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Hello! Jennifer from Tarle speech with your question of the week.
We have a little bit of a pattern study, I'm going to call it this week
and it's this o s t ending. How do you say it?
You have two options um I also added a few other words here that are spelled a little differently
but you have the same pronunciation pattern. Okay, so let's start with the general
が、同じ発音パターンを持っているんですね。 さて、ではまず一般的な
rule. So we've been talking the last few weeks about these o exceptions in closed syllables,
のルールです。そこで私たちはここ数週間 閉じた音節のoの例外について話してきました。
typically, we would think that this pattern would be pronounced with the short o the oh
and would be ost. We do have this in the word lost and in cost but there are times,
and this is very common, when we have ost or we're going to say a long o.
And that would be in the words most, host, post, and ghost. Typically we see this long
o pattern spelled with two vowels the o a and we'd hear this in coast,
oは2つの母音the o aで綴られるパターンで、coastではこれを聞くことになる。
roast, and toast. Okay so how do we do this for this short oh. We're going to open our
mouth wide. Tip of the tongue is low, back of the tongue is pulled high up, move to the s.
Air is continuously moving out of the mouth. Tongue is behind or just pointed down to the
空気は絶えず口の外に出ている。 舌は、口の中の奥にあるか、あるいはちょうど下を向いている。
bottom of the mouth. It is not touching the teeth and then we're going to touch the teeth for that t
and air just puffs out. ost ost ost lost cost
Now if we have this long o pattern, we're going to say o.
Open the mouth and then move to a pucker. Tongue moves from low um in the front to
口を開けてからパッカーに移行する。 舌は手前の低いウムから移動して
just flat in the middle of the mouth and then add that s touch the teeth for the t.
host most host post ghost
The more common spelling pattern would be this
o-a-s-t and we hear that in coast, roast, and toast.
o-a-s-tで、coast, roast, toastで聞くことができます。
So again this ost we have a lot of exceptions to this closed syllable spelling pattern.
Most people would think that it is pronounced with this oh and we do
have that in very common words like lost and cost. But you can have the exceptions
and you can have the long o in most, host, post, and ghost. And then we have the same ost
but more likely spelled with o-a-s-t and we see this in coast, roast, and toast.
So give it a try I know people are going to notice the difference. If
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our classes at Tarle speech. Thanks so much everyone have an amazing weekend!