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  • [Music] hello and greetings from Cate Breton Nova Scotia we recently spent a week road

    [音楽] こんにちは、ノバスコシア州のケイト・ブレトンからのご挨拶です。私たちは最近

  • tripping the island and what an adventure that was this was our fourth summer exploring

    、島を 1 週間ロードトリップしました。これは、

  • Nova Scotia and this time around we focused on Southern Cape Breton specifically the area

    ノバスコシア州を探索する 4 回目の夏であり、今回はケープ・ブレトン南部、特に

  • between Saint Peters and Port Hastings I think this is a really interesting area to visit

    セント・ピーターズ間 のエリアに焦点を当てました。 ポート ヘイスティングスとポート ヘイスティングス ここは非常にアクセスしやすいので、訪れるのに本当に興味深いエリアだと思い

  • because it is very accessible Port Hastings is the first town you hit if you're Crossing

    ます ポート ヘイスティングスは、カンソ コーズウェイを渡る場合、最初に出会う町です

  • via the kanso causeway the only land access point to the island so it's a logical starting

    島への唯一の陸上アクセス ポイントなので、論理的な出発

  • point and it makes a lot of sense for travelers who want to see a bit of Cape Breton Nova Scotia without

    点であり、 あまり遠くまで車を走ら せずにノバスコシア州ケープブレトンを見たい旅行者にとってはとても理にかなっています

  • having to drive too far we spent our week in southern Cape Breton doing an iconic sale


  • from Lake to Sea feasting on seafood at every meal tackling different hiking trails and


  • enjoying the warm Hospitality the island is known for so hit that subscribe button and


  • join us as we explore Southern Cape Breton travel guide


  • hello hello good morning guys so for our first activity of the day we are getting ready to


  • go on a boat tour of the Saint Peter's canal and we're gonna get to learn about their lock


  • system and how the bra door Lake flows into the ocean and you know they've got different

    システムと、ブラのドア湖がどのように海に流れ込むか について学びます。

  • tides and things like that so there's a bit of a system to get the boats to go from Lake


  • to Sea yeah and I mean this is the part of Canada we're going on a boat is practically


  • your Birthright I mean Nova Scotia is surrounded by water is considered Canada's oceans playground


  • and I can't wait for us to go out sailing today foreign

    と考えられており、今日セーリングに出かけるのが待ちきれません 外国

  • [Music]


  • Canal National Historic Site is an 800 meter title lock Canal designed to compensate for

    運河国定史跡は 800 メートルのタイトルロックです 運河

  • the tidal differences between the ocean and the lake the canal traces its history back

    は海と湖の潮の差 を補うために設計されています その歴史

  • to a traditional mikma Portage route and later affordified 17th century French Trading Post

    は、伝統的なミクマ ポーテージ ルートにまでさかのぼり、後に 17 世紀のフランス交易所 が購入できるようになりました。水門

  • the lock has Double Gates that close in a diamond shape and this is because depending

    にはダイヤモンド形に閉じるダブル ゲートがあります。これは

  • on the tides it could be the Lakeside or the ocean side that has the higher water levels

    、潮の干満に応じて湖側または海側の水位が高くなる可能性があるためです。 ter レベル

  • we did our tour through Richmond Adventure planning sailboat tours aboard the kunamara

    では、リッチモンド アドベンチャーのツアーを行いました。ケルト語で海の犬を意味するクナマラ

  • which is a Celtic word meaning Hound of the sea the tour was an hour and a half in length

    に乗ってヨット ツアーを計画しました。ツアーの長さは 1 時間半で

  • and we got to learn about the history of the canal and also hear about some of the fun


  • events that take place during the year like swim the canal [Music] foreign [Music]

    運河を泳ぐ [音楽] 外国 [音楽] など、年間を通して行われる

  • that was a lot of fun it was so much fun all right guys

    いくつかの楽しい イベント。 とても楽しかったです

  • we are back in the car because it's starting to rain we finished that tour just in time


  • and that was a lot of fun and we got to sail through the Saint Peter's Canal it was amazing


  • and uh Gordon was a fantastic guide yes very nice gentleman um couldn't have had a better


  • Captain very relaxed it's very friendly yeah the scenery was incredible and it was fascinating

    の船長はとてもリラックス できませんでした。

  • to see the procedure of how they they opened the canal Yeah so basically we were entering


  • from the Lakeside towards the ocean so first they had to stop traffic and like this bridge

    、彼らが運河をどのように開通したかを見るのは魅力的でした ええ、基本的に私たちは湖畔から海に向かって入っ

  • swings open the boat goes through and then you have these two sets of locks That Swing

    て い たので、最初に彼らは交通を止めなければなりませんでした。

  • open because obviously the water level between the lake and the ocean it's different and

    明らかに、湖と海の間の水位が異なり、 最高で最大3フィートになる可能性がある

  • at its highest it can be up to three feet so you kind of enter the lock mechanism then

    ため 、これらの2つのロックセットが 開いています。ロックメカニズムに入ると、

  • the water level either drops or Rises is and then the next set of locks opens and off you


  • go and once they had that part ready we were out out sailing so it is quite the procedure


  • but very cool to see I think that was my first time going through a lock system yeah so yeah


  • it's the thing to do if you're in this part of Cape Breton kind of like the southeastern

    、ケープブレトンの南 東海岸

  • shore yeah I would highly recommend it for sure it's just a I mean when you're in Nova


  • Scotia you got to get out on a boat and you got to explore the waters [Music] thank you

    ええ、 ノバスコシアにいるときは、外に出なければ ならないということです。 ボートに乗り、海を探索しました [音楽]

  • after the sailing tour we drove down to Iowa Dam where we stopped to have lunch at the

    セーリング ツアーの後、アイオワ ダムまで車で行き、エリシャの

  • island nest in erisha we got their fisherman platter with haddocks scallops shrimp and


  • clam strips with a side of french fries and coleslaw the portions were pretty big so you

    た。フライド ポテトとコールスローの部分かなり大きかったので、

  • can probably share the platters their menu also featured fish and chips fish burgers

    おそらく大皿を共有できます 彼らのメニューにはフィッシュアンドチップスのフィッシュバーガー

  • and breaded shrimp so you basically come here for the seafood so guys I am here with my


  • clam chowder it is so good like it's such a cold rainy day so this is exactly what I


  • wanted [Music] clams Lobster a little bit of everything and vegetables too oh there's

    。 これはまさに私 が 欲しかっ たものです

  • celery potato this is just perfect for the weather oh my gosh I have an amazing Seafood

    [音楽] あさり ロブスター 野菜も少しあります

  • fighter come check this out look at that shrimp clams haddock and last but not least scallops

    セロリポテトもあります これは天気にぴったりです そして最後にホタテ

  • and I've got three different sauces gravy homemade gravy for the fries seafood sauce

    と 3 つの異なるソースのグレービーソースを用意しました フライド ポテト用の自家製グレービー シーフード ソース

  • and then tartar sauce yeah fried scallops are my favorites they're the best guys look

    とタルタル ソース うん、フライド ホタテは私のお気に入りです

  • at that a whole lot of tartar sauce [Music]

    。 車に戻ってすごいですね。はい、その食事はどうですか、とても満足

  • amazing back in the car yes how's that meal oh so satisfying it's really our first taste


  • of the seafood that we're gonna be having while we're yeah in Nova Scotia so what a

    の本当に最初の味 です。

  • what a delightful treat it was you eat well on the island oh yeah full satisfied not not


  • gut busting but I was a nice big hearty meal and the perfect kind of food something to


  • warm us up as it's raining a little bit and we're gonna do price point as is always requested

    、少し雨が降っているので私たちを温める のに最適な種類の食べ物でした。

  • that meal was 48 yeah so twenty four dollars per person and we got the Fisherman's Platter

    食事は48でした 。 1 人あたり 24 ドルで、フィッシャーマンズ プラッター

  • the clam chowder the iced tea and ginger ale and the gravy the home and the greens and

    、クラムチャウダー、アイスティー、ジンジャー エール、グレービー、ホーム、グリーン

  • the biscuits and the crackers yeah [Music]


  • okay so this next attraction we're bringing you to it's called the Lenoir Forge this is

    を手に入れました。レノア フォージと呼ばれる、これは

  • the historical building right behind me and we've just learned that this place used to


  • be a ship's chandlery an ice house and a Tavern as well as a forge so it's had a lot of different

    は船の食器棚、アイス ハウス、酒場、鍛冶場であったことを最近 知りまし

  • uses over the years so we're going to bring you in show you some historical artifacts


  • and try not to get blown away by this wind [Music]

    し、この風に吹き飛ばされないようにしましょう [音楽]

  • twice a week during the summer months they have a blacksmithing demonstration the schedule

    夏の間は週に 2 回、鍛冶の実演があります。スケジュール

  • is Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 4 pm during July and August But be sure to check for updated

    は火曜日と木曜日の午後 2 時から午後 4 時です。 7 月と 8 月

  • information before you visit they also offer a 30-minute walk-in blacksmithing experience

    訪問する前 に最新情報を確認してください

  • where participants get to make a small souvenir under the guidance of the blacksmith so aside

    。参加者は鍛冶屋の指導の下で小さなお土産を作ることができる 30分間のウォークイン鍛冶体験も提供しています

  • from the forge here at the Lenoir Forge they also have these three buildings that they


  • call shanties and they're using each of these buildings to kind of showcase what life was


  • like in the area back in the day so the one we're in at the moment is the schoolhouse


  • hey Sam it's fascinating yeah it just has a very specific smell inside of here you walk

    ねえ、サム それは魅力的ですここの中の非常に特定のにおいがあなたが歩く

  • and you're like the wood the chalk it smells like being in a wood shed and it's amazing


  • to see the deaths that were used the classic chalkboard I'm old enough to have used one


  • of these I wonder if you guys have this is a like stepping back in time and you know

    はこれらの いずれかを使用するのに十分な年齢です 皆さんは、これは時間をさかのぼるような

  • what I went to a rural School in Argentina so I actually used these desks that you can


  • see here and are you serious yes yes that was wonderful oh wow and believe it or not

    ました。 ここで見る ことができます。 私たちが行動 するかどうか

  • we actually also had a stove like this that one of the students would have to eat in the

    また、このようなストーブもありました。学生の 1 人が

  • winter time no way I know I know it's hard to believe but this is I mean it feels like


  • Little House on the Prairie like that type of school yeah and yeah it's kind of nice

    大草原の小さな家のような学校のような 感じです。 ええ、

  • this isn't stepping back in time this is just reliving your childhood that's fascinating

    これは時代をさかのぼらないのはいいことです これはあなたの子供時代を追体験するだけです それは魅力的

  • we're in the next building uh-huh and as you can see it's in the dining area yes yes yeah

    です 私たちは次の建物にいます ええと ご覧のとおり、ダイニングエリアにあります はい はい はい

  • so it's meant to Showcase you know kind of utensils and just items they had in a kitchen


  • a dining area back in the day what's really capturing my attention is just the stove stove


  • and these things are built to last like this will Outlast any water and Appliance if it's


  • kept well I mean it's just so heavy duty made it's incredible you know what I'd like to

    います。よく保管されて いれば、水や電化製品よりも長持ちします。 それはとても頑丈に作られているのは信じられないほどです

  • film a stove like that one day I would too I would actually I'd use it yeah for sure

    私がいつかそのようなストーブを撮影したいことを知っています 私もそうします 私も実際にそれを使用

  • it'd be cool to you know fire it up the old-fashioned way and uh and cook you know you want to get

    します -昔ながらの方法で、ええと、料理 人は、私たちのアルゼンチン人のために私

  • me one for our Argentine home the South American one yeah we'll save up for it how's that [Music]

    にそれを手に入れたいと思っています 南米のホーム ええ、そのために節約しましょう [音楽]

  • after visiting the Lenoir Forge we continued our loop around Iowa Dam and drove to Lennox


  • passage Provincial Park this park is located on the north side of Iowa Dam so it's one


  • of the first places you come across when you drive onto the island a bit of a rainy one

    車で島に入るときに最初に出会う場所の 1 つ

  • a bit of a wet today but we have driven over to Lennox passage Provincial Park where we

    です。今日は少し雨が降っています。今日は少し雨が降っていますが、レノックス パッセージ州立公園まで車で行きました。ここで

  • can visit the Grand Deke Point Lighthouse so that's where we're bringing you along to

    グランド デケ ポイント灯台を訪れることができます。 このかわいい小さな灯台 をチェックするためにあなたを連れてきて

  • check out this cute little Lighthouse they're they're very small in this area but very I


  • don't know there's something sweet like historic and rustic and they are sweet and their locations


  • tend to be fabulous so yeah yeah we're gonna enjoy this one right here aside from being


  • home to grandik Point Lighthouse Lennox passage Provincial Park also has two kilometers of

    グランディク ポイント灯台の本拠地であることを

  • Shoreline as well as hiking trails through the forest [Music] laughs [Music]

    除け ば 、ここでこれを楽しむつもりです。

  • we then made our way back to the Groundswell Pub and Inn which also happened to be where

    グラウンドスウェルl たまたま

  • we stayed on Isle Madame this place serves up some great food and it was recommended

    マダム島に滞在していたパブとイン この場所は素晴らしい料理を提供し

  • To Us by locals over and over again so be sure to check it out if you're in the area


  • [Music]


  • bourbon maple syrup scallops like bacon every ingredient fell off and they're all combined

    バーボン メープル シロップ ホタテ ベーコンのように 材料がすべて落ちて

  • I haven't even taken a bite but I'm so excited for this I'm salivating behind the camera

    まとまり 一口も食べてないけど 興奮して カメラの後ろでよだれ

  • [Music] that's way too good where do I begin crunchiness of the bacon juiciness of the


  • scallops it absorbs the maple syrup in the bourbon


  • and then for the mains Sam got the Cajun linguine with shrimp which was divine the sauce was


  • so rich and creamy that I kept stealing bites and meanwhile I ordered the Thai green curry

    。 ハドックとライス のグリーン カレー 地元の K ブレトン

  • with haddock and rice I like this Twist on a Southeast Asian dish using local K Breton

    シーフード を使用した東南アジア料理のこのツイストが気に入って

  • seafood and now while we're talking about the Groundswell I want to mention that aside


  • from delicious food and great music they also offer a variety of accommodations you can

    、おいしい料理と素晴らしい音楽以外にも、さまざまな宿泊施設が用意されていることをお伝えしたいと思います。 から選択

  • choose between staying at the Inn where each of the rooms are named after a different song

    でき ます 各部屋の名前がビートルズの別の曲にちなんで名付けられたインに滞在する

  • by The Beatles or their two-bedroom cottage which is where we stayed the cottage is Right


  • By the Sea and it felt rustic warm and cozy plus we also got to enjoy some spectacular


  • sunrises


  • another place not to be missed in St Peter's is battery Provincial Park which can be accessed

    サン ピエトロ大聖堂で見逃せないもう 1 つの場所は、サン ピエトロ大運河からアクセスできるバッテリー州立公園

  • from the Saint Peter's Canal you just have to walk across the Lock Bridge to the east

    です。 水門橋を渡って東側に歩いて行くだけで、

  • side and you're there this Provincial Park sits on a hill overlooking Saint Peter's Bay


  • and it is home to Jerome Point Lighthouse you can enjoy some really nice panoramic views

    本拠地です 。このポイントからセントピーターズの町の

  • of the town of Saint Peters from this point plus you can watch the sailboats and fishing


  • boats make their way through the canal and out to sea the park also offers plenty of

    また、ヨットや漁船 が運河を通り、公園の海に出るのを

  • hiking trails to enjoy plus lots of campsites with epic sea views [Music]

    見ることができます。 ハイキングコース もたくさん あり、壮大な海の景色を望むキャンプ場もたくさんあります [音楽]

  • another nice activity to enjoy in Saint Peters is a walk along the Saint Peter's Coastal


  • Trail this is a 3.5 kilometer Trail one way that stretches from Saint Peter's Canal to

    トレイル に沿った散歩です。 セント ピーターズ運河からセント ピーターズ

  • River tillard along the Saint Peter's Bay the trail is on a converted Railway bed and


  • it's a grassy trail with several access points to the beach you also get some really nice

    の上にあり、ビーチへのアクセス ポイントがいくつかある芝生のトレイルです。また

  • views of battery Provincial Park and the Jerome Point Lighthouse plus it's just so nice to

    、バッテリー州立公園とジェローム ポイントの素晴らしい景色を眺めることができます

  • listen to those rolling waves and enjoy the Sea Breeze we lucked out meeting this German


  • Shepherd on the beach who wanted to play yeah yeah I'm getting him wow

    うねる 波に耳を傾け、潮風を楽しむのはとてもいいことです。ビーチでこのジャーマン

  • [Music]


  • thank you foreign

  • [Music] we also ate at the Lock Masters Pub which is located at the Brad door Lakes Inn

    会えたのは幸運でした。彼はプレーしたかったの です ブラッド ドア レイクス インにあるロック マスターズ パブで食事をしました

  • Sam got the surf and turf which came with steak and a Lobster Claw in a side of mashed

    サムはサーフ アンド ターフを食べました。サーフ アンド ターフには、ステーキとロブスター クローが添えられたマッシュポテト

  • potato swirls meanwhile I got their pan-seared scallops served with a pea and lobster risotto


  • their menu also featured all the pub food Classics plus lots of seafood pasta and the


  • best part was that they had live music in the evening foreign


  • [Music] ERS starting off with the clam chowder for appetizer looks so good we've been having

    。[音楽] 前菜のクラムチャウダーから始まるERSはとても美味しそうです。 この旅行 で

  • quite a bit of clam chowder on this trip and this one is the creamiest thickest one I have


  • seen so far it comes with clams Lobster shrimp and haddock look at that this is gonna be

    今まで見た中で最もクリーミーで濃厚なものです。アサリが入っています。ロブスター シュリンプとハドックを見て

  • good I can just tell [Music]

    ください 。 できあがり とても美味しいです じゃがいもとガーリック

  • that is how it's done that's so good it also has potato and on the side a bit of garlic

    ブレッドが添えられています わくわくするランチがあります マックとチーズが大好きです ロブスターと一緒に

  • bread my goodness I have an exciting lunch I love my Mac and Cheese you can get it with


  • lobster these are the chunks of lobster I'm getting look at that look how cheesy this

    これらはロブスターの塊です 私はそれを見ていますこれがどれほど安っぽいか見てください。これ

  • is that is gonna be the first bite

    はまったく新しいレベル の最初の一口になります。

  • whole new level it's like the Mount Everest mac and cheese really wow for the mac and


  • cheese yeah I love stir and it comes with yeah it comes with sweet potato fries and


  • more garlic bread and a chipotle dip here and I opted for the seafood pasta I got the

    ガーリックブレッド が付いてきます。 ここでチポトレディップとシーフードパスタを選びました

  • fettuccine G which comes with muscles black tie your shrimp a white wine sauce vegan scallops

    筋肉が付いているフェットチーネGを手に入れました エビを黒く結びます 白ワインソース ビーガンホタテ

  • that combination of seafood and bacon would recommend seafood and bacon is amazing yes

    シーフードとベーコンの組み合わせがシーフードとベーコンをお勧めします 素晴らしい はい

  • the walk so we drove to the port bury community Trails well guys we have arrived at our next


  • destination we are now in Port Hawkesbury and we're checking out the Port Hawkesbury

    目的地に到着しました。ポート ホークスベリーにいます。ポート ホークスベリー

  • Community Trails there is a lot of hiking to do here so yeah we're super pumped super

    コミュニティ トレイルをチェックしています。ここにはたくさんのハイキングがあります。そうです

  • excited the rain is holding off and the temperature is actually quite agreeable so we're looking

    、雨が止み、非常に興奮して います。 気温は実際にはかなり快適なので

  • forward to heading into the woods and just enjoying a bit of nature also lots of different


  • trails to choose from and they all have tree names so we've got the hemlock Trail the Maple


  • Trail the spruce Trail right now we're hitting up the Tamarack Trail so yeah this is really

    トレイル があります。 スプルース トレイル 今はタマラック トレイルに出ているので、これは本当に

  • nice it's been a while since I went hiking so it's always nice to be out in the greenery


  • isn't it fantastic yeah I did a little one yesterday while you were warming up and um


  • yeah this is so nice it's a beautiful trail system here and it's not far from the town


  • either it's like you kind of just head out from the residential area and you're right


  • out here in the woods it's amazing nature is never far in Nova Scotia so one thing I've

    出て、森の中にいるようなものです。素晴らしい自然 です。

  • noticed here is that there's a lot of the old man's beard moth hanging from some of

    Nova Sで遠く離れることはありませんcotia ここで気づいたことの 1 つ

  • the branches on the trees here and I've been told that's a really good sign of the air

    は 、ここの木の枝の

  • quality it means you have really Pure Clean Air so that's always really nice to see and


  • you know makes you want to take just a deep breath Breathe It In Breathe that Evergreen

    いることです。 ピュア クリーン エアー な

  • just smells so nice and fresh especially after a rainfall like when you walk through a forest

    ので、いつでも見る ことができて、ただ深呼吸したくなるのがわかります 息を吸って 息を吸っ

  • right after it's rained I don't know that just opens up your lungs well we're having


  • a little giggle here can you can you tell us about the sign it's a tiny bit sad there


  • is no poop Fairy After All I always believed in one but apparently there isn't if your


  • animal takes a poop especially your dog you should pick it up because the poop fairy does


  • not exist here on this Trail [Music] foreign [Music] guys another day another restaurant

    [音楽] 外国の [音楽] みんな別の日、別のレストラン

  • we are bringing you to Country Kitchen this is a restaurant that's been around for over

    でカントリーキッチンに連れて行きます。これはそのレストランです 50年

  • five decades now and they specialize in diner food yeah party meals we had an awesome breakfast

    以上にわたって存在している 今、彼らはダイナーフードを専門としていますええパーティーの食事私たちは

  • here earlier this morning and we're heading back for lunch I mean it's literally across


  • the road from where we're staying so exactly Ultra convenient and yeah I think we were

    私たちが滞在している場所から文字通り道を渡ったところにあることを意味しますとても便利でええと思います ランチのメニュー を

  • looking at the lunch menu we're thinking about getting the hot turkey sandwich as one of

    見ていて、ホット ターキー サンドイッチをアイテムの 1 つにしようと考えているのですが

  • the items maybe the fish and chips we'll see [Music]

    、おそらくフィッシュ アンド チップスが登場するでしょう [音楽]

  • it's enjoying the man did you say the liver and onions is a country kitchen tradition

    男を楽しんでいます レバーとタマネギは田舎のキッチンの伝統だとおっしゃいましたか

  • [Music] friends we are indulging in the ultimate comfort food check out this hot gravy sandwiches

    [音楽] 私たちが究極の快適な食べ物にふけっている友達は、このホットグレイビーサンドイッチをチェックして

  • so basically you have the classic hot turkey sandwich and I've got one with a burger instead


  • I've got the bread covered in gravy Burger in the middle tons of fries and corn again


  • okay oh yeah that's so good with the gravy gravy for the wind friends if you're gonna

    オーケー ええ 風のお友達にグレイビー グレービーととてもよく合います

  • have a sandwich like this little you better bring your appetite it's very filling all

    このようなサンドイッチを食べるつもりなら、食欲をそそるほうがいいです お腹いっぱいになり

  • righty so we are out I would mention this restaurant is located in the Hearthstone Inn

    ました よし、出かけましょう このレストランは見つけるd ハースストーン イン

  • it is a motel along the highway but they also do food yeah and price points yeah so we had


  • breakfast and lunch there and most items were between eight and twelve dollars so very affordable

    そこで朝食と昼食をとりました。ほとんどの品物は 8 ドルから 12 ドルの間でした。非常に手頃な価格の

  • very filling meal so you go there to eat well and we did that twice today twice today we

    非常に充実した食事です。 ええと 、今日は 2 回やった 今日は 2 回

  • gotta go exercise it off we're gonna hike because we are stuck yep [Music] thank you

    運動しなければならない ハイキングに行くよ 立ち往生しているので [音楽] ありがとう

  • [Music] where are we and what are we up to we are visiting right up here the Celtic Shores

    [音楽] 私たちはどこにいて、何をしているのですか 私たちはここケルトのすぐ上を訪れています 以前はトランス候補として知られていたグレートトレイルの一部である ショアーズ

  • Coastal Trail which is part of the Great Trail formerly known as the trans candidate yeah


  • and still mostly known as that most people don't know it's a great Trail we didn't even


  • until recently but this is a massive Trail guys come check out where you can go from


  • so we've been sort of staying in the this area the port Hastings area but now we're


  • at Troy it goes all the way up here so basically it finishes uh in Inverness this would take


  • good question I have no idea how long that would take well I'll tell you driving from

    ます . どれくらいの時間がかかるか考えてみて ポート ヘイスティングス から

  • Port Hastings to Inverness is about an hour and a half so imagine doing that on foot it

    インヴァネスまでは約 1 時間半なので、徒歩で行くと想像してみて

  • would take you a while yes the Celtic Shores Coastal Trail stretches 92 kilometers from

    ください。ケルティック ショアーズ コースタル トレイルは

  • Port Hastings to Inverness along the west coast of Cape Breton Island it mainly follows

    、ケープ ブレトン島の西海岸に沿って、ポート ヘイスティングスからインヴァネスまで 92 キロメートル伸びています

  • the coast going past Scenic harbors and fishing communities we only hiked a small portion


  • of the trail joining the trailhead in the town of Troy this is a very easy spot to access


  • for those traveling around the southern part of Cape Breton plus there's a big parking


  • lot and even picnic tables for a Seaside lunch we're doing a little show and tell here because

    場があり、海辺のランチ用のピクニックテーブルも ちょっとしたショーをやっていて、ここで話します

  • we've been shopping for souvenirs tell us about yours so we went to the cape brand shop

    お土産を買いに行ったので、あなたのことを教えてください ケープブランドのショップ

  • they have a lovely collection of all kinds of things really nice clothes hoodies t-shirts

    に行ったので、あらゆる種類の素敵なコレクションを持っています 本当に素敵な服パーカー T シャツ

  • Celtic jewelry Celtic jewelry they also had a really nice Celtic scarves and I decided

    ケルトのジュエリー ケルトのジュエリー 彼らはまた、本当に素敵なケルトのスカーフを持っていました。

  • to get this shirt because I'm a little short on shirts on this trip so Cape Breton and


  • it's a Moosey Moose what sold me was the moose and the transposed trees nice so and I also


  • really like green so it's like yeah it took the all the boxes probably gonna throw this


  • on momentarily momentarily okay and I got some Maple Tea I don't think I've ever tried

    を一瞬で投げます。大丈夫です。私はメープルティーを手に入れました。 緑茶になる前にメープルティー を試し

  • Maple Tea before it's a green tea so I think this is gonna be really tasty it feels very


  • Nova scotian very Canadian and it'll be nice for Autumn yeah one place you can't miss if

    。ケープブレトンに車で行く なら見逃せない場所の 1 つ

  • you're driving to Cape Breton is the kanso causeway since this is the only land access

    です。 これは島への唯一の陸上アクセス

  • point to the island the kanso causeway may look like an average Crossing but let me tell


  • you it's actually a feat of engineering by definition a Causeway is a raised Road or


  • track across low or wet ground and the kanso causeway is a road across the Strait of kanso


  • which connects Cape Breton Island to the Nova Scotia Peninsula prior to construction of

    横断する道路であり、コーズウェイ の建設前にケープ・ブレトン島とノバスコシア半島を結びます

  • the causeway Crossing to Cape Breton involved taking a ferry yes even train carriages were

    。ケープ・ブレトン に渡るにはフェリーに乗る必要があり、旅を完了するために電車の車両も

  • loaded onto the ferry to complete the journey 10 million tons of rock were quarried to fill

    フェリーに積み込まれました。 水深 66 メートルのカンザス海峡

  • in the Strait of Kansas which has a depth of 66 meters it took 27 months of continuous

    を埋め尽くすために 1,000 万トンの岩石が切り出され

  • work to create the world's deepest Causeway and it opened to rail and road traffic in

    、世界で最も深いコーズウェイを建設するのに 27 か 月を要し

  • May of 1955.

    、1955 年 5 月

  • so if you find yourself along the southern part of Cape Breton this is a place worth

    に鉄道と道路が開通しました 。 あなたはケープブレトンの南部に沿って自分自身を見つけます.これは

  • visiting [Music] since we were already in the area we decided to drive across the kanso


  • causeway and have lunch off the island we went to The Cove Restaurant in ALDS Cove a


  • nice Seaside restaurant with a strong nautical theme [Music] [Applause]

    航海をテーマにした素敵な海辺のレストラン [音楽] [拍手]

  • [Music]


  • time for another meal hello we have bottomless fit stomachs here so this time I have ordered

    別の食事の時間です こんにちは ここには底なしの胃袋がありますので、今回は

  • Atlantic salmon on rye with cream cheese and capers that's a nice combo okay it's nice

    アトランティック サーモンのライ麦にクリーム チーズとケッパーを添えて注文しました いい組み合わせですね いいですね

  • oh that's delectable it goes beautifully with the cream cheese and capers onions too I should


  • mention and very high quality toasted bread right Brad yum as for me I got the fish cakes


  • and some bunions I haven't had fish cakes in such a long time and I love the saltiness

    さつま揚げといくつかのバニオンを手に入れました。長い間かまぼこを食べていませんでした。 そして、私 はそれら

  • of them


  • um I like the contrast to the saltiness with the sweet buns oh the beans look so good that's


  • what I want I'm negotiating together how are they [Music]


  • the following day we continued our travels around southern Cape Breton and made our way


  • to Dundee this is a small community overlooking the brador lake and it is home to the Dundee


  • Resort and golf club now our stay here happened to coincide with the biggest storm of the

    リゾートとゴルフクラブ の本拠地

  • Year yes a hurricane so we didn't get to do many touristy things to share with you all


  • but there is plenty to do in the area just to give you an idea there's a beautiful Coastal


  • drive you can do between West Bay and Roberta if you want to get out on the water there


  • are places where you can rent Kayaks canoes and stand-up paddle boards plus you have Eileen

    . カヤック カヌーとスタンドアップ パドル ボードをレンタルでき

  • and Bria Vineyards which is Nova scotia's northernmost Estate Winery and Cape breton's

    ます。さらに、ダンディー リゾート アンド ゴルフ クラブのゲストである 場合 、またはたとえ

  • first and only Estate Winery if you're a guest at Dundee Resort and golf club or even if

    're justダンディーを通過すると、ダンディーリゾート内にあるmcrae'sダイニングルームで昼食をとることができます

  • you're just passing through Dundee you can have lunch at mcrae's dining room which is

    。 滞在中にここで数回食べました

  • located inside the Dundee Resort we ate here several times over the course of our stay


  • and the food was Fantastic Sam had an amazing beer battered hand-cut haddock served with

    それは私たちが旅行全体で持っていた最高のフィッシュアンドチップスでした サクサクした

  • fries and tartar sauce it was the best fish and chips we had on the whole trip crispy


  • batter but soft and juicy fish and since I was on a quest to sample all the Chowder across


  • the island I ordered their seafood chowder with haddock shrimp scallops salmon potatoes

    タマネギとセロリを添え たシーフードチャウダーを注文しました

  • onions and celery this one also made it to the top of the list it was super creamy and

    1人もリストのトップになりました とてもクリーミーで

  • flavorful


  • tell us all about today's lunch while I steal a fry Samuel this is fantastic guys so I've

    でした フライを盗んでいる間、今日のランチについて教えてください サミュエルは素晴らしい人なので、

  • had some different types of fried seafood here but I haven't had the fish and chips


  • yet oh we've been old enough for some one of the classic things to have so let me pack


  • that open for you show you how lovely that is look at that that looks nice doesn't that


  • look good and we've been already having some fries they are delicious they're amazing they're

    みましょう。すでに持っているフライドポテト 美味しい すごい

  • amazing got some tartar sauce coleslaw so let's just dunk this into the tartar sauce

    すごい タルタルソースのコールスローもあるから、これをタルタルソースに

  • oh yeah that's how you eat the fishy chips friends

    つけて食べよ う そうそう

  • oh

    これがフィッシュチップスの友達の食べ方 そうそう

  • yeah that's so good if we get stuck here for a few days then we have to keep eating this


  • for lunch I'll be very happy not complaining at all so good as for me I got the clam chowder

    昼食のためにこれを食べ続けなければなりません 私にとっては文句を言わないでとても幸せです クラムチャウダーを手に入れました とても美味しそう

  • it looks amazing I've been having a lot of clam chowder on this trip this is probably

    です この旅行でクラムチャウダーをたくさん食べました これはおそらく

  • like my third bowl at least and this one looks fantastic first of all the size of the bowl


  • guys can we just appreciate that this is not an appetizer this is a main oh yeah


  • that's so creamy creamy goodness huh oh there's scallops

    、とてもクリーミーでクリーミーな良さです。ホタテ があり

  • this is gonna be good I had a good time since we've been here huh we sure have perfect meal


  • for a rainy day yeah and enjoyed swimming at the pool just making the most of it yep


  • [Music] and that's the wrap for a road trip around southern Cape Breton we hope you enjoyed

    [音楽]そして、ケープブレトン南部のロードトリップのまとめです 島のこの部分の探索

  • exploring this part of the island with us we certainly had a good time this was our

    を楽しんでいただければ幸いです 私たちは確かに楽しい時間を過ごしました。これは

  • fourth summer in a row visiting Nova Scotia and it certainly won't be our last in the


  • meantime if you have any local recommendations you'd like to share with fellow Travelers


  • be it things to do or places to eat at feel free to do so in the comments below and if

    、当分の間はこれが最後では ありません。または、以下のコメントでお気軽に

  • you enjoyed this video we invite you to like subscribe and join us for More Travel Adventures


  • see you soon foreign


  • [Music]

[Music] hello and greetings from Cate Breton Nova Scotia we recently spent a week road

[音楽] こんにちは、ノバスコシア州のケイト・ブレトンからのご挨拶です。私たちは最近


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