicy.

  • Maybe I should have put the Chilean.

  • Oh my God, honey, these are so good.

  • I need to go to Indonesia stock up and because of all those extra sauces I put in there a little oily, They're not dry.

  • All right, you guys, I'm gonna go finish my mi Goreng Indonesian fried noodles and I want to say a huge thank you to everybody that sent me a message on twitter or on instagram.

  • I got so many birthday messages from you guys and oh, I would love to feature these really cool art pieces that I got.

  • Thanks so much.

  • You guys for putting all that time into these really cool drawings for me.

  • I really appreciate it.

  • Thank you for stopping by to hang out with me today on my birthday.

  • It's times like this where I feel really appreciative that I have this community of people to interact with and it's like I have this humongous group of friends all across the world.

  • So I really appreciate you guys.

  • Thank you so much and I will see you again very soon.

  • For another video.

  • Bye for now, Take care!

Hey guys, good afternoon and welcome to my 34th birthday party at home in Japan by myself, not the ideal conditions for a birthday party, but I get to spend the day with you guys and the weather is absolutely beautiful outside.



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