字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント The future of humanity seems insecure. Rapid climate change, political division, 人類の未来は不安定だ our greed and failings make it hard to look at our species with a lot of optimism and so many 気候変動や政治的分裂、生来の貪欲さにより 人類について楽観を持つことは難しく people think our end is in sight. But humans have always thought they lived in the end times. Every 人類の終わりが見えてきたかのようだ generation assumes they're important enough to witness the apocalypse and then life just goes on. だが人類はいつの時代もそう感じてきた This is a problem because it leads to short term thinking どの世代も自分は終末を生きる 特別な存在だと思い込んだが、普通に生き延びた and prevents us from creating the best world for ourselves and our descendents. What makes これは問題だ 短絡的な思考に繋がり this worse is that we may actually BE living at an extremely critical moment in human history. 我々や子孫のために良き世界を作る妨げとなる To understand why, let us look at the temporal window of humanity and ask: しかし実際、我々は人類史上極めて重要な時期に 生きているかもしれない When will the last human be born and how many people will there ever be? それを理解するため、人類の時間軸に着目し こう問いかけてみよう These sorts of estimates come with a lot of uncertainties, so please take 最後の人類はいつ生まれ それまで何人が誕生するだろうか them with a gigantic grain of salt. To get a sense of how many people there will be, この種の推定には多くの不確実性が伴うが どうか話半分で聞いてほしい let us see how many have already lived. Modern humans arose some 200 thousand years ago. 将来生まれる人類の感覚をつかむため 現在までの人の数をみていこう They were uniquely good at making tools, telling stories, 現代人は約20万年前に誕生した thinking abstractly, planning and working together in large groups beyond their close family. 彼らは道具を作成し、物語を語り 抽象的な考えを持ち Still there were not that many of us. Surpluses in food were sparse, survival was hard, 計画を立て、集団で共同作業できる 優れた能力があった life expectancy was low. It took us 150,000 years to grow to a population of 2 million. だが人口は多くなかった Improvements were gradual and eventually led to the agricultural revolution, 食料の余剰はまばらで、生存は難しく 期待できる寿命も短かった arguably the biggest change in our history. This was when our numbers really started 人口が200万人となるまで15万年かかっている growing. It took ten thousand more years to get to 300 million. But that increase was dwarfed 状況は徐々に改善され 最終的には農業革命へとつながる by the industrial revolution. In 1800 there were a billion of us. The human population 人類史上最大の変化だ doubled in just 120 years and then again in fifty. Today, we number around 8 billion. この時こそ人口増加の開始点だった In total, over the last two hundred thousand years about 117 billion humans were born and lived, それから3億人までは1万年しか かかっていない and 109 billion also died. Which means that about 7% of all humans that ever lived are alive しかし産業革命における影響は この比ではない right now. As many as were born in the first 150,000 years of human history. Every minute, 西暦1800年には10億人となったのだ 270 babies join the party. But there are not just more people, never before have we been as healthy それから人口はわずか120年で倍となり さらに50年で再び倍となった and well off, or lived longer. With growing living standards our birth rates collapsed. 現在では約80億人である The UN estimates that around the year 2100 we will hit our population peak and there この20万年間で約1170億人の人類が生まれ will be 125 million people born each year. It is pretty unlikely that birth rates will 1090億人が死んだことになる stay stable forever, but let's pretend to make our thought experiment simpler. つまり今生きているのは 全累計人口の約7%ということだ How many people there will be in the future depends on when our species will die out. これは人類の歴史上 最初の15万年間で生まれた人の数と同じだ And here we find a lot of uncertainties. We are able to destroy ourselves through 毎分270人の赤ちゃんが生まれている our own inventions – but we are also able to find solutions to avert catastrophic risk. しかしただ人口が増えただけでなく かつてないほど健康で長生きしているのだ We can change the direction of planet killer asteroids but we've also invented nuclear weapons. 生活水準の向上に伴い 出生率は劇的に低下した We discovered antibiotics but also carry diseases across the globe in a matter of days. Our 国連の推定によると 西暦2100年に人口はピークをむかえ industrial system gave us an incredible standard of living but also changed the atmosphere in the 毎年1.25億人が生まれてくるという process. It is very hard to say if human ingenuity will prolong or shorten our species' lifespan. この出生率が永久に安定する可能性は低いが 思考実験の単純化のためにそう仮定しよう If things go badly our end could come suddenly. But if we manage to avoid that, 人類の数がこの先どうなるかは いつ人類が滅亡するかによる we could conceivably stick around for a long time. So every day we don't destroy ourselves ここに多くの不確実性がある may mean life for an unfathomable number of humans. How many people are we talking about? 人類は自らの発明で自滅できるが It depends on how far our species is going to expand. 同時に破滅的な未来の 解決策を見つけることもできる Scenario 1: Humans will never leave Earth 惑星を破壊する隕石をそらすことも 核兵器を発明することもできる If we stay on our home planet, a good metric to look at is the extinction rate of animals 抗生物質の発見も 病気を世界中に数日で運ぶことも可能だ that we get from the fossil record. The average lifespan of mammalian species is 工業化によって驚異的な生活水準が実現したが その過程で大気も変化してしまった in the region of 1 million years, with some surviving up to 10 million years. 人の知恵が人類の寿命を伸ばすのか縮めるのか その判断は難しい Our close relative homo erectus survived for about 1.9 million years. 終わりは突然やってくるかもしれないが Let us be conservative and assume that humans will survive for a million years, which leaves 自滅さえ避けられれば 長く生き続けられるかもしれない us 800,000 more years to dawdle away. Assuming a stable birth rate of 125 million people each year, つまり今の平穏な日々の一日は 計り知れない数の命を意味するかもしれないのだ this means there are roughly 100 TRILLION humans waiting to be born. 一体どれほどの数となるだろうか 850 times greater than the number of people that have ever lived. それは人類がどこまで拡大するかによる This would make everybody alive today only 0.008% of all people that will ever live. シナリオ1:人類は地球を離れない Think about where this leaves you. Instead of putting you at the end of the chaotic もし人類が地上にとどまるのであれば 化石からわかる動物の存続期間が参考になるだろう mess that was our past, it would mean you live at the very beginning of something big. 哺乳類の種の平均寿命は100万年ほどで The start of the human story rather than the end. Doesn't this feel incredibly different? 中には1000万年間生存する種もある And now consider that this may be an extremely pessimistic estimate. 我々の近縁種たるホモ・エレクトスは 約190万年間生存していた If we match the survival time of the most successful mammals, then our future numbers 保守的に考えて 人類が100万年間存続すると考えると rise to 1.2 quadrillion people that have yet to be born. And even this seems far from our potential: あと80万年間はのんびりと過ごせそうだ As the sun slowly gets hotter and brighter, earth will remain habitable for about 500 million years, 仮にこの先も年間1.25億人が生まれるとすると giving so many more potential people the chance to become actual people. 生まれるのを待つ人類が 約100兆人いることになる And now let's begin to think big. 今まで生きてきた人間の850倍である Scenario 2: Humans will leave Earth つまり、いま生きている人は これから生まれてくる人の0.008%にすぎないのだ We went from humans worshipping the moon, to humans walking on it, わかるだろうか so who knows how much farther we can go? If we don't die out within the next few hundred years, あなたは混沌とした世界の終わりにいるのではなく ideas that seem outlandish right now become serious considerations. なにか大きなものの始まりに生きている If we believe that we have a chance of surviving for maybe millions of years, 今は人類の終わりではなく始まりなのだ then we could expand onto the other planets or into our own artificial worlds. Life needs ぜんぜん違う印象を受けないだろうか? three things: a surface, resources and energy. だがこれも最も少ない見積もりにすぎない Our Sun provides energy for billions of years and there is so much water and material floating in もし人類の生存期間が最長の哺乳類と同じなら the asteroid and kuiper belt that we could sustain many times our current population. 1200兆人が将来生まれるのを待っている Instead of living on planets, we could decide to construct our own artificial worlds and habitats. しかしそれも人類の可能性からは程遠い With resources and energy so abundant, we could try out different types of society and ways of 太陽は徐々に熱く明るくなっていくが 地球には約5億年の時間が残されており life. An interconnected civilization spanning the solar system would create the basis of existence まだ多くの潜在的人間が 実際の人間になる機会があるはずだ for an absurd number of individuals, orders of magnitude more than if we stick to earth, even さあ、もっと大きなことを考えよう if it only existed for a few million years. This future doesn't have to be grim and dark as science シナリオ2:人類は地球を離れる fiction likes to paint it. With quadrillions of people waiting to be born, we will have billions 人類は月に祈っていたが そこを歩くようになった of doctors working on curing cancer, billions of problem solvers working on ending poverty and 我々に限界などあるだろうか billions of video game developers making life fun. More humans may actually mean more progress. 今後数百年の間に滅亡しなければ Another upside of leaving earth and spreading out is that it becomes much harder for us to 今は常識外れの考えも 真剣に検討できるようになるだろう become extinct, as you need a solar system wide catastrophe to catch everybody. もし人類が何百万年も生きられれば So aside from nearby supernovae or Gamma Rays bursts, 他の惑星や人工物の世界に 進出することも可能だろう humanity would be relatively safe from extinction, maybe for billions of years. 生命は3つの要素が必要である 地表、資源、エネルギーだ If we manage to survive for that long, slow evolution or genetic engineering might split us 太陽は何十億年もエネルギーを提供し into multiple species, or we might intentionally keep ourselves the same as we are now. 小惑星帯などには 多くの水や資源が漂っているので So to account for that, we'll just talk about people from now on, instead of humans. 現在の何倍もの人類を維持することが可能だろう Ok. Now let us think really big. 惑星に住み続けるのではなく 自身が作り上げた環境に移り住む決断も可能だ Szenario 3: People leave the Solar System 資源やエネルギーが豊富なら 様々な社会や生活様式を試すこともできるだろう As enormous as the solar system is, it is just one star system among billions in the milky way. 太陽系にまたがる文明は途方もない数の 人類の基礎をつくることになる If future people can colonize, say, 100 billion stars and live there for 10 billion years, while これは地球に固執した場合より桁外れに多い たとえ数百万年の寿命だとしてもだ each generating 100 million births per year, then we can expect something like a hundred Octillion 未来はSFが描くような 暗く重苦しいものである必要はないのだ lives to be lived in the future. This is a 1 with 29 zeros, a hundred thousand trillion, trillion. 数千兆の人類が誕生を待ち望み We can spin this up as much as we like. The Andromeda Galaxy will merge with the Milky way, 多くの医師がガン治療に取り組み adding another trillion stars for us to settle. Red Dwarfs stay active for up to a trillion 多くの人が貧困の解消に取り組み years and future civilizations might even find energy for their habitats around black holes. 多くのゲーム開発者が 人生を楽しくしてくれる A sufficiently advanced civilization of our descendants might even try to reach other 人類が増えればそれだけ進歩も増える galaxy groups. While these numbers are mind blowing, they may underestimate the number of 地球を離れる他の利点は 人類が絶滅しにくくなるというものだ unborn people by many orders of magnitude. If we divide the total energy available in a galaxy by 人類の絶滅に太陽系レベルの 大災害が必要になるからだ the average energy needs of a single person, then we get a tredecillion potential lives. 超新星爆発やガンマ線バーストは別として A million, trillion, trillion, trillion potential people. 人類は何十億年かは 比較的安全に生き延びられるだろう Conclusion もしそこまで生きていれば 人類は進化や遺伝子工学で複数の種になるか Hopefully what has become evident is that if we don't kill ourselves in the next もしくは意図的に今のままの姿を保つかもしれない few centuries or millennia, almost all humans that will ever exist, will live in the future. それを考慮に入れ ここからは人類ではなく人について話すことにしよう Which brings us back to us, in the present. We exist at a highpoint of human history, よし、もっと本当に大きなことを考えよう with incredible possibilities at our grasp. Technological, environmental and societal. シナリオ3:人類が太陽系を離れる What we do matters for all the people who do not exist yet. 太陽系は巨大であるが 天の川に星の数ほどある星系の一つに過ぎない So while it is not en vogue to think about humanity's long term future with もし未来の人々が1000億の星系に100億年住み optimism – or to think about it at all –, maybe this has given you a bit of perspective. それぞれ1年に1億人が生まれると仮定すれば 将来10穰(じょう)人の誕生が期待される If we screw up the present, so many people may never come to exist. 1の後に0が29個続く 10万×1兆×1兆人だ Quadrillions of unborn humans are at our mercy. Even if we go with fairly conservative estimates, これはまだ膨らませられる the unborn are by far the largest group of people – and the most disenfranchised. Somebody who might アンドロメダ銀河は天の川に合流するので さらに1兆の星系が追加され be born in a thousand or even a million years deeply depends on us today for their existence. 赤色矮星は1兆年以上活動を続け This is why it is important to think about the distant future and why our presence is so crucial, 未来文明はブラックホールからエネルギーを得て 周囲に住むかもしれない why it matters what we do today. One day the last human will be born. We don't know when. 十分に発展した人類の文明が 他の銀河へ到達する可能性すらある But if we change our perspective from us living at the end of the human story, これらの数字は気が遠くなるようなものだが それすら何桁も過小評価しているかもしれない to us living at the very beginning we can not only build a wonderful world for us もし銀河全体のエネルギーを 個人が必要とするエネルギーで割ると and for them but also for countless numbers of others. 潜在的に100正(せい)人が生きられる HUGE announcement: we are launching Kurzgesagt in six more languages! Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, 100万×1兆×1兆×1兆人だ French, Hindi, Japanese and Korean, on top of our English, German and Spanish channels. To bring 結論 new perspectives and a love for science to as many people as possible – especially to some 今後数千年の間に人類が自滅しなければ languages that are underserved because it is not profitable to translate to. ほとんど全ての人々は まだ生まれていないことになる If enough people watch our new channels, we hopefully can run them for many years to come! ここで現代の話に戻ろう This is where we need YOUR help. It takes us a lot of time, effort and yes, money to translate 我々は人類史の頂点に位置し 途方もない可能性を手にしている our videos properly and run so many channels – so to make this sustainable, please help 技術的にも環境的、社会的にも us spread the word!If you are a native in one of these languages, share our videos on social media 我々の行いは まだ生まれていない人々にとっても重要だ and tell your friends and family – make people in your native language aware that it exists. 人類の楽観的な未来展望は ウケが悪いか視界にも入らないが This multi language expansion is supported by Open Philanthropy, 少しは見通せただろうか an organization that tries to do as much good as possible. They want to help us spread awareness もし現在を台無しにしたら 多くが存在できないかもしれない of science, and ideas for how YOU can help humanity thrive. Their values align with 幾億の未だ生まれえぬ存在は 我々の手の中にある ours in many fundamental ways so we are going to work with them on more projects in the future. かなり控えめに見積もっても その存在は圧倒的に大きな集団であり So please help us spread the word – and thank you for watching. 最もないがしろにされる者たちだ
B1 中級 日本語 人類 生まれ 人口 未来 太陽 星系 The Last Human – A Glimpse Into The Far Future 17 3 林宜悉 に公開 2022 年 07 月 18 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語