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Everyone, I'm ninja, I'm here to answer all of your questions about Fortnite on twitter, this is Fortnite support summary.
0301 asks, I'm just, I'm trying to learn how to play with mouse and keyboard on foreign and I was wondering what control setups do you use or prefer?
What control setup?
I don't really think there is a control setup for mouse and keyboard, I'm just gonna tell you what my key points are right now off the rib.
So shift is my pyramid.
I've also run enabled because that's how I obviously have shift as something else.
So definitely enable auto run queue is my platform and my two side mouse buttons are my wallet, my ramp, which are arguably the most important building combines.
So if you have a mouse highly recommend getting a mouse with two or three buttons on it and make sure you map two of your building options to your mouse buttons.
This question is from fork buns at twitch pork buns, says you can be good at Fortnite, but you'll never be good enough.
この質問はfork buns at twitch pork bunsさんからのもので、Fortniteで上手になることはできても、十分に上手になることはできないとおっしゃっています。
How do you compete with people who have over half a month of in game time?
That's legit, 16 days of your life?
Hashtag Fortnite, I mean you're not going to be better than those players, you know what I mean?
I mean?
It's one of those things, you just kind of have to accept that, right?
I mean like if I'm a basketball player and I practice one hour a day and Lebron plays 10 hours, 12 hours a day because it's, it's like, it's his job and it's what, you know, and I can't complain about how he's gonna be better than me when he has all day to play.
You know, I mean it's one of those things where it's just like, dude, it's just it's it's the way of the road.
No, at fuzzy monster with a three as the E says at Fortnite gaming question, how do you shoot down a loop carrier from 50 m on mobile?
They fall out of render distance, hashtag health, hashtag support, hashtag morning hashtag challenge, hashtag no, can do maybe a little less hashtag.
I don't think you can do anything about that.
I think it's just you know, stop playing mobili and get an Xbox or a PC to fix that issue fuzzy.
But I know that's not the answer that you want.
Unfortunately, there's no answer that I can provide.
Um, you know what, let me just give a call a quick call to epic games and see if they can patch that for you though.
あの、あの、epic gamesにちょっと電話して、パッチを当ててもらえるかどうか確認させてください。
Zabol official asks what's the best landing spot for competitive fortnight for first of all, you need to know who you're playing against.
ザボル公式が問う、コンペティティブ・フォートナイトの最適な着地点とは まず、対戦相手を知る必要がある。
If there's just gonna be random tournaments and you don't know exactly who is going to get in your lobbies.
I think that you want to just go with what is going to be the least contested.
That will get you the most loot.
Don't go for the heavily contested unless you are truly the best player in the game someone lands and gets a better weapon than you and it just ruins your tournament.
It's really unfortunate because you're landing at a heavy contestant spot.
Gemini says so I suck at Fortnite quick editing slash building.
I watched people build Hollywood mansions in five seconds flat while taking I'm taking five minutes to do a 90.
Any advice for the building slash editing on endowed just sit and creative for 30 minutes a day in the mornings and at nights and just practice your building.
It's that easy.
Just sit there and just build, listen to some music and just crank out your nineties man, you will learn and you will perfect it.
I promise you it's exactly what I had to do when I when I started falling off building wise and editing wise, I just sat in creative and and and practice it man, you gotta work for it.
I know you're looking for a quick easy tip or something that's just gonna make you improve immediately and that doesn't exist build forever so that you can you put down a wall and then you just practice your editing and editing your editing and you're on editing over and over again.
Rinse and repeat Oh at hillbilly ran amok says how does anyone play in a random squad in hashtag Fortnite.
I'm just barely above being a bot and I rarely get in squads.
That outlast me and it's more than six years old.
This is an interesting question, but I definitely know that there are a lot of younger kids that do Squad Phil hill, in my advice to you would be to do some squad fills and try to find people who aren't six years old and whenever you do get those teammates in your game, try to, you know, connect with them, add them and start running games with them, and then eventually you're gonna build up a squad of people that you can game with and not to squad fills with, that's what I did back in the day in halo two when I was, I mean this is like 10, 12, 13 years ago, maybe more 15 years ago, I needed to play team hardcore or matchmaking with other people, so I would just go in and once I found someone who I kind of connected with, I'd be like, yo man, you're good, you want to run and then boom, there you go, try it out.
これは興味深い質問ですが、スクワッド・フィル・ヒルをする若い子がたくさんいることは確かです。私からのアドバイスは、スクワッド・フィルをやって、6歳でない人を探してみて、ゲーム内でチームメイトができたら、彼らとつながり、追加して一緒にゲームを始めてみてください。そうすれば、最終的にはスクワッド・フィルではなく、一緒にゲームができる人たちのスクワッドができるはずです。昔 Halo 2 でやったことだ 10年、12年、13年、いや15年以上前だが チーム・ハードコアやマッチメイキングを 他の人とプレイする必要が
Mr Abdi Gaming says, what is your main skin in Fortnite?
There's a female ninja skin in the game, that's pretty dope, I think that I use her the most Galaxy Shadow G says anyone know what this symbol means on Fortnite dude, I literally just asked this question, I was doing squad feels the other day, I don't know, I don't know what that means, it's like, it's just a globe, I think it might mean that someone maybe from another server is playing on a server that they shouldn't be playing on.
ゲームには女性の忍者スキンがあって、それはかなりドープで、私は彼女を一番使っていると思う。 Galaxy Shadow Gが、Fortniteでこのシンボルの意味を知っている人はいるかと言っている。私は文字通りこの質問をしたばかりで、先日スクワッドフィールをやっていたのだが、この意味がわからない。ただの地球儀のようなものだ。
So they just have a globe icon.
I don't know what that means.
It's not mobile, it kind of looks like a controller.
It might be the new PS four your guess is as good as mine man, but it's definitely not pc and I don't think it's Xbox.
We've questioned from Mr C's celeb cues said at ninja, how do you get so good at playing Fortnite from jaden age nine?
That's a really good question.
I'm playing video games my entire life.
I'm 28 years old and you learn a lot about different gaming play styles as you play different games and honestly, I just put the time in my entire life to be good video games.
Um, the more you play, the better you're going to get and when you do play, actually try to improve your game, there are two ways you can play video games, you can play casually.
You can play competitively and if you're just playing casually and you're messing around and you're landing the same spots and you're farming the same way and your and your, you use the same guns all the time and you never change anything and you never actually try to improve, your, not going to improve, right?
So you need to honestly actively work on, you know, you're shooting, you're building, um, and your knowledge of the map and rotating and things like that.
So yeah, put the time in practice hard and actively try to improve at Crawley four asks hello mike, can you tell me how to improve my game in Fortnite please question mark, crawling face for me with any sensitivity or any aiming issues.
What you want to do is you want to start at a lower sensitivity, right?
If you really can't just hit, you can hit just lower your sensitivity and you won't be able to miss literally so slow that you should be hitting everything that you're aiming at when you are eliminated because your aim is to slow you bump it up just a little bit, then once you moved it up a little bit, take a little bit of getting used to.
But then once you get eliminated again, because your aim is to slow you bump it up a little bit and eventually you gonna keep doing this, you gonna keep going back and forth until you find the perfect medium.
You're finally got a good sensitivity where you're now your aim is pretty solid and you're no longer getting eliminated because your sensitivity is too slow.
It's a lot easier to go from down up, then go from an incredibly high sensitivity and work your way down.
So try it out.
Let me know at modern potato asks what's your favorite Fortnite load out if you play, if you don't, that's fine, here's mine for me, my favorite load out has got to be the flat Jackie, the flapjacks babbling in the black and white with the chrono contrail and also the same glider that you have.
The pixel glider is definitely one of my favorites.
Good job, good taste at what you do as she says, what is most important in Fortnite mechanics or game sense?
Good question.
They're both important.
You need to focus on them both.
I think your game sense will let you live and last longer in your lobbies.
However, mechanics are going to be how you win those games.
You cannot win a game solely off of game sense or you will win less games.
So focus on both at little Luiso asks if I want to play hashtag Fortnite just to chill with the friends, what do I have to do play?
Team rumble.
Oh wait, is there skill based matchmaking in team rumble two at Fortnite game little louis so I feel your pain here, man and team rumble is definitely going to be the chilliest playlist.
But also, I mean if you're playing with your friends and you're just chilling, shouldn't you be able to play squads and just like, I mean it's like how good are you I guess, but I understand what you're saying man, I don't agree with the skill based matchmaking.
It does make the, it does make the lobbies a lot sweatier skill based matchmaking right now is basically adding longer queues, You're playing against tougher players if you're a good player and it's basically turning into arena without siphon mode and that's kind of what arena is for is for those competitive and sweat matches.
Only time will tell man at I fire monkey says what strategy to use in Fortnite for me?
I hide under stairs and in bushes like the true bot that I am, that's the beautiful thing.
About 40 minutes.
You can play however you want, you want to bush camp if you want to hide under stairs, you can do that.
I still highly recommend learning how to build and learning how to shoot so that when you do get in situations where someone finds you under those stairs, you can win those fights.
So our next and final question comes from Not kai so what is the best shotgun in Fortnite?
では、次で最後の質問はNot kaiさんからのもので、「フォートナイト」で最高のショットガンは何でしょうか?
It's a great question dude, All right, the answer is they're all good.
The pump shotgun is great.
If you if you have an SMG N N A R but if you only have like an infantry rifle and a sniper rifle and you don't really have a spray gun, you need a shotgun that's gonna shoot faster, which is where the tax shotgun comes in bro.
SMG N N A R があっても歩兵ライフルと狙撃ライフルだけで、スプレーガンを持っていないなら、速く撃てるショットガンが必要だ、そこで税ショットガンの出番だ。
So it all depends on your play style, what do you like?
Do you wanna be able to one pump someone, you wanna be able to shoot multiple shotgun shots if you miss one, figure it out, feel it out.
I personally love the pump shotgun.
Alright, everyone, that is, that is it for today.
Thank you guys for all your questions and uh I hope you guys keep enjoying Fortnite.
Thanks for watching.