字幕表 動画を再生する
guys look at the turkeys this is better than having a guard dog because the turkey alerts you
there's people on your property wow
all right guys good morning good morning first day of work here it is time to get started so
警告する からです
we've arrived at the property it is a sunday morning we're up bright and early we were
just welcomed by some turkeys into the property the equivalent of having a guard
dog have a wilderness that the turkeys were actually better than the guard dog that was a
ように、最初 の番犬よりも番犬の方が実際に優れていたの
that was the first uh layer of defense right the turkeys signified that we were here and then the
です。 防御の層は、七面鳥が私たちがここにいることを意味し、
dog came yes after it's kind of hilarious so yeah so you grabbed some clips yesterday
yes and we have some serious tools now to get some work done yes i'll show you guys
what we brought this isn't everything we bought but it's what we're going to be using today
this is the most important thing we basically got two of these this one's a little bigger than the
other ones it's going to be great just perfect for us trimming the sarsa yeah the blackberries
right these are just like some heavy-duty pruning scissors yeah and we're mostly going to be using
it for the sarsa plant that blackberry bush that just grows and like crawls and expands
and also for any shrubs that shouldn't be there or any branches that are blocking our
way that kind of thing we also got machetes and there's other tools we're going to need later on
but for today we mostly want to clear the ground because as you can see it's kind of hard
to venture too far because of this growth um and it's quite thorny
この成長のためにあまりにも遠くに冒険するのは 難しい です そしてそれはかなり厄介
and we're just gonna just get out of it really yes that's the plan precisely so let's get to it guys
それで みんなに行きましょう
you want to get the whole house
okay so sam here is working at the door the entrance to the chalet yeah so um
this part is somewhat interesting and a tad bit disturbing too so over here we've got some of the
the sarsa the the blackberries they're actually growing inside of the inside of the home
inside the house y'all we're gonna be dealing with this and uh working on this as much as we can we
also have no idea how much is inside right yeah i don't think that's gonna be when we eventually
like bust this door open somehow it's gonna be an absolute absolute surprise what we find in
このドアをバストするのが好き になるとは思わないそこに真剣に 見つけて
there seriously maybe we can run a haunted house tour you know or there could be some
some real big surprises when we open that door but we are making progress i've already cleared
well let me show you my work as soon as i untangle myself look at these thorns all right guys second
うまくいっています 私 はタイムラプスモードでクリップを話し続けているので
time filming this because i keep doing speaking clips in time lapse mode and that's obviously
、これらのとげを もう一度見てください。それは明らかに
not gonna work um but i wanted to show you what i've been working on right here we have this plant
called hydrangea or ortensia in spanish and it is one of my dad's favorite plants we have several of
アジサイと呼ばれる この植物があります。 またはスペイン語でオルテンシアとそれは私たちが
these plants across the property and the problem with this one is that the sarsa the blackberry
bush was starting to grow and like suffocate it and drown it out yeah it was just like weaving
茂みが成長し始めていたサルサがそれを窒息させて溺死させることですええそれは 植物の周りにこのクレイジーなウェブを 織り込むのと同じよう
this crazy web around the plant so i've been going around carefully with my little scissors
i'm trying to remove the sarsa without hurting the plant the plant also needs a good pruning it needs
a haircut but i'm going to let a professional do that and i'm just working on removing the sarsa
はヘアカットが必要ですが私は行き ます 専門家にそれをさせるために、私はサルサの除去に取り組んでいる
so it's kind of hard to see here but like you do have both plants really intermingled shall we say
so yeah that is what i'm working on at the moment uh i've also been clearing the area around the
house and sam's been working on the steps leading to the house sam's actually moving really fast
、サムは家につながるステップに取り組んでいますサム はこの種の仕事をするのは初めて 本当に速く動い
first time doing this kind of work and you're pretty talented it turns out actually my second
time second time here before um what i'm really noticing is where the bushes stick like this yeah
i'm doing some baseball swings golf swings like this making things move a lot faster
we definitely should take the machete yeah the next time that's going to be the ultimate weapon
to kind of clear the thickness of it and then these guys are for the final job at the root level
ある種のthをクリアするそれの病気、そしてこれらの人はルートレベルでの最終的な仕事の ためです
so um yeah kind of learning as we go it's fun building up a sweat building up an appetite and uh
yeah it's nice to be doing some like some physical work outside where you're seeing like
you know the the fruits of your labor right in front of your eyes this is also good for
my shoulder too i've been um probably like two months into my injury and so far it's been okay
a little bit sore but um i think this is gonna be like kind of some decent rehab for it we just got
uh loads of work ahead and uh but it's it's it's been fun it's been fun already we don't even have
to do our daily video workouts that we used to do back in canada we used to do this video workout
たです私たちが使用した毎日のビデオトレーニングをする必要 さえありません カナダに戻るために、私たち
from the 90s glad bodies in motion that kind of started out as a winter quarantine routine and
it just became our daily workout routine but now that we're doing some physical labor out here
we're skipping that oh pupper who's coming to visit who's coming to visit
で 身体的な労働をしています。 訪問する予定のあの子犬、viに来る人をスキップします座って
look who's here sam look who's here pepperoni
go say hi to sam papa
there you go look at this what is this wilderness guys do i need to mark my territory what's going
サムパパに挨拶 する ランダムなアイテム の素晴らしい発見
on what's going on so guys we are progressing and sam is making all sorts of wonderful discoveries
of random items we are going to call this new segment the treasures in the jungle treasures
in the jungles things we find here out in nature so i'm glad because i've been kind of swinging
私はこのよう に揺れているので嬉しい です。
swinging like this and i'm glad i didn't because look what i just found a bench lovely
i mean it's chipped and it's got a it's in super rustic condition but but it's got history it's
got some history for here it is it's got some character so yeah that's kind of been my i've been
discovering things the other thing that i found oh there's a pupperoni a different one a different
one oh different pepper jeez so i also got to the edge of this stone wall here yeah it's kind
of hard to see but there is a stone wall all along there so it's kind of giving me a target of what
見づらいですがそこに石垣があるので親切です 次の少しで達成したい 目標を私に与えて
i'd like to achieve over the next little while be great to clear everything to the stone wall
obviously get that bench recovered look at the dogs trying to navigate through the mess here um
but yeah it's interesting i think there's going to be a lot of discoveries like this
。 この ような多くの発見がある
this will not be the only thing that we discover here in the uh underneath the bush
yeah yeah i'm also really excited about clearing this area and reaching the stone fence
私 はまたこのエリアをクリアして石のフェンスに到達することに本当に興奮しています
because beneath like the elevation kind of drops like the terrain drops and there's this big area
with fruit trees like plum trees apple trees cherry trees any kind of fruit you can imagine
and it's not really accessible at the moment no not at all it's not accessible at all it'll be
really cool when it is and when we have access to delicious fruits you know so it gives us something
to work towards guys one more thing i wanted to mention i just found out a few moments ago talking
to one of the guys here but apparently today is a holiday and it is a worker's day here in argentina
and it just seems oh say i'm finding more garbage more treasures but it just seems so perfect that
we are starting this massive project this massive undertaking on workers day yeah first of may guys
happy workers day happy workers day to everybody here and wherever this is celebrated do you think
it's celebrated in other countries i haven't no idea probably probably so happy workers day to you
ます か
all happy workers we are working and we're working doing fun stuff here yeah we're getting necessary
gardening yes landscapes it's called landscape getting dude getting it did
all right time for a progress report progress report are you pointing it out at me yes okay
so everything you see here guys can you pan that camera around pan that camera
around cleared it all the way to that stone fence and if you can follow me over here
i've also made a lot of progress in that area as well on the side of the home yeah
and then the last area that i want to show you is this is actually the thickest area of
そして最後のエリア でも、多くの進歩を遂げました。 私がお見せしたいのは、これは実際に
the bush and if we come down here so if you come down here carefully audrey i can show you exactly
where i've been able to clear to we'll just go ahead gently here
and then we make it all the way to the path down the hill out to the fruit trees
to the fruit trees so i mean we arrived here what what time 9 30 9 30 10. so we'd normally like to
から果樹に至る小道までたどり着くので、何時にここに到着したのか9 30 9 30 10.通常は、
actually arrive an hour and a half earlier than this and uh it's time to go pick up some locro
実際に到着 したいのですがこれより1時間半早く 、町で注文した ロクロを拾いに行く 時間です。3
we placed an order in town and um i can't believe how much we've been able to do in about three
hours less than three hours so imagine we put in a four or five hour shift every day
。 毎日4時間か5時間のシフトを入れて、
we obviously have our online work to do um so we'll do that in the afternoon but i see us being
here every morning and getting a lot of stuff done yeah we did a lot of work and i know this kind of
looks messy on the ground um but basically we have chopped down a lot of salsa and just weeds and
random plants we don't need i have started a small pile just over my shoulder kind of hard to see
ランダムな植物 だけです 肩のすぐ上に小さな山を作り始めたのはわかりにくい
but a lot of what you see on the ground is already cut like we just need to
you know let it dry pile it up rake it do something with it but basically if it looks
flattened it's been chopped down we have to let nature take its course nature take its course
it's a snack for the ground yeah or like make use of the compost area up there but i mean today's
the first day so day one lots of programs day one that's what we've done so guys i am walking
through town with my pot full of locro samuel you think you can grab the camera and show the peeps
how we walk through town yep i got it with her pot full of luck that's how we do things
somebody in town was making it want to lift the lid and show the peeps yeah sure i actually did
町の誰かがふたを持ち上げて覗き見を見せたいと思っていた 方法私は
it all right and you know what else we're walking with i'll go well that to a gopro with a four
実際に それを大丈夫でした、そしてあなたは私たちが他に何を歩いているか知ってい
percent battery oh i know we're running out we'll show you the meal as soon as we're home right
well guys it is look at the time check that out we earned it too didn't we yes it's all that work
so this is a super traditional dish typically eaten in the northern part of the country but
really you can get it anywhere in argentina and it's made with corn it's got beans all sorts of
cuts of meat like pork skin just had a piece with a pork skin it's so good oh man sausage
that's some of the best local i've ever had to be honest it's great to be able to support the
business here in the in the community as well we saw lots of people lined up with their containers
ここのコミュニティでビジネス をサポートするの
pots pans i mean it was it was busy when we went there's a line so great to see the support
も、たくさんの 人 がコンテナの 鍋 に並んでいるのを見ました。つまり、私
yeah and it was three dollars per portion and it comes with a loaf of bread so we've got lots
たちが行ったときは忙しかったので、サポートを見るのはとても素晴らしかったです。 パンがたっぷり入っているので
of leftovers so we at least get two meals out of this right yeah so a great meal to be having after
a hard morning of work but very rewarding that was fun and rewarding super rewarding
。大変な朝の仕事の後に食べるのに最適な食事ですが、とてもやりがいがあり、楽しくてやりがいがあります。 すべての権利者に 報いる
all right guys so today is laundry day out of necessity because we are officially running out
of clean clothes we do not have a washing machine in the house and we haven't been able to sort
our laundry like doing it somewhere paying someone to do it like finding a laundry service
so we are washing by hand and yeah that's gonna be fun in the little sink so let's see how it goes
を分類することができませんでし たええ、それは小さなシンクで楽しいものになるので、それがどのように行われるかを見てみましょう
so a little mid-afternoon update i've done load one probably a five of all the laundry that still
needs to be done time to turn on some lights hello husband just writing here what are you up to i'm
working on my uh my new blog writing um yeah just keep those fingers moving right clacking blacking
あるすべての洗濯物のおそらく5つをロードしました こんにちは夫はここに何を書いていますか私は
got a goal of writing a certain amount of words every month and so
私の新しいブログを書い て い
i have to be doing this every day to meet my quota you've been writing every day like 2 000 words a
ますえええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええ これは私の割り当てを満たすために毎日2000ワードのように毎日書いています
day yeah like i'm i'm amazing actually i actually have i didn't know i had it in me because for the
longest time i didn't want to write about anything but just feel inspired to do this and like
to get something off the ground you kind of have to light a bit of a gotta get a bit of a bonfire
、何かを手に入れたい と思っています地面から離れて、ちょっと
going right yeah i'm gonna get go so well i've got a fire going in the stove yeah so we'll be
火をつけないといけないので 、たき火を少し当てる必要があり
warm this evening oh good well there's that kind of fire speaking of fire yeah well i suppose i'll
ます 。 夕方まあまあその種の火があります火と言えばそうですね私は
leave you to it mister have fun thanks and i'm going over here i'll be working in the living room
look at the cats look at the cats i've been feeding the cats i think we want more
there's three grey cats that come and visit us throughout the day so we've started feeding them
because they look like they could use some food um yeah so i've got the fire going we're gonna
warm excuse me warm up the house for this evening and i have a lot of videos to edit
今夜は家を暖めましょう。編集、エクスポート、アップロード、今後数週間のスケジュールを設定するための動画がたくさんある ので
and export and upload and schedule for the coming weeks so i'll be working on that
he's like if you're not feeding me i'm not coming closer
食事をしていない場合のように 作業します。 私は近づいていません
got the cheese he's like yes i like the cheese let him eat it
all right good morning guys checking in for day two of work uh you can see a little bit of our
くださいおはようございますみんな仕事の2日目にチェックインしますええと 今日私たちが行った手仕事 の少しを見ることができます私たち
handiwork that we did yesterday today we have a new tool a machete which sam is going to be using
i'm gonna continue working with the scissors and yeah we'll see how much progress we can make today
私 たちがどれだけ進歩できるかを見るでしょう 用事も予約もないので
we don't have any errands or any appointments so
we're planning to have a bit of a longer day here on the property
涼しい天気に興奮し ているので、今朝
and yeah feeling good feeling excited cooler weather so hopefully that'll make the work
easier so this morning i'm working to clear some of the sarsa growing on this side of the house
i've already cut most of it so now i need to use my trusty little heavy duty gloves and um just
pile it up let it dry i'm kind of amazed how fast two people have been able to to clear this area
。 2人がこのエリアをクリアして、このエリアをクリアすることができました。
to clear this area i wasn't expecting it to go this quickly so yeah feels good to see progress
これがすぐに進む とは 思って
い なかったので、
進捗状況を確認 し
so that gives you a little idea of what we have accomplished today day two of work well
ちょうど朝、 うまくいき
just the morning it is now lunch time we are breaking for lunch but yeah we managed to clear
a lot of the area in front of the house like the yard the front yard so here you can see
this used to be all sarsa that blackberry bush so we've cut it down pushed it back a bit further
これがブラックベリーの茂みのすべてのサルサであったこと がわかり
into the woods this is our pile that we have here have everything we've cut so far
it's going to be turning into a little mountain it's there to dry
and yeah slow and steady wins the race guys so we'll be back here again tomorrow to continue this
the way we're doing this is work on the property in the mornings and then we do our computer work
、この方法を 続けます。
our youtube work in the afternoons we're trying to balance both so yeah that's today's update
行う ので、両方のバランスを
うとしています。今日の更新 です 。 すごい
there's a skittish cat that's hanging out in
the yard i'm gonna see if i can give it some meat yeah yeah mush
oh no come back
okay so that was a bit of a fail the cat ran away
大丈夫それは少し失敗 でした私はそれに向かって投げなかったのに
the throwing motion even though i didn't throw it towards it i kind of threw it like three or four
猫は投げる動きを逃げました 私は一種の投げました うまくいかなかった側に
meters to the side that didn't work we might get a fox instead yeah that might be nice silver fox
3〜4メートルのよう に私たちは代わりにキツネを得るかもしれませんええそれはかもしれません
something will come when he did hopefully the cat okay so time for my daily task lighting the fire
素敵なシルバーフォックス 彼が猫を大丈夫にしたときに何かが来るので、火が冷え始めたらすぐに火を灯す私の毎日の仕事の時間私
as soon as it starts getting cold i turn on the wooden stove we have here in the living
はここ の寝室のリビングルームに ある木製のストーブをオンにします
room in the bedroom we have a gas stove to keep us warm while we sleep um but yeah today is the
ガスがあります 寝ている間はストーブで暖かくしてくれますが、今日は
coldest day so far like it's actually quite foggy the clouds came down they were very low
uh so i'll show you that a bit later it's lifted a bit but i'm sure it'll get gray
once again um but basically just now i was cleaning out the stove like all the ashes
i've already like put most of it down through the holes and then i need to remove this tray
and take it outside and dump it in a bucket and i have to be very careful in this area
て外に出し、捨てる 必要があります それはバケツの中にあり、灰と石炭が実際に冷たいことをこの地域で非常に注意する必要
that the ashes and the coal is actually cold it's completely gone out because it's super easy
to start fires in this area just like the type of vegetation you have here it's a lot of dry
のは非常に簡単なので、完全に消えてい ます。 乾いた
grass and like dry shrubs you know it's like kindling um so yeah we're taking it
草と乾いた低木のように、それはキンドリングのようなものだと知っているので、ええ、私たちはタです 今日は雨の せい
out today's a good day to do it because of the fog because of the rain so yeah let's get to work
ta-da let's go outside
okay job done
cool okay so it is time to start this fire so i'll show you what i'm working with basically
first off i've got my newspaper then i have these smaller
like twigs and also smaller sticks then i have uh pine this is a soft wood so it burns quickly
and then i also have this other type of wood that's heavy it is very heavy it is red
i forget the name of this it could be quebracho and this one burns very slowly so the wood
will last a longer time it has a longer burn time and in case i'm not able to get the fire going
with these elements and tools they've also left me some cotton and a type of alcohol so i just put
これらの要素とツール を 使用すると、綿と一種のアルコールも残ったので
alcohol on the cotton ball throw it in there the alcohol will burn and it'll
、綿のボールにアルコールを 入れるだけ で、そこにアルコールが燃え、
catch everything else on fire but that feels like cheating i feel like i should be able to
do this on my own so we'll see how it goes today i've had a bit of practice this week
guys let's say good morning to fox hello fox how are you that's it's a fox over there
he likes to visit in the early mornings and the late afternoons when the sun goes down this guy
is definitely used to getting fed by tourists whoever happens to be renting these cabins
he's so cute so we are getting ready for another day of work day three same outfit as you can see
を借りているので、彼はとてもかわいいので、ワードローブが非常に限られていることがわかるように、3日目の同じ服装で別の日の仕事の準備をしてい ますが
the wardrobe is very limited but that doesn't matter we're not getting that
sweaty with these temperatures sunblock because we are at 1500 meters high altitude and the sun
いないことは問題ではありません。 私たちは標高1500メートル
burns up here even on a cloudy day so getting ready
sam's almost ready to go as well he was up bright and early actually it wasn't even
bright at that time it was still dark when he got up what was it like 5 30 sam 6 a.m this morning
明るく さえありませんでした。
5 30 and he's been a writing machine it is now 9 00 a.m so he's already got some work in
起きたのは今朝530sam 6 am
and it is time to go to the physical labor
5 30で、彼は今朝9 00になっている書き込み機だったので、彼はすでに仕事をし ていて、 あなた の肉体労働に行く時間