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  • Manaslu is the world's 8th highest mountain standing, at 8,163 meters.


  • For climbers looking to summit eight-thousanders, Manaslu offers a great first step.


  • Manaslu allows you to test your body and your skills in a more controlled environment, before progressing to higher peaks such as Everest and K2.


  • Our expedition runs for a month throughout the whole of September.


  • We meet in Kathmandu before we fly to Samagoan via helicopter.


  • Then, we'll trek a short distance of the base camp, from where you can have an amazing view of the whole of the valley.

  • After some training at the base camp, we will then be ready for an acclimatization rotation, before pushing for the summit.


  • If you dream of summiting Everest or want to experience the unforgettable feeling of submitting (an) eight-thousander,


  • Manaslu should be next on your list.


  • [A new era in mountain guiding has begun.]

  • [Led by three of the most groundbreaking mountaineers of a generation.]

  • [In the only way they operate...]

  • [...from the front.]

  • [Elite Exped director, Nimsdai Purja, MBE]

  • [Former UK Special Forces operator, 14 x 8,000m mountains in 6 months, first winter ascent of K2, 10 x mountaineering world records, Piolets d'Or award 2019]

  • [Elite Exped director, Mingma David Sherpa]

  • [Youngest person to climb all 14 x 8,000ers, first winter ascent of K2, 2 x mountaineering world records, Piolets d'Or award 2018]

  • [Elite Exped director, Mingma Tenzi Sherpa]

  • [First winter ascent of K2, 20 successful summits of 8,000m mountains, 8 Everest summits]

  • [With unparalleled leadership, industry leading safety through meticulous planning and logistics, VIP experience as standard,]

  • [this is...]

  • [... above + beyond + adventure]

  • [Elite Exped]

  • [Always a little higher.]

Manaslu is the world's 8th highest mountain standing, at 8,163 meters.


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