字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント When you’re a kid were you known as the pebble? Shut up! The Rock: There you are. Ian: How is it going? The Rock: Where the fuck have you been? The Rock: Just between you and I, I know the cameras are on right now, right? Anthony: Say what? Ian: What? The Rock: I know the cameras are on right now. Anthony: Keep saying what? Ian: What Anthony: Ask him if he smells that. Ian: Hold on, do you smell that? Anthony: Ask him if he’s cooking something. Ian: Are you cooking something? The Rock: I am. Anthony: Ask him what he’s cooking. Ian: What are you cooking? The Rock: Currently? Ian: Yeah The Rock: A bucket of horse shit. Anthony: (laughs) Anthony: Your ass cheek hurts so bad. Ian: Sorry..uhm. So how was, how was the movie? How was it shooting that? The Rock: Why is your face like that? Why are making that face like there’s, like you’re doing something. What are you doing? Ian: Sorry Anthony: You think a bug crawled in your ass crack. Ian: I think a bug..a bug crawled into my ass crack. Anthony (laughs) Ian: So the movie…the movie was good. Ian: Is that always what you’re cooking? Since the Rock, he’s been cooking things. The Rock: yes Ian: It’s always been horseshit or you alternate? Judge it by season or The Rock: Well ah..judge it. You know.. It’s horseshit, llamashit, sometimes it’s gorillashit..either way. Ian: Is it always shit? The Rock: it’s always shit. Anthony: ask him.. if he’s.. Ian: Are you a believer or a directioner? The Rock: here’s what I am, I don’t give a fuck. Anthony: (laughs) Anthony: Ask him if he wants to compare abs. Ian: Would you wanna compare abs maybe? The Rock: With who? Ian: With me obviously. Anthony: Pull your shirt. Ian: I’ve been working out lately you know. Anthony (laughs). Ian: what do you think? Pretty good? Anthony: Start rolling your stomach. The Rock: I think…ow! The Rock: that’s... Ian: Can you do that? The Rock: I cannot do that, no you like you’re in your second trimester. Anthony: Pull something out of your penny pack. Ian: I have a present for you. The Rock: Oh good.. I love presents. Ian: It’s a water gun. Anthony: Ask him to squirt in your mouth. Ian: Could you please squirt this into my mouth? The Rock: How many times you have said that? Ian: You’re a directioneer. Ian: I can tell. The Rock: How can you tell? Ian: It’s.. It’s the hair, really. The Rock: It’s all the hair. Ian: Yeah.. I mean in Hercules you kind a had a hairy styles thing going on, you know. Ian: Give me your best shot. The Rock: Are you ready? Anthony: Pay him coz you’re so happy that you’re gonna be with him. Ian: You know it’s been..really great interviewing you. I was told that I have to tip. Anthony: Just give him one dollar. The Rock: one? Ian: Sorry…sorry. The Rock: What am I supposed to do whit this? Ian: Buy taco. Anthony: Alright. Stare closest with him while singing I will always love you. Ian : And I…. will always…you blinked! That was pretty decent. Your good shot…are you just Gonna give me…just continue. Anthony:Ask him to keep spraying you.. Ian: Just keep going Ian: Just keep going The Rock and Ian: And I…. will always love you…whooo ow ow Ian : Oh f***** I blinked! Anthony: Ask him to rap Hercules while you lay a beat. Beats Ian : You want a different one? -beats The Rock: Slow down a little bit. -Beats The Rock : My name is Herc and you’re a jerk -Ian: Boom boom rock. Ian: I just have one more present, It’s real..get it. The Rock: Oh men, the rock..i get it. Well, thanks a lot for Anthony that didn’t embarrass me at all. And if you guys wanna see us embarrass ourselves in twister. Click the video on the right. To see a bunch of other really, really ridiculously embarrassing that I made into in front of The Rock, click on the left. And if you enjoyed that kind of stuff hit the subscribe button and let us know down in the comments who we should prank next.
B1 中級 米 ザ・ロック インタビュー PRANK (The Rock Interview PRANK) 1641 82 Go Tutor に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語