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open condom star, Welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 1 hit wonders that broke the internet for this list.
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We'll be looking at the most earth shattering singles of the digital age.
These artists might have had other songs with some success, but only one that conquered the internet in a massive way.
Did we forget a notable one hit Wonder let us know in the comments before we start.
How well do you know your one hit wonders, click the link below to test your trivia knowledge to see if you can post a high score or invite some friends and challenge them.
Remember, the faster you answer, the more points you get, check the leaderboard after you play to see where you rank Number 10, feel it still Portugal the man after over a decade of trying Portugal the man unleashed this catchy track upon the world in 2017 and finally broke through to the mainstream, full of fun rhythms and heavily inspired by Motown.
覚えておいてください、あなたが答えるのが速ければ速いほど、より多くのポイントを得ることができます、あなたがどこにランクされているかを確認するために、再生後にリーダーボードをチェック 番号10、それを感じるまだ10年以上後の男ポルトガル男は2017年に世界にこのキャッチーなトラックを解き放ち、ついに主流に突破、楽しいリズムに満ち、大きくモータウンからインスピレーションを受けています。
This funky hit is a charming and massively popular song.
It was also the soundtrack to commercials, television and films that helped spread it around the internet and beyond on top of being a huge single on the international charts.
Feel it's still also won a Grammy for best pop duo slash group performance.
The group hasn't yet delivered another big musical statement but feel it still remains a perfect encapsulation of late 20 tens music number nine Tuesday.
I love MMA Conan featuring Drake.
This hip hop track officially turned Tuesday into the next great day of the week.
Rapper I love Conan released the original song that was later given a popular remix by Drake in a memorable 2014 hit with a popular music video that reached millions of views on Youtube.
ラッパーのI love Conanがリリースした原曲は、後にDrakeによる人気リミックスが施され、Youtubeで数百万回再生された人気ミュージックビデオと共に2014年にヒットした記念すべき作品です。
The single also received positive reviews that embraced it's fun vibes.
His inviting delivery also separated him from the other mainstream M.
Of his day.
Getting some extra help from the Canadian M.
The artist had his moment in the sun and lived it to the fullest I'm just gonna have.
While drake went on to further fame and major releases.
I love MMA Conan didn't return with another platinum single and sell lento number six on Dawn's dessert which again was not a significant chart hit number 68 US but it was certified platinum on Tuesday Got You girl number eight, friday.
私はMMAコナンが再び重要なチャートヒット番号68米国ではなかった夜明けのデザートに別のプラチナシングルと販売lento番号6で返されませんでしたが、それは火曜日Got Youガール番号8、金曜日に認定プラチナだった大好きです。
Rebecca Black, Rebecca Black's Youtube smash makes for one of the more entertaining viral hits in the website's history.
Rebecca Black, Rebecca BlackのYoutubeでの大ヒットは、同サイトの歴史上、最も面白いバイラルヒットの一つとなっている。
Whether you love it or love to hate it.
This popular track provided a bright spot for the early 2010's black's vocals and the colorful lyrics were criticized for being somewhat half baked to say the least you as the dust settled on its initial success.
The magic of friday continued on as an internet legend, millions of viewers tuned into this video to either laugh or sing along ironically with this shameless piece.
Even if she didn't deserve some of the harsh reviews.
The teenage singer achieved much more fame than most hardworking adults ever do trivia time.
Here's a teaser question for an upcoming entry, which instrument features prominently in Soulja Boy's crank that Soulja boy flute, steel pan vibraphone violin.
Stay tuned to the end of the video for the answer, let us know in the comments what you think it is number seven Harlem Shake Bower.
The electronic dance track had its own life in the clubs but the song really took off with a viral internet meme youtube channels like disaster Music capitalized on the Bowers Drop and infused some dramatic editing and dance moves.
An endless array of content creators followed suit upping the original premise with stellar reproductions of the same idea.
Do the hard, The added spotlight pushed the trap song to the top of the Billboard Hot 100 and received the opportunity to provide music for several films in the 2010s.
Do the hard, The added spotlight pushed the trap song to the top of Billboard Hot 100 and received the opportunity to provide music for several films in the 2010s.この曲は、ビルボードホット100のトップに選ばれました。
Next to the singles cultural popularity bowers base parts still hold up is a great way to get any party going.
Number six.
Watch me silent o with its unforgettable hook.
忘れられないフックのあるWatch me silent o。
The song, Watch me had its own moment in pop culture history.
この曲、Watch meはポップカルチャーの歴史に残る瞬間だった。
Watch me now now watch me combining some killer dance moves and a great hook.
キラーダンスと素晴らしいフックを組み合わせた「Watch me now now watch me」。
Cilento emerged with a hip hop song that really got people on the dance floor.
It's so effortlessly catchy that it spawned many adoring fans that recreated the whip and nene, reaching number three on the hot 100 the artist took the digital world by storm by introducing those moves to the world.
The Georgia rapper helped make the snap genre sing with his vibrant performance with pending legal troubles threatening his career.
The future remains uncertain.
For another viral declaration from Silent Oh, Number five days go by.
Silent Ohのもうひとつのバイラル宣言のために、Number five days go by.
Dirty Vegas.
Dirty Vegas debut single, days go by was an unlikely contender in the early 2000's music scene.
Dirty Vegasのデビューシングル、days go byは、2000年代初頭の音楽シーンでは、ありそうでなかった存在でした。
The Grammy Winning dance track garnered notice for its engaging electronic production as well as for featuring some fantastic break dance moves.
It also received an additional boost from its use in a Mitsubishi car commercial.
In 2003, predating modern and viral marketing campaigns.
The song found a new audience that helped turn it into a sleeper hit.
While some of their other releases got some recognition on the dance charts, their first single and self titled album remain their most well known work.
Number four The Fox, What does the Fox say Elvis at one point in time?
4番 ザ・フォックス、フォックスはある時エルヴィスに何と言ったか?
Almost everybody listen to the Fox.
What does the Fox say by Elvis and Fish and the Seal Goes out.
Some people forget that the song originated as a novelty from the duo's comedy program in Norway despite its playful beginnings, the track took on a life of its own as a genuine success story, understand the single, End video made a significant impression on Youtube as people passed it around to friends, many of whom laughed at its absurd lyrics and vibrant energy.
While the group might not release a Fox follow up their international a claim to fame continues to put smiles on faces.
Number three Panda Designer halfway through the 20 ten's rap music was looking to the internet for its next breakout star.
3位 パンダデザイナー 2010年代の半ば、ラップミュージックは次のブレイクスターをインターネットに求めていた。
The artist known as Designer emerged in that new wave with a song Panda code.
Both the trap P and the rappers dynamic presence give the track a flare that catapulted it to high position on the charts next to a Grammy nomination.
The piece got a further samp of approval when Kanye West sampled it.
You Will designers viral attention brought him major label opportunities but he's yet to top this inimitable statement.
You Willのデザイナーは、バイラルな注目を集め、メジャーレーベルのチャンスを得ましたが、この比類のない声明を超えることはまだありません。
Its status among other contributions to the Soundcloud generation, make sure that it won't soon be forgotten and number two, You're beautiful.
James blunt.
In 2005, James blunt scored a huge win with the number one single, You're Beautiful.
2005年、ジェームス・ブラントはシングル『You're Beautiful』で1位を獲得し、大成功を収めた。
The song blends a real life story of heartbreak into a modern classic with its growing popularity.
The sentimental track also earned its fair share of critics.
It still managed to grow online as just about anybody came to hear it during its initial run.
While the accompanying video also did wonders for its viral release, it hasn't given him the extended success that every artist wants blunt himself even admitted that his piece became overplayed as he continued to perform it through the years, bobby before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
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Number one crank that Soulja boy, Soulja Boy tell them the mid two thousands exist on a timeline separated by two eras before and after crank that Soulja boy, Soulja Boy back three times from left to right delivered by the energetic performer.
This hip hop single took on a life of its own.
After hitting the World Wide Web, the entertaining video helped sell the song and its iconic dance moves for a brief period.
Everyone wanted to learn the moves and sing along with this track man saying it's doing rubber.
Soldier boys soared to number one on billboard and achieved enough success to become a momentary superstar.
The single didn't start the Youtube craze but certainly got people more interested in the potential for original music to make it big on the site, which instrument features prominently in Soldier boys crank that Soulja Boy.
If you guessed steel pan, then you were right.