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My Pride is not intended for children and contains mature themes and violence.
A thousand seasons ago the world was a very different place... Instead of the small Prides
we know today, all lions belonged to one of three Great Kingdoms: The Moon Kingdom, the
The Moon Kingdom,
The Sun Kingdom,
and the Storm Kingdom.
The Storm Kingdom was favoured by Cansu, the wanderer.
Goddess of travels, wisdom and rain
The Sun Kingdom was blessed by Sunce, the Trickster,
Goddess of wrath, life and the sun. Her eye watches as long as the day is light. The Moon
Kingdom was blessed by Asra the Guardian, Sunce's blind twin sister and Goddess of Mercy,
Death and the Moon.
Once per generation each great Kingdom had a leader, divinely chosen
by their Goddess. This chosen lion ruled their kingdom until the next chosen came of age...
Ugh!All this lead up is boring! Get to the part about Kyoga and her one true love!
I wanna hear about Lite and how he kicked Karabi The Terrible's butt and saved the world!
Spark, that's not how it happened at all. Do you ever listen?
"Enough! If you don't settle down I won't tell you the story again at all."
"Yes Grandmother!"
"Now... where was I..."
The Great Kingdoms fell because of Asra's chosen leader of the Moon Kingdom, Kyoga.
"Here she is!!"
After generations of hostility between their two Kingdoms, Kyoga was set to be bonded to
Sunce's chosen lion of the Sun Kingdom, Lite. Lite and Kyoga fell deeply in love, both kingdoms
eagerly awaited their bonding day, and the peace which would follow. But just before
their ceremony, Kyoga was kidnapped by a monster...
An evil, jealous lioness known as Karabi. Karabi stole princess Kyoga away from her
love and her family and--
POWERSTRIKE: Mother! Are you filling their heads with nonsense again?
SHARPTONGUE: It's history, Powerstrike.
It's important!
It's cool!
It's boring.
If it doesn't fill bellies it's not doing us any good. Are you ready for the hunt, Sharptongue?
Mmm. I suppose I am.
Does she have to?
Ahaha, don't be so upset to have to spend the afternoon with your Dad!
We'll be off then. Starmane, I trust you'll keep their heads out of the clouds.
Yes Ma'am! You hear that cubs? Nothing but cold hard reality from now on!
Ugh, reality's the worst!
We'll be back soon!
Bye mom!
Let's keep playing! I'll be Lite and you be Karabi and we'll fight!
Who do I get to be?
You get to be Kyoga. Go stand over there and look sad.
What!? That's not fair! Kyoga doesn't do anything!
That's exactly why you're her.
Dad! Spark's being a jerk again!
I'm lost, what are you arguing about?
You don't know the story?
I'm... fuzzy on the details...
Lite loved Kyoga but then she got kidnapped and everyone died and now we have Prides!
Even I know that wasn't right.
I'll tell it!!
Karabi kidnapped Kyoga and took her far away from Lite! It started a huge war between the
Kingdoms and Lite vowed to save her! When he finally found them, Karabi had already
killed Kyoga! Lite vowed to avenge her.He and Karabi battled for DAYS but Lite had the
power of love on his side and he was finally able to defeat her. The war ended after that
but the Kingdoms were too broken to fix! So Lite created Pride Law so everyone could be
happy again! That's why we live in Prides today!
That's a pretty violent story for you cubs... I should have a talk with Sharptongue about
I love Shaptongue's stories!/Her stories are the best!
I don't like them either Dad!
You don't count, you don't like anything.
I-I like things! I just like real things. Not stories. Like mom says.
Real things are fun too! Let's play Mane and No-Mane, Fire!
I said REAL THINGS. Lionesses are too weak to be Manes. I don't want to play that game
with you.
She's trying to be nice to you, bird brain! You never break the rules even when we're
just playing.
T-that's a real No-Mane.
Stay calm cubs. I'm going to--
Sunce's Flaming eye!!
Stay here, in the tall grass.
Don't. Move.
Cubs! Run! Find your mother!
You heard him! We have to go.
He has to win. He has to.
Can you hear me, cubs? This Pride isn't mine until the old mane's young are gone!
No use in hiding.
Ah. There you are.
You've done yourself a favour cub.
Get away from my brother!!
Don't be sad little Lioness...you'll be with him again momentarily.
Asra may take me but you will never win.
What's that's supposed to--
Let go of me!! Demon!! Ahhh!
I smell blood... Over there! Starmane!
Sister, you're awake!
Fire? You're alright?
The No-Mane didn't find me...
What about Spark?
But you're still here! That's what counts. Come on, let's go tell Mom!
Sister? What's wrong?
It's my leg. It hurts when I step on this one...
Do you need help?
No, I'm okay... It doesn't hurt if I don't put any pressure on it.
Okay. Come on.
We should just kill him.
He's a pathetic, spineless, weak, half-blind joke of a Mane!
But I won the battle with Starmane honourably! I swear! It was that cub. The female. There's
something wrong with that one. It said something evil before it attacked me. Like it was possessed!
SHE is MY cub and you will NOT refer to her as "it".
Pride Law is not so simple as to allow us to just kill him, Powerstrike. While I agree,
he isn't the Mane I would have chosen, he defeated Starmane in fair combat.
He was bested by a CUB, mother!
The Pride is rightfully his.
So you think I should just LET him kill my other two cubs because he SAYS he defeated
Starmane fairly?
I did!
I'm not saying you should let him do anything to them. My decision, as Hunt Chief, is to
have them co-exist.
He bested Starmane in combat and so the Pride rightfully belongs to him. Your daughter then
bested HIM in combat which proves that she and Fire have a right to the Pride as well.
So. Let them both have it.
That'll never work! How could we ever trust him alone with them?
If it was the will of the Three Sisters for them to die, they would already be dead...
if you harm these cubs, you'll earn the ire of the Goddesses themselves.
How do you know the Goddesses are involved?
I see things you cannot. I know.
You expect my cubs to be protected by nothing more than superstition!? He'll never keep
his word.
He'll keep it. If he doesn't he'll have defied the Gods, and I don't believe even this half
wit of a Mane is stupid enough to do that.
Mom, look! Sister is okay!
Thank the Goddesses!
What's wrong with your leg?
It hurts when I step on it.
But... she's okay otherwise. Hurt is better than dead!
Hm. Of course Fire.
I know now what my mother couldn't tell me then. That injury changed everything. From
that day forward, my life would never be the same again.