字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント We're closing a chapter of our life here in Japan with our first move since arriving in Japan. 来日以来 初めての引越しを経験し We've finished the move, but for the kids one of the greatest changes is about to take place: changing schools. 子供達は転校という課題に直面します This new chapter is full of new challenges as Life in Japan moves forward. 新しい挑戦のはじまりです Oh my goodness! 大変! I'm trying to find curtains... カーテンは? No, I'll need them both. 両方いるわ [Life in Japan Theme Song] 前の家は朝日が綺麗でしたが Well our first living space had an incredible view of the sunrise, この家は夕日が素晴らしいです But this place has an incredible view of the sunset. 新しいタンスです And you got the big dresser this time. Yes! 遂にできたね That's quite a step-up, isn't it? サラ!部屋は? Sarah! Getting your room ready? いいね! Nice! これは? What's this? 防虫剤だよ Oh, those just help your clothes stay fresh. 置いとく? So should I keep it? そうして Yea sure, you can keep it for now. もう古いかも They're probably old though. They probably don't work anymore. ママに聞く Then I'm going to ask mommy. ママは何でも分かる! Mommy knows everything. ママ! Hey Mommy! これ まだ使える? Daddy says these keep your clothes fresh, but is it still fresh? 古いわね No, you need to change it. OK OK. 手伝って I need to move this. 助けて Who can help? 動かすの? You need to move that?! - ちょっと待って - ジョシュアが箱に埋もれています Here, I can help. Joshua's lost in the box room. 方舟探しみたいです It's like looking for the lost ark. コンパクトですが 景色がいいです The place might be smaller but the view... Is amazing! Life in Japan 見てる? Are you watching Life in Japan?! コメントを見て返信するの I am, I like to read comments and reply to some people. 引越しには 様々な課題が伴いますが As we've documented in previous episodes, moving is full of challenges, 一番の心配は子供の転校です but perhaps one of the greatest is changing the kids schools. 子供にとって大きな環境変化です Not only is the paperwork immense, but the change for the kids is huge. 授業の内容も大きく変わるので 子供には大きな変化です For them, almost everything but the Japanese language is changing, and it's happening first for the younger Reutter kids. - これ? - そう This? Yes. 朝ごはん! We can have breakfast! ストーブの上に置いて You can put it on the stove please... OK. 拡大すると Actually if I zoom in a little bit 青いカーテンが背景になって どこにいるか分からなくなる You can hardly tell that we're anywhere else 頑張りました Because of the blue curtains in the background and the tree right there. だいぶ片付きました Well we did a good job right here. すごい! Look at all these boxes knocked out in one morning. さすが You're killing it! そうでしょ Yes! Way to go. 楽しい気持ちと大変な気持ち Yeah. 荷解きも大変ですが If feels good and overwhelming all at once. 学年の途中で 4人の子供を転校させるのは大変です Unpacking after a move is stressful enough. サラとジョシュア But trying to help your four kids transition schools in the middle of the school year is a strain of a completely different scale. 転校前 最後の登校だね Oh my goodness Sarah and Joshua... 学校まで2分 This is your last day at your school before you go to the new one. クラスは隣同士 It's a 2-minute walk to school. パパのスクールバスが出発するよ! Our classes will be right next to each other. 準備は? Alright, the school bus is going — the daddy school bus! 珍しいね How about that?! お姉ちゃん達の学校 Well this is different. この後 ジョシュアとサラを 最後の授業に送ります Alright, dropping off the girls. 出発! This is the first drop-off and then we've got to take the Not-so-littles [Sarah & Joshua] to their last day of elementary school at the current school. 今日は雨だね OK let's go. 何で雨か分かる? It's a rainy day, huh? But here we go. 雲が泣いてる Do you know why it's raining today? 今日で学校が最後だから? Because? The clouds are crying. うん It's crying because it's your last day here at school, huh? 楽しみ? Uh huh. - うん - 楽しみ? Are you guys excited though? 先生は男の人 Uh huh. It will be fun? 新しい先生は男の人? Yea, but the only thing is that I have a boy teacher. ジョシュアの先生は女の人だね The new one will be a boy teacher, huh? 私の先生の友達になるね And Joshua, your new teacher is going to be a girl teacher, huh? そうなんだね You will be a friend of my teacher, and I will be a friend of your teacher. 服が山積みです Does that make sense? That does, that does. 台所の棚です Oh the piles and piles of clothes that we must organize. 食糧を収納します Another kitchen cabinet goes up. 棚が小さかったから We got to get all this food a home. 昔の3分の1の台所なので We had a cabinet 工夫がいります But it was just a little too small お菓子作りは諦めません Since my kitchen's a third of the size of what I had, その通りだね I have to get creative. ジョシュア どうだった? And baking is my happy place, 楽しかった?何かした? So I can't give that up. カードをもらった That's right, nobody would want that. カードを? Hey Dude — how was it today? 折り紙もくれたの It was good? Did they do anything special for you guys? サラ!学校は? They made cards for me... すごく楽しくて 悲しかった They made cards for you? サラ カメラに教えて Yeah, and they surprised me with origami. 何? Wow! 学校で最後に何をした? Sarah Bara! How was school today? カードをもらった It was super fun but super sad but super fun. カードを? Sarah Bara — the camera wants to know... 写真も What? 特別だね How was your last day at school? What did everyone do? アナが荷物の山の中で ピアノを見つけた! Uh, gave me a card. 少しずつ片付いてきたね They gave you a card? Uh huh. うん I got a year-end picture... - 感極まったわ - そうだね Wow, it was special, huh? 少し泣けたわ Aww- the Anna Cakes has found the piano 僕もだよ In the midst of the disaster! 何してる? But this disaster is slowly getting organized, isn't that nice? 指揮 Yes. - 選ばれたの? - 指揮者に Mommy's had an emotional day. 合唱の指揮だね! It has been emotional, hasn't it. - そうするの? - 止まらないから I may have cried a little today. パパも指揮した時はそうしたよ I cried today. Ha ha! 次はふたりの番だね! What are you doing girls? 誇りに思うよ Conducting 音楽祭で合唱の指揮をするため 双子はもう1週間 昔の学校に通います You were selected for... Conductor, was it? 思い出に残る音楽祭になるでしょう To conduct the choir! 新しい家で 最初の手作りご飯 You have to do that? - 今夜は? - ラザニア Yea, I need to because everyone doesn't hold it long. ラザニア! Girls, Daddy had to do that when I conducted a choir. Did you know I conducted a choir? 美味しそう! Yep. 寒いから暖まる And now my girls are going to conduct their choirs, how awesome is that?! 家にいるっていう感じだね So proud of you girls. ありがとう ママちゃん The girl's old school asked them to stay one week longer so that they could conduct their classes in the school choral music festival. 心にしみる It's going to be a super special way to end their brief time at their old junior high school. アナが言った Oh boy, this is our first official meal that mommy has made in our new place. そう? And what did she make? Lasagna. 心にしみる Lasagna, oh! 魂と心にガツンと! This is wonderful. ああ! It warms my heart on cold days ベッカの番! It does. It warms your heart and makes it feel like home. サムライマック! Thanks Momma chan. - ベーコンは歯ごたえがある - アナの番よ It comes to your heart... ベッカが試食中 アナも食べます It was Anna this time that said it. - 心にしみる - 心に? Was it? - 心にガツンと - どんな感じ? It comes to your heart. 試してる It comes to your soul and heart and feelings. 3・2・1 And mind, oh! お祈りするよ! Here goes Becca. はい! Gonna give it a bite. The Samurai Mac. 親愛なるイエス様 素晴らしい日をありがとうございます It's hard. The bacon's kinda chewy. Here, Anna's going to try it. やっと落ち着きました Anna's going to try it while Becca chews and decides what she thinks. そして It comes to your heart. It comes to your heart? イエスの御名によって アーメン! It comes to like your heart. What do you mean it comes to your heart? 引越しでは沢山の箱を使います Oh, she's trying it. ベッカとアナの自転車を買おう! 3, 2, 1 入荷待ちもあるね Everybody fold your hands... Anna うん Yes! 新しい自転車を買うので いくつかのお店で比較します Dear Jesus, thank you for this wonderful day, bless this food, bless this day... 鯉を見て Thank you that we are almost settled in... 電話を落とさないで And [Becca whispers] 落としたら拾う? Thank you that we're going to get a new bike, in Jesus' name, amen. もちろん Well the thing about moving is that you get lots of boxes どうぞ But at least I have a big stack where I can put it. 自転車を買おう OK, we're going to get new bikes for Rebecca and Anna! 帰宅したら 家の整理です They are overdue for some new bikes, aren't they? 新しい家具を組立てます Yeah 前にもしましたが Before making any kind of decision about what bikes to get, we like to check our options and prices at a couple of different local shops. イケアの家具の組立てです Ah, look at all the koi down there... 一日がかりです Don't drop your phone, Daddy. こうかしら Don't drop your phone! ギリギリの作業スペース Are you going to go after it if you drop it? 僕は妻を "ガールフレンド" と呼びます Oh yeah. テレビ台を組み立てています Here we go. さすがです It's the girls' turn. It's your turn! 私はタンスを組立てました Back at home, we were using every free moment to get settled in as quick as possible, ちょうど服をしまいました and that means getting the right furniture in the right places. 山積みの服を収納できました Well we've been here, done this before... 数日は床に積み上げてました And now we're doing it again: putting IKEA furniture together. やっとタンスができました It's going to save the day here. いい感じです! I think these I bang in. 小ぶりな収納です We just barely have enough space here to do this. 以前は大きい収納でしたが Just so everyone knows, I call her "the girlfriend" because she is my girlfriend, but she's also my wife. ナイトスタンドにするために このサイズにしました And right now, she's putting together our tv stand, wow. ちょうどいいです Way to go. 服が片付き I'm putting together my dresser over here... 残りの服はこの収納に入れました And it just got done, and now I finally get to put clothes in the dresser. 空間を有効活用します That's right, they're coming off the floor into the dresser. This is a big moment. ルースの手伝いをしに行きます We've been living out of boxes with clothes just in piles on the floor 君の "ナイト" だよ And now they're going into a proper dresser — yes! それとも "ネイト" かな? Oh yes yes yes yes yes — that is fantastic there. 滑った… We had to get a smaller one. 見て下さい I had one that was 5 high at the old house, 組みあがりました But we had to buy one that's three tall because I need it to double as a night stand and the five-high is too tall for that. 出掛けます But that's just right. パズチャーチで ボランティアのイベントがあります And now all the clothes gone, ボランティアの皆に感謝する一日です And the rest of the clothes are fitting into this cabinet over here. 楽しいパーティーになるはず! We're going to make the use of all of our space here to make this work. 私達は パズインターナショナルの 宣教師として日本に来ました I better go help the girlfriend for the sake of our marriage. 9年が経過し 日本人も多く集う教会に成長しました Your knight in shining armor is here. パズチャーチでは クリスチャンでない方も 歓迎しています Or shall I say your "Nate" in shining armor? 今日は 日頃の活動を支えてくれている ボランティアへの感謝のパーティーです Oh boy. 沢山のボランティアが集まりました Then it's done. 今日はコーヒーも無料です It's nice, huh? パーティーの後 娘達が何かを見つけたようです Now I'll take it over to where the tv is. 自転車です Did you understand, Sarah? 新しい自転車 アナ 楽しみ? Look at that! うん Yet another piece in the puzzle coming together. 引越しと新しい自転車 And we gotta go ベッカが手伝っています So we're going to the Paz Church Volunteer Appreciation Party 指に気をつけて These are all the volunteers that make Paz Church happen. 心配しないで And it's going to be a pretty big party. It's going to be fun! 上手だね ベッカ We moved to Japan because the Japanese branch of our employers, Paz International, asked us to work with the new church here. できた! Now, nine years later, the church is thriving, made up of mostly Japanese and a number of internationals like ourselves. ミスターポテトヘッドよ Everyone good?! - ポテトヘッドだ - どうしたの? Oh there's some great coffee. ディズニーの映画を見る時 現れるの That's good. うそ?! Paz Church happens every week and everyone is welcome, whether you're a Christian or not. ディズニーの映画 But today's party is just to celebrate the volunteers that make this a great place to come. いつ? The volunteers alone fill our coffee shop! 新居で最初の日曜日の夜です And what better way to celebrate then offering them all free drinks! デュード・パーフェクトを見ます After the party we went across the street and the girls found something else to get excited about. - ピザもきました - カメラは同じ? The girls are getting their bikes... 似たカメラだね You're getting a new bike, Anna are you excited? テレビの設定ができました Yes. いいね! A new season in life, a new bike. ネットが繋がった! Becster Booster helping out here. インターネットも開通したね Oo, watch the finger! <次回予告> Don't worry, I'm not hitting so strong. サラとジョシュアは転校初日 Alright Becca, way to go. ベッカとアナは音楽祭で指揮をして 中学を旅立ちます OK. チャンネル登録をお忘れなく! In case anyone's wondering, Mr Potato Head made the move. Oh my goodness! Mr Potato Head made it. Why, he almost died? And he will—No, but he will make his appearance when we do our Disney video. Wait? We're going to go?! Disney video. When is it going to happen? Here we go, our first Sunday night in our new place. And we're watching Dude Perfect. And we're going to watch Dude Perfect, we're going to have some pizza, Do they have the same camera as you? I think—no, it's not the same camera but it's very similar... And we got our tv setup, we're going to watch now... Oh yes! And we have internet! And we have internet, that's important, yes. Next time on Life in Japan... The younger Reutter kids get ready for their first day at their new Japanese elementary school while Becca and Anna conduct their classes in the choral competition before being sent off from their junior high schools in heartwarming fashion. Subscribe to not miss the next episode of Life in Japan
A2 初級 日本語 アナ ベッカ ジョシュア 指揮 自転車 収納 Changing Schools in Japan — A New Chapter Begins | Life in Japan Episode 180 11 0 Summer に公開 2022 年 09 月 12 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語