字幕表 動画を再生する
hello and greetings from the Black Forest during our recent trip to Germany we did something that
we don't often do and that's pick up a rental car and embark on a road trip in this video
we'll be exploring Charming Lakeside towns the water was calm and just it's so tranquil we'll
ride the cable car to the highest mountain peak in the Black Forest we are on the cable
car getting ready for the journey to go up we'll hike in search of waterfalls this is
exactly my kind of place right here we'll stay at a Historic Hotel with ties to a famous Queen
and we'll either filled black forest cake because that's precisely what you do around
these parts so hit that subscribe button and join us on this fun road trip across Germany's
thank you he fits
ありがとう 彼は合っ
what do you think of the new ride it's awesome never been in a car that small halfway
ている 新しい乗り物についてどう思いますか 素晴らしいです
picking up our electric Mini Cooper we set off towards our first destination ttj a small town
私たちの電気ミニクーパーを途中で拾った小さな車に乗ったことはありません 私たちは最初の目的地へ向かって出発し
in the Black Forest that sits on the edge of a lake by the same name first things first we
ました 黒い森の端にある 小さな町 ttj モミと同じ名前の湖最初に
found a place to have a quick bite we decided to have flam cooken the name translates to pie baked
in flames and it's sort of like a thin crust pizza this was the dessert version with apples
raisins and cinnamon Just What We Needed before jumping into the sightseeing how was that lunch
レーズンとシナモン のデザートバージョンでした 観光に飛び込んで、その昼食はどうでしたか、
thing oh that was fantastic it was just the right amount of food you know I didn't want a big thick
Pizza that kind of like puts you into an afternoon Siesta that was perfect nice and light thin crust
あなたを午後のシエスタに連れて行ってくれるような大きな厚いピザ は欲しくありませんでした。
and the prices were very reasonable too 12 to 14 euros and it depended on what toppings you
got and something I will add for anyone ordering flam Cookin for the first time it is super thin
crust so you can definitely eat your own don't think like oh I'm gonna share this
地殻なので、自分で食べることができます おなかがすいたので、 これを共有し
because you'll be hungry you can definitely eat the whole thing I'd recommend trying the
sweet one it was good and the name of the restaurant I shouldn't forget it's called
Zay Bleak so Lake View and you do get a nice Lake View from there makes sense and now we're on our
。Zay Bleakという名前なので、レイクビューとあなたは素敵な湖を手に入れますかそこからの眺めは理にかなっており
boat getting ready for our next activity we are doing a little boat tour of TT Zay Lake TTC yeah
、次のアクティビティの準備をしているボートに乗っています。TT Zay Lake TTCの小さなボートツアーを行っています
since the leak is the main attraction in ttz we joined a boat tour aboard Titus which is a replica
。漏れはttzの主なアトラクションであるため、Titusに乗ったボートツアーに参加しました。 ローマ時代のガレー船 のレプリカ 地元の伝説によると、この湖の名前は、
of a Roman Galley local Legend says the lake was named after General Titus flavius bespasianis who
西暦 69 年から 79 年までローマ皇帝であっ
was Roman Emperor from 69 to 79 A.D he is believed to have camped here during one of
たティトゥス フラビウス ベスパシアニス将軍にちなんで名付けられました
his many military campaigns he thought the place was so beautiful that he named it after himself
and so Titisee evolved into ttze how much is true nobody knows but a cool spot to visit nevertheless
ので、Titiseeはttzeに進化しました 誰も真実を知りませんが、訪問するのにクールな場所ですが
what have we learned so far on the tour Sam is admiring The Villa he's like what you're
、ツアーでこれまでに学んだこと サムはヴィラを賞賛しています 彼は
talking to me you're talking to me apparently the water in this lake is so clean that it's
あなたが私に話していることのようです あなたは話している私にはどうやらこの湖の水はとてもきれいで
considered drinking water because they don't allow any motorized boats only electric boats
also there's lots of fish here yep and see people fishing on side of the banks yeah and also on a
fishing boat and they're rolling up oh the other thing I should mention too is that on the other
。 gボートと彼らは転がっています。もう1つ言及する必要がある
side of the lake there's a whole bunch of camping grounds they have people out in their campers and
it looks like a fun lively place to go camping now let me tell you about the hotel we stayed
に行くのに楽しい活気のある場所のようです ホテルが目的地になることはめったに ない
at because it's not often that a hotel is the destination so after the boat tour we drove to
Hofgut Sternen Germany which is a Historic Hotel in the Black Forest the hotel has had its fair
た 。
share of famous guests including Marie Antoinette who stayed here in May of 1770 when she was on
1770 年 5 月にルイ 16 世と結婚するためにパリに向かう途中、ここに滞在したマリー アントワネットを含むゲストは
her way to Paris to marry King Louis XVI there's even a mural on the hotel depicting her arrival
of course much has changed since then but we love the rooms which were bright and modern yet still
cozy but we didn't linger too long we dropped off for bags and went out to explore because you
wouldn't believe what's just behind the hotel guys we have made it to our next attraction it is a gem
and it is right behind the hotel we are staying I cannot believe this but I'm about to show you
the Ravenna Viaduct prepared to be blown away oh how cool is that my gosh it is beautiful it is a
Stone Arch Bridge you can actually see trains going across every once in a while and yeah I
was just reading a little bit of info apparently back during the war they blew up this bridge so
it had to be rebuilt but it is impressive and it gets the name Ravenna from the French ravine
um because we are kind of close to the border with France check that out what
に近いため 、ラヴェンナという名前が付けられています。 フランスとの国境を確認して ください これ以外に
I don't know what to tell you other than this is exactly my kind of place right here such a
を言うべきかわからないことを確認してください ここはまさに私の種類の場所です とても
cool Forest we've got Mossy stones of river flowing through old Fallen logs
クールな森 私たちは古い倒れた丸太を流れる川の苔むした石を持って
just so much Greenery and it feels so fresh and so cool and the air is so crisp and it's
います 緑ととても新鮮でとても涼しく、空気はとてもさわやかで
just so beautiful the sun is starting to go down so we've got like that really soft
golden light all diffused coming through the leaves and the trees penetrating the foliage
it's amazing so so happy to be here like this for me is right up there with the trip that we
素晴らしい です。 このようにここにいることがとても幸せです私にとっては
did to the German Alps to Berchtesgaden National Park I'm putting the Black Forest right up there
just love it and we're just starting like we're just getting into the forest it's amazing
back at the hotel we also stopped by their famous cuckoo clock the largest in the Black
Forest Highlands complete with life-sized dancing figures that emerge on the hour they even have
a cuckoo clock shop so if you're looking for a souvenir to take back home you know where to go
oh and then it was dinner time they have a few different restaurants on site but we ate at in
the main building it is dinner time friends we have been working up an appetite that hike
was just perfect because not only was it an appetizer of what's going to come with the
。 ここドイツ語 でシュヴァルツヴァルトに来るものの前菜ですが、
black forest here in German but it also kind of made me hungry too so we've arrived here at the
hotel restaurant the menu was extensive but what we decided to do was go for the four course meal
we started off with some wine white for me and red for Sam and if I can share one piece
私たちが始めた 食事 私には白ワインを、サムには赤ワインを。もしドイツを旅行する人にアドバイスを一つ
of advice for anyone traveling in Germany it's to not fill up on the bread and no matter how
言えるとしたら、それ はパンをいっぱいにしないことです。どんなに
delicious it is did we follow our own advice no but man the meal that followed was so good and
we were kind of stuffed but back to the four course meal first we had a regional wild herb
salad with cream cheese and an apple chutney next was a creamy paprika soup with rosemary oil and
dried chilies the main was pork tenderloin with sauteed mushrooms and a rich Gravy Sauce with a
乾燥唐辛子 を添えたクリーミーなパプリカスープでした。 キノコのソテーと濃厚なグレービー ソース
side of mashed potatoes and lastly for dessert creme brulee with lingonberries everything was
にマッシュ ポテトを添えて、最後にリンゴンベリーを添えたデザートのクレーム ブリュレ すべてが
Exquisite truly a feast of a meal and a restaurant we would highly recommend
絶品でした 本当に
good morning guys it is day two we have just arrived at our first destination of the day we
おはようございます 。今日の最初の目的地
are in Schluchsee schluchis a beautiful Lake check it out over there we're gonna go for a
シュルッヒゼー schluchis 美しい湖があちらこちらにあるので、
nice little walk enjoy some views and see where the day takes us we've got lots of plans lots
ちょっと散歩に出かけます 景色を楽しみ、その日の行き先を確認します たくさんの計画が あります 行く
of places to visit but we're starting the morning off with the cool relaxing stroll
場所 がたくさんあります 訪問しますが、朝はクールでリラックスした散歩から始めます.
Sam of course needs his sunscreen because redhead so he's just getting ready for that slathering up
is the largest lake in the black forest and if you're up for a hike there's actually a trail
ところです. 湖の周囲をたどる トレイル ですが、何か違うことをすることにしました はい、手
that follows the perimeter of the lake however we decided to do something different yes we
rented a rowboat and we couldn't have asked for a better morning to go out on the water
well we have just rented a row boat
uh we need to figure out how this works forwards forwards yep Samuel is going to be the runner
and I'm just gonna sit here relax and enjoy the view right yeah this is great
so a little row boat update that was a lot of fun did you enjoy it oh I loved it thanks for
ので、とても楽しい手漕ぎボートの更新でした 大変な作業の おかげで気に入りまし
the hard work yeah I mean it was easy the water was calm and just it's so tranquil
to tell you the price before I forget it's 15 euros for a half hour 25 Euros for a full
hour and it's just a really good time so yeah fun activity in the Black Forest yep
so we just went on a short little drive and now we have arrived in the town ofSankt Blasien and
私たちはちょうど短いドライブを行ったところ、サンクト・ブラジエンの町に到着しました。 もちろん
of course the first place we found was this Square where there's a sculpture of
Saint blasius decapitated head because he was a martyr the town is named after
him and the cathedral that we're about to go visit is also named after him foreign
彼と私たちがこれから 訪れる
so we just finished visiting the cathedral the Dome super cool building it's all white
ので、大聖堂の訪問を終えたところです ドーム 超クールな建物
inside just very bright minimal colors on the the paintings and the dome but what's unusual
中はすべて白 絵画とドームの非常に明るい最小限の色だけですが、何が珍しいのですか
about this building is that well it has one of the largest domes north of the Alps really enjoyed the
この建物については、アルプスの北にある最大のドームの 1 つがあるという
visit worth checking out if you find yourself in this little town hey how was that visit I
ことです この小さな町にいることに気付いたら、チェックする価値のある訪問を本当に楽しんでいました その訪問はどうでしたか 私
was impressive I can't believe the size of that cathedral in a small town like it just felt like
は印象的でした その大聖堂の大きさは信じられません小さな町では、
this is something that should be like in Munich or yeah I really enjoyed it and it's just it's
so peaceful inside of there it is it was really fun to walk around and now onwards to lunch and
lunch place is right across from the cathedral not going for it at all that's great that's great
昼食の場所は大聖堂の真向かいです まったく行きません 素晴らしい
thank you okay we're at the restaurant sure are so we've typically been having apples early
です ね
but this time we're having rhubarb shortly yeah I'm really excited for this because I
really like rhubarb and pies I may have had this as a drink before but I can't remember
that has some tartness and has a kick to it I love it I actually prefer this to the Apple
shortly this is my new favorite shortlist friends my meat dumplings have arrived check
this out it's in a soup yeah lots of bacon on top the broth has a nice Aroma let's try that
nice thick dumplings love the bacon and tasty broth to go along with it and I like that it's
素敵な分厚い餃子がベーコンとおいしいスープを愛している ことを試してみましょう。 量が多すぎないので後でケーキを食べられるので
not too huge of a portion we'll be able to have some cake later on in the meanwhile I
気に入ってい ますグーラッシュを手に入れ ましたメインイベントの時間
got myself the goulash I wanted something a bit smaller because there is cake to be had
があるので少し小さめのものが欲しかったので 行きましょう
time for the main event here we go I might even tackle this we need a bit of everything
the chocolate layer the cream the cherries the black forest cake in the Black Forest here in
チョコレートの層 クリーム チェリー ここ
Germany I hope we should have a bit more later tonight are we gonna make a whole video with
ドイツのシュヴァルツヴァルトにあるシュヴァルツヴァルトのケーキ 今夜はもう少し遅くなることを願っています シュヴァルツヴァルトのビデオ全体を
black forest a cute taste test well that was lunch I really enjoyed it a lovely setting
かわいい味のテストにします ランチでした 本当に楽しかったです 川のそば の素敵な環境
next to the river super popular very busy very busy um I love coming to this town this is a
超人気者 とても忙しい とても忙しい この町に来るのが大好きです これは
great little place yes yeah but before we start talking about the town I'm gonna tell you the
素晴らしい小さな場所です はい はい でも町について話す前に
price of the meal because people always ask that came to 30 Euros and we basically had
食事の値段を教えてあげましょう 人々はいつもそれは30ユーロになり、基本的に
one appetizer a main a dessert two drinks and we shared everything because we feel like sometimes
we overdo it when we each get our own Mane yeah to be honest that's a really good strategy we
found when we're in Europe is that we if you get a main or sorry an appetizer I mean in dessert yeah
た . 「ヨーロッパにいるということは、私たちがメインを手に入れるか、申し訳ありませんが前菜を食べるかということです。つまり、デザート
it's split between two people you kind of get a little taste of everything exactly you don't
は2人に分けられます。すべてを少し味わうだけで 、シエスタが必要になるとはまったく感じ
feel like you're gonna be needing a siesta afterwards yes you can continue sightseeing
ません 。 その後はい、あなたは共同することができます
without crashing after all that sugar so yeah that was good yeah enjoyed our visit
すべての砂糖の後にクラッシュすることなく 観光 を続ける ので、ええ、それは良かったですええ、私たちの訪問
and we are continuing on to a little hike and a waterfall yes the Adventure Continues see you soon
continuing our Black Forest Road Trip we drove to mention to enjoy a bit of nature this is
a really Scenic area with forested mountains a sweeping Valley and Greenery all around another
nice thing about this hike is that it's very light and easy but offers big rewards if you
drive your car up to the very last parking lot across the road from alpof ambassafal you'll
、道路の最後の駐車場まで車を運転する と大きな報酬が得られることです alpof ambassafal から
reach the waterfall in less than five minutes alternatively if you can handle about 30 minutes
滝までは 5 分もかかりませんが
on foot you can park in the lot just before that and enjoy a Scenic walk through the valley
、徒歩で 30 分ほどかかる場合は、その直前の駐車場に駐車して、渓谷の風光明媚な散歩をお楽しみ
okay so we are now going to do the Manson Menzenschwand Schwarzwald Stube schwandor
ください。 Manson Menzenschwand Schwarzwald Stube schwandor
walk apparently this is going to lead us to a waterfall by the same name so yeah we
walk どうやらこれは同じ名前の滝につながっているようです。そうそう
just parked in a little actually no the big parking lot for Germany in a big parking lot
um at the edge of town and now we're walking on this road that we thought it was just for
pedestrians but we've seen cars come through here just never know what you're gonna get in Europe
oh shoot yeah we gotta go back no yeah yep oh yeah yeah we forgot didn't pay for parking yeah
。 戻っ て は いけ ないええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええ
you know what maybe we bring the car then since we saw someone else driving oh another car coming
ここは外の日差しに比べて 約
how's the trail how are you enjoying this walk I love it it's probably about
10 度涼しく、とてもさわやかで
10 degrees cooler in here than it is out in the open sunlight it's so refreshing and it's
、美しい小さな自然遊歩道です 滝は実際には 1 つのメイン
a beautiful little nature trail I love that the waterfall is actually not just one main
area there's a couple sections to it we first arrived and we're like oh wow that's it but
no it's a trail that continues on further upward and I also noticed there was a few
other paths you could take so I think you could do quite a bit of hiking here
thank you all right
we are on the cable car getting ready for the journey to go up we drove to feldberg which
is the highest peak in the black forest and in the states so here we are the cost is 14
シュヴァルツヴァルトと アメリカの最高峰である エルグ なので
euros per adult for the tickets and we're going up did you notice anything a little
、チケットの料金は大人 1 人あたり 14 ユーロです。上っていきます。
different here friends oh somebody got a house that's good on you I love it 40 euros it's
pure pure wool not cheap but fits great and gives me some sun protection here that would
be a good Oktoberfest hat it's fantastic for Oktoberfest yes you can dress the part up we go
止め を提供 します。これはオクトーバーフェストの帽子として最適です。オクトーバーフェストには素晴らしいです。はい、パーツをドレスアップできます
1493 meters high feldberg also happens to be the highest mountain peak in Germany outside of the
ドイツ アルプス の外にあるドイツの最高峰で
German Alps and if you happen to be there on a clear day you can even see the Swiss Alps off in
the distance in the winter this is a popular ski resort area and in the summertime it's a
、冬にはスイス アルプスが遠くに見えることさえあります。ここは人気のスキー リゾート エリアであり、夏には
nice hiking destination with plenty of trails to choose from another nice little surprise
このハイキング中 の別の素敵な小さな驚きから選択できるたくさんのトレイルが
during this hike was meeting a whole bunch of cows happily grazing on the Mountaintop
ある 素敵なハイキングの目的地は、山の 頂上
we rode the cable car we hiked we caught some cows we did and then we conquered we conquered
ハイキングしたケーブルカーに乗った 牛を捕まえた私たちが征服
that's our version of concrete yeah um beautiful area and if you had more time there are a number
of different hiking paths in all directions yes so this is the kind of place that it would be
、あらゆる方向にさまざまなハイキングコースが たくさんあり ます 。
nice to visit early in the morning and if you were really wanting to hike do a lot of hiking
you could and there's also some places to eat and drink too and there are also guest houses
をしたいと思っていました。 また、飲食できる場所もいくつかあります 。また
is where you can spend the night we've seen a lot of people like trekking with their backpacks you
know all their gear so if you're looking for something a little more challenging you can
do that as well yeah for sure so definitely check this place out and I mean oh she had
such a great time in the Black Forest here in Germany it's been fun it's just been so much fun
and that's the wrap for our Black Forest Road Trip we only had two days there but this is a
です。これで私たちのブラック フォレスト ロード トリップは 2 日間しかありませんでしたが
what you can experience in a short amount of time having a car is ideal if you want to cover a lot
、 短い時間で体験できることです。
of ground and Venture off the beaten path however you could technically reach some of these places
by Bus and Train it would just take a little bit more time lastly if you enjoyed this video
we invite you to like subscribe and join us on the channel for More Travel videos choose
を 楽しん
だ場合は、最後にもう少し時間がかかるだけです .