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Welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 remixes that are better than the original for this list, We'll be looking at officially licensed remixes of songs that managed to top their predecessors.
What's your favorite remix let us Know in the comments number 10 For my people, basement Jaxx mix Missy Elliott featuring Eve, a good remix, takes what's great about the original song and expands upon it for my people.
あなたのお気に入りのリミックスは何ですか?コメント欄で教えてください。 10 私の仲間では、Basement Jaxx mix Missy Elliott featuring Eve、良いリミックスは原曲の良さを活かし、私の仲間ではそれを発展させたものです。
By Missy Elliott featuring Eve was already a total dance floor banger, but London electronic duo Basement Jaxx managed to give the song even more energy than we thought possible, adding a heavy dose of house music to the production and extending the length to seven minutes.
Missy ElliottがEveをフィーチャーしたこの曲は、すでにダンスフロアの人気曲となっていましたが、ロンドンのエレクトロニック・デュオ、Basement Jaxxは、この曲にハウスミュージックのヘビーな要素を加え、7分という長さにまで伸ばして、想像以上のエネルギーを与えることに成功したのでした。
Basement Jaxx made us all feel like we were at the club.
More sounds are added, but they never distract from the songs, addictive rhythm and catchy hooks.
The party was already jumping, but basement Jaxx helped bring it through the roof.
Number nine levitating the Blessed Madonna remix, Dua lipa and the Blessed Madonna featuring Madonna and Missy Elliott, 18 years after For my people, Missy Elliott hopped onto the remix of another artist song levitating by british pop sensation Dua lipa and the excitement doesn't stop there as this remix also has a double dose of Madonna first.
ナンバー9 levitating the Blessed Madonna remix, Dua lipa and the Blessed Madonna featuring Madonna and Missy Elliott, 18 years after For my people, Missy Elliott hopped on the remix of another artist song levitating by British pop sensation Dua lipa and the e
It's produced by DJ, the Blessed Madonna who made a whole remix album with lipa and and it also features vocals from the Queen of Pop herself.
The already anthemic levitating became even more invigorating with the faster tempo, heavier beat and legendary guest stars.
When this remix comes on, it's hard not to feel like you're floating away into a world of love and dance in the court.
Number eight Savage remix.
8番 サベージ・リミックス
Megan the stallion featuring Beyonce.
The stallion's music is full of sharp flows, memorable lyrics and utter confidence.
And Savage is one of the best songs in her discography.
Shortly after its release, a remix dropped featuring vocals from another Houston artist, you might know her as Beyonce rather than just tacking a verse or chorus onto Megan's original.
The remix essentially creates a new better song because she's a trade.
While Megan's hook remains, she has a new verse with even more potency.
Meanwhile, Beyonce sings raps and overall just reminds us of how awesome she is.
The two artists have instant chemistry and Savage remix unsurprisingly topped the charts which is I just raised my price.
この2人のアーティストには即効性があり、Savageのリミックスは当然のようにチャート上位にランクインしました。 私はちょうど価格を上げました。
Hopefully these two will collaborate again soon.
Number seven.
A little less conversation.
Remix, Elvis versus J.
Excel not all remixes come out the same year as the original song for instance, some take more than 30 years to drop.
エクセル すべてのリミックスが原曲と同じ年に発売されるわけではなく、例えば30年以上かけてドロップされるものもあります。
When Elvis Presley released a little less conversation in 1968, Dutch producer JXL was less than a year old and when JXL dropped his remix of the song in 2002.
エルビス・プレスリーが1968年にa little less conversationをリリースしたとき、オランダのプロデューサーJXLはまだ1歳にも満たなかった。そして2002年にJXLがこの曲のリミックスをドロップしたとき。
Presley was no longer with us.
Nonetheless, this remix manages to bridge two artists from two different eras seamlessly with Presley's unmistakable baritone fitting into J Excels Big beat sound.
しかし、このリミックスは、プレスリーの紛れもないバリトンがJ Excelsのビッグビートサウンドにフィットし、2つの異なる時代のアーティストをシームレスに橋渡しすることに成功している。
J XL was the first artist given permission to remix Presley, who wasn't from the Presley organization and he did an outstanding job No six.
J XLは、プレスリーの組織の人間ではないアーティストとして初めてプレスリーのリミックスを許可され、素晴らしい仕事をしたNo six。
I took a pill in Ibiza Cib remix, Mike Posner, Mike Posner's, I took a pill in Ibiza is a somber reflection on the fleeting and dangerous nature of fame.
I took a pill in Ibiza Cib remix, Mike Posner, Mike Posnerの、I took a pill in Ibizaは、名声のはかなさと危険な性質について沈思黙考したものである。
Never know.
So, a remix of it might seem like a bad idea as it could take away its intimacy.
However, while Norwegian E.
M duo CPB's take as more sounds to give a tropical house vibe, the song doesn't lose its heart.
Never here Posner sounds like he's reflecting on the emptiness of the party lifestyle while the party is happening.
The Ibiza remix was a huge hit, topping the charts in numerous countries and getting more than one billion streams on Spotify.
Electronic remixes of acoustic songs don't always work out, but Posner and Seb have a special kind of Bond number five.
It's like that Run DMC versus Jason nevins with its booming drums.
あのRun DMC対Jason nevinsのような、ブーミーなドラムが特徴です。
It's like that is a natural fit for a house remix.
Producer Jason nevins took Run DMC as classic song about encouraging people to not give up and gave it a new dance floor vitality, rappers run and DMC s message is still clear, it's just amplified by some harder beats.
プロデューサーであるJason nevinsは、Run DMCが持つ「あきらめない」というメッセージを、ダンスフロアの活力となるような新しい楽曲に仕上げています。
It's not often you hear a club banger about struggling to pay bills, but the it's like that remix became an international hit.
It even managed to break the Spice Girls, impressive streak of number ones in the U.
Don't like that.
Well that's the way it is.
Number four Tom's Diner, D.
4位 トムズダイナー、D.
A remix, D.
Featuring Suzanne vega.
The original Tom's Diner is completely acapella making for endless remix possibilities.
オリジナルのTom's Dinerは完全なアカペラで、リミックスの可能性は無限大です。
In the morning at the diner on the corner, I am waiting at the counter for the man to pour the coffee, british electronic duo D.
Didn't just create a good remix of Suzanne vega's song.
They arguably made the definitive version of it, mashing up vega's vocals with the beat for Soul, Two Souls keep on moving.
Soul, Two Souls keep on movingのビートにvegaのボーカルを乗せた、間違いなく決定的なバージョンを作りました。
DNA turned a low key narrative into a rhythmic adventure.
Three years after its original release, Tom's diner became a top 10 hit in multiple countries, while vega's voice sounds great with no accompaniment.
オリジナルのリリースから3年後、Tom's dinerは複数の国でトップ10ヒットとなり、vegaの声は無伴奏でもよく響くようになった。
The extra layers of the remix show that sometimes going further can work wonders.
Number three Summertime sadness remix Lana Del Rey and Cedric Gervais.
3位 サマータイム・サッドネス・リミックス ラナ・デル・レイとセドリック・ジェルヴェ。
Lana Del Rey's music evokes feelings of nostalgia for a romanticized version of the past somewhat times I but this remix is pure 20 ten's Bliss taking Del Rey's sweeping ballad about sunshine and depression, french DJ Cedric Gervais put out all the production stops in his remix with Handclaps, drum rolls, eccentric synths and more Del Rey's vocals and her bittersweet lyrics are still the stars of the show but just gives them more support.
Lana Del Reyの音楽は、過去のロマンチックなバージョンへのノスタルジーを思い起こさせますが、このリミックスは、Del Reyの太陽と鬱についてのバラードを取り入れた、20 tenの純粋なBlissです。フランスのDJ Cedric Gervaisは、ハンドクラップ、ドラムロール、エキセントリックシンセなどを駆使した彼のリミックであらゆる演出を行いました Del Reyの歌と彼女の苦い歌詞はまだショーの主役であり、それらをさらにサポートします。
The summertime sadness remix became one of Del Rey's biggest hits, reaching the top 10 in numerous countries and unsurprisingly she and I worked together again, maybe number two, I'll be there for you, you're all I need to get by Method man featuring mary J blige, wu tang clan member, Method man isn't the first artist that comes to mind when you think of romantic songwriters, but he managed to pull off an effective love song with all I need.
サマータイム・サッドネスのリミックスはデル・レイの最大のヒット曲となり、多くの国でトップ10に入り、当然のことながら彼女と私はまた一緒に仕事をした、たぶん2番、アイム・ビー・フォー・ユー、ユー・アー・オール・アイ・ハード by メソッド・マン featuring Mary J Blige, Wu tang clan member, Method man は恋愛ソングライターといえば最初に頭に浮かぶアーティストではないが、彼はオール・アイ・ハードで効果的に恋愛ソングをやり遂げることができた。
Then he topped it on this remix by bringing in mary J.
Blige, All I need turned into a new hip hop classic because producer Rz A's beat goes harder with prominent horns and spacey synths and obliges, heavenly vocals are great contrast to myths, gruff for tone.
Blige, All I needは、プロデューサーRz Aのビートが目立つホーンとスペーシーなシンセでハードになり、天国のようなボーカルが神話と素晴らしいコントラストをなしているため、新しいヒップホップのクラシックに変身し、音色はガツガツしています。
There are plenty of hip hop love songs out there, but few managed to achieve the passion of this one.
You might feel like this song is all you need to get by before we continue.
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Number one flawless remix.
Beyonce featuring Nicki Minaj, if there's any artist who can get away with titling a song flawless, it's Beyonce.
Beyonce featuring Nicki Minaj、もし完璧な曲のタイトルを付けられるアーティストがいるとすれば、それはBeyonceです。
The original song is a trap inspired Ode to Beyonce's home city of Houston and female empowerment featuring the iconic phrase I woke up like this.
原曲は、ビヨンセの故郷であるヒューストンと女性のエンパワーメントをテーマにしたトラップにインスパイアされたオードで、I woke up like thisというアイコニックなフレーズが特徴的です。
But the remix featuring Nicki Minaj is even better.
This was the first collaboration between these two superstars and they bring out the best in each other.
Beyonce's lyrics are altered, some with some more explicit lines added while Minaj gives one of her most explosive verses ever.
If this song isn't actually flawless, it's as close as they come.
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