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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • good morning good morning everyone hello  we are in lima peru good morning how are  


  • you i'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt i mean we  endured the entire canadian winter and it was  


  • a little bit worse than usual yes both in terms of  of weather and and things like i mean i obviously  


  • hurt my shoulder and stuff and just to be kind of  more or less indoors stuck inside for for so long  

    私の肩やものを傷つけ、多かれ少なかれ屋内で長い間立ち往生していることを 意味し

  • the the fresh air the fresh coastal air here  in lima absolutely loving it so we're here for  

    ます新鮮な空気ここリマの新鮮な沿岸の空気は絶対にそれを愛しているので私たちは 朝食

  • breakfast right yeah so it's basically our first  morning in the city like we got here yesterday but  

    のためにここにいます そうそう、基本的には昨日ここに来たような街での最初の朝ですが、

  • we were so tired we didn't sleep all that well  on the plane so we didn't pick up the camera  


  • yesterday but today we're starting the morning  off strong we were up at 6 30 a.m we decided  


  • to go for a walk here along the ocean and we've  stopped for a little coffee and a little crepe  


  • so this place is called besos frances creperia do  you know what that means uh yeah the the kisses of  

    食べに立ち寄ったので、この場所はbesos frances creperiaと呼ばれています。それが何を意味するのかご存知ですか?

  • france right french kiss french kiss because we're  at the love park yeah we are at the love park um  

    フランス のキス 右フレンチキスフレンチキス私たちがいるのでラブパークええ、私たちはラブパークにいますええと

  • yeah our views are incredible this is one of the  best parts of where we're sitting at the moment  

    、私たちの景色は素晴らしいですこれは 私たちがサーファーを持って

  • we have surfers there's just waves crashing  in there's i don't know probably like 30 of  


  • them out there we have one of the coolest  restaurants the nautical rose that we ate at  


  • i don't know maybe several years ago beautiful  location great ceviche great food down there  


  • and we just have that fresh coastal breeze coming  in and the above zero temperatures like this is  


  • i am in my happy spot right it is 18 degrees  celsius right now so we are thrilled we've  


  • left behind at minus temperatures and yeah it's  just a nice change of scenery being by the ocean  

    、マイナスの気温で置き去りにされた ことにワクワクしています 。波を聞いて

  • hearing the waves it's so soothing yeah so  we're just waiting for our breakfast to arrive  

    いる海のそばにある素晴らしい景色の変化です。 私たちの朝食が到着するのを待っているだけです

  • coffee crepes are on the way that's right  and here they also have little dog treats on


  • just took a quick little selfie did we talk about  the dog oh maybe we haven't so this cafe is also  


  • really cool in the sense that it has little  dog treats so you can bring your dog yes yeah  


  • give it a little snack so you're having  your crepe you're drinking your coffee  


  • your dog's got its little treat i mean this is  just happiness all around for the whole family  

    あなたの犬はその 小さなおやつを持ってい

  • right and with that in mind i'm gonna see if our  food is ready right back cheers friends breakfast  


  • is here it's served we've got the crepe the  sweet crepe we had the option between the salty  


  • and the sweet the salty would have been ham  and cheese and this one is dulce de leche that  


  • delectable caramel like milk spread except here  in peru it is called manjar blanco my bad is  

    。ただし、ここペルーではマン ジャール

  • a thicker caramel spread not the same thing yeah  there you go don't let peruvians hear you say that  

    ブランコと呼ばれて います。

  • sorry guys but yeah this is really tasty you can  get the crepe and a coffee as a morning combo and  


  • then we tacked on the cappuccino let me try this  yeah give it a shot i'm gonna try the coffee here  


  • so yeah nice breakfast even better views  even better weather like i've said this  


  • but three times now i just can't get over how  exciting it is to be in shorts and t-shirts


  • well this is a very colorful part of  miraflores right here so we're here  


  • at the love park at the moment this is a big  circuit of a walking area it's nice and quiet  


  • because actually really early in the morning you  get all of the joggers but around this time maybe  


  • closer to nine they've kind of you know gone back  home had their showers gone to work and this is  


  • just a nice time to be here very colorful area  lovely place to walk around and there's also tons  


  • of places to sit as well lots of tiles you see  love locks everywhere there's a statue of love  


  • and yeah this is just a great little place to walk  around and uh very familiar for us and it's just  


  • kind of when you haven't been in a city that you  really like for you know almost four or five years  


  • it's just it's nice to kind of go back and and  retrace some of the familiar steps the places that  

    、戻って、あなた が行った場所に戻って、なじみのあるステップのいくつかをたどるのはいいこと

  • you know have sentimental value to you and  we spent a lot of time here so fun to be back  

    です。あなたに感傷的な価値があることを知っていて、私たちはここで多くの時間を過ごしたので 今日の昼食のために大丈夫な計画に

  • all right plan for today's lunch oh  man i've been waiting for this for  

    戻るのは楽しい ですああ男私はこれを

  • well basically four years ceviche it's  gonna be made right before our eyes and  


  • we might even pick up a few other things  so we're going to wongs to do all this


  • hello hello hello


  • i would say we had a semi a successful mission to  get ceviche well only because your mom was with us  


  • yeah so i'll i'll explain the situation briefly  basically when we arrived in peru yesterday  

    そう です それで私は昨日ペルーに到着したときの状況を簡単に説明します

  • two vaccines was like the standard to get into the  country and also do things inside the country like  


  • go to restaurants malls whatever as of today two  vaccines is what you need to get into the country  


  • but once you're here they're asking for three  doses and there's like security guards actually  


  • checking your documentation and they wouldn't let  us into the supermarket even though we were there  

    あなたの文書をチェックしているように、私たちがそこ に

  • we got turned away and a whole  bunch of other people that do  


  • because i mean the the standard in most  parts of the world are yeah you know  

    た。 2つが充実し ていることを知っている

  • two is fully yeah and the third is the booster  i suppose thankfully my mom was there so she  


  • was allowed in the market she got us our  ceviche to go just handed her some money  


  • yeah so this is this is what we wanted to do this  is like the the first meal we wanted to have yeah  


  • back in lima because we just love it it's so good  it's basically fish that has been cured in lime  


  • juice and it's served with red onions some sweet  potato toasted corn cheetah and then you actually  


  • have the giant grains of corn the maize yeah so  or chocolate i should say yeah this is this is  

    に巨大なトウモロコシの粒があり ます とうもろこしええそうまたはチョコレートええこれは

  • the national dish of peru no well for coastal  areas i'm trying my first bite in the fish here


  • that makes up for the frustration it has been  frustrating especially because we have a trip  


  • planned in a few days with another lovely youtuber  couple who's counting on us and expecting us yeah  


  • this is stricter than this is a stricter  protocol that never existed in canada yeah  

    旅行 ええ これはカナダには存在しなかったより厳しいプロトコルですええ

  • i mean double masks id just to get into a grocery  store so but essentially that's just a reminder  

    私は食料品店に入るためだけにダブルマスクIDを意味します y

  • that it's not that easy to travel quite yet and  that regulations can change from one day to the  


  • next and surprise surprise all of a sudden you  can't do much in the country you're visiting  

    思い出さ せてくれます 。

  • something to keep in mind if you guys are  planning to travel to peru or even other  


  • countries there's might be other places  that are also handling things similarly  

    同じ よう に物事を扱っ

  • so yeah research research keep up to date be on  your toes and be ready to roll with the punches  

    て いる他の場所があるかもしれません

  • and adapt because it's it's that kind of times  yeah so in the meantime we enjoy our ceviche  

    。 そうですね、その間、私たちはセビッシュを楽しんでいます。

  • hey guys hi everyone we are in lima peru i think  you already know by now but here we are and yeah  


  • we thought we would sit down and chat forlittle bit catch you up because in the last  


  • video we just left you with a few clues where  are we traveling to where are we moving guess  

    ビデオでは、私たちがどこに旅行している のか

  • two countries and then we disappeared for three  weeks didn't post anything yeah exactly so the  


  • place we're traveling to is lima peru we're here  for a special reason it's your grandma's birthday  


  • it is so as you probably know before the pandemic  we used to come down to peru quite often sometimes  


  • every year sometimes every other year yeah so it's  been a while since we've been able to do that and  


  • my grandma is turning 94. so impressive yes yeah  so we didn't want to miss it she's actually having  


  • a pretty big party like 15 people are coming over  i know she mentioned that exact number she's like  


  • 15 people are coming to the party having different  relatives from like germany canada it's gonna be  


  • food there's gonna be cake yeah it's gonna  be very festive and it's just a happy time  


  • yes the whole entire family so yeah it's exciting  to be here and it's a special moment for sure and  


  • we're honestly just so happy with the weather  the fact that it's 24 degrees during the day  


  • we have sunshine lima can be really foggy but  we've had blue skies it just feels like summer  


  • to us even though they're heading into autumn we  had a pretty rough winter in canada like unusual  


  • amounts of snow and especially cold and so just  to be flipping the switch from minus temperatures  

    量の雪、特に 寒い

  • to above zero we just say goodbye to the canadian  winter yeah it's so nice we've been going for long  


  • walks enjoying the ocean breeze the palm trees  it's been really good so let's talk about  

    からゼロ以上にスイッチを切り替えるだけで、カナダの冬に別れを告げるだけです。 本当に良いので

  • what are the plans for our time in peru do you  know we're going to be eating well let me tell  


  • you that this is one of the you know the foodie  capitals of the world one of our favorite cities  


  • in the entire world for eating yes and there's  always new restaurants and new places to visit so  


  • we'll be focusing a lot on the food yeah so we're  really looking forward to the food of course we're  


  • planning to film lots of food videos for you  guys but also if you have any special requests  

    たくさんの食べ物のビデオを撮影する予定 です。 あなたたちのためだけでなく、

  • of things you'd like to see around lima leave  us a few comments because like sometimes when  


  • you keep revisiting the same city over and over  again you kind of get into a groove you stick to  

  • the same neighborhood you don't explore as much  so if there's something you want to see ask us  


  • and sam is back on the language learning train my  goodness i need to get going my my spanish has not  


  • been progressing you know what you've been doing  really well with my relatives though like having  

    進歩していません。 朝、おばあちゃんと一緒に朝食をとる よう

  • breakfast with my grandma in the mornings and just  the thing is like what i know how to say i i will  


  • say it i mean that's the only way i can converse  with certain family members so i've kind of gotten  


  • over the shyness so on that note we are working  with rosetta stone we've been testing out the app  

    ので、恥ずかしがり屋などを乗り越えて きました。 私たちはロゼッタストーンを使って作業していることに注意してください。

  • mainly you yes you need the spanish but they're  all about learning through immersion and real  


  • life scenarios so the spanish they're teaching  you is the spanish that you're going to be  


  • using every day to interact with people and  just like everyday scenarios basically yeah  

    毎日人々と交流するために使用 することになります。

  • that's really important because there's a  lot of times that you'll learn a language  

    日常のシナリオと同じように、基本的に は非常に重要です。言語

  • you'll learn these phrases that you just don't use  very often and so what i've been enjoying the most  

    を学ぶことが多いので、あまり頻繁に使用しないこれらのフレーズを学ぶことがあります。だから私がエンジョイしてきたこと これまでのところ、 視覚

  • so far i mean there's the visual component there's  matching there's written parts there's the audio  


  • and sometimes that's all at once you'll  you'll hear you'll hear something being spoken  


  • then you have to match it to the picture with the  with the written sentence as well and then there's  


  • another component where you're you're speaking  and if you're not pronouncing things properly  


  • which is the problem i have right the end  with the squiggle the i have the opportunity  


  • to correct what i'm saying to hear back whatwhat i should be saying and then to to practice  

    何を修正 する機会がありますか? m私が何を言おうとしているのかを聞き返し、

  • saying it properly that once it's stuck in your  head a certain way of doing something it's harder  


  • to correct it it's better to get it right learn  it the right way from the get-go exactly so that's  

    を修正するのは難しいです。 あなたが 教室にいることや、あなたやあなたよりもはるかに速く進歩している他の人々がいる

  • the kind of practice i need um self-studying works  well for me because i don't know sometimes you're  

    ことを私は知らない ので 、私が必要とする

  • in a classroom and and there's other people who  are progressing so much faster than you and you  

    種類 の練習は、私にとってうまくいきます。

  • kind of feel embarrassed that you don't know how  to do what other people can do yeah and you're  


  • like on the spot you know you know they're coming  around in a circle you know it's going to be your  


  • turn you're like oh my gosh i forget how to do  that you don't want to you don't want to embarrass  


  • yourself yeah this is so nice because you can get  it wrong and then you can just be like you know  


  • you correct it in real time yeah and then once  you've learned those skills you can go out and  


  • try to apply it immediately because that's the key  really to learning a language isn't yes use it in  


  • a real life situation and now you've got a whole  family to practice i know plenty of relatives and  


  • people people are patient with me and yeah the  thing too that's interesting is that they're  


  • encouraging they're like oh you've learnedlittle bit more spanish so it's just a it's a very  


  • positive environment to be with your relatives  they understand that i'm not a native speaker  


  • and and i think just any effort to string together  sentences and words is appreciated yeah that's the  

    ではないことを理解し、文章をつなぎ合わせるためのあらゆる努力を考えています 少しだけ改善したいので、サム

  • way i'm approaching it as i just want to improve  a little bit a little bit more so sam's working  


  • on his spanish but if any of you are interested  in language learning currently rosetta is having  

    特別な取引をしてい ます 。

  • a special deal for the lifetime subscription  it's 179 and you get access to 25 different  


  • languages so you can be studying multiple  languages if your dream is to be a polyglot  


  • that's amazing so yes thank you rosetta stone  and we'll see how you continue to progress  

    そう です、ロゼッタストーンに感謝します。

  • yeah because we're sticking around  south america for a while and we are  


  • plenty of spanish up ahead oh yeah so we're about  to head downstairs for lunch in a little bit  


  • more peruvian food coming up maybe i'll bring  the camera we're having gauza oh nice yeah i  


  • love that it's very tasty and the rest of the  afternoon i think we'll take you guys for a nice  


  • sunset walk today uh we're staying in  the neighborhood of miraflores which is  

    サンセットウォーク に連れて行ってくれると思います。

  • right by the ocean and there's this beautiful  boardwalk this promenade it's called the malecon


  • it'll


  • foreign


  • okay so we're back in the apartment  you want to give us a little update  


  • lunch was amazing home-cooked peruvian food the  gaosa was fantastic it's like the yellow potato  


  • with kind of like a mayonnaise and chicken in the  middle and it's sort of cold i haven't had that i  

    はマヨネーズとチキンのような 黄色いジャガイモのようなものです 真ん中で、ちょっと寒いです。私

  • don't think since we were last in peru so yeah  i would say it's like the peruvian version of a  


  • shepherd's pie yeah it's a good way of putting  it yeah so we had that and then we also had  

    それは羊飼いのパイ のペルーバージョンのようなものだと思います。 それを持っていて、それから私たち

  • some peruvian wine which was fantastic malbec and  tanat yeah and that's a vineyard that we visited  


  • in 2015 back when we did a teaching practicum yeah  brought back some nostalgic memories um yeah just  

    です えええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええ

  • a really fun lunch it's nice to to meet up with  your aunt and your grandma spend some quality time  


  • that's one of the joys of being in lima it's like  we eat we chat we have a good time and now we're  


  • gonna go out and catch uh sunset so it may not be  quite sunset but the sun is is going down a bit  

    過ごし ます。 日没ですが、太陽は少し 沈んでい ますおばあちゃんの古いアパートに泊まっ

  • sun's going down hang on so yeah for those of you  wondering where are you what is this place we're  


  • staying in my grandma's old apartment because this  one had stairs and it didn't have easy access to  


  • the elevator yeah um so yeah now she's in a more  comfortable place more natural light and there's  


  • this empty apartment that they are kindly sharing  yeah we totally appreciate it i mean we just  

    アパート がありますええ私たちはそれを完全に感謝してい

  • we've made ourselves at home just spread out  all our stuff i know i kind of don't want to  


  • film that side because it's just like exploding  we kind of have this uncanny ability to be messy  


  • yeah yeah both of us yeah but yeah we're gonna  head on down to the water enjoy the sunset  


  • and see with the day good night the evening takes  us and before we head out before we head out the  

    厄介になることができ ます バルコニーから の景色を眺める前に出発し

  • views from the balcony show you the views come on  out you see the sun's kind of going down a bit so  


  • basically right below we have like a tennis club  and then we can see the love park down there and  


  • just lots of greenery the green cliffs of lima  so it's a nice spot i do like this name yeah  


  • we better get down there before the sunset get on  down and bundle up i'm going to put a fleece this  


  • is not going to be enough i'm feeling it's windy  come on come on this is shorts and t-shirt weather  


  • we were we were minus temperatures not  that long ago so this is fine for me

    です。 それほど昔はマイナスの気温だったので、これは私にとっては問題ありません

  • do

  • so we are back on the balcony that is today's  sunset sometimes they are super epic like pinks  


  • and purples and oranges today it was a little bit  more muted a little bit foggy off in the horizon  

    、紫、オレンジ のように非常に壮大です。 地平線ではもう少し落ち着いて少し霧がかかっています が、それでも美しい

  • um but still beautiful but i think we're  gonna capture some really magical ones uh  

    ですが、ここにいる間は 本当に魔法のようなものをキャプチャするつもりです

  • while we're here since we do have a few weeks  and also it got super windy it is like crazy  

    。数週間あるので、とても風が強くなります。外は 風が

  • windy crazy cold outside so we honestly  didn't last very long but right now we're  


  • getting ready we're going out to dinner with my  aunt and uncle we're going out for seafood so  


  • shortly we're going to be heading over to their  apartment and we're going to show you their dog  


  • little mackie um whom we've known since he was  a wee little pup who we're going to visit mackie

    小さなマッキー をお見せします

  • oh


  • uh

    ああ 、

  • hello  

    こんにちは 、

  • bye yeah

    さようなら 、

  • good morning guys next day here in lima and  i just wanted to come out to the balcony  


  • and show you the piece super of a day we've  got here we were not joking when we said this  


  • is a foggy city yeah wait until you see this  whoa what is that where is the view samuel  

    ええ あなたがこれを見るまで待って

  • it's gone where did it go it's hilarious because  like it's like this every morning right more or  


  • less and then by well not every morning but quite  often but by like around 10 o'clock it's you've  


  • got you can see the ocean yeah you always havetiny bit of fog in the morning but this is just  


  • something else like when i woke up and i couldn't  see the building across the street it was like  


  • wait a second yeah we need to show you this so yes  welcome to lima i think this is where we're going  


  • to end the video because it's getting pretty long  that was our journey from canada to peru our first  


  • two days in lima they were quite action-packed  we hope you enjoyed following along oh then last  


  • night we ended up going to a restaurant we didn't  really talk a whole lot just because it was like  

    昨夜、私たちは 家族の時間のようで会話に追いついた

  • family time and catching up conversation but  we went out with my aunt my uncle my cousin  


  • her boyfriend and then myself and sam were also  there and we went to a fusion restaurant it was  

    なりましたが、叔母、叔父、いとこ 、彼氏、そして私 と一緒に出かけました

  • japanese and peruvian food which is known as  nikkei here they have a lot of that here in lima  


  • and it's just really tasty really delicious the  place was called costanera or costanera 700.  


  • um and we had this fish that was like covered  in salt like encrusted in salt and they lit it  

    コスタネラまたは コスタネラ 700と呼ばれる場所は本当においしいです。 塩をまぶしたような塩で覆われたこの魚を食べて、

  • on fire it was pretty cool it was like art onplate uh performance art um so yeah that was a  


  • fun meal and well today you've seen how foggy  it is outside but we still have lots of plans  


  • we're gonna start filming the food videos so once  again i wanted to ask if you guys have any ideas  


  • any suggestions of videos that you want to see us  filming here in lima let us know in the comments  

    ここリマで撮影したいビデオの提案がありますか? これは私 が

  • below because this is the first time that we're  kind of real time with the videos we're publishing  


  • and editing and filming kind of like at the same  time we're not months behind so yes we would  


  • love your input also i wanted to thank our sponsor  rosetta stone once again if you guys want to check  


  • out the deal they have going on right now for the  lifetime subscription you can click on the link  


  • below just in the description box and that is all  for today sam and i are gonna go have breakfast  


  • now and we're gonna be filming some more videos so  we'll see you very shortly thanks for watching you

    は、説明ボックスにある下のリンクをクリックしてください。今日はこれですべてです。サムと私は 今 朝食を食べに行きます。 さらにいくつかのビデオを撮影するので、まもなくお会いしましょう。

good morning good morning everyone hello  we are in lima peru good morning how are  



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