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  • this video is sponsored by grammarly  so let me guess your exam is coming up  


  • that test that you've been frantically  cramming for and dreading for months


  • at this point you're made up of around 70 coffee  

    ヶ月も必死に詰め込んで恐れていまし た。あなたは約70のコーヒーで構成されています。

  • your sleep schedule has flown out the window  and even your pet smells better than you


  • but hey all that studying and  cramming is going to be worth it right


  • well now it's exam day and here  you are ready for your exam  

    今それだけの価値があります。今は試験の日です。ここで試験の準備ができている か、突然あなたの鉛筆に

  • or not suddenly you realize your  pencil doesn't have an eraser

    消しゴム がないことに気づきます。

  • oh my gosh my pencil it doesn't have an  eraser and when you start actually taking  


  • the test your mind draws a blank and you realize  you've forgotten everything i don't remember  


  • anything panic overwhelms you and out of sheer  desperation you just randomly bubble in answers  


  • so if you're like me and have struggled  with test anxiety or just don't know what  


  • to do with yourself the day before and of  an important exam hopefully these study tips  


  • and exam day routine will help you not  have a mental breakdown during the exam  


  • so my exam day routine truly  starts the day before the exam  


  • and actually sometimes even a few days before  it's around three days before any really big exam  


  • i usually stop watching any shows movies  or even reading fictional books i might use  


  • study with me's or watch content related to the  topics i'm studying but that's pretty much it  


  • and i even only listen to a specific playlist  of classical music to get into the right focused  

    だけ です。特定のクラシック音楽のプレイリストを聞くだけで、適切な焦点を絞った

  • mindset so the day before i'm only listening  to classical music if any music at all  


  • because i don't know why but it just really  helps me clear my mind and stay focused


  • so exam day eve if that's a thing i am  either reviewing my exam summary pages or  


  • finishing making my exam summary pages so my  exam summary pages are really just summaries of  

    場合は、試験の前夜に、 私の試験の概要ページは実際には

  • the information that i feel least confident about  and that i feel i need to keep reviewing the most  


  • so the exam summary pages can have  formulas or vocab or concepts that  


  • i feel i need to keep reviewing for one  final day or if it's an essay exam it  


  • could be facts and dates that i need  to memorize for good essay responses  


  • so if i know there's going to be an essay question  on the exam i like to practice answering a few of  


  • the prompts in advance and i'll usually type my  practice responses for exams and midterms and  


  • grammarly so grammarly is an all-in-one writing  tool not just a spelling and grammar checker that  


  • improves your productivity and saves you time when  you have multiple assignments to complete it's  


  • free to download and easy to integrate into your  daily life and it works where you work like google  

    ダウンロードは無料で、簡単に統合できます。日常生活に取り入れて、Googleドキュメントのように機能する ので、効率的に作業

  • docs to help you work more efficiently so avoid  losing out on easy marks with grammarly instead  


  • of using multiple websites to find new words  you can use grammarly's free synonym feature  

    なく、文法で簡単なマークを失うことを避けて ください。文法の無料の同義語機能

  • to replace your overused words also it's easy to  ramble when you're writing essays or assignments  

    を使用して、使いすぎた単語を置き換えることもできます。 特にクランチタイムに エッセイや課題を書いているときは簡単に歩き回ることができる

  • especially on crunch time so rewrite those hard to  read and run on sentences with grammarly premiums  


  • clarity full sentence rewrites and when you  upgrade to grammarly premium you can get your  

    な 文章で実行してください。 文法プレミアムにアップグレードすると、

  • work done quicker and save time finding citations  with grammarly premiums plagiarism detector double  


  • check your work as your own across 16 billion  other web pages with midterms and assignments  

    確認 してください。

  • piling up succeed in school with tools like  grammarly it's free why not go to  


  • studies to success to sign up for a free  account and if you'd like to get extra features  

    調査にアクセスして無料アカウントにサインアップしてみませんか。追加機能を取得したい場合は 、20オフで文法プレミアムにアップグレードして、時間を節約し、作業

  • upgrade to grammarly premium for 20 off to  help you save time and work more efficiently

    が完了したら より効率的に作業できるようにしてください。

  • once i'm done reviewing for the day i prepare some  breakfast for the next morning so i'm obsessed  


  • with overnight oats and they're perfect breakfast  since they're full of nutrients fruits nuts  


  • nuts etc and can give you energy for test  day without being rough on your stomach i  

    、ナッツなどが豊富で、荒っぽくなくてもテスト日のエネルギーを与えることができる ので、完璧な朝食です。 胃私

  • also recommend not drinking any caffeine the  night before since you want to have at least  


  • seven ish hours of solid night sleep so then  after that i prepare my clothes for the next day  


  • as well as a list of everything thatneed for the test which is super important  

    リストを 準備します。 私がテストに必要なものはすべて非常に重要な

  • so make sure you have your id if you need it your  calculator and anything else required for the exam  


  • or else you just might not be able to take it  and then i just fully prepare my backpack and  

    できない可能性があります。その後、バックパックを完全に準備します。 100万回チェックして 、

  • check it a million times to make sure it's 100  ready so i don't worry about it in the morning  


  • so now it's the morning of the exam so i'm having  my breakfast while reading over my exam summary  


  • pages again then i bring the summary pages with  me in a folder usually but i don't recommend  

    ページをもう一度読みながら朝食をとり、 要約ページは通常フォルダにあります

  • reading them in the car if you're being driven by  your parents since you might get card sick so if  


  • the test center allows it because usually there's  like some waiting period i usually keep reviewing  

    はお勧めしません 。 テストセンターで許可されている場合は、通常、待機期間があります。

  • until the last possible minute which i know most  people don't recommend but it works for me because  


  • immediately once the exam begins i always write  down whatever i can remember that i struggled  

    レビューを 続けますが、試験が始まるとすぐに 、試験の概要ページから最も

  • with the most from my exam summary pages onto the  very front page any free space that's there pretty  

    苦労したことを覚えているものを常に最前面に書き留める ので、それは私にとってはうまくいきます

  • much that i was just reading right before the exam  that usually takes maximum three to four minutes  

    ページa 試験の直前に読んでいた 空きスペースは 、通常最大3〜4分かかる

  • so after that if it's a multiple choice  exam i use what i like to call the easy  


  • star circle system i don't know if there's an  official term for this if this is an official  

    にくいスターサークルシステム と呼んでいるものを使用します。 これに公式の用語がある場合、これが公式の

  • method or not but pretty much what i do is i first  go through all the questions i find super easy  


  • and i'm 100 sure about because that way it  boosts my confidence and also i completely  

    だと思います。 不安を増大さ

  • avoid anything that i'm remotely confused about to  avoid increasing my anxiety and being overwhelmed  

    せたり、うまくいかないことに圧倒されたり、びっくりしたりすること を

  • or freaking out that i'm not going to do well so  as i'm going through the questions one by one i  


  • put stars next to the ones that i think i know how  to answer but just need more time to and circles  

    完全 に避けてください。 私は答える方法を知っていると思いますが、

  • around questions that seem really confusing or  hard and that i don't know how to answer so once  


  • i've gone through all the really easy ones thenwork through the star questions and then finally  


  • once i've gone through all of the star questions  i attempt to do any circle ones or really really  


  • hard ones and if i still don't know how to do them  i'll just guess on them to the best of my ability  


  • if it's an essay-based exam i'll try to give  myself around a quarter of the time that i have to  

    場合は、エッセイベースの試験であれば 、自分の能力の限りを尽くして推測します。 私は自分自身に、

  • write out an outline of everything and any  facts or names or points that i remember from my  

    すべての概要と、追加したい試験の概要ページから覚えている事実、名前、またはポイントを書き出さ なければならない時間の約4分の1を与えようとします。

  • exam summary page that i want to add  and then i just write as fast as i can  


  • based on my outline and i try to divide  each paragraph timewise into equal amounts  


  • of time giving myself at least a five  minute window before the end of the exam

    、試験が終了する前に少なくとも5分間の時間枠を 設けようとし

  • so if i have free time at the end the first thing  i do is i definitely double check my scantron to  

    ているので、最後に自由な時間があれば、最初に行うことはスキャントロンを再 確認して、すべてを正しくバブルインしたことを確認してください。誤っ

  • make sure that i bubbled everything in correctly  because you do not want to end up accidentally  


  • missing everything by one bubble and then  completely messing up your answers and then if  

    しまうことを望まないためです。 その後

  • i have a lot of free time which sometimes happens  i just keep checking over my work and seeing if i  

    、空き時間がたくさんある場合は、時々発生します 。 私の仕事をチェックし続けて、私

  • made any careless errors or miscalculations and  usually i've made at least one or two especially  

    が何かを作ったか どうか見てください 不注意なエラーや誤算、特に数学のセクションの場合は、通常、少なくとも1つか2つは作成して

  • if it's the math section so i save myself from  losing easy points by just going over my answers  


  • again and yeah so then i just keep reviewing  and double checking until the exam is done

    をもう一度確認するだけで簡単なポイントを失うことはありません。そうすれば、試験までレビューと再確認を続けることができます。 なぜあなた は

  • why did you lie down exactly on my papers  are they really that comfortable for sleeping


this video is sponsored by grammarly  so let me guess your exam is coming up  



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