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  • 1914: the Great Powers of Europe are divided into two rival alliances:


  • The Triple Entente: France, Britain and Russia, united by fear and suspicion of Germany, Europe's

    協商:フランス、イギリス、ロシア、ヨーロッパの 新しい最強の大国

  • new strongest power.

    であるドイツへの恐れと疑いによって団結しました 。

  • And the Triple Alliance: Germany, which fears encirclement by its rivals; Austro-Hungary,


  • clinging onto a fragile empire; and Italy, seeking gains at French expense.


  • The spark comes on 28th June, in the city of Sarajevo.


  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, is assassinated by a 19 year-old Slav

    オーストリア・ハンガリー帝国の王位継承者であるフランツ・フェルディナンド大公は、 ガヴリロ・プリンシプという名前の

  • nationalist named Gavrilo Princip.

    19歳のスラブ 民族主義 者によって暗殺され

  • Austro-Hungary accuses its Balkan rival Serbia of having aided the assassin, and sends an

    ました。 オーストリア・ハンガリー帝国は、バルカン半島のライバルであるセルビアが暗殺者を支援したと非難し

  • ultimatum, demanding humiliating concessions.

    、屈辱的な譲歩を要求し て 最後通告 を送ります 。

  • Serbia rejects the ultimatum, and Austro-Hungary declares war.


  • Within hours Austrian forces are shelling Belgrade.


  • The Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, feels honour-bound to defend Serbia, a fellow Slav nation, and


  • orders the Russian army to mobilise.

    、ロシア軍に動員 を 命じます。

  • German Emperor Wilhelm II has promised his support to Austro-Hungary. He and his generals


  • see conflict with Russia as inevitableand the sooner the better, as Russian strength

    は、ロシアとの紛争は避けられないと考えてい ます。 そして、ロシアの力

  • grows year on year.

    が年々成長するにつれて 、早いほど良いの

  • Russian mobilisation is used to justify German mobilisation, followed by a declaration of

    です。 ロシアの動員はドイツの動員を正当化するために使用され、続い

  • war on Russia.

    てロシア に対する宣戦布告が行われ ます。

  • Germany knows war with Russia means war with Russia's ally, France. It has developed the


  • Schlieffen Plan to meet this threat of a war on two frontsfirst, its armies will advance

    シュリーフェンプランは、この戦争の脅威に2つの面で対応するために策定 されました。

  • rapidly through neutral Belgium to encircle and destroy French armies near Paris, and

    まず、その軍隊は 中立のベルギーを急速 に前進 し、パリ近郊のフランス軍を取り囲んで破壊

  • win a quick victory. Then its forces can move east to deal with Russia, whose huge army


  • will take much longer to mobilise.


  • And so Germany declares war on France. Six million men are now marching to war across


  • Europe.


  • Italy, however, remains neutral. The terms of the Triple Alliance don't bind it to join

    中で戦争に向かって行進して います。 しかし、イタリアは中立のままです。三国同盟の条件は、

  • an offensive war.


  • The United States also declares its neutrality. President Wilson and the American public have

    に参加することを拘束するものではありません 。 米国も中立を宣言しています。ウィルソン大統領とアメリカ国民は

  • no desire to get entangled in Europe's war.


  • Britain is France's ally, but at first it's not clear if it will join the war against

    い ません。 英国はフランスの同盟国ですが、最初は ドイツと

  • Germany. But when German troops invade Belgium, whose neutrality Britain has guaranteed, an

    の戦争に参加するかどうかは明らかではありません 。しかし、イギリスが中立を保証しているベルギーにドイツ軍が侵入すると、

  • ultimatum is sent from London to Berlin demanding they withdraw. It's ignored, and Britain declares


  • war.


  • A British Expeditionary Force lands in France, while the German invasion is held up for crucial


  • days by Belgian resistance at the fortress-city of Liège.


  • German troops commit several massacres against Belgian civilians. The atrocities are inflated

    決定的な 日数の間持ちこたえられました。

  • by Allied propaganda, and help turn public opinion in neutral countries against Germany.

    ドイツ軍はベルギーの民間人に対していくつかの虐殺を犯します。残虐行為は 連合国のプロパガンダによって 膨らみ

  • France, unaware of Germany's great encircling attack, launches Plan XVII, an offensive into

    、中立国の世論をドイツに反対さ せるのに 役立ちます。 フランスは、ドイツの大規模な包囲攻撃に気づかず、 ドイツ領土

  • German territory. But in the Battle of the Frontiers they're driven back, with enormous

    への攻撃であるプランXVIIを開始し ます。しかし、フロンティアの戦いでは、彼らは追い返さ

  • losses on both sides.

    れ、双方に 莫大な 損失をもたらしました。

  • The British Expeditionary Force clashes with the German army at Mons. But the British are


  • heavily outnumbered, and soon join the French in retreat.


  • The Allies make their stand at the River Marne, 40 miles outside Paris. Their desperate counterattack


  • saves the city and drives the Germans back. Both sides suffer a quarter of a million casualties.


  • 'The Race to the Sea' begins, as both sides try to outflank each other to the north. A


  • series of clashes leads to the First Battle of Ypres, where the Allies desperately cling

    連合国が必死 に しがみつく とドイツの突破口を防ぐ

  • on and prevent a German breakthrough. There are more heavy losses on both sides.

    イーペルの最初の戦いに衝突リードのシリーズ 。両側でより大きな損失があります。

  • The two armies then dig-in along the entire 350 mile front, seeking shelter from deadly


  • machine-gun fire and artillery shells. Trench warfare has begun.

    機関銃の火と砲弾 からの避難所を探しました 。塹壕戦が始まった。 イギリスの軍艦がヘルゴラント湾での最初の海戦に勝利し、3 隻のドイツ巡洋艦を 沈めました

  • British warships win the first naval battle of the war at Heligoland Bight, sinking three

    。 イギリスは世界で最も強力な海軍を持っています。ドイツの 19

  • German cruisers.


  • Britain has the most powerful navy in the world: 29 modern battleships to Germany's

    。現在、ドイツに海軍の封鎖を課し、食料を含む禁制品 が海上に到達するの

  • 19. They now impose a naval blockade on Germany, preventing contraband goods, including food,

    を防いで います。目的は、ドイツの経済 を屈服させ 、強制的 に降伏させることです。

  • from reaching it by sea. The aim is to bring Germany's economy to its knees and force it

    しかし1週間後、イギリスの巡洋艦HMSパスファインダーは 、潜水艦発射魚雷という致命的な新兵器の

  • to surrender.


  • But a week later, the British cruiser HMS Pathfinder becomes the first victim in history

    。 ドイツの潜水艦、またはUボートは、9000マイルの表面範囲を持ち

  • of a lethal new weapon - the submarine-launched torpedo.

    、波の下から 検出さ れ ずに攻撃することができ ます。彼らは、英国の

  • German submarines, or U-boats, have a surface range of 9000 miles, and can attack undetected

    制海権 に対する致命的な新たな挑戦を告げてい ます。

  • from beneath the waves. They herald a deadly new challenge to Britain's command of the


  • seas.

    はタンネンベルクの戦いで大 惨事

  • On the Eastern Front, Russian armies invade East Prussia. But they blunder into disaster

    に 陥り ました。そこでは、フォン・ヒンデンブルク将軍と彼の参謀長エーリッヒ・

  • at the Battle of Tannenberg, where General von Hindenburg and his Chief of Staff Erich


  • Ludendorff mastermind a brilliant German victory, taking 90,000 prisoners and destroying an

    ロシア軍全体 を破壊し、ドイツの輝かしい勝利を首謀しました

  • entire Russian army.

  • The Russians contribute to their own defeat by transmitting uncoded wireless messages.


  • A second massive German victory at Masurian Lakes forces the Russians into retreat.


  • In just six weeks, the Russian army suffers nearly a third of a million casualties.


  • Meanwhile Austro-Hungary's invasion of Serbia suffers a humiliating reverse at the Battle

    一方、オーストリア・ハンガリー帝国のセルビア侵攻は 、ツェル の戦い で

  • of Cer. Austro-Hungary's offensive against Russia also ends in disaster and retreat,

    屈辱的な逆転に見舞われた 。オーストリア・ハンガリー帝国のロシアに対する攻撃もまた

  • with the loss of more than 300,000 men.

    、30万人以上の兵士を失い 、惨事と後退に終わった 。

  • The fortress-town of Przemyśl is cut-off and besieged by the Russians.


  • The Germans are forced to come to the rescue, launching a diversionary attack towards Warsaw.


  • It leads to weeks of brutal, winter fighting around the Polish city of Łódź, but there


  • is no clear winner.


  • Meanwhile, the Turkish Ottoman Empire has joined the Central Powers, declaring war on


  • its old enemy, Russia. Turkish warships bombard the Russian ports of Odessa and Sevastopol,

    その古い敵であるロシアとの 宣戦布告を行っ た。トルコの軍艦がロシアのオデッサ港とセヴァストポリ港を攻撃

  • while in the Caucasus, Russian troops cross the Turkish frontier.


  • Beyond Europe, the war rages on the world's oceans and in far-flung European colonies.


  • German troops cross into British East Africa (modern Kenya) and occupy Taveta; while Allied


  • forces seize the German colony of Togoland (modern Togo).

    軍がドイツ領トーゴラント(現代のトーゴ)の植民地を占領している 間 。

  • But British forces invading German Cameroon are defeated at Garua and Nsanakong, while


  • a 3,000 strong force attacking German South-West Africa, modern Namibia, is captured at Sandfontein.


  • A month later, British landings at Tanga end in chaos and defeat at the hands of a much

    1か月後、タンガへのイギリス軍の着陸は混乱に終わり、 フォン・レットウ・ヴォルベック大佐が率いる

  • smaller German force led by Colonel von Lettow-Vorbeck.

    はるかに 小さなドイツ軍の

  • Cut-off from Germany, Lettow-Vorbeck goes on to wage a highly successful guerilla war

    手によって敗北しました 。 ドイツから切り離されたレットウ・ヴォルベックは

  • against the Allies, tying down huge numbers of troops.

    、連合国に対して 大成功を収めたゲリラ戦争を続け、 膨大な数の軍隊を拘束しました。

  • In Asia, Japan honours its treaty with Britain and declares war on Germany. Japanese forces


  • go on to seize the German naval base at Tsingtao.


  • The German colonies of Samoa and New Guinea surrender to troops from New Zealand and Australia.


  • But in the Pacific, off the coast of Chile, German Admiral von Spee's powerful East Asia


  • squadron sinks two British cruisers at the Battle of Coronel. Both ships are lost with


  • all hands.

    すべての手で 失われ

  • Five weeks later, he runs into a British naval task force at the Falkland Islands. Four of

    ます。 5週間後、彼はフォークランド諸島でイギリス海軍の機動部隊に遭遇しました。

  • the five German cruisers are sunk. Von Spee goes down with his flagship.

    5隻のドイツ巡洋艦のうち 4 隻が沈没しました。フォンシュピーは彼の旗艦で倒れます。

  • While in the Middle East, British troops seize control of the Ottoman port of Basra, securing


  • access to the vital Persian oil that fuels the British fleet.

    、イギリス艦隊に燃料を供給する重要なペルシャ石油へのアクセスを 確保し ます。

  • That winter, Austrian troops finally capture Belgrade, but the Serbs then counterattack


  • and drive them back once more.


  • The fighting in Serbia has already cost around 200,000 casualties on each side.


  • In the North Sea, German warships mount a hit-and-run raid against English coastal towns,


  • shelling Hartlepool, Whitby and Scarborough, and killing more than a hundred civilians.


  • On the Western Front, the French launch their first major offensive against the German lines:


  • but the First Battle of Champagne leads to small gains at a cost of 90,000 casualties.


  • While in the Caucasus, an Ottoman offensive through the mountains in midwinter ends in


  • disaster at Sarikamish. Turkish casualties total 60,000, many frozen to death.

    サルカムシュ で 惨事に終わります。トルコの死傷者は合計60,000人で、その多くが凍死しました。

  • On the Western Front, that first Christmas is marked in some sectors by a short truce,


  • and games of football in No Man's Land, the killing zone between

    と 、塹壕の 間 の 殺害地帯である無人地帯でのサッカーの試合 によって特徴づけられます

  • the trenches.

  • World War One is just five months old, and already around one million soldiers have fallen.


  • A war that began in the Balkans has engulfed much of the world.


  • The Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire, fight the Allies:


  • Britain, France, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Belgium, and Japan.


  • In Poland and the Baltic, the Russian army has suffered a string of massive defeats,


  • but continues to battle German and Austro-Hungarian forces.


  • Austro-Hungarian troops have also suffered huge losses, and are humiliated by their failure

    オーストリア・ハンガリー軍も巨額の損失を被り、 セルビアを破る

  • to defeat Serbia.

    ことができなかった ことに 屈辱を与えられてい

  • In the Caucasus Mountains, Russian and Ottoman forces fight each other in freezing winter

    ます。 コーカサス山脈では、ロシア軍とオスマン帝国軍が凍えるような冬の

  • conditions.

    条件 で互いに戦ってい

  • While on the Western Front, French, British and Belgian troops are dug in facing the Germans,

    ます。 西部戦線にいる間、イギリス 海峡からスイスに伸びる塹壕で

  • in trenches stretching from the English Channel to Switzerland.

    、フランス、イギリス、ベルギーの軍隊がドイツ軍と対峙するために掘られ ました。 世界初の戦略爆撃キャンペーンの一環として、ドイツ

  • As part of the world's first strategic bombing campaign, Germany sends two giant airships,

    はツェッペリンと呼ばれる 2つの巨大な飛行船を

  • known as Zeppelins, to bomb Britain. They hit the ports of King's Lynn and Great Yarmouth,


  • damaging houses and killing 4 civilians.

    家屋 に 損害を与え、4人の民間人を殺害した。

  • At sea, at the Battle of Dogger Bank, the British navy sinks one German cruiser, but


  • the rest of the German squadron escapes.


  • Command of the seas has allowed Britain to impose a naval blockade of Germany, preventing


  • vital supplies, including food, from reaching the country by sea.

    、食料を含む重要な物資が海路で国に到達するのを 防いで います。

  • Germany now retaliates with its own blockade: it declares the waters around the British

    ドイツは現在、独自の封鎖で報復し ています。 イギリス 諸島 周辺の海域を

  • Isles to be a war zone, where its U-boats will attack Allied merchant ships without

    戦争地帯 と宣言しており 、Uボートが連合国の商船を 警告

  • warning.

    なしに攻撃し ます。

  • Britain relies on imported food to feed its population. Germany plans to starve her into


  • surrender.

    降伏 させる計画 です。

  • On the Eastern Front, German Field Marshal von Hindenburg launches a Winter Offensive,


  • and inflicts another massive defeat on the Russian army at the Second Battle of Masurian

    マスリアン 湖の 第2の戦いでロシア軍に別の大敗をもたらし

  • Lakes. The Russians lose up to 200,000 men, half of them surrendering amid freezing winter


  • conditions.

    条件の 中で降伏し ます。

  • The Russians have more success against Austria-Hungary: the city of Przemyśl falls after a four month


  • siege, netting the Russians 100,000 prisoners. Austria-Hungary's total losses now reach two

    包囲の 後で崩壊 し、ロシア人に10万人の囚人を捕らえました。オーストリア-ハンガリーの総損失は現在

  • million.


  • Meanwhile, the British and French send warships to the Dardanelles, to threaten Constantinople,

    一方、イギリスとフランス は、トルコのオスマン帝国の首都である

  • capital of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. They believe a show of force will quickly cause


  • Turkey to surrender.


  • They bombard Turkish shore-forts in the narrow straits, but three battleships are sunk by

    トルコを すぐ に降伏さ せると信じてい ます。

  • mines, and three more damaged. The attack is called off.

    彼らは狭い海峡でトルコの海岸要塞を砲撃しましたが、3隻の戦艦が 地雷に 沈められ 、さらに3隻が損傷を受けました。攻撃は中止されます。 西部戦線では、イギリス軍がヌーヴシャペルを攻撃しましたが、

  • On the Western Front, the British attack at Neuve Chapelle, but the advance is soon halted

    ドイツの有刺鉄線と機関銃によって 前進がすぐに停止さ

  • by German barbed wire and machineguns. British and Indian units suffer 11,000 casualties


  • about a quarter of the attacking force.


  • Six weeks later, at the Second Battle of Ypres, the Germans attack with poison gas for the

    6週間後、第二次イーペルの戦いで、ドイツ軍 は西部戦線で初めて 毒ガスで攻撃し

  • first time on the Western Front. A cloud of lethal chlorine gas forces Allied troops to

    ました。致命的な塩素ガスの雲が連合軍に 彼らの塹壕 を 放棄させます、しかしドイツ人は

  • abandon their trenches, but the Germans don't have enough reserves ready to exploit the

    利点 を利用する準備ができている十分な予備を持っていません

  • advantage.

    。 化学兵器の 軍拡競争が始まる

  • Soldiers on both sides are quickly supplied with crude gas-masks, as a chemical weapons

    と、両側の兵士に原油の防毒マスクがすぐに供給され ます。

  • arms-race begins.


  • The Allies land ground troops at Gallipoli, including men of the Australian and New Zealand

    軍団、ANZACの兵士 を含む地上部隊をガリポリに

  • Army Corps, the ANZACs. Their goal is to take out the shore forts that are preventing Allied

    上陸させます。彼らの目標は、連合軍の 軍艦がコンスタンティノープルに到達

  • warships reaching Constantinople. But they immediately meet fierce Turkish resistance,

    するのを妨げている海岸の砦を取り除くこと です。しかし、彼らはすぐに激しいトルコの抵抗に

  • and are pinned down close to the shore.


  • The day before the landings, the Ottoman Empire begins the systematic deportation and murder


  • of ethnic Armenians living within its borders.


  • The Armenians are a long-persecuted ethnic and religious minority, suspected of supporting

    組織的な国外追放と殺害 を 開始 します。

  • Turkey's enemies.

    アルメニア人は、 トルコの敵

  • Tens of thousands of men, women and children are transported to the Syrian desert and left

    を支援している疑いのある、長く迫害されている少数民族および宗教的少数派 です。

  • to die. In all, more than a million Armenians perish.

    何万人もの男性、女性、子供たちがシリアの砂漠に運ばれ、 死ぬために 残さ

  • The Allies condemn the events as 'a crime against humanity and civilisation', and promise


  • to hold the perpetrators criminally responsible.


  • To this day, the Turkish government disputes the death toll, and that these events constituted


  • a 'genocide'.

    を約束 します。 今日まで、トルコ政府は死者数に異議を唱え、これらの事件 は「大量虐殺」を 構成し た としています

  • On the Eastern Front, a joint German / Austro-Hungarian offensive in Galicia breaks through Russian

    。 東部戦線では、ガリシアでのドイツ/オーストリア・ハンガリー帝国の合同攻撃がロシアの

  • defences, recapturing Przemyśl and taking 100,000 prisoners. It is the beginning of

    防衛を 突破し 、プシェミシルを奪還し、10万人の囚人を捕らえました。それは

  • a steady advance against Russian forces.

    ロシア軍に対する着実な前進の 始まりです

  • At sea, the British passenger-liner Lusitania, sailing from New York to Liverpool, is torpedoed

    。 海上では、ニューヨークからリバプールに向けて航行している英国の客船ルシタニアが、

  • by a German U-boat off the coast of Ireland without warning.

    警告なしにアイルランド沖でドイツのUボートに 魚雷を発射 されています。

  • 1,198 passengers and crew perish, including 128 Americans.


  • US President Woodrow Wilson and the American public are outraged. But Germany insists the


  • liner was a fair target, as the British used her to carry military supplies.

    、イギリスが軍事物資を運ぶために彼女を使用したので、 ドイツは

  • In May, the Allies launch the Second Battle of Artois, in another effort to break through

    ライナーが公正な標的であった と主張 します。 5月、連合国 はドイツの戦線

  • the German lines. The French make the main attack at Vimy Ridge, while the British launch

    を突破するための別の取り組みとして、アルトワの第2戦闘を開始し ます。フランス軍は

  • supporting attacks at Aubers Ridge and Festubert. The Allies sustain 130,000 casualties, and

    VimyRidgeで 主な攻撃を行い、イギリス軍は AubersRidgeとFestubertで攻撃を支援します。連合国は13万人の死傷者を出し、

  • advance just a few thousand yards.


  • That summer, above the Western Front, the Fokker Eindecker helps Germany win control

    その夏、西部戦線の上で、フォッカーアインデッカーはドイツ が空気の 支配 を 勝ち取るのを助けます

  • of the air. It's one of the first aircraft with a machinegun able to fire forward through

    。これは、 インタラプタギアとして知られる新しい発明のおかげで、プロペラ

  • its propeller, thanks to a new invention known as interruptor gear. Allied aircraft losses

    を介し て 前方に発砲できる機関銃を備えた最初の航空機の1つです 。連合軍の航空機の損失は

  • mount rapidly, in what becomes known as the 'Fokker Scourge'.


  • Italy, swayed by British and French promises of territorial gains at Austro-Hungarian expense,

    オーストリア・ハンガリー帝国の 費用で領土を獲得するというイギリスとフランスの約束に左右されたイタリア

  • joins the Allies, declaring war on Austria-Hungary, and later the Ottoman Empire and Germany.


  • The Italian army makes its first assault against Austro-Hungarian positions along the Isonzo

    イタリア軍は、イソンゾ 川 沿いのオーストリア・ハンガリー帝国の陣地に対して最初の攻撃を行いまし

  • river, but is repulsed with heavy losses.


  • Meanwhile the Allies face a crisis on the Eastern Front. The Russians have begun a general


  • retreat, abandoning Poland. German troops enter Warsaw on 5th August.

    ポーランドを放棄して 、一般的な 撤退 を始めました 。ドイツ軍は8月5日にワルシャワに入る。

  • Tsar Nicholas II dismisses the army's commander-in-chief, Grand Duke Nicholas, and takes personal command.


  • It will prove disastrous for the Tsar, as he becomes more and more closely tied to Russian

    彼がロシアの 軍事的敗北に ますます密接に結びつくようになるので、それは皇帝にとって悲惨なことを証明するでしょう

  • military defeat.

    。 ガリポリでは、連合国

  • At Gallipoli, the Allies land reinforcements at Suvla Bay, but neither they nor a series

    はスブラ 湾に援軍を上陸させますが、連合国も ANZACによる 一連

  • of fresh attacks by the ANZACs can break the deadlock. Conditions for both sides are terrible;

    の新たな攻撃も行き詰まりを打開することはでき ません 。双方の状況はひどいです。

  • troops are tormented not only by the enemy, but by heat, flies, and sickness.


  • In the Atlantic, a German U-boat sinks the liner SS Arabic: 44 are lost, including three

    大西洋では、ドイツのUボートがライナーSSアラビックを沈めます:3 人のアメリカ人

  • Americans. In response to further US warnings, Germany ends all attacks on passenger ships.

    を含む44人が失われました 。さらなる米国の警告に応えて、ドイツは旅客船へのすべての攻撃を終了します。 西部戦線では、連合国はこれまでで最大の戦争攻撃を

  • On the Western Front, the Allies mount their biggest offensive of the war so far, designed


  • to smash through the front, and take pressure off their beleaguered Russian ally.

    ように設計され ています。

  • The French attack in the Third Battle of Artois and Second Battle of Champagne;


  • The British, with the help of poison gas, attack at Loos.


  • Despite initial gains, the attacks soon get bogged down, with enormous losses on all sides.


  • Allied troops land at Salonika in Greece, to open a new front against the Central Powers,


  • and bring aid to Serbia.


  • But the Allies are too late. Bulgaria joins the Central Powers, and their joint offensive


  • overruns Serbia in two months.


  • That winter the remnants of the Serbian Army escape through the Albanian mountains. Their


  • losses are horrificby the end of the war a third of Serbia's army has been killed


  • the highest proportion of any nation.


  • Fierce fighting continues on the Italian front, as Italian troops launch the Third and Fourth

    イタリア軍 がイゾンツォの 第3および第4の 戦いを 開始するにつれて、激しい戦いがイタリア戦線で続いてい

  • Battles of the Isonzo. Austro-Hungarian forces, though outnumbered, are dug in on the high


  • ground, and impossible to dislodge.


  • In the Middle East, a British advance on Baghdad is blocked by Turkish forces at the Battle

    中東では、バグダッドでのイギリス軍の前進 は、都市の南25マイルにあるクテシフォン

  • of Ctesiphon, 25 miles south of the city. The British withdraw to Kut, where they are

    の戦い で トルコ軍によって阻止されました 。イギリス軍はクットに撤退し、そこで

  • besieged.


  • The Allies abandon the Gallipoli campaign. 83,000 troops are secretly evacuated without

    連合国はガリポリキャンペーンを放棄します。 83,000人の軍隊が

  • alerting Turkish forces. Not a man is lost. It's one of the best executed plans of the

    トルコ軍に警告する ことなく密かに避難している 。男が失われることはありません。これは、 戦争

  • war.

    で最も実行された計画の1つです 。

  • The campaign has cost both sides quarter of a million casualties.


  • 1915 is a bad year for the Alliesenormous losses, for no tangible gains. But there is

    1915年は連合国にとって悪い年であり、目に見える利益がなく、莫大な損失を被りました。しかし 、平和の話 はあり

  • no talk of peaceinstead all sides prepare for even bigger offensives in 1916, with new

    ません。代わりに、すべての側が1916年にさらに大きな攻撃に備え 、以前の失敗から開発された

  • tactics developed from earlier failures.

    新しい 戦術を使用します。

  • All sides still believe a decisive battlefield victory is within grasp.


  • World War One was supposed to have been a short and glorious war. But by 1916, a new


  • kind of industrialised warfare had seen the death toll soar into the millions, with no

    種類の工業化された戦争により、死者数が数百万人に急増し、 終わりは見え ませんでした

  • end in sight.

    。 海軍の封鎖はヨーロッパ

  • Naval blockades were beginning to cause shortages of food and fuel across Europe...

    中 で食糧と燃料の不足を引き起こし始めていました...

  • While thousands of women had entered the workforce, replacing the men sent to fight in their millions.


  • All sides were preparing for a long war.


  • The war has raged for a year and a half, as the Allies continue to battle the Central

    連合 国が最近ブルガリアが加わっ た中央同盟国との戦いを続けているため、戦争は1年半の間激しさを増してい

  • Powers, recently joined by Bulgaria.

    ます。 海上では、イギリスはドイツの海上封鎖を維持し、食料

  • At sea, the British maintain their naval blockade of Germany, preventing the import of food

    やその他の重要な原材料の 輸入を防いでい

  • and other vital raw materials. Germany has retaliated with a U-boat blockade of Britain,


  • but has to limit its attacks to avoid provoking the neutral USA, whose citizens have already

    が、市民がすでに 銃撃戦に巻き込まれ て いる

  • been caught in the crossfire.

    中立の米国を誘発することを避けるために、攻撃を制限する必要があり ます。

  • On the Western Front, French, British and Belgian troops are dug in opposite the Germans,


  • both sides trapped in the bloody stalemate of trench warfare.


  • On the Eastern Front, the Russians have ended their long retreat and stabilised the line,

    東部戦線では、ロシア 軍は 長い後退を終えて戦線を安定させました

  • but their army has suffered huge losses.

    が、彼らの軍隊は巨額の損失を被りました。 イタリア戦線では、イタリア軍は

  • On the Italian Front, Italian troops have launched a series of costly, unsuccessful


  • attacks against strong Austro-Hungarian defences.

    一連の費用のかかる失敗した 攻撃を開始しました。

  • While on the Balkan Front, the Central Powers have overrun Serbia, whose army is forced


  • to make a bitter retreat through the Albanian mountains.


  • Now, on 5th January, Austro-Hungarian troops attack Montenegro. They are delayed at the

    強いられ ています。 さて、1月5日、オーストリア・ハンガリー軍がモンテネグロを攻撃します。彼らは

  • Battle of Mojkovac, but three weeks later Montenegro is forced to surrender.

    モイコヴァツ の 戦いで 遅れました が、3週間後にモンテネグロは降伏を余儀なくされました。

  • On the Caucasus Front, the Russians launch a surprise winter offensive against Ottoman

    コーカサス戦線では、ロシア人がオスマン トルコ軍

  • Turkish forces. Six weeks later, Russian troops occupy the city of Erzurum. In April, they

    に対して意外な冬の攻撃を開始し ます。 6週間後、ロシア軍がエルズルム市を占領しました。 4月に、彼ら

  • capture the Black Sea port of Trebizond.

    はトレビゾンドの黒海の港 を 占領します。

  • Meanwhile the British transport two motor boats to Lake Tanganyika in Africa. They finally


  • arrive after a 10,000 mile trip by sea and land, and help the British seize control of

    海と陸で10,000マイルの旅を終えて ようやく 到着し、イギリス

  • the strategic lake from local German forces.

    が地元のドイツ軍から戦略的な湖の 支配権を握るのを助けました 。

  • The same month, in German Cameroon, German troops, besieged on Mora mountain for 18 months,


  • finally surrender to the Allies. It marks the end of the Cameroon campaign.


  • On the Western Front, the Germans unleash a devastating assault on the French fortress-town

    西部戦線では、ドイツ人がフランスの要塞都市 ヴェルダンに 壊滅的な攻撃

  • of Verdun.


  • German General Erich von Falkenhayn knows France will defend this symbolic town to the


  • last man. His plan, in his own words, is to 'bleed France white' in its defence. It is

    最後の男 まで守ることを知ってい ます。彼の計画は、彼自身の言葉で、その防衛において「フランスを白く出血させる」ことです。それは

  • the strategy of attrition.


  • Verdun becomes one of the most terrifying battles of the war: a mincing machine, where


  • infantry divisions are destroyed almost as fast as they can be fed into the line.

    歩兵師団が戦線に送り込まれるのとほぼ同じ速さで破壊さ れるミンチ機 です。

  • In Britain, one million men have already volunteered for military service. But the government realises

    英国では、すでに100万人の男性が兵役に志願しています。しかし、政府は それだけでは不十分だと

  • it won't be enough: so in March 1916, Britain becomes the last major power to introduce

    認識し ています。そのため、1916年3月、英国は 徴兵制

  • conscription.


  • That spring on the Western Front, British troops are the last to be issued with steel

    。 西部戦線のその春、イギリス軍は最後に鋼鉄製の ヘルメットを

  • helmets.

    発行されました 。

  • The nature of trench warfare produces a high proportion of head wounds: the German Stahlhelm,


  • the French Adrian helmet, and the British Mark 1 steel helmet, offer limited protection


  • from shell splinters and shrapnel.

    砲弾の破片や破片からの 保護が制限されてい ます。

  • Neutral Portugal has been co-operating with the British, which seems to offer the best


  • chance of holding onto her African colony, Portuguese Angola. On 9th March, Germany retaliates

    彼女のアフリカの植民地であるポルトガル領アンゴラを保持する 最高の チャンス を提供しているよう

  • by declaring war on Portugal.

    です。 3月9日、ドイツ はポルトガルに宣戦布告することで 報復 します。

  • On the Eastern Front, Russia launches an attack near Lake Naroch, to relieve pressure on the

    東部戦線では、ロシアはナラチ湖の近くで攻撃を開始し、 ヴェルダン での

  • French at Verdun. But it's a disaster. There are 100,000 Russian casualties, and the attack

    フランス軍 への圧力を和らげ ます。しかし、それは惨事です。ロシア人の死傷者は10万人であり、この攻撃

  • fails to divert any German troops from the fighting at Verdun.


  • In Dublin, Irish republicans launch an armed revolt against British rule. It becomes known


  • as the Easter Rising, and is put down after six days of street fighting.

    はイースター蜂起として 知られる よう になり 、6日間のストリートファイトの後に置かれます。

  • In the Middle East, after a five month siege, British forces at Kut surrender. General Townshend


  • leads 9,000 British and Indian soldiers into captivity. About half later die from starvation


  • or disease.

    や病気で 亡くなり ます。

  • Britain wants Arab support in its fight against the Ottoman Empire, so it's promised Arab


  • leaders an independent Arab state after the war.

    、戦後 はアラブの 指導者たちに独立したアラブ国家を 約束し

  • But now Britain and France secretly sign the Sykes-Picot Agreement, planning, after the

    ました。 しかし現在、英国とフランスは密かにサイクス・ピコ協定に署名し、

  • war, to divide the Middle East into British and French zones of control.

    戦後、中東を英国とフランスの支配地域に分割することを 計画してい

  • Unaware of this deal, Hussein bin Ali, Sherif of Mecca, leads the Arabs in revolt against

    ます。 この取引に気づかず、メッカの保安官であるフセイン・ビン・アリは、 トルコのオスマン帝国の支配

  • Turkish Ottoman rule: in the Battle of Mecca, his forces seize control of the holy city.

    に反抗してアラブ人を率いてい ます。メッカの戦いでは、彼の軍隊が聖地の支配権を握ります。

  • On the Italian front, Austro-Hungarian forces launch a surprise attack at Asiago. Italian


  • defences give way; Austro-Hungarian troops are poised to break through into northern


  • Italy.


  • That month, in the North Sea, the German High Seas Fleet clashes with the British Grand

    北部に突入する準備ができてい ます。 その月、北海で、

  • Fleet at the Battle of Jutland. In the only major naval battle of the war, the British

    ユトランド沖海戦で ドイツの大洋艦隊がイギリスの大 艦隊

  • suffer heavier losses, but claim victory, as the German fleet withdraws, and does not

    と衝突しました 。戦争の唯一の主要な海戦では、イギリス軍

  • re-emerge from its base for the rest of the war.

    はより大きな損失を被りましたが、ドイツ艦隊が撤退 し、残りの戦争の間その基地から再出現 しないため、勝利を主張し ます。 1916年の夏、連合国は

  • For the summer of 1916, the Allies have planned major, simultaneous offensives against the

    中央 同盟国に対して 東西からの 大規模な同時攻撃を計画しました

  • Central Powers from east and west. Now they are needed more than ever, to relieve pressure

    。今では 、ヴェルダンのフランス人とアジアーゴのイタリア人

  • on the French at Verdun, and the Italians at Asiago.

    への圧力を和らげるために、これまで以上に必要 とされています。

  • The Russians launch their attack first: on the Eastern Front, General Alexei Brusilov


  • has carefully maintained the element of surprise. His troops break through the enemy lines,


  • in some places advancing 60 miles, and taking 200,000 prisoners.


  • This brilliant though costly Russian attack achieves its aim, as the Central Powers are

    中央同盟国が ラインを強化するために他の前線から軍隊を再配置 する

  • forced to redeploy troops from other fronts to shore up the line.

    ことを余儀なくされて いるので、この華麗であるが費用のかかるロシアの攻撃はその目的を達成し

  • At sea, British cruiser HMS Hampshire, en route to Russia, hits a mine and sinks off

    ます。 海上では、ロシアに向かう途中のイギリス巡洋艦HMSハンプシャーが鉱山に衝突し、

  • Orkney. Among the 650 dead is Britain's iconic Secretary of State for War, Lord Kitchener.

    オークニー諸島 から沈没し ました。 650人の死者の中には、英国の象徴的な陸軍大臣であるキッチナー卿がいます。

  • Three days later in the Adriatic, Italian troopship Principe Umberto is sunk by a German


  • submarine: it's the deadliest sinking of the war, with 1,900 lives lost.

    潜水艦に 沈められました 。これは戦争の最悪の沈没であり、1,900人の命が失われました。

  • On the Western Front, Britain and France launch their major summer offensive: the Battle of


  • the Somme.


  • Hopes are high for a breakthrough, but the first day is a disaster: a long Allied artillery


  • bombardment fails to knock out German defences, and waves of British infantry are cut down

    砲撃はドイツ軍の防御を打ち破る こと ができず、イギリス歩兵の波は 機関銃の砲火によって

  • by machinegun fire as they advance into No Man's Land.

    撃墜 され、ノーマンズランドに進出した。

  • In the space of a few hours, the British suffer 57,000 casualties, a third of them killed.


  • It's the worst day in the history of the British army.


  • But more attacks are ordered, and the battle will rage for another five months.


  • Encouraged by the Russian advance, Romania joins the Allies.


  • But despite an initially successful advance into Transylvania, Romania quickly faces a


  • counter-offensive from German, Bulgarian and Austro-Hungarian forces.

    ドイツ、ブルガリア、オーストリア・ハンガリー軍からの反撃 に直面し ます。 サロニカの連合軍は、

  • The Allied force at Salonika tries to support Romania, by launching their own offensive

    モナスティールに向け て独自の攻撃 を 開始することにより、ルーマニアを支援しようとし

  • towards Monastir. With Serbian troops in the lead, there are small gains, but dogged Bulgarian


  • resistance prevents a breakthrough.


  • On the Western Front, General von Falkenhayn finally calls off the attack at Verdun.


  • The French army has honoured their commander, General Nivelle's, promise – 'Ils ne passeront


  • pas' – they shall not pass.


  • But victory comes at a terrible price: 365,000 casualties. The Germans lose almost as many.


  • Verdun remains one of the bloodiest battles in human history.


  • For his defeat at Verdun, Falkenhayn is sacked, and Germany's heroes of the Eastern Front,


  • von Hindenburg and Ludendorff, take command in the west.


  • Meanwhile, the Battle of the Somme continues. Near the village of Flers, the British introduce


  • a new weapon they hope can break the deadlock of the trenches: it is called the tank. But

    は塹壕の行き詰まりを打開できると期待している新しい武器を 導入しまし た。それは戦車と呼ばれています。しかし

  • despite some small successes, the first tanks are are too few in number, and too prone to


  • mechanical failure, to make any real impact.

    機械的な故障 が発生しやすく 、実際の影響を与えることはできません。

  • On the Eastern Front, Russia's Brusilov Offensive comes to an end.


  • Casualty estimates vary wildly, but it's clear both sides have suffered catastrophic losses.


  • Neither the Russian nor the Austro-Hungarian army ever fully recovers.


  • On the Italian front, heavy fighting rages throughout the autumn, as Italian forces make


  • repeated, costly assaults against Austro-Hungarian positions along the Isonzo River.


  • The Battle of the Somme comes to an end amid autumn rain and mud. The Allies have advanced

    行うため、秋を通して激しい戦闘が激化してい ます。

  • ten miles at the cost of 600,000 casualties. German losses are about 450,000.

    ソンムの戦いは、秋の雨と泥の中で終わりを告げます。連合国は 60万人の死傷者を犠牲にして10マイル 前進し ました。ドイツの損失は約45万です。

  • The Allies reassure themselves that this is a winning strategy, because at this rate,

    連合国は、これが勝利戦略であることを確信してい ます。 このレートでは、

  • Germany will run out of men first.


  • Meanwhile, disaster engulfs Romania, as the country is overrun by the Central Powers.


  • Romanian forces suffer a quarter of a million casualties. The remnants of its army take


  • position alongside the Russians on the Eastern Front.

    、東部戦線でロシア人と並んで位置 を

  • That winter, Franz Josef, Emperor of Austria since 1848, dies. He is succeeded by his great-nephew,

    占めています。 その冬、1848年以来オーストリアの皇帝であるフランツヨーゼフが亡くなりました。彼は彼の甥の カールに

  • Karl.


  • In Britain, Prime Minister Herbert Asquith is forced from office, and succeeded by David

    ます。 英国では、ハーバート・アスキス首相が辞任を余儀なくされ、デビッド・

  • Lloyd George.

    ロイド・ジョージが 後任になりました

  • While General Joffre is replaced as French commander-in-chief by General Nivelle, who

    。 ジョッフル将軍がフランスの首長に代わって、

  • promises victory through bold, aggressive action.

    大胆で攻撃的な行動を通じて勝利 を

  • Amid the comings and goings, US President Woodrow Wilson's attempts to mediate a peace

    約束する ニヴェル将軍に取って代わられました

  • settlement come to nothing: neither side is willing to make concessions.

    。 出入りの中で、和平合意を調停しようとするウッドロウ・ウィルソン米国大統領の試みは無意味になり ます。どちらの側も譲歩

  • In 1916, World War One became a war of attrition. Both sides began to focus less on winning

    する気はあり ません。 1916年、第一次世界大戦は消耗戦になりました。双方は 、敵を粉砕し、

  • victory on the battlefield, than grinding down the enemy, and inflicting such enormous

    降伏を余儀なくされる ような莫大な 損失を 与えることよりも、戦場での勝利

  • losses they would be forced to surrender.

    に勝つことに焦点を合わせ始めました 。

  • In 1917, the strategy will push Europe's major powers to the brink of collapse.


  • Germany knows it will lose a long war of attrition against the Allies, who have greater resources.


  • So its leaders gamble: they resume unrestricted submarine warfare, believing their U-boats


  • can cut off Britain's food imports by sea, and starve the country into surrender within

    が英国の海上食料輸入を遮断し、 6か月 以内に国を降伏させることができる

  • six months.

    と信じてい ます。

  • But the new shoot-on-sight tactics mean neutral American ships will inevitably be caught in

    しかし、新しい照準射撃戦術は、中立のアメリカ艦が必然的に クロスファイアに

  • the crossfire, risking America joining the war on the Allied side.

    巻き込まれ 、アメリカが連合国側で戦争に参加する危険を冒す ことを意味し

  • Just two days into the campaign, the SS Housatonic, an American steamer carrying wheat from Galveston,

    ます。 キャンペーンのわずか2日後、 テキサス州 ガルベストン からイギリスに

  • Texas to England, is sunk by a U-boat.


  • The British then pass to the US government a telegram they've intercepted, from German

    がUボートに沈められました。 その後、英国人は、ドイツの

  • foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann to the German ambassador in Mexico.

    外国人秘書アーサー・ツィンマーマンからメキシコのドイツ大使まで、 傍受した電報を米国政府に渡し ます。

  • Germany is encouraging Mexico to attack America, if America and Germany end up at war.


  • The so-called Zimmermann Telegram puts yet more pressure on US President Wilson to declare


  • war on Germany.

    にドイツ への宣戦 布告 を求める圧力をさらにかけています 。

  • In Russia, enormous casualties and bread shortages lead to riots... and revolution. The Tsar


  • abdicates. A Provisional Government takes charge, pledging to continue the war. But


  • at the front, Russian troops begin to desert en masse.


  • After a string of German provocations, the US finally declares war on Germany. It brings


  • immense resources to the Allied cause, but they will take many months to mobilise.

    連合国の大義に莫大な資源を もたらします が、動員するのに何ヶ月もかかります。

  • And the German gamble of unrestricted submarine warfare may still pay off. April is the U-boats

    そして、無制限潜水艦戦のドイツの賭けはまだ報われるかもしれません。 4月は

  • most successful month of the war: they sink 886,000 tons of Allied shipping, an average

    戦争で最も成功し たUボートの 月です。彼らは886,000トンの連合軍の船を沈め 、1日

  • of 17 ships a day, all packed with urgently-needed food and supplies.

    平均 17隻の船 を沈め 、すべて緊急に必要な食料と物資が詰め込まれています。

  • Britain will face starvation if the U-boats are not defeated soon.


  • On the Western Front, the British launch the Battle of Arras - a diversion, to support

    西部戦線では、イギリス軍がアラスの戦いを開始し ます。これは、フランスの大規模な攻勢

  • a major, upcoming French offensive.

    を支援 する ための転換 です。

  • After heavy fighting, Canadian troops seize the high ground of Vimy Ridge. Its a limited


  • Allied victory, but costs 150,000 Allied casualties, to 130,000 German.

    連合国の勝利 は限られて いますが、連合国の死傷者は15万人、ドイツ軍は13万人です。

  • Above the trenches, the first air war has reached new levels of sophistication and deadliness.


  • Reconnaissance aircraft are crucial for spotting enemy positions, and directing artillery fire

    偵察機は、敵の位置を発見 し、それらに

  • onto them. Scout aircraft, or fighters, try to shoot them down before they can execute

    砲撃を向けるために重要です 。スカウト航空機、または戦闘機は、 任務を遂行する

  • their mission.

    前に撃墜しようとし ます。

  • New models of aircraft are developed every few months. But that spring, the superiority


  • of German aircraft leads to heavy Allied losses, in what becomes known as 'Bloody April'.

    ドイツの航空機 の優位性 は、「血の4月」として知られるようになることで、連合国の大きな損失につながります。

  • Three days after the fall of Vimy Ridge, French General Robert Nivelle launches his main offensive.


  • Expectations are high, but after initial success the advance bogs down and casualties quickly


  • mount on both sides.


  • The apparently senseless losses cause morale in the French army to collapse. Whole units


  • mutiny, refusing to attack.


  • General Nivelle is sacked as French commander-in-chief, and replaced by Generaltain, hero of Verdun,


  • who promises no more suicidal attacks.


  • That summer, at Messines Ridge, the British tunnel under the German lines, and detonate


  • 19 enormous mines under the enemy position. Its the largest man-made explosion in history

    、敵の位置の下にある19の巨大な地雷 を爆発させました 。 これまでの

  • to date, and paves the way to a brilliant but highly local British victory.

    歴史上最大の人為的な爆発であり 、華麗でありながら非常に地元の英国の勝利への道を開きます。

  • In Greece, King Constantine, who has favoured neutrality, is forced to abdicate, and Greece


  • joins the Allies.


  • Russia's Provisional Government orders a new attack, but the July Offensive is a disaster:


  • the morale and discipline of the Russian army has collapsed. It can no longer be relied


  • on to fight, and the Central Powers' counterattack is almost unopposed.

    戦う ために頼ることができず 、中央同盟国の反撃はほとんど反対されていません。

  • At sea, the Allies begin to group their merchant ships into convoys, which sail under naval

    海上では、連合国は商船を護送船団にグループ化し始め、護送船団は海軍の 護衛の

  • escort. The new system leads to a steady fall in losses.

    下で航行し ます。新しいシステムは、損失の着実な減少につながります。

  • The tide is turning in the U-boat war.


  • As discontent with the war grows in Germany, the German parliament, the Reichstag, passes


  • a 'Peace Resolution', calling for 'a peace of understanding and reconciliation'.


  • It's ignored by the German High Command, which now effectively rules the country as a military

    これはドイツの最高司令部によって無視されています。ドイツの最高司令部は現在、軍事 独裁政権

  • dictatorship.

    として国を効果的に統治してい ます。

  • In Belgium, the British launch their major offensive of 1917, the Third Battle of Ypres.


  • It will be remembered as Passchendaele.


  • Heavy shelling, rain and broken irrigation channels turn the battlefield into a sea of

    激しい砲撃、雨、そして壊れた灌漑水路は戦場を 泥の 海に変え

  • mud. In these impossible conditions, all hopes of a breakthrough soon fade.


  • The attack is called off after 3 months, by which point the British have suffered 240,000


  • casualties, the Germans 200,000.


  • On the Italian Front, at the 11th Battle of the Isonzo, Italian and Austro-Hungarian forces


  • batter each other into exhaustion. There are 150,000 Italian casualties, 100,000 Austro-Hungarian.

    互いに 殴り合い、 疲れ果てました。イタリア人の死傷者は15万人、オーストリア・ハンガリー帝国は10万人です。

  • That year, 1917, the list of Allied nations grows. Brazil... Liberia... China... and Siam...


  • all declare war on Germany, as a result of German U-boat attacks, or to curry favour


  • with the Allies. China will contribute many thousands of labourers, working for the Allies

    同盟国に 好意 を 示すために、ドイツに宣戦布告しました

  • in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

    。中国は 、ヨーロッパ、中東、アジアの 連合国のために働く何千人もの労働者に貢献するでしょう 。 その年の中東では、イギリス軍

  • That year in the Middle East, British forces avenge their 1916 humiliation at Kut, by defeating

    はオスマントルコを 打ち負かし 、バグダッドを占領するために行進すること

  • the Ottoman Turks and marching on to occupy Baghdad.

    により、クートでの1916年の屈辱に復讐しまし た。

  • British forces in Egypt advance across the Sinai Desert, but are thrown back by Ottoman


  • forces at the First and Second Battles of Gaza.

    ガザの第1および第2の戦いで オスマン帝国 軍 によって投げ返され ます。

  • In July, Arab rebels capture the strategic Ottoman port of Aqaba. They are accompanied


  • by a British military advisor, Captain T.E. Lawrence, better known as 'Lawrence of Arabia'.

    、「アラビアのロレンス」としてよく知られている英国の軍事顧問、キャプテンTEローレンス が同行 します。

  • That autumn, British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour issues the 'Balfour Declaration',

    That autumn, British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour issues the 'Balfour Declaration',

  • expressing support for the creation of a national home for the Jews in Palestine.

    expressing support for the creation of a national home for the Jews in Palestine.

  • The aim is to rally Jewish support for the Allies, but the declaration contradicts existing

    The aim is to rally Jewish support for the Allies, but the declaration contradicts existing

  • pledges to Arab leaders.

    pledges to Arab leaders.

  • In October, the British finally win at Gaza, clearing the way for an advance into Palestine.

    In October, the British finally win at Gaza, clearing the way for an advance into Palestine.

  • Six weeks later, General Allenby leads British troops into Jerusalem, ending 400 years of

    Six weeks later, General Allenby leads British troops into Jerusalem, ending 400 years of

  • Ottoman rule.

    Ottoman rule.

  • With Russian forces in disarray, Germany is able to move troops from the East to the Italian

    With Russian forces in disarray, Germany is able to move troops from the East to the Italian

  • Front. At the Battle of Caporetto, they help to smash through the Italian army, advancing

    Front. At the Battle of Caporetto, they help to smash through the Italian army, advancing

  • 70 miles and taking quarter of a million prisoners.

    70 miles and taking quarter of a million prisoners.

  • British and French divisions, desperately needed on the Western Front, have to be redeployed

    British and French divisions, desperately needed on the Western Front, have to be redeployed

  • to shore-up the line.

    to shore-up the line.

  • In Russia, a second revolution brings Lenin's Bolshevik Party to power. He is determined

    In Russia, a second revolution brings Lenin's Bolshevik Party to power. He is determined

  • to end Russia's involvement in the war.

    to end Russia's involvement in the war.

  • In France, Georges Clemenceau becomes Prime Minister. Nicknamed 'the Tiger', he promises

    In France, Georges Clemenceau becomes Prime Minister. Nicknamed 'the Tiger', he promises

  • total war, and total victory.

    total war, and total victory.

  • But for the Allies in late 1917, final victory looks uncertain: Russia has stopped fighting;

    But for the Allies in late 1917, final victory looks uncertain: Russia has stopped fighting;

  • French armies are recovering from mutiny; the Italian front has almost collapsed. And

    French armies are recovering from mutiny; the Italian front has almost collapsed. And

  • American reinforcements still seem a long way off.

    American reinforcements still seem a long way off.

  • For the time being, the British are the only effective Allied force in the field...

    For the time being, the British are the only effective Allied force in the field...

  • So the British attack at Cambrai, with the first major tank assault in history.

    So the British attack at Cambrai, with the first major tank assault in history.

  • On the first day, nearly 400 tanks spearhead an advance of several miles through German

    On the first day, nearly 400 tanks spearhead an advance of several miles through German

  • defences. But then the tanks break down or are knocked out; the Germans rush in reinforcements,

    defences. But then the tanks break down or are knocked out; the Germans rush in reinforcements,

  • and the gains are lost.

    and the gains are lost.

  • Finland declares independence from Russia.

    Finland declares independence from Russia.

  • Rumania, isolated by the Russian collapse, signs an armistice with the Central Powers.

    Rumania, isolated by the Russian collapse, signs an armistice with the Central Powers.

  • Six days later, Russia also signs an armistice. The Allied Eastern Front is no more.

    Six days later, Russia also signs an armistice. The Allied Eastern Front is no more.

  • 1917 has seen one major Allied power, Russia, knocked out of the warbut the arrival

    1917 has seen one major Allied power, Russia, knocked out of the war – but the arrival

  • of a fresh, new ally, America.

    of a fresh, new ally, America.

  • Germany knows only military victory can now save it from being overwhelmed by Allied resources,

    Germany knows only military victory can now save it from being overwhelmed by Allied resources,

  • and begins planning one last, massive onslaught, for the spring of 1918.

    and begins planning one last, massive onslaught, for the spring of 1918.

  • 1918. After three and a half years of war, the Allies are in crisis.

    1918. After three and a half years of war, the Allies are in crisis.

  • Russia has been rocked by Revolution, and its new Bolshevik government has signed an

    Russia has been rocked by Revolution, and its new Bolshevik government has signed an

  • armistice with the Central Powers.

    armistice with the Central Powers.

  • Thousands of German troops will be freed up to fight on the Western Front, where the carnage

    Thousands of German troops will be freed up to fight on the Western Front, where the carnage

  • of trench warfare has already claimed more than a million lives.

    of trench warfare has already claimed more than a million lives.

  • But Germany is also desperate. Britain's long naval blockade has led to shortages and social

    But Germany is also desperate. Britain's long naval blockade has led to shortages and social

  • unrest at home... While America's entry into the war brings fresh manpower and vast resources

    unrest at home... While America's entry into the war brings fresh manpower and vast resources

  • to the Allied cause.

    to the Allied cause.

  • Germany faces inevitable defeat, unless it can win a quick victory on the Western Front.

    Germany faces inevitable defeat, unless it can win a quick victory on the Western Front.

  • US President Wilson announces his 'Fourteen Points'. They outline his vision for a post-war

    US President Wilson announces his 'Fourteen Points'. They outline his vision for a post-war

  • world, including an end to secret treaties, a reduction in the size of armed forces, self-determination

    world, including an end to secret treaties, a reduction in the size of armed forces, self-determination

  • for the people of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and an international organisation to settle

    for the people of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and an international organisation to settle

  • future disputes.

    future disputes.

  • But most European leaders dismiss his ideas as wishful thinking.

    But most European leaders dismiss his ideas as wishful thinking.

  • At Brest-Litovsk, Bolshevik Russia signs a peace treaty with the Central Powers.

    At Brest-Litovsk, Bolshevik Russia signs a peace treaty with the Central Powers.

  • Russia gives up vast amounts of territory in exchange for peace.

    Russia gives up vast amounts of territory in exchange for peace.

  • Half a million German troops can now be redeployed from the East to the Western Front, where

    Half a million German troops can now be redeployed from the East to the Western Front, where

  • German General Erich Ludendorff plans an all-out, last-ditch offensive to win the war.

    German General Erich Ludendorff plans an all-out, last-ditch offensive to win the war.

  • Ludendorff's Spring Offensive catches the Allies off-guard. German stormtroopers, using

    Ludendorff's Spring Offensive catches the Allies off-guard. German stormtroopers, using

  • new infiltration tactics, help to overwhelm the British 5th Army, which is soon in full

    new infiltration tactics, help to overwhelm the British 5th Army, which is soon in full

  • retreat.


  • The German advance threatens to split the British and French armies, with disastrous

    The German advance threatens to split the British and French armies, with disastrous

  • consequences. So French General Ferdinand Foch is appointed Supreme Commander of Allied

    consequences. So French General Ferdinand Foch is appointed Supreme Commander of Allied

  • Forces, to co-ordinate strategy.

    Forces, to co-ordinate strategy.

  • Outside Amiens, British and Australian troops improvise a defence, and finally halt the

    Outside Amiens, British and Australian troops improvise a defence, and finally halt the

  • German advance.

    German advance.

  • The German offensive switches to the north, targeting the Channel ports. But the British

    The German offensive switches to the north, targeting the Channel ports. But the British

  • inflict heavy losses on the Germans, and prevent a breakthrough.

    inflict heavy losses on the Germans, and prevent a breakthrough.

  • Above the trenches, the first air war continues to escalate. Each side now has more than 3,000

    Above the trenches, the first air war continues to escalate. Each side now has more than 3,000

  • aircraft in service on the Western Front. But by 1918 the Allies have won air superiority,

    aircraft in service on the Western Front. But by 1918 the Allies have won air superiority,

  • thanks to greater resources.

    thanks to greater resources.

  • On 21st April, Germany's most famous pilot, Manfred von Richthofen, the 'Red Baron', is

    On 21st April, Germany's most famous pilot, Manfred von Richthofen, the 'Red Baron', is

  • shot down and killed near Amiens. With 80 victories, he's the war's highest-scoring

    shot down and killed near Amiens. With 80 victories, he's the war's highest-scoring

  • ace, and is buried by the Allies with full military honours.

    ace, and is buried by the Allies with full military honours.

  • Britain's new 'Independent Bombing Force', launches a daylight raid against Cologne.

    Britain's new 'Independent Bombing Force', launches a daylight raid against Cologne.

  • It marks the beginning of Britain's own strategic bombing campaign.

    It marks the beginning of Britain's own strategic bombing campaign.

  • On the ground, Ludendorff's offensive switches south, targeting the French. German troops

    On the ground, Ludendorff's offensive switches south, targeting the French. German troops

  • advance 30 miles, but are halted at the River Marne, just as fresh American divisions enter

    advance 30 miles, but are halted at the River Marne, just as fresh American divisions enter

  • the line.

    the line.

  • The US 1st Division is the first to see combat, at the Battle of Cantigny. Three days later

    The US 1st Division is the first to see combat, at the Battle of Cantigny. Three days later

  • the US 2nd Division wins victory at the Battle of Belleau Wood.

    the US 2nd Division wins victory at the Battle of Belleau Wood.

  • By now there are nearly a million American soldiers in France, with 10,000 more arriving

    By now there are nearly a million American soldiers in France, with 10,000 more arriving

  • every day.

    every day.

  • The fourth phase of the German Offensive leads to a 9 mile advance, but is finally halted

    The fourth phase of the German Offensive leads to a 9 mile advance, but is finally halted

  • by a French counterattack.

    by a French counterattack.

  • In Italy, Austria-Hungary launches an attack at Asiago and the Piave River, to support

    In Italy, Austria-Hungary launches an attack at Asiago and the Piave River, to support

  • Ludendorff's offensive in France. But it's repulsed with heavy losses, and morale amongst

    Ludendorff's offensive in France. But it's repulsed with heavy losses, and morale amongst

  • the Austro-Hungarian army collapses.

    the Austro-Hungarian army collapses.

  • British and French troops land at Murmansk in northern Russia. It's the beginning of

    British and French troops land at Murmansk in northern Russia. It's the beginning of

  • Allied intervention in Russia's Civil War, on the side of so-called 'White', or anti-Bolshevik,

    Allied intervention in Russia's Civil War, on the side of so-called 'White', or anti-Bolshevik,

  • forces.


  • On the Western Front, the Germans' final attack is defeated in the Second Battle of the Marne.

    On the Western Front, the Germans' final attack is defeated in the Second Battle of the Marne.

  • Ludendorff's Offensive has cost the Germans more than 600,000 casualties, and has failed

    Ludendorff's Offensive has cost the Germans more than 600,000 casualties, and has failed

  • to make a decisive breakthrough.

    to make a decisive breakthrough.

  • Germany's final gamble has failed.

    Germany's final gamble has failed.

  • The Allies now go on the attack. At the Battle of Amiens, British, Australian, Canadian and

    The Allies now go on the attack. At the Battle of Amiens, British, Australian, Canadian and

  • French troops, supported by tanks and aircraft, advance 7 miles in a single day.

    French troops, supported by tanks and aircraft, advance 7 miles in a single day.

  • General Ludendorff calls 8th August 'the Black Day of the German army'.

    General Ludendorff calls 8th August 'the Black Day of the German army'.

  • German troops are exhausted, hungry and demoralised, and begin to surrender in their thousands.

    German troops are exhausted, hungry and demoralised, and begin to surrender in their thousands.

  • The Battle of Amiens begins the Allies' 'Hundred Days Offensive': trench warfare is over; the

    The Battle of Amiens begins the Allies' 'Hundred Days Offensive': trench warfare is over; the

  • Germans are in full retreat.

    Germans are in full retreat.

  • In the Balkans, a new Allied offensive at Dobro Pole breaks through Bulgarian positions.

    In the Balkans, a new Allied offensive at Dobro Pole breaks through Bulgarian positions.

  • The overstretched Bulgarian army collapses, and two weeks later Bulgaria signs an armistice.

    The overstretched Bulgarian army collapses, and two weeks later Bulgaria signs an armistice.

  • In the Middle East, British-led forces defeat the Turks at the Battle of Megiddo, taking

    In the Middle East, British-led forces defeat the Turks at the Battle of Megiddo, taking

  • 25,000 prisoners. Allied troops soon occupy Damascus and Aleppo.

    25,000 prisoners. Allied troops soon occupy Damascus and Aleppo.

  • On the Western Front, Marshal Foch orders a general attack. British, French and American

    On the Western Front, Marshal Foch orders a general attack. British, French and American

  • armies reach the Hindenburg Line, a line of reinforced German defences, and break through.

    armies reach the Hindenburg Line, a line of reinforced German defences, and break through.

  • Ludendorff informs the Kaiser that the military situation is hopeless, and that Germany must

    Ludendorff informs the Kaiser that the military situation is hopeless, and that Germany must

  • seek an armistice.

    seek an armistice.

  • Germany sends a request to US President Woodrow Wilson, who, in return, demands German withdrawal

    Germany sends a request to US President Woodrow Wilson, who, in return, demands German withdrawal

  • from all occupied territory, and the Kaiser's abdication.

    from all occupied territory, and the Kaiser's abdication.

  • On the Italian Front, the Allies deliver the final blow to Austria-Hungary at the Battle

    On the Italian Front, the Allies deliver the final blow to Austria-Hungary at the Battle

  • of Vittorio Veneto. The Austro-Hungarian army disintegrates, and 300,000 prisoners are taken.

    of Vittorio Veneto. The Austro-Hungarian army disintegrates, and 300,000 prisoners are taken.

  • With the Central Powers facing collapse, the Ottoman Empire signs an armistice with the

    With the Central Powers facing collapse, the Ottoman Empire signs an armistice with the

  • Allies at Mudros.

    Allies at Mudros.

  • Four days later, Austria-Hungary signs an armistice with the Allies at Villa Giusti.

    Four days later, Austria-Hungary signs an armistice with the Allies at Villa Giusti.

  • At Kiel, the German High Seas Fleet is ordered to make a suicidal attack on the British navy,

    At Kiel, the German High Seas Fleet is ordered to make a suicidal attack on the British navy,

  • but instead, it mutinies. Revolution spreads through Germany. The Kaiser abdicates and

    but instead, it mutinies. Revolution spreads through Germany. The Kaiser abdicates and

  • a German republic is proclaimed.

    a German republic is proclaimed.

  • On 11th November 1918, a German delegation signs an armistice with the Allies, inside

    On 11th November 1918, a German delegation signs an armistice with the Allies, inside

  • Marshal Foch's railway carriage at Compiègne.

    Marshal Foch's railway carriage at Compiègne.

  • It comes into force at 11am, but fighting continues until the last moment. American

    It comes into force at 11am, but fighting continues until the last moment. American

  • private Henry Gunther is killed charging a German machinegun at 10.59. He is thought

    private Henry Gunther is killed charging a German machinegun at 10.59. He is thought

  • to be the last soldier killed during World War One.

    to be the last soldier killed during World War One.

  • Three days later, in East Africa, German General Von Lettow-Vorbeck surrenders his army on

    Three days later, in East Africa, German General Von Lettow-Vorbeck surrenders his army on

  • the Chambezi River. For four years he has tied down huge numbers of Allied troops, remaining

    the Chambezi River. For four years he has tied down huge numbers of Allied troops, remaining

  • undefeated, while cut-off from home.

    undefeated, while cut-off from home.

  • He is still considered one of history's greatest guerrilla leaders.

    He is still considered one of history's greatest guerrilla leaders.

  • The Paris Peace Conference opens at the Palace of Versailles, just outside the French capital.

    The Paris Peace Conference opens at the Palace of Versailles, just outside the French capital.

  • Delegates accept a proposal to create a 'League of Nations', to settle future international

    Delegates accept a proposal to create a 'League of Nations', to settle future international

  • disputes.


  • The Versailles Treaty, signed in June, imposes harsh terms on Germany: its military is restricted

    The Versailles Treaty, signed in June, imposes harsh terms on Germany: its military is restricted

  • in size, it must pay war reparations to the Allies, it loses territory to its neighbours,

    in size, it must pay war reparations to the Allies, it loses territory to its neighbours,

  • and its colonies are seized by the victors.

    and its colonies are seized by the victors.

  • Germany must also accept responsibility for the war in a 'war guilt' clause – a source

    Germany must also accept responsibility for the war in a 'war guilt' clause – a source

  • of lasting resentment in Germany.

    of lasting resentment in Germany.

  • The boundaries of Europe are redrawn: Poland re-emerges after a hundred years of foreign

    The boundaries of Europe are redrawn: Poland re-emerges after a hundred years of foreign

  • rule. While Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and an enlarged Romania emerge

    rule. While Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and an enlarged Romania emerge

  • from the ashes of the Austro-Hungarian empire.

    from the ashes of the Austro-Hungarian empire.

  • The Ottoman Empire is dismantled. New states, most under European control, are created in

    The Ottoman Empire is dismantled. New states, most under European control, are created in

  • the Middle East.

    the Middle East.

  • Here, as in Europe, the seeds of future conflict are sown.

    Here, as in Europe, the seeds of future conflict are sown.

  • While in the Far East, former German possessions in China are handed to Japan, to China's outrage.

    While in the Far East, former German possessions in China are handed to Japan, to China's outrage.

  • World War One claimed the lives of nine and a half million soldiers, 1 in 8 of those who

    World War One claimed the lives of nine and a half million soldiers, 1 in 8 of those who

  • fought.


  • 21 million more were wounded. 7 million civilians also lost their lives.

    21 million more were wounded. 7 million civilians also lost their lives.

  • Huge areas of Europe were left devastated.

    Huge areas of Europe were left devastated.

  • Old empires vanished; new states were born; lives across the world were transformed.

    Old empires vanished; new states were born; lives across the world were transformed.

  • The world was never the same again.

    The world was never the same again.

  • We would sincerely appreciate your suppport at our Patreon page to help us keep making history videos.

    We would sincerely appreciate your suppport at our Patreon page to help us keep making history videos.

  • Please click the link to find out how you can become an Epic History TV patron.

    Please click the link to find out how you can become an Epic History TV patron.

1914: the Great Powers of Europe are divided into two rival alliances:



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