字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Today we're taking the family and heading into the heart of Tokyo to Harajuku. 家族で原宿に行きます This famous area has a lot of shopping, an amazing park and other surprises just waiting to be discovered. 沢山のお店や公園が楽しめます The girls are looking for something very specific, 女子はお買い物 but will they find what they're looking for, or something completely different in the end? 欲しい物は見つかるでしょうか It's always a guess, when you're heading on adventure to Harajuku. 原宿は楽しさで溢れています! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 電車が来たよ! Oo, the train is here! Here we go. 行こう! Whoa, nice guys. 座れたね We're moving, here we go. 発車です [Announcer] The next stop is Yoyogi Koen, C2. 今日は原宿にお出かけ いい天気です It's a beautiful day, so we're going to Harajuku to meet up with family and friends. 最初は珍しい場所に行きます We're ready to have fun, and it doesn't take us long to make our first crazy discovery. 変わった公衆トイレがあるとの噂です We've heard about a public toilet like no other, but we're about to see it for ourselves. すごい! Oh my - look! You can see. 丸見えだ! This is not a bathroom! トイレじゃない! Yes it is! Look! トイレだよ! Can you see it? 見て OK, let's see what happens when Becca goes in. ベッカが入りました She locks it. 閉めて You have to lock it Becca. 施錠します Uh! 変わった! Oh!! There we go! ベッカは見えないよ We can't see Becca. Can you see us, Becca? 私も! Wait I want to try! 開けて! I want to try, open it up! ジョシュアの番 Yea yea, OK Joshua, let's try. - 撮るわ - 準備は? I'm going to video you - OK - 少し臭う OK, ready Dude? 公衆トイレだからね OK. Ew, it kind of stinks in here. 閉めて Just like a good public bathroom does. すごいね! OK Dude- whoa! アナが来た How cool is that, huh? Whoa! 見られてると思うと変 Oh, here comes Anna. そうだね! You kind of get nervous that someone's looking at you. 「誰も見てない?」 って感じ I would imagine! よし I was like "Wait, can anybody see me?" トイレで撮影するとはね Alright. 日本のトイレは世界一です Who ever though we would do a video on a toilet? 日本の透明トイレを見ました Well, Japan has the coolest toilets in the world. There you go. 代々木公園で友人と合流します Having scratched Japan's Translucent Public Bathroom off of our bucket list, 岩の上! it was time to go meet up with some friends and family at Yoyogi Park before adventuring on to explore Harajuku. そうだね! Only stay on the rocks. すごいな! Only stay on the rocks! Life in Japan のTシャツです What a challenge, Dude! オンラインストアで買えます 今は日本限定販売です I'm wearing a 3/4 t-shirt, Life in Japan T-shirt. 是非ご覧下さい They're on our webstore バックもあります For Japan only right now, 雑貨も But go check it out, there's some fun stuff there. 気持ち良い秋日和 Some nice bags... サラ それは? Things. 一緒に食べる It is a pretty fall day. Not even cold. サンドイッチクッキーだね Oh Sarah, what do we have there? メープルサンドクッキー You keep it together. 美味しい? See! It's like a sandwich cookie. 調子は? Maple Sandwich Cookie. やあ How is it? Glorious? スクーターで登場です What's up, what's up?! いいね How's it going? ありがとう! Look who scooters in! 代々木公園には色々な人が訪れます Nice scooter. イジー!エヴィ! Thanks man. It's my wife's. エリアナ! Yoyogi Park is a popular place for many subculture groups to meet up, まずは仲間と公園で過ごします Izzy! And Evie! And Eliana! 上手 アナ! And today our group is meeting up here to enjoy some outdoor games and time together. 公園の反対側には 原宿駅やお店があります Oh good job, Anna! サラはお昼寝? On the other side of the park sits Harajuku station and shopping area, which we will soon head to. うん! Are you going to take a little nap, Sarah? アナ 何を描いてる? Yea! 木 Anna, what are you drawing? 木だね 上手! A tree. あの木だね A tree, yes. Look at that. うん I think it's that one over there, isn't it? 公園の後は ランチとショッピングです Yea. マクドナルドかも! After some fun at the park, it was time to look for lunch and shopping. 本当?それが食べたい気分? We might eat McDonalds now! サラ 次は? Oh is that right? Is that what you guys want to eat? 次は原宿です Sarah, where are we going now? そうか Next is Harajuku. 次は原宿です! Is it? Whoa. ジョシュアも! Next is Harajuku. 原宿で何がほしい? Joshua too. 筆箱 OK girls, what are you hoping to find in Harajuku? 筆箱? pencil case 他は? Is that so? プレゼント Anything else? もうすぐ誕生日だね Presents? That we want? Birthday? Yeah. 1週間 Oh, birthday ideas, huh? Your birthday is almost here. - 何歳になる? - 13 In a week. Oh, in a week. 13!ティーンエイジャー! How old are you going to be? 13. ティーンエイジャーが2人! 13, a teenager! すごい! Oh! Two teenagers in the house. アナ こうやって Oh my goodness. 開けて OK Anna, you need to go like this, ok? 木につかまって Open it up. ヤダ! OK, and then hold onto the tree. ベッカ 落とさないで What?!! No no no no no! ダメだ Becca, don't drop me. 大きすぎるね I can't hold on. 待って I know, it's too big for her to hold on. パパ! Hold on. マジで!無理! Daddy! Becca!! どうだった? For real! For real! I can't take it. ヤバくて大変 What was that like? 命懸け! It's scary and hard at the same time. すごい! You have to hold on for your life! 意地悪さんは助けてくれない Oh my! ベッカはいい人 And if the person is mean, they won't help you. でも見捨てた! Rebecca's nice. 大変 But one time I didn't help her. あの木見た? Oh no! ブレス オブ ザ ワイルドに似てない? Did you guys see that tree? ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド Doesn't that look like something out of Breath of the Wild? あの木 Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild? そう What do you think? What? 読む人? That tree there. 1921年 That? Yea. 誕生日だね OK, who's going to read the plaque for us? ほぼ100歳 It's 1921. 101歳 Whoa, it's almost it's birthday. 綺麗な木 1921, yea it's almost 100 years old. あの紅葉を見て It's 101 years old. 素晴らしい色付きです It's a pretty tree. 笑って! Look at those trees — the orange. もっと! Oh, look at the colors here today are just awesome. 3・2・1 Smile. 変顔! Big smiles. 公園の次は買い物です 3, 2, 1... 原宿! Now crazy face! Go! すごい OK heading out of the park and we're going to go into the shopping. 人がたくさん There's Harajuku! すごい景色 My goodness. 小さなイケアです Lots and lots of people today 他のお店よりは小さい Look at these views — whoa! ユニクロもあります Look, it's a tiny IKEA. 人がたくさん Well I don't know if it's tiny, but it's tinier than the other ones. マクドナルドだ! And a nice Uniqlo store. ランチタイム! Oh yea, look at that guys. 向こうは… There's a McDonalds! お昼ご飯です Alright, lunch time. Oh boy! お昼を食べて アナ 何がほしい? And look over there... 筆箱 They're having their lunch, oh yes! そうだね OK, lunch is done and now, Anna, what do you hope to find? これがほしい? pencil case ちがう That's right. 見て サラ! Uh oh. Is this what we really want here? すごい! No. 売り物? Oh my, look at that, Sarah! サラにあげる? Holy cow! 筆箱 Can I buy it? いいね Would you get it for Sarah? こうやると 全部開くよ Oh! Pencil case. こうする Very cool. いいね Wow. お気に入りの筆箱は 見つからなかったようです If you didn't know, this comes and it can like open up the whole thing. 進みましょう Yeah? 混んでるね Like that. すごい Cool. 人気です Of the pencil cases the girls saw, they didn't see any that were cute enough for their standards. 女子より先に ジョシュアが見つけました We would move on. - ジョシュアとサラが ポケモンを見つけました - かわいい! Oh here we go. It's packed in here! ベッカ 何か見つかった? Oh my goodness! - ダメ - アナは? It must be a popular place. まだ Even though it was the girls day out shopping, it was Joshua who soon found something he wanted. ジョシュア それは? Oh my. Joshua and Sarah found there Pokemons. イーブイ He's too cute! ポケモン? Becca, any luck yet? Did you find any cool ones? ほしかったの? No. ポケモンカードもある How about you, Anna? イーブイの? No. Not yet? サラが Joshua, what did you find? サラが? EV アッシャーも EV Pokemon? Yep. いいね Whoa, is that what you want to get? Yep. 女子はまだ探しています There's a Pokemon card of EV... 女子の買い物なのに ジョシュアが先に見つけたね You have a Pokemon card of him? ここよ No, Sarah. 人が多かったね Sarah does? ジョシュアの新しい友達 Yea, and Asher. 見て! Oh cool. 席が空いてるよ! After scouting out a number of other places, the girls hadn't found just what they wanted yet. ほしい物は見つからずとも 楽しかった様子です How ironic is it that the girls went shopping but only Joshua found something to buy? 一日歩いたので 座れてとてもうれしい気持ちです OK, let's go over here. 筆箱を見つけるため "プランB" を実行します There was a lot of people out there today, huh? サラ 教えてくれる? But Joshua got a little buddy. OK Oh look at that— look at all the seats for us right there. Isn't that perfect? アナ お願い! Even though the girls didn't find exactly what they wanted, everyone was thrilled to sit down for a bit. はさまれないように ご注意ください Anyone who has spent the day in the city knows the joy of finding an open seat on a train after a long day on their feet! ありがとうございました さようなら! It was on this train ride home that we decided a plan B for finding a pencil case the girls liked. 来ました OK Sarah, can you be our narrator here? 空いてるよ Ok. 朝は混んでたね Yea Anna, can you say the [announcement sound]? 着きました Please be careful not to touch イーブイ! Thank you. Goodbye. パルクール Here's our train. そうだね I don't think we'll have to squeeze in this time. アナ 上手に描けたね! This morning we sure did, didn't we Sarah? ベランダは? Yea. いい Oh, here we go. We made it. 気に入った? EV! Oh, did you get EV out? うん Parkour いい場所 Oh yea, alright. 公園のスケッチだね Whoa- oh! うん Whoa Anna, look at that, it looks so good! いいね How about this little place here? 切る? This is nice. どうぞ Whoa. I think you maybe have a new favorite spot here? ベッカです Yea. ダメ! Wow, what a spot. 筆箱を地元で探そうと思います I like what you're drawing. That's what you started at the park, huh? 新しい地元を探検しつつ 何か見つかるといいです Yep. 見て! Cool. 夜は綺麗だね There you go. Want me to cut this off too? 工事が終わったね Well, I'll wait. 綺麗になったね Becca's going to town! パルクールする? No! OK As night fell, we geared up for one more excursion to see if we couldn't find something locally. 3・2・1! Spending a little more time together exploring our new local surroundings would be fun, - おっと - 怖い! even if we didn't find anything the girls liked yet. そう? Look how pretty it is. ジョシュアもしたそう I know, it's pretty at night, isn't it? 大丈夫? Yea, you can see what it's going to look like once it's all done. 大丈夫? Oh how pretty. 大変だ It's peachy at night. ママがいないと無理 We're going to do some parkour? サラは上手 OK, 3, 2, 1 そうだね Oh! That is scary! サラちゃん 原宿では見つからなかったね It's scary? イーブイだけ Joshua's like "I have got to try this." ここで探してみよう Oh! Are you ok?! パパ こっち! Are you ok, Dude?! - 来ました - ベッカを撮って It did not look good. 電車じゃなくて ベッカだよ! You don't do it without mommy. 3・2・1! I like Sarah's way of doing it. YMCA! That's a little more like it. YMCA! Well Sarah chan, we didn't find... well we didn't find anything for you guys earlier, did we? 筆箱を売っているお店を探します Only EV ここでも見つかりません No, so now we're going to go look for something, huh? 新しい発見がありました Daddy, look back! 名前ができた? Yes yes! Take a video of Becca! 文字は足りる? Not the train, Becca. Becca's more funny than the train 私の名前はカリンドローム 3, 2, 1 "Y M C A!" パリンドローム(回文) Y M C A! アナは英語では回文 We're just look to see if Becca and Anna find any stores that might have a pencil case. そうだね We stopped in more stores, but still didn't find what they wanted. 家族みんなの時間が 楽しければ十分です We did however continue to make some other fun discoveries along the way. 家族ごとに違うでしょうが What- you found your name, Sarah? 一緒に幸せな時間を過ごすことが 健康で愛に満ちた生活の土台です Yeah. Is it all the letters you need? それが家族です Hey everybody, my name is a palindrome 早く出よう It's a palindrome. これはヤダ! My name is "A N N A" so you can spell it from backwards and forwards. そうだね! Oh, the same way, huh? 楽しい日だったね! More important than what we did or did not find was the quality time our family spent together. Every family is different in what they like to do, but spending quality time together and being completely engaged in it is a decision that generates healthier relationships in the family, which in turn generates more love and trust. And this is what fuels healthy family life. Whoa! There it goes! Getting off the tracks for sure, huh? We don't want to be blah! No, that is for sure! What a big day that was.
A2 初級 日本語 原宿 サラ ジョシュア ベッカ アナ 公園 Japan's Craziest Bathroom (and other adventures near Harajuku) | Life in Japan Episode 185 7 1 Summer に公開 2022 年 11 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語