字幕表 動画を再生する
Hi guys!
Hi guys! 皆さん、こんにちは!
Welcome to just speak,
Welcome to just speak, ”Just Speak!” にようこそ!
the language tool that helps you
the language tool that helps you この動画は英語のスピーキング練習
learn English by actually
learn English by actually に役立つツールです。実際に話す練習ができて
giving you speaking practice!
giving you speaking practice! スピーキング力がアップします!
To have a conversation in English
To have a conversation in English 英会話ができるようになりたい方は
you need to be very good at 4 basic areas
you need to be very good at 4 basic areas 4つの時制を上手に使えるようになってください
“Habit”, “Now”, “`Future” and “Past”
“Habit”, “Now”, “`Future” and “Past” 『習慣』、『今』、『未来』、『過去』
last week we looked at “Future”
last week we looked at “Future” 先週は『未来』を勉強しました
the week before that we looked at “Now”
the week before that we looked at “Now” その前は『今』をして、
and the week before we looked at “Habit”
and the week before we looked at “Habit” その前は『習慣』をしました
today, we are going to look at “Past”
today, we are going to look at “Past” 今日は『過去』を詳しく見てみましょう。
things that you did, or that somebody did, in the past
things that you did, or that somebody did, in the past 過去に自分や他の人がしたことです
this is number 4 of the 4 main areas in English
this is number 4 of the 4 main areas in English 4つの主な時制がありますが、今回が最後です
so if you haven't seen any of the previous episodes
so if you haven’t seen any of the previous episodes これまでの動画をまだご覧になっていない方は
please go back and watch those episodes
please go back and watch those episodes これまでの動画を観てください
before you watch this one
before you watch this one 今回の動画を観る前に先に観た方がいいです
there are links up here
there are links up here リンクはこちらです
please go back and watch those episodes now
please go back and watch those episodes now 先にこれまでの動画を観てください
if you have seen the previous episodes
if you have seen the previous episodes これまでの動画をご覧になった方は
then let's continue
then let’s continue 先に進みましょう
today we're looking at "Past"
today we’re looking at "Past" 今日は『過去』を勉強しましょう
the keyword for "Past" is “did”
the keyword for "Past" is “did” 『過去』のキーワードは『did』です
if you hear "did" in the question
if you hear "did" in the question 質問文の中の『did』が聞き取れたら
that is a "Past" question
that is a "Past" question それは『過去』の質問だと気づいて
so, respond with the “Past” grammar
so, respond with the “Past” grammar 『過去』の時制を使って答えてください
again, as before, you need to start with a person
again, as before, you need to start with a person 前にも言いましたが、英語の文は『人』から始めます
”I”, ”you”, ”we”, ”they”, or ”he” and ”she”
”I”, ”you”, ”we”, ”they”, or ”he” and ”she” 「私」「あなた」「私たち」「彼ら」または「彼」「彼女」
starting with a person in English is very important
starting with a person in English is very important 英語では文を『人』から始めるのがとても大事ですよ
so don't forget this! Person first!
so don’t forget this! Person first! 忘れないでください!『人』からです!
then you need a verb
then you need a verb 次に動詞がきます
now are talking about past sentences
now、today we are talking about past sentences 『過去』の話をしているので
so that must be past tense,
so that verb must be past tense, 動詞を過去形にします
which in English can be very, very difficult
which in English can be very, very difficult これはとても難しいですよ
in English we have 2 types of past verb
in English we have 2 types of past verb 英語の動詞の過去形は2種類あります
we have regular past verbs
we have regular past verbs まず、『レギュラー』と呼ばれる動詞の過去形(規則動詞)
which means you just add "ED"
which means you just add "ED" 動詞に『ED』を付けるだけです
for example,
for example, 例えば、
”want” becomes ”wanted”
”want” becomes ”wanted” 『want』は『wanted』になって
”listen” becomes ”listened”
”listen” becomes ”listened” 『listen』は『listened』になって
”start” becomes ”started”
”start” becomes ”started” 『start』は『started』なります。
etc etc
etc etc 他にもたくさんあります
“ED” added to the base verb, simple
“ED” added to the base verb, simple 動詞の原形に『ED』を付けるだけ
but we also have irregular verbs
but we also have irregular verbs ただし、『イレギュラー』の動詞 (不規則動詞)もあります
now irregular verbs can change in anyway
now irregular verbs can change in anyway 『irregular』動詞の変化の仕方は不規則です
they're very difficult and there are no rules
they're very difficult and there are no rules ルールがないので難しいですね
so for example
so for example 例えば、
"eat" becomes "ate"
"eat" becomes "ate" 『eat 』は『ate』になって
"drink" becomes "drank"
"drink" becomes "drank" 『drink』は『drank』になって
"sleep" becomes "slept"
"sleep" becomes "slept" 『sleep』は『slept』になります
really, really difficult
really, really difficult とても難しいです
but your only option is to learn every one and
but your only option is to learn every one and とにかく変わり方を1つずつ覚えて
just speak
just speak! 使って話すしかありません
there is one hint I can give you with past tenses
there is one hint I can give you with past tenses 1つヒントがあります
if you don't know if it's irregular or regular
if you don’t know if it’s irregular or regular 『過去』の話の中で、 動詞が規則動詞なのか不規則動詞なのか わからなくても
try adding "ED" anyway
try adding "ED" anyway 『ED』を付けてみてください
there's a chance you will be correct
there’s a chance you will be correct それで正しい可能性もあるし、
there's a chance you will be incorrect
there's a chance you will be incorrect 正しくない可能性もあるけど
but at least you're not stopping in the flow of conversation
but at least you’re not stopping in the flow of conversation 少なくとも会話の流れが止まることはありません
and least you're still speaking
and least you’re still speaking 少なくとも話はできていますよね
the other person will 100% understand if you say
the other person will 100% understand if you say 失敗しても、相手は必ず分かりますよ
“Yesterday I eated bacon”
“Yesterday I eated bacon” 『昨日はベーコンを食べました』
they will understand
they will understand 相手は分かりますよ
so don't worry, no problem, just speak
so don’t worry, no problem, just speak 気にしないでください、とにかく話してね!
so, we have our "person" and our "past" verb
so, we have our "person" and our "past" verb 文は、先ず主語である『人』、次に『過去』の動詞
now, we need an object
now, we need an object そして、その後『目的語』が続く場合があります
a noun or an adjective
a noun or an adjective 『名詞』または『形容詞』になります
and then we need time
and then we need time その次は『時間』です
for example
for example 例えば、
“I ate pizza yesterday”
“I ate pizza yesterday” 『私は昨日ピザを食べました』
“I drank wine last week”
“I drank wine last week” 『私は先週ワインを飲みました』
“I walked in the park this morning”
“I walked in the park this morning” 『今朝、公園を歩きました』
some examples without objects would be
some examples without objects would be 『目的語』がない場合もあります
“I slept last night”
“I slept last night” 『昨日、寝ました』
“I talked this morning”
“I talked this morning” 『今朝、話しました』
OK, let's go, if you're watching with subtitles, great
OK, let’s go, if you’re watching with subtitles, great では始めましょう!字幕でこの動画をご覧になっている方は
but please turn off the subtitles now
but please turn off the subtitles now どうか字幕を消してください
this is not reading practice
this is not reading practice これはリーディングの練習ではありません
this is listening practice and speaking practice
this is listening practice and speaking practice リスニングとスピーキングの練習です
turn off the subtitles
turn off the subtitles なので字幕を消して下さいね
you can turn them back on and watch again later
you can turn them back on and watch again later 後で再度字幕をつけて、繰り返し観る事はできますよ
Here we go!
Here we go! さあ、始めましょう!
today we have 20 questions
today we have 20 questions 質問は20問あります
you are going to have 5 seconds for each question
you are going to have 5 seconds for each question 答える時間は5秒間
please respond with full grammar, okay?
please respond with full grammar, okay? フルセンテンスで答えて下さい!
are you ready?
are you ready? 準備はいいですか?
let's go
let’s go はじめましょう!
Number 1
Number 1 ナンバーワン!
1. What did you do yesterday?
1. What did you do yesterday? 1. 昨日は何をしましたか?
I went to Osaka.
I went to Osaka. 大阪へ行きました
2. Where did you eat lunch yesterday?
2. Where did you eat lunch yesterday? 2. 昨日はどこでランチを食べましたか?
I ate lunch in a ramen restaurant in Osaka.
I ate lunch in a ramen restaurant in Osaka. 大阪のラーメン屋さんで食べました
3. What did you eat for lunch?
3. What did you eat for lunch? 3. ランチに何を食べましたか?
I ate spicy ramen.
I ate spicy ramen. 辛いラーメンを食べました
4. Who did you meet yesterday?
4. Who did you meet yesterday? 4. 昨日は誰に会いましたか?
I met my friend and his wife.
I met my friend and his wife. 友達と彼の奥さんに会いました
5. What time did you sleep last night?
5. What time did you sleep last night? 5. 昨日は何時に寝ましたか?
I slept at about 11.
I slept at about 11. 11時くらいに寝ました
6. What time did you wake up this morning?
6. What time did you wake up this morning? 6. 今朝は、何時に起きましたか?
I woke up at about 8.
I woke up at about 8. 8時くらいに起きました
7. What did you eat for breakfast?
7. What did you eat for breakfast? 7. 今日は朝ごはんに、何を食べましたか?
I ate eggs on toast.
I ate eggs on toast. 卵とトーストを食べました
8. What did you drink this morning?
8. What did you drink this morning? 8. 何を飲みましたか?
I drank tea.
I drank tea. 紅茶を飲みました
9. What did you do last weekend?
9. What did you do last weekend? 9. 先週は何をしましたか?
I watched a movie.
I watched a movie. 映画を観ました
10. Where did you go last weekend?
10. Where did you go last weekend? 10. 先週はどこへ行きましたか?
I went to United Cinemas.
I went to United Cinemas. United Cinemaへ行きました
11. How did you go there?
11. How did you go there? 11. どうやって行きましたか?
I drove.
I drove. 車で行きました
12. Did you drink water yesterday?
12. Did you drink water yesterday? 12. 昨日はお水を飲みましたか?
Yes, I did.
Yes, I did. はい、飲みました。
13. Did you use your phone yesterday?
13. Did you use your phone yesterday? 13. 昨日は携帯を使いましたか?
Yes, I did.
Yes, I did. はい、使いました
14. What did you do on your phone?
14. What did you do on your phone? 14. 携帯で、何をしましたか?
I checked Facebook and Instagram.
I checked Facebook and Instagram. Facebookとインスタをチェックしました
15. What time did you wake up yesterday?
15. What time did you wake up yesterday? 15. 昨日は何時に起きましたか?
I woke up at about 9 yesterday.
I woke up at about 9 yesterday. 昨日は9時くらいに起きました
16. What did you do after that?
16. What did you do after that? 16. その後は何をしましたか?
I had breakfast and took a shower.
I had breakfast and took a shower. 朝ごはんを食べて、シャワーをしました
17. What did you do the day before yesterday?
17. What did you do the day before yesterday? 17. おとといは何をしましたか?
I worked.
I worked. 仕事をしました
18. When did you go on vacation?
18. When did you go on vacation? 18. 最後の旅行はいつでしたか?
I went on vacation in June last year.
I went on vacation in June last year. 去年の6月に旅行しました
19. Where did you go?
19. Where did you go? 19. どこへいきましたか?
I went to Spain.
I went to Spain. スペインへ行きました
20. How long did you stay there?
20. How long did you stay there? 20. どのぐらいいましたか?
I stayed there for 10 days.
I stayed there for 10 days. 10日間いました
OK, well done, everybody, that was "Past"
OK, well done, everybody, that was "Past" みなさん、よくできましたね!『過去』を使って話をしました
BUT よくできましたが・・
Let's mix things up a bit
Let’s mix things up a bit もうちょっと勉強しましょうね!
I'm going to ask you another 20 questions
I’m going to ask you another 20 questions また質問を20問します。
but this time I'm going to mix all of the tenses
but this time I’m going to mix all of the tenses 今回は、すべての時制を混ぜましょう
"Habit", "Now", "Future" and "Past",
"Habit", "Now", "Future" and "Past", ここからは『習慣』と『今』と『未来』と『過去』
all of the tenses are going to be in the next 20 questions
all of the tenses are going to be in the next 20 questions 次の20問にはこれらの全ての時制が使われています
again if you haven't watched the previous episodes
again if you haven’t watched the previous episodes 前回の動画をまだご覧になっていない方は、
please go back and watch the previous episodes
please go back and watch the previous episodes この続きを観ないで、前回に戻って
you need them to be able to do this next part
you need them to be able to do this next part ご覧になってから、先に進んでください
go back and watch them again
go back and watch them again 先にこれまでの動画を観てください
listen for the keywords in each of the questions
listen for the keywords in each of the questions 質問の中のキーワードをしっかり聞き取って
the keyword for “Habit” is “do” and “does”
the keyword for “Habit” is “do” and “does” 『習慣』のキーワードは『Do』と『Does』
the keyword for “Now” is “be + verb + ING”
the keyword for “Now” is “be + verb + ING” 『今』のキーワードは『BE』+『動詞』+『ING』
the keyword for “Future” is “be going to + verb”
the keyword for “Future” is “be going to + verb” 『未来』のキーワードは『BE GOING TO』+『動詞』
and the keyword for “past” is “did”
and the keyword for “past” is “did” 『過去』のキーワードは『did』です
okay? 大丈夫ですか?
20 questions,
20 questions, 質問は20問で
5 seconds to respond
5 seconds to respond それぞれ回答時間は5秒
and please respond with full grammar
and please respond with full grammar フルセンテンスで答えて下さい
here we go
here we go 準備はいいですか?
Number one!
Number one! ナンバーワン!
Where do you live?
Where do you live? どこに住んでいますか?
I live in Kanazawa.
I live in Kanazawa. 金沢に住んでいます。
What are you doing?
What are you doing? 今、何をしていますか?
I am studying English.
I am studying English. 英語を勉強しています
What are you going to do tomorrow?
What are you going to do tomorrow? 明日は何をしますか?
I'm going to shop tomorrow.
I'm going to shop tomorrow. 明日はショッピングに行きます
What did you do yesterday?
What did you do yesterday? 昨日は何をしましたか?
I worked yesterday.
I worked yesterday. 昨日は仕事しました
What time did you wake up this morning?
What time did you wake up this morning? 今朝は何時に起きましたか?
I woke up at 8.
I woke up at 8. 今朝は、8時に起きました。
What time are you going to go to bed tonight?
What time are you going to go to bed tonight? 今晩は何時に寝ますか?
I'm going to go to bed at 12.
I'm going to go to bed at 12. 12時に寝ます
How often do you go to bed before 10?
How often do you go to bed before 10? どのくらいの頻度で10時前に寝ますか?
I often go to bed before 10. I go to bed before 10 about 4 times a week.
I often go to bed before 10. I go to bed before 10 about 4 times a week. よく10時前に寝ますよ。週に4回ぐらいです
Did you go to bed before 10 last night?
Did you go to bed before 10 last night? 昨日は10時前に寝ましたか?
No, I didn't.
No, I didn't. いいえ、寝ませんでした
What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
What did you eat for breakfast this morning? 今朝は何を食べましたか?
I ate cereals.
I ate cereals. シリアルを食べました
How often do you eat toast for breakfast?
How often do you eat toast for breakfast? どのくらいの頻度で朝ごはんにトーストを食べますか?
I sometimes eat toast for breakfast. I eat toast for breakfast twice a week.
I sometimes eat toast for breakfast. I eat toast for breakfast twice a week. 時々朝ごはんにトーストを食べますよ 週に2回ぐらいです。
Do you have a best friend?
Do you have a best friend? 友人はいますか?
Yes, I do.
Yes, I do. はい、いますよ。
Where does your best friend live?
Where does your best friend live? 友人はどこに住んでいますか?
My best friend lives in Kanazawa.
My best friend lives in Kanazawa. 金沢に住んでいます。
What is he/she doing now?
What is he/she doing now? 友人は今何をしていますか?
He is probably watching T.V.
He is probably watching T.V. 恐らくテレビを観ています
How often do you see your best friend?
How often do you see your best friend? 友人とはどのくらいの頻度で会っていますか?
I sometimes see my best friend. I see my best friend about once a week.
I sometimes see my best friend. I see my best friend about once a week. 時々会います。週1回ぐらいです
When are you going to see your best friend?
When are you going to see your best friend? 友人とは次にいつ会いますか?
I'm going to see him tomorrow night.
I'm going to see him tomorrow night. 明日の夜に会います
Where did your best friend go last weekend?
Where did your best friend go last weekend? 先週末、友人はどこへ行きましたか?
I don't know. He maybe went to CostCo.
I don't know. He maybe went to CostCo. 分かりません。多分コストコへ行きました。
Does your best friend work?
Does your best friend work? 友人は仕事をしていますか?
Yes, he does.
Yes, he does. はい、しています
What does your best friend do?
What does your best friend do? 友人は何の仕事をしていますか?
He works in a bar.
He works in a bar. バーで仕事をしています
How often does your best friend message you?
How often does your best friend message you? どのぐらい頻度で友人はあなたにメールをしますか?
He always messages me. He messages me every day.
He always messages me. He messages me every day. いつもメールをします。毎日です。
When does your best friend have a day off?
When does your best friend have a day off? 友人の休みの日はいつですか?
He has a day off every Sunday.
He has a day off every Sunday. 毎週日曜日に休みます。
Excellent work, guys! Well done
Excellent work, guys! Well done よくできましたね、みなさん!
Now, please go back to the start of these questions
Now, please go back to the start of these questions 質問の最初に戻って
turn on the subtitles here at the bottom
turn on the subtitles here at the bottom 字幕をONにして
I have written many examples for you to learn from
I have written many examples for you to learn from 字幕の中にある例文を見て下さい
if you didn't understand a question, go back
if you didn’t understand a question, go back 質問や答え方が分からなかったら、戻って、
turn on the subtitles and
turn on the subtitles and 例文を見て
look at my examples
look at my examples 確認して
and learn from those examples!
and learn from those examples! 勉強してください!
you can watch this as many times as you want
you can watch this as many times as you want この動画を何回も観てください
many, many, many times,
many, many, many times, 何回も何回も!
the more you watch this the better your English will be
the more you watch this the better your English will be 観れば観るほど英語力が上がりますよ
if that was difficult, don't worry
if that was difficult, don’t worry 難しくても心配しないで下さい!
go back, try again!
go back, try again! できるようになるまで戻って、チャレンジしましょう!
Keep trying
Keep trying 練習を続けてください
until it gets easier
until it gets easier 簡単に答えられるようになるまで何回も
if that was very easy, then congratulations,
if that was very easy, then congratulations, 簡単にできる方、おめでとうございます
your English is amazing!
your English is amazing! あなたの英語はすばらしい!
so, next time I'm going to ask you
so, next time I’m going to ask you 次回はまた質問を20問します
another 20 mixed questions, okay?
another 20 mixed questions, okay? 時制が混ざったものですよ。OK?
but next time I'm going to speak faster
but next time I’m going to speak faster でも次回はもっと速いスピードで話します
in these videos I speak very slowly
in these videos I speak very slowly 今はとてもゆっくり話していますよ
“What… time…. do… you…. get.. up?”
“What… time…. do… you…. get.. up?” 何… 時に.. 起きます… か?
that's very, very slow
that’s very, very slow いつもよりかなりゆっくりと話しています
naturally in English
naturally in English 普段は英語を話すときは
I would say
I would say こんな感じです
“What time do you get up?”
“What time do you get up?” 『何時に起きますか?』
“What time do you get up?”
“What time do you get up?” 『何時に起きますか?』
that is natural speed for a native English speaker
that is natural speed for a native English speaker ネイティブの自然なスピードです
so I'm going to ask you those questions next time
so I’m going to ask you those questions next time 次回はいろいろな時制の質問を
in native speed,
in native speed, ネイティブのスピードでします
close to native speed,
close to native speed, ネイティブの速さに近いスピードですね
nearly native speed,
nearly native speed, ネイティブの速さに近い
…faster! 今より速いのは間違いないです
Thanks for watching
Thanks for watching 観てくれてありがとうございます!
remember to “like” and "subscribe"
remember to “like” and "subscribe" 「いいね」とチャンネル登録もよろしくお願いします
remember to tell your friends about this amazing speaking tool
remember to tell your friends about this amazing speaking tool 友達にもこの動画のことを教えてあげてください
don't forget to click the share button down below
don't forget to click the share button down below 「共有」ボタンをクリックして
and share this with your friends!
and share this with your friends! お友達とシェアしてくださいね
This will help you speak better English, it will!
This will help you speak better English, it will! この動画を観ると英語が上手になれますよ、絶対に!
And it's free!
And it’s free! しかも、無料です!
Thank you very much, guys, and remember,
Thank you very much, guys, and remember, ありがとうございます
If you want to speak English,
If you want to speak English, 英語を話したいなら、
I'm right by your side
I’m right by your side いつも僕がとなりにいます!
Thank you guys, see you next time!
Thank you guys, see you next time! ありがとうございました! またよろしくお願いします!