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  • Hello, and welcome to Nand to Tetris.

  • My name is Shimon Schocken, and I'm a Professor of Computer Science at

  • IDC Herzliya and Visiting Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

  • >> Hi, I'm Noam Nisan, a Professor of Computer Science at

  • the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a researcher at Microsoft.

  • Together we'll teach you this course.

  • >> And and the first thing that we're going to want to do in

  • this unit is to give you the overall picture of what this course is all about.

  • Well, in this course we're going to build a complete.

  • General purpose working computer from the ground up.

  • Hardware and software.

  • And, we're going to divide this huge enterprise into two separate courses.

  • In the first course, which is going to be seven weeks long,

  • this course we're going to build the hardware of the computer.

  • And in the second course that will be offered,

  • later, we're going to do complete the picture and build the software hierarchy

  • that sits on top of the computer that you will build in the first course.

  • So that's what we're going to do in the next seven weeks.

  • We're going to focus on building the hardware of the computer, which we call.

  • Hack.

  • So it's going to be a great journey consisting of seven weeks,

  • six projects, one computer and zero prerequisite knowledge.

  • We assume no knowledge whatsoever in computer science or engineering.

  • Everything will be given to you in the course itself.

  • So this has been our first unit in Nand to Tetris and coming up is the road

  • ahead in more detailed description what we're going to do in this course.

Hello, and welcome to Nand to Tetris.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

[Part 1] Unit 0.0 - Introduction

  • 30 0
    yukang920108 に公開 2022 年 09 月 13 日