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  • The south of England had become a vast military camp,

    南イングランドは 巨大なキャンプでした。

  • jam-packed with hundreds of thousands of soldiers,

    数十万の兵士たちが ノルマンディーへの船出を待っているのです。

  • all planning on a trip to the Normandy beaches in the early summer.

    イギリス保安局 (MI5) の仕事は

  • The job of the British Security Service, MI5,

    D-デイに際し、ドイツの注意を よそに向けること。

  • was to make sure that, on D-Day, the Germans were looking the other way.

    しくじれば、何十万もの命が 失われます。

  • If they failed, tens of thousands of men would die.


  • This episode is sponsored by Wargaming!

    World of TanksをDLし コード「NEPTUNE」で特典をゲットしよう!

  • New players can download World of Tanks


  • and use the code NEPTUNE for free goodies. Link in the description!


  • In August 1942, desperate to score a success

    後退に次ぐ後退、敗北に次ぐ敗北に 終止符を打つべく

  • in the face of an unending string of military setbacks and defeats,

    連合国は、フランスのディエップに 無謀な攻撃をしかけます。

  • the Allies carried out a daring raid on the French port of Dieppe.

    しかし、攻撃を知り、防備を整えていたドイツの前に 連合国は完全敗北。

  • But the Germans were ready for them, fortified and prepared for the attack.


  • It was an unmitigated disaster,

    彼らは戦訓を得ます。 「D-デイを成功させたいのなら

  • leaving almost 4,000 Canadians dead on the beaches.


  • This catastrophe convinced everybody


  • that when the real invasion of France came,

    D-デイの90日後までに、米兵だけでも120万人が フランスに送られる予定であり

  • the Germans must not be prepared for it, or D-Day would mean destruction.


  • This was, of course, going to be a little tricky.

    作戦が立てられます。 「フォーティテュード作戦」

  • By 90 days after D-Day, the US army alone

    史上もっとも大掛かりな 欺瞞作戦です。

  • planned to have 1.2 million men with all of their equipment in France.

    「攻撃がない」と 敵に思わせることはできません。

  • You can't just hide that under a bit of camouflage netting.

    作戦は、「兵員数、上陸日時、上陸地点」を 隠すことに焦点を当てていました。

  • And so was born Operation Fortitude,

    イギリス各地に 撹乱の軍隊が配備されます。

  • the most ambitious deception plan in military history.

    イギリス第4軍は、ノルウェーを狙うかのように スコットランドに。

  • The operation wouldn't pretend that there was to be no invasion,

    ジョージ・パットンは アメリカ第1軍の指揮官に任命され

  • that would be impossible. Instead, their goal would be

    海峡を挟んでカレーと反対の イギリス側で指揮をとります。

  • to fool the Germans about how many were coming, when they would land,

    英第4軍、米第1軍は 普通の軍ではありません。

  • and where they would land.


  • Army groups were positioned around Britain to confuse the Germans.

    まったくのフェイク 作り物の軍隊なのでした。

  • The British 4th army was stationed in Scotland,

    ブラフのために兵士を 割くわけにはいきませんからね。

  • supposedly preparing to attack Norway.

    ドイツを騙すため 映画会社にお呼びがかかります。

  • General George Patton became the proud commander

    彼らのまやかしは ダミーの軍隊から

  • of the 1st US Army Group

    板切れの飛行機、風船の戦車 250のニセ上陸艇におよび

  • stationed on the English coast opposite the Pas de Calais,

    ニセの司令部からは 嘘の通信が漏れはじめます。

  • the closest crossing to France.

    ジョージ6世による 軍の視察まで行われ

  • The British 4th and the US 1st were somewhat unusual armies

    風船の前に並ぶ兵士を 厳粛な顔で見て回る国王の姿を

  • in that there were no actual people in them.


  • They were completely fake, made up, non-existent.


  • The allies had no real soldiers to spare,


  • they were all needed in France for the ACTUAL invasion.

    連合は「第一軍こそドイツの脅威だ」と 演出します。

  • So to get the Germans to fall for this massive bluff,


  • the film industry was called in.

    ドイツはもともと 侵攻があるとすればカレーと考えており

  • They created a brilliant illusion, an entire dummy army,

    あとはただ、その思い込みを 続けさせるだけでした。

  • wooden aircraft, inflatable tanks, 250 fake landing craft.

    こうして、MI5の 「二十委員会」が発足。

  • Two fake corps headquarters were invented,

    ローマ数字のXX (20) ダブルクロス (寝返り) が由来です。

  • pouring out a constant stream of radio drivel.

    彼らの役目は、ドイツに 偽の情報を流すこと。

  • At one point, King George VI even made an official inspection visit,

    もっともらしいデタラメや 「遅すぎた情報」を伝えることです。

  • solemnly inspecting row after row of blow up tanks and real troops

    1939年、イギリスに寝返った ある二重スパイが

  • who had bussed in for the day,

    ドイツスパイの情報伝達手段について MI5に教示していました。

  • all while the daily news reel broadcast this inspection to the world.

    二十委員会は、これを用い 二重スパイの大ネットワークを構築。

  • George even managed to look thoroughly impressed.

    D-デイ時には、イギリス内のドイツスパイは すべて委員会の手に落ちていました。

  • And, because you might as well go big or go home,

    そのうちの一人 コードネーム「ガルボ」は

  • this inflatable 1st US Army was presented not just as a threat, but as

    27人からなる スパイ網をでっち上げ

  • the threat, the primary invasion force to be launched at the Pas de Calais.

    マドリードのドイツ大使に 大量のニセ写真を送りつけます。

  • The Germans already considered this


  • the most likely destination for the Allied attack;

    「他の攻撃企図、たとえばノルマンディーとか? あれらはフェイントです」

  • now the Allies just had to make sure the Germans CONTINUED to believe that.

    「何かあったと言われても、馬鹿が騒いでるだけ。 無視されるがよろしい」

  • And so was born MI5's Twenty Committee,


  • so called for the XX Roman NumeralsDouble Cross.

    のちにドイツから 鉄十字章を授与されたほどに。

  • Double Cross fed the Germans a constant stream of highly credible intel,

    ただ、敵はまんまと 騙されているとはいえ

  • a combination of utter rubbish and brilliant information

    攻撃が始まれば 嘘はバレてしまいます。

  • delivered just too late to be useful.

    ドイツの総力が ノルマンディーに集結し

  • Back in 1939, the British had turned a German agent into a double agent.

    連合国軍は、たやすく 海に押し返されるでしょう。

  • He was pretty useless, but he had told MI5 everything they needed to know


  • about how the German secret service communicated with their agents.

    「ノルマンディーは第一波」と思わせる 準備がなされました。

  • The Twenty Committee used this information to create

    秘密厳守のため 手が尽くされます。

  • an entire network of double agents.

    作戦遂行のためには 沿岸部の写真が必要なのですが

  • By D-Day, Germany's network of spies in Britain

    数百回にわたる写真偵察を行っても まだ足りず

  • was owned by the Twenty Committee.

    軍は国民に 「海水浴写真」の提供を依頼。

  • One agent was a Catalan, code named GARBO.

    玩具会社のチャド・バレーが それをもとにして

  • Garbo created a completely fictitious network of 27 agents

    運搬に便利な ジグソーパズルの地図を製作します。

  • who bombarded the German embassy in Madrid with messages,

    2セットのパズルは ふたりの男が運びましたが

  • presenting an utterly convincing, and utterly false, picture.


  • The REAL attack, they said, would come in the Pas de Calais;

    届け終わると、運び手は D-デイが終わるまで拘束されました。

  • any other perceived invasions such as, I don't know, Normandy, whatever,


  • those were feints. If you hear any guns or shouting,

    補助空軍の女性30人を 民間人に変装させ

  • just relax, it's just the neighbours again. Go back to bed.

    パブで酒を飲む コマンド部隊にけしかけました。

  • Garbo was good at his job.

    誘惑に負け、口を滑らせないかを 確認するためです。

  • So good, in fact, that the Germans awarded him with the Iron Cross

    全員が口を閉ざし 軍は胸をなで下ろしました。

  • for his invaluable services.

    しかし、MI5はまだ不安です。 「情報が漏れれば、あの日の再来だ」

  • But the danger was that even if they fooled the Germans before the invasion,

    1942年、新聞のクロスワードパズルに 「ディエップ」の単語が現れます。

  • once the Allies landed, the deception would be over.

    ディエップ戦の 前日のことでした。

  • All German military strength in France would be concentrated on Normandy;


  • and the Allies would then no doubt be driven back into the sea.

    5月2日の同紙のパズルには 「合衆国の州」のヒント。

  • So a series of new operations were concocted to convince the Germans

    答えは「ユタ」 上陸地のコードネームです。

  • that other invasions would follow the first all along the coast of France.

    続いて22日には「オマハ」 これも上陸地。

  • Secrecy was critical.

    「マルベリー」「オーバーロード」 「ネプチューン」

  • To help the invading forces,

    どれも作戦に関する コードネームです。

  • a complete photographic map of all of the beaches was needed.

    MI5は、とうとうクロスワードの作者 レナード・ドーに詰め寄りますが

  • The RAF and USAAF ran hundreds of photographic missions,


  • but they needed more.

    皆の気がかりは 「欺瞞が成功しているか」でした。

  • So the public were asked to send in all of their holiday beach photos.

    「ドイツの通信の傍受さえできれば それを確かめられるのに……」

  • Then the toy maker Chad Valley was commissioned to take this intel

    ドイツには、複雑な暗号機 「エニグマ」があり

  • and make a vast map of the operational area

    毎日変更される鍵から 「159×100万×100万×100万」通りの 暗号を生成します。

  • in jigsaw puzzle form for easy mobility.


  • The jigsaw map was delivered by two men in two pieces,


  • neither of them knew which was the real one,

    アラン・チューリングら、天才数学者を ブレッチリー・パークに集めます。

  • and, once the delivery was complete,


  • neither was allowed to leave headquarters until D-Day was over.


  • The British armed forces were obsessive about security.

    ドイツ兵が逃げ出す 沈みゆく潜水艦のなかで

  • They arranged for 30 members of the women's Auxiliary Air Force

    イギリス兵が見つけたのは 思いもよらない宝物でした。

  • to dress in civilian clothes


  • and visit pubs close to where the British commandos were staying.

    以後、大戦終結まで ドイツの通信は筒抜けとなり

  • Their job: to flirt with the men and try to get them to spill

    エニグマ解読によって、大戦は 2年以上短縮されたとも言われます。

  • information about their mission.

    そして、この通信傍受により 二十委員会の成功も 確認されました。

  • To everybody's amazement and delight, the commandos kept quiet.

    ノルマンディーのニュースが届いても ドイツ司令部は

  • MI5 still worried that the news was out, though,

    「陽動にすぎない。真の目標は別にある」 と考えたのです。

  • and that the Germans would be ready and waiting.

    D-デイをうけてなお、ドイツは カレーの防御に集中し

  • Back in 1942,


  • the crossword in the Daily Telegraph newspaper had included a clue


  • answered by the word "Dieppe",

    さて、イギリス・カナダにとってのD-デイは どんなものだったのでしょう?

  • just one day before the Dieppe raid had taken place.

    イギリスの上陸地は ゴールドとソード。

  • Worrisome. And now, on May 2nd,


  • in the same crossword section came the clue "One of the U.S.",

    チャーチルは、へんてこなコードネームを 嫌いました。

  • and the answer was Utah,

    「息子が『ウサギおどり作戦』で死んだ、と聞いて 母親はどう思うね?」と。

  • the code name for one of the beaches the Americans were to land on.

    イギリス空挺部隊が出撃。 彼らは混乱にも負けず、目標を達成します。

  • Then on the 22nd of May, came the answer "Omaha",

    ドイツの砲台を狙う、彼ら700人の 大半が着陸に失敗し

  • another beach, and then later "Mulberry", "Overlord" and "Neptune".

    加えて全装備を 喪失したにもかかわらず

  • All code words for various D-Day operations.

    残った150人が、ライフルとスタンガンだけで 砲台を奪取したのです。

  • Finally, MI5 descended in a fury upon Leonard Dawe,


  • the school master who wrote these crosswords.


  • Turns out that it was all just an extraordinary series of coincidences.

    障害物をとりのぞく工兵が つぎつぎと敵弾に倒れていきます。

  • But the big question remained: had all of this deception and secrecy worked?

    戦車と火炎放射器が 砂山のドイツ兵に突撃。

  • And how would the Allies know if it had?

    続いて上陸艇が到着し 兵士を吐き出します。

  • They needed to be able to read German communications to be sure.

    30分とまたず スケジュールは崩壊。

  • The Germans used an extraordinarily complex encoding system: Enigma.

    ビーチに入り乱れるは 人と機械と、その残骸。

  • The codes were changed daily,


  • and there were 159 million million million possible permutations.


  • German messages should have been impossible to read.

    喜劇が、悲劇が、英雄譚が 一秒ごとに生まれました。

  • But the British thought they could crack the code.

    しかし、代償を払いつつも ソードへの上陸は成功。

  • They assembled a team of brilliant mathematicians like Alan Turing

    午後9時には 兵士たちは移動を開始します。

  • at Bletchley Park to do it.

    ジュノーも、甚大な損害を出しつつ 防衛を突破し

  • Then the allies had a lucky break.


  • In May 1941, a British ship forced a German U-boat to the surface.


  • The Germans abandoned their sinking craft, but in the final moment,


  • the British sailors managed to board

    制空権も奪取して ドイツ機を空から一掃しました。

  • and capture the most unimaginable treasure:

    敵はまごついています。 今のうちに、内陸部に攻め入り

  • a completely intact code machine and codebooks.

    カーンなどの主要目標を 落とさなければなりません。

  • Soon, and for much of the rest of the war,

    兵士たちは、ひとときの休息をとり 心を鎮めると

  • the British were routinely reading German messages.

    空挺部隊と合流すべく 内陸へ向かいました。

  • One estimate has suggested that the intelligence gained from this find

    が、上陸拠点の道は 大渋滞を起こしており

  • may have shortened the war by more than 2 years.

    肝心の戦車も、車列に飲まれ 合流が遅れています。

  • It was through that intelligence the Allies learned

    ドイツのしぶとい防衛も 歩兵の前進を阻みました。

  • that the Twenty Committee had been stunningly successful.

    18時 キングス・シュロップシャー軽歩兵連隊の兵士が

  • When the balloon finally went up, every key German commander

    カーンから5km手前で会敵。 塹壕に籠もります。

  • greeted the news of operations in Normandy as an invasion,

    戦車による支援なしに 町の攻略は不可能。

  • but not the invasion. Critical German focus, men and material

    その夜、100kmに並んだ兵士たちが 覗き込む闇を

  • remained on the Pas de Calais even after D-Day,


  • confusing, slowing and weakening the German response.


  • It was little short of a miracle.

    しかし、ノルマンディーをかけた、次なる戦いは 想像を超えた激戦になろうとしています。

  • And so D-Day began for the British and Canadian forces.

    この動画はWargamingの提供で お送りしました。

  • The British beaches were called Gold and Sword,

    あなたがヨーロッパにお住まいなら WoTのチョイスバンドルをご利用いただけます。

  • and the Canadian beach, Juno.


  • Churchill had insisted on proper names rather than silly code names,

  • saying that no mother wanted to hear that her son had given his life

  • at the "Bunnyhug" landings.

  • The British parachute drop, despite massive confusion,

  • achieved most objectives in the face of incredible odds.

  • 700 men and a complete glider train of artillery

  • were supposed to be sent to capture a critical German battery.

  • But when all of the equipment and most of the men were lost in the landing,

  • the 150 remaining soldiers,

  • armed only with rifles and Sten guns, took the battery none the less.

  • It's 7:25am at Sword beach. Mine clearing tanks thrash the sand,

  • sappers run beside them to disable mines and obstacles,

  • frequently falling to enemy fire along the way.

  • Then come tanks and flamethrowers

  • throwing themselves at the German defences on the dunes.

  • And only then come the landing craft to release their cargos of men.

  • In the chaos, the schedule collapses in only half an hour.

  • The beach has become a tangle of men, machinery, twisted wreckage,

  • a chaos of dead, dying and living.

  • The air is filled with the roar of gunfire.

  • Every moment is a drama of comedies, tragedies and moments of heroism.

  • But despite the cost, the landing at Sword was remarkably successful.

  • By 9:00pm, many units were off the beaches and moving inland.

  • At Juno, Canadian losses were heavier,

  • but they soon broke through the coastal defences, as did the British at Gold.

  • The landing plan had worked amazingly well, considering.

  • Almost everywhere, the German coast lines had been rolled up.

  • And the allies had complete control of the air.

  • The Luftwaffe was nowhere to be seen.

  • Now was the time to strike hard and fast into the interior,

  • to exploit the Germans' shock and seize the vital objectives,

  • including the major town of Caen. There was a period of calm

  • as men brewed up to recover from the initial assault,

  • and then they moved inland to link up with the airborne units.

  • Unfortunately, the beach heads behind them were a massive traffic jam.

  • The roads were chaos, and their armour support

  • was still fighting their way through that traffic to reach them.

  • And the Germans continued to fight hard; key strongpoints resisted

  • and slowed the British and Canadian infantry's advance.

  • At 6:00pm, a unit of the King's Shropshire Light Infantry

  • came under heavy fire 3 miles short of Caen and dug in for the night.

  • With little armoured support,

  • pressing the attack and capturing the town was not an option.

  • That night, men lay across a 60 mile stretch with their weapons,

  • peering into a darkness lit by flares, tracer and shells.

  • D-Day had been a remarkable success;

  • but as elite German divisions approached,

  • the fight for Normandy was about to begin,

  • and it would be harder than any could imagine.

  • Thanks again to Wargaming for sponsoring this Extra History episode.

  • If you happen to be watching from Europe,

  • check out the Extra Credits' Choice Bundle

  • in the World of Tanks premium shop. Link in the description!

The south of England had become a vast military camp,

南イングランドは 巨大なキャンプでした。


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