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- Can I get a tall chai? - And a large black coffee.
- トールサイズのチャイをください。- あと、ラージサイズのブラックコーヒーも。
A what?
- Large black coffee. - Do you mean a venti?
- ラージサイズのブラックコーヒー。-つまりベンティのこと?
No, I mean a large.
- いや、ラージ(大きい)です
He means a venti, yeah, the biggest one you got.
- ベンティのことよ、うん、1番大きいやつ。
Venti is large.
- ベンティはラージサイズです。
- No. Venti means "twenty". - Danny...
- いや、ベンティは "20" って意味だよ。ーダニー...
Yeah. "Large" is large. In fact, "tall" is large, and "grande" is Spanish for large.
ああ、"ラージ" は大きい、"トール" もラージ、"グランデ" はスペイン語で大きいって意味だ。
"Venti" is the only one that doesn't mean large; it's also the only one that's Italian.
"ベンティ" だけ大きいっていう意味はないんだ、それから唯一のイタリア語だよ。
Congratulations! You're stupid in three languages.
Coffee, the only reason that I'm actually awake right now, and one of the greatest things in the world.
That's not just my opinion, either; that's... that's actually true.
So, how do we order coffee, and what are the s⏤the different names of different kinds of coffee?
First thing to understand is that, actually, most of the "English names" for different kinds of coffee are not English; they're Italian.
Because the kind of coffee that we make in, for example, Starbucks, comes from Italy.
I'll talk more about that later.
But how do we order coffee in a coffee shop?
So, you go in to the coffee shop, and the person who's standing there is called a "barista".
A barista, a person who makes... makes the coffee⏤I used to be a barista; my first job was at a pizza place, and... and then later, I worked at a coffee shop in Seattle as a barista.
So, you go in and the barista will say, "Hi, how can I help you today?"
店内に入ると、バリスタが "こんにちは、今日はどうされましたか?"と声をかけてくれます。
How can I help you today?
How can I help you today?「今日は何にしますか?」
Or, "What would you like?"
What would you like?
What would you like?「何がいいですか?」
Sometimes they'll say, "What can I get for you?"
時には、What can I get for you?「ご注文は?」と言われることもあります。
So, those are common ways for the barista to greet you.
They will say sometimes, "What can I get for you today?"
彼らは時々、What can I get for you today?「今日は何にしましょうか?」と言ってきます。
Why would they say "today"?
So, I don't know, I don't know the reason, but they say today for some reason.
When I was a barista, I didn't say... I didn't say, "What can I get for you today?"
バリスタだった頃、私は What can I get for you today?「今日は何にしましょうか?」なんて言いませんでした。
Because it is today.
You go in, they say that, then you need to say what you want.
You go in「入って」と言われたら、注文したいものを言いましょう。
To say what you want, you just say, "I'll have...", or "Can I get...", or "I'd like...".
注文したいものを言うには、 "I'll have...", または "Can I get...", または "I'd like...". と言いましょう。
"I'll have...", "Can I get...", or "I'd like..."⏤these are the three common ways to say what you want.
"I'll have..."、"Can I get..."、"I'd like..."⏤この3つは、欲しいものを言うときの一般的な言い回しです。
It's polite, and you can use them in lots of different situations, like this, ok?
So, "I'll have", then you need to say the size of the coffee.
では、"I'll have"「〜をください」と言い終わったら、コーヒーのサイズを言います。
Now, usually, for most places, you just say "small", "medium", "large".
さて、通常、ほとんどの場所では、 "small"(スモール)"medium"(ミディアム)"large"(ラージ)と言うだけで大丈夫です。
Pretty simple, "small", "medium", "large".
とてもシンプルに、 "small"(スモール)"medium"(ミディアム)"large"(ラージ)
But at Starbucks, they have weird names for their sizes.
So, you say, "I'll have a small..."⏤that would be at a normal place⏤Starbucks, the small is called a "tall".
つまり、通常の場所では「スモールをください」と言いますが、スターバックスではスモールは "tall" (トール)と呼ばれています。
A tall is a small.
"tall" (トール)はスモールのことです。
A medium is "grande"; grande means "big" in Italian and... and Spanish, and I think Portuguese, too.
ミディアムは "grande"(グランデ)と言い、イタリア語とスペイン語で「大きい」と言う意味です。恐らくポルトガル語でもそうです。
It means big; so medium means big?
Anyway, "tall", "grande", and then the biggest one, the large, is called "venti".
とにかく、"tall"(トール)"grande"(グランデ)、それ方最も大きいもの、ラージは "venti"(ベンティ)と呼ばれています。
Venti means "twenty" in Italian; it means 20 because it's 20 ounces.
ベンティはイタリア語で「20」という意味で、20 オンスなので 20 という意味の単語が使われています。
So, normally, we say "small", "medium", "large".
つまり、通常は "small"(スモール) "medium"(ミディアム)"large"(ラージ)と言います。
Starbucks we say "tall", "grande", "venti".
スターバックスでは "tall"(トール)"grande"(グランデ)"venti"(ベンティ)と言います。
"Can I get a grande", and then you say the name of the drink you want.
"Can I get a grande"「グランデをください」と言い、注文したいドリンクの名前を言います。
Now, the names of the drinks, as I mentioned, are in Italian because the coffee culture we have in, for example, America at Starbucks, comes from Italy⏤it's Italian style coffee.
That big machine that baristas use, that's called an "espresso machine", that really, really strong coffee, that coff...coffee... that really strong coffee that comes out is called "espresso".
Espresso⏤comes out in a little glass, it's a shot glass, it's called a shot glass, and a shot of espresso is one little glass filled with really strong coffee.
And most of the drinks you order have that inside.
So, what are the different drinks that are made with espresso?
First you have a "latte", probably the most popular.
A latte is just espresso, one or two shots; steamed milk, which means hot milk; and maybe a little bit of foam on top, foam is very light milk with a lot of air inside.
So, there's a latte, then there's a cappuccino.
Cappuccino is the same as a latte, espresso, and then maybe a little steamed milk, and a lot of foam, milk that you can basically eat.
So, they're the same thing, just more or less foam, that's the difference.
Then, there's a mocha.
A mocha is a little bit of chocolate sauce, espresso, milk, and maybe whipped cream on the top.
What's the difference between hot chocolate and a mocha?
There's only one difference; the only difference is a mocha has espresso, has coffee actually inside, okay?
Then, there's an Americano; not American coffee, an Americano.
Because, remember, they're Italian names; these are all Italian names.
Cappuccino, latte, Americano.
Americano is just water and espresso, so, it's basically black coffee.
Water and espresso.
What's the difference between that and black coffee?
Black coffee is made with a different kind of machine.
So, it's made with, we could say, a "drip coffee machine".
It's brewed, it's made differently with a different process.
So, if you say, "I'll have a drip coffee; can I get a grande drip coffee?" "Can I get a grande Americano?"
だから、もしあなたが "I'll have a drip coffee; Can I get a grande drip coffee? "「ドリップコーヒーをください、グランデのドリップコーヒーをください」または "Can I have a grande Americanano? "「グランデのアメリカーノをお願いできますか?」と言ったら
Basically, those two will taste pretty much the same, but some people prefer one or the other; but that is not espresso, drip coffee.
It's a little bit different.
Sometimes when you order coffee, you might want to mention that you don't want caffeine⏤maybe you had too much today or you can't drink caffeine.
And you might want to also ask for different kinds of milk.
So, if you want regular caffeine, regular milk, say nothing; just say, "I'll have a venti mocha."
だから、もし普通のカフェインと普通のミルクが欲しいなら、何も言わずに "I'll have a venti mocha."「ベンティモカをください」と言ってください。
But, if you want to have, for example, non-fat milk, non-fat milk, you need to say that when you're ordering the drink.
Almond milk or rice milk; they have different kinds of milk, usually rice milk, almond milk, and non-fat milk.
Otherwise, they'll just use regular milk.
Then you can say before that, if you don't want caffeine, you can say "decaf", "decaffeinated", "decaf".
それならその前に、カフェインがいらないなら、"decaf"、 "decaffeinated"、"decaf"「デカフェ」と言えばいいです。
Or you can say "half-caf"; "half-caf" means it has half caffeine.
So, if you want to make a complicated drink, you might say, "I'll have a venti, half-caf, non-fat cappuccino."
だから、複雑な飲み物を作りたいときは、"I'll have a venti, half-caf, non-fat cappuccino. "「ベンティのハーフカフェで無脂肪 牛乳のカプチーノをください」
"Venti, half-caf, nonfat, cappuccino."
"Can I get a grande, decaf, almond milk mocha?"
Sounds complicated, but if you have been paying attention for the last few minutes, now you know what that means.
So, anyway, those are the most popular drinks that you would get at a coffee shop.
There's also pure espresso, maybe two shots of espresso.
And then you wake up.
Oh, and there's one more that's very interesting, it's called a... it's called a "red eye"; a red eye has espresso and drip coffee.
Make coffee, and then you put espresso inside, and it is really strong.
Lots and lots of caffeine.
That's all; that's how you order coffee.
All you need to know is "I'll have", and then you need to know the different names of the different kinds of coffee drinks.
知っておくべきことは "I'll have"「〜をください」あとはコーヒー飲料の種類の名前を知っていればいいのです。
Anyway, thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time.
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