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COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
When a person is infected, the most common symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath
To start a test
The samples can be collected by a nasopharyngeal swab or an oropharyngeal swab. For Nasopharyngeal specimen
the swab is inserted in the nostril and gently moved forward into the nasopharynx
then it is rotated for a specified period time to collect secretions that contain the virus
Once the swabbing is applied, the swab is placed immediately into sterile tube containing a viral transport medium
The standard method of coronavirus testing is polymerase chain reaction, PCR
Which is a method that used widely in molecular biology to make millions to billions of copies of a specific DNA fragment rapidly
Coronaviruses contain an extraordinarily long single-stranded RNA genome
To detect these viruses with PCR, RNA molecules must be converted into their complementary DNA sequences by reverse transcriptase
Then the newly synthesized DNA can be amplified by standard PCR procedures
This approach is universally known as RT-PCR
To perform this method, basically viral RNA should be extracted
Several RNA purification kits are available for convenient, fast and effective isolation
To extract the viral RNA by using commercial kit
the sample is first added into a microcentrifuge tube. Then it's mixed with a lysis buffer
This buffer is highly denaturing and is usually consists of phenol, and guanidine isothiocyanate
Also, RNase inhibitors are usually present in the lysis buffer to ensure isolation of intact viral RNA
Once the lysis buffer is added, the tube is mixed by pulse-vortexing, and incubated at room temperature
Then the virus is lysed under the highly denaturing conditions provided by the lysis buffer
Once the sample is lysed, a purification procedure is carried out by using a Spin column
the sample is loaded onto the spin column
then a centrifugation is performed
This procedure is a solid phase extraction method, in which the stationary phase consists of a silica matrix
Under optimal salt and pH conditions, RNA molecules are bind to the silica gel membrane, and at the same time
protein and other contaminants are not retained
After centrifugation, the spin column is placed into a clean collection tube, and the filtrate is discarded. Then a wash buffer is added
The column is put in a centrifuge again, forcing the wash buffer through the membrane.This removes any remaining impurities from the membrane
leaving only the RNA bound to the silica gel
Once the sample is washed, the column is placed in a clean microcentrifuge tube, and an elution buffer is added
Then a centrifugation is carried out, forcing the elution buffer through the membrane
The elution buffer removes the viral RNA from the spin column
And a purified RNA, which is free of protein, inhibitors, and other contaminants is obtained
After the extraction of the viral RNA, the next step is the preparation of the reaction mixture for PCR amplification
In this step, a master mix is used which is a premixed concentrated solution, that consists of buffer, Reverse Transcriptase enzyme
Nucleotides, Forward Primer, Reverse Primer, TaqMan probe, and DNA polymerase
Finally, to complete this reaction mixture, the RNA template is added
The tube is Mixed by pulse-vortexing
then the reaction mixture is loaded into a PCR plate, which generally contain 96 wells
Allowing the analysis of several samples at the same time
Next, the plate is placed in a PCR machine, which is essentially a thermal cycler
Real-time RT-PCR is used for the detection of the new coronavirus 2019
by the amplification of target sequences in the Rdrp gene, the E gene and the N gene
The choice of the target gene depends on the primers and the probe sequences
The first step in RT-PCR is reverse transcription
The first-strand complementary DNA synthesis, is primed with the PCR reverse primer
which hybridizes to a complementary part of the virus RNA genome
Reverse transcriptase then adds DNA nucleotides onto the 3-prime end of the primer
Synthesizing DNA complementary of the viral RNA
The temperature and duration of this step depend on the primer, the target RNA and the reverse transcriptase used
Next, an initial denaturation step is applied, causing denaturation of the RNA-DNA hybrids
This step is required for the activation of DNA polymerase
and simultaneously the inactivation of reverse transcriptase
PCR consists of a series of thermal cycles, with each cycle consisting of Denaturation, Annealing, and Extension steps
Denaturation step consists of heating the reaction chamber to 95 degree Celsius.
And it is used for denaturation of the double-stranded DNA template
In the next step
the reaction temperature is lowered to 58 degree Celsius
allowing annealing of the forward primer to its complementary part of the single-stranded DNA template
The annealing temperature relies directly on length and composition of the primers
In the extension step, the DNA polymerase synthesizes a new DNA strand
complementary to the DNA template strand
by adding free Nucleotides from the reaction mixture that are complementary to the template in the 5' to 3' direction
The temperature at this step depends on the DNA polymerase used
After the first cycle, the double-stranded DNA target is obtained
Then, the denaturation of this double-stranded DNA is performed
yielding two single-stranded DNA molecules
In the next step, the reaction temperature is lowered, allowing annealing of the primers to each of the single-stranded DNA templates
and annealing of the Taq-man probe to its complementary part of the target DNA
TaqMan probe consists of a fluorophore covalently attached to the 5' end of the oligonucleotide probe
the fluorescence is emitted by the fluorophore when is excited by the cycler's light source
Also, this probe consists of a quencher at the 3' end
The close proximity of the reporter to the quencher prevents detection of its fluorescence
In the extension step, DNA polymerase synthesizes new strands. When the polymerase reaches a TaqMan probe
its endogenous 5' nuclease activity cleaves the probe, separating the dye from the quencher
With each cycle of PCR, more dye molecules are released
resulting in an increase in fluorescence intensity proportional to the amount of amplicon synthesized
This method allows the estimation of the amount of a given sequence present in a sample
The number of double stranded DNA pieces is doubled in each cycle
therefore, PCR can be used to analyze extremely small amounts of sample.
For the measurement of the fluorescence signal
a Tungsten- Halogen lamp
an Excitation filter, Mirrors, lens, an Emission filter
and a Charge-coupled device - CCD camera are used
Filtered light from the lamp is reflected off mirror, passes through a condensing lens, and is focused into the center of each well
then Fluorescent light emitted from the wells reflects off the mirror, passes through an emission filter
and is detected by the CCD camera
In each PCR cycle, Light from excited fluorophore can be detected by the CCD
which converts the light that it captures into digital data
This method is known as real time PCR
which allows the monitoring of the progress of the PCR reaction as it occurs in real time