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  • - [Voiceover] Let F be a continuous function

  • on the closed interval from negative two to one

  • where F of negative two is equal to three

  • and F of one is equal to six.

  • Which of the following is guaranteed

  • by the Intermediate Value Theorem?

  • So before I even look at this,

  • what do we know about the Intermediate Value Theorem?

  • Well it applies here,

  • it's a continuous function on this closed interval.

  • We know what the value of the function is at negative two.

  • It's three so let me write that.

  • F of negative two is equal to three

  • and F of one, they tell us right over here,

  • is equal to six

  • and all the Intermediate Value Theorem tells us

  • and if this is completely unfamiliar to you,

  • I encourage you to watch the video

  • on the Intermediate Value Theorem,

  • is that if we have a continuous function

  • on some closed interval,

  • then the function must take on every value

  • between the values at the endpoints of the interval

  • or another way to say it is

  • for any L

  • between three and six,

  • three and six,

  • there is at least one C,

  • there is at least one C,

  • one C,

  • between, or I could say once C in the interval

  • from negative two to one, the closed interval,

  • such that F of C is equal to L.

  • This comes straight out of the Intermediate Value Theorem

  • and just saying it in everyday language

  • is look this is a continuous function.

  • Actually I'll draw it visually in a few seconds.

  • But it makes sense that if it's continuous,

  • if I were to draw the graph, I can't pick up my pencil,

  • well that it makes sense that I would have to

  • take on every value between three and six

  • or there's at least one point in this interval

  • where I take on any given value between three and six.

  • So let's see which of these answers are consistent with that

  • and we only pick one.

  • So F of C equals four.

  • So that would be a case where L is equal to four.

  • So there's at least one C

  • in this interval such that F of C is equal to four.

  • We could say that.

  • But that's not exactly what they're saying here.

  • F of C could be four for at least one C,

  • not in this interval, remember the C is our X.

  • This is our X right over here.

  • So the C is going to be in this interval

  • and I'll take a look at it visually in a second

  • so that we can validate that.

  • We're not saying for at least one C

  • between three and six F of C is equal to four,

  • we're saying for at least one C in this interval

  • F of C is going to be equal to four.

  • It's important that four is between three and six

  • because that's the value of our function

  • and the C needs to be in our closed interval

  • along the x-axis.

  • So I'm gonna rule this out.

  • They're trying to confuse us.

  • Alright.

  • F of C equals zero for at least one C

  • between negative two and one.

  • Well here they got the interval along the x-axis right,

  • that's where the C would be between,

  • but it's not guaranteed by the Intermediate Value Theorem

  • that F of C is going to be equal to zero

  • because zero is not between three and six.

  • So I'm gonna rule that one out.

  • I'm going to rule this one out,

  • it's saying F of C equals zero,

  • and let's see, we're only left with this one

  • so I hope it works.

  • So F of C is equal to four,

  • well that seems reasonable because

  • four is between three and six,

  • for at least one C between negative two and one.

  • Well yeah because that's in this interval right over here.

  • So I am feeling good about that

  • and we could think about this visually as well.

  • The Intermediate Value Theorem

  • when you think about it visually makes a lot of sense.

  • So let me draw the x-axis first actually

  • and then let me draw my y-axis

  • and I'm gonna draw them at different scales

  • 'cause my y-axis, well let's see.

  • If this is six, this is three.

  • That's my y-axis.

  • This is one, this is negative one,

  • this is negative two

  • and so we're continuous on the closed interval

  • from negative two to one

  • and F of negative two is equal to three.

  • So let me plot that.

  • F of negative two is equal to three.

  • So that's right over there

  • and F of one is equal to six.

  • So that's right over there

  • and so let's try to draw a continuous function.

  • So a continuous function includes these points

  • and it's continuous so an intuitive way to think about it

  • is I can't pick up my pencil if I'm drawing

  • the graph of the function, which contains these two points.

  • So I can't do that.

  • That would be picking up my pencil.

  • So it is a continuous function.

  • So it takes on every value.

  • As we can see, it definitely does that.

  • It takes on every value between three and six.

  • It might take on other values, but we know for sure

  • it has to take on every value between three and six

  • and so if we think about four, four is right over here.

  • The way I drew it, it looks like it's almost taking on

  • that value right at the y-axis.

  • I forgot to label my x-axis here.

  • But you can see it took on that value

  • in for a C in this case between negative two and one

  • and I could have drawn that graph multiple different ways.

  • I could have drawn it something like I could have done it

  • and actually it takes on,

  • there's multiple times it takes on the value four here.

  • So this could be our C, but once again

  • it's between the interval negative two and one.

  • This could be our C once again

  • in the interval between negative two and one

  • or this could be our C in between

  • the interval of negative two and one

  • and that's just the way I happen to draw it.

  • I could have drawn this thing as just a straight line.

  • I could have drawn it like this

  • and then it looks like it's taking on for only one

  • and it's doing it right around there.

  • This isn't necessarily true that you take on,

  • that you become four for at least one C

  • between three and six.

  • Three and six aren't even on our graph here.

  • I would have to go all the way to two, three.

  • There's not guarantee that our function takes on four

  • for one C between three and six.

  • We don't even know what the function does

  • when X is between three and six.

- [Voiceover] Let F be a continuous function


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

Intermediate value theorem example | Existence theorems | AP Calculus AB | Khan Academy

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    yukang920108 に公開 2022 年 07 月 05 日