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BBC learning english dot com より。
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute Vocabulary. I'm Neil.
こんにちは、そして6 Minute Vocabulary へようこそ。私はニールです。
A very smart Neil. And I'm Catherine. Why are you wearing a suit Neil? You're looking very smart for work.
Well, yes, you're right, I am wearing a suit because I'm going to a wedding at one o'clock.
Very good. I love weddings.
I love weddings too. I'm going to another one on Saturday.
Fantastic Neil. And "at" and "on" are two of the words we're discussing in today's program.
ファンタスティックなニール。そして、"at "と "on "は今日の番組で取り上げている言葉のうちの2つです。
Yes, because we're talking about time expressions with "in," "on," and "at".
We'll explain why we say "at" one o'clock, but "on" Saturday.
なぜ、"at" one o'clock と言うのに、"on" Saturday と言うのかを説明します。
Yes. And we'll give you lots of examples.
Let's start by listening to Mike and Rob. They're trying to find a time to meet up.
Think about this question while you listen. What time can Rob meet Mike?
How about lunch on Monday, Rob?
Well, I've got a meeting at 11.30.
Okay, are you free on Tuesday?
The engineer's coming at lunchtime. The washing machines flooded again. It happened at Easter too.
Well, what are you doing in the afternoon?
Sorry, I'm playing football.
Okay. Perhaps we could meet in the pub on Saturday evening?
We've got guests at the weekend. How about this afternoon at 2:30.
So we asked you: What time can Rob meet Mike?
And the answer is: at 2:30.
When we say a particular time on the clock, we use "at".
So we say "at" 2 30, "at" three o'clock.
なので、"at" 2 30, "at" three o'clock といいます。
We also use "at" in other time expressions. Listen out for them in this clip.
また、"at "は他の時間表現にも使われます。この映像でそれらを聞いてみてください。
How about lunch on Monday Rob?
Well, I've got a meeting at 11.30.
Okay, are you free on Tuesday?
The engineer's coming at lunchtime. The washing machines flooded again. It happened to easter too.
So Rob had a meeting at 11:30. It's "at" because it's a time.
ロブは 11:30 に会議があったんですね。時間だから「at」を使っています。
That's right. We also heard "at" lunchtime. We use "at" with particular points during the day, like meal times. So it's "at" breakfast, "at" lunch, "at" dinner.
そうなんです。ランチタイムの "at "も聞きました。at "は食事の時間など、1日のうち特定のタイミングで使います。つまり、朝食時、昼食時、夕食時ということですね。
And also we say "at" noon, "at" midnight.
だから at" noon" "at" midnight とも言います。
Now Rob said his washing machine flooded at Easter. We use "at" to talk about a special day or group of days. So it's "at" Easter, "at" New Year.
今、ロブはイースターに洗濯機が浸水したと言っています。私たちは特別な日や複数の日について話すとき、"at "を使います。つまり、"at "Easter、"at" New Year というわけです。
"At" Christmas. So that's "at". Now let's look at "on". We use "on" with days of the week. So "on" Monday, "on" Tuesday.
"at "Christmas。これが "at "ですね。次に "on "を見てみましょう。on "は曜日を表すときに使います。つまり、"on" Monday "と"on" Tuesday です。
We also use "on" with specific dates, "on" the third of May, "on" June the 20th.
また、"on" the third of May、"on" June the 20th というように、具体的な日付を表す「on」を使うこともあります。
And we use "on" with specific days: "on" Christmas Day, "on" Easter Sunday, "on" my birthday.
そして、特定の日に "on "を使うのです。"on" Christmas Day、"on" Easter Sunday、"on" my birthday などです。
That's right. But remember it's "at" Easter, "at" Christmas when we are referring to the general time period.
その通りです。しかし、一般的な期間を指す場合は、"at" Easter "at" Christmas であることを忘れないでください。
Good. Now let's listen to another clip with more time expressions. This time, listen out for the time expression with "in".
よかったです。では、時間表現が多い別の映像を聞いてみましょう。今回は、"in "を使った時間表現に注目してみてください。
What are you doing in the afternoon?
Sorry. I'm playing football.
Okay. Perhaps we could meet in the pub on Saturday evening?
We've got guests at the weekend.
How about this afternoon at 2:30.
So we had "in" the afternoon. We use "in" with parts of the day. So it's "in" the morning, "in" the afternoon, "in" the evening.
つまり、午後は "in "です。一日の一部で「in」を使うのです。つまり、"in" the morning、"in" the afternoon、 "in" the evening です。
But did you notice that it's "on" Saturday evening? If we use a day of the week plus morning, afternoon or evening we use "on".
And we also use "in" with seasons. So it's "in" spring, "in" the winter.
そして、季節を表すとき "in "も使います。つまり、"in" spring、"in" the winter です。
We use "in" with months and years. So it's "in" June, "in" 1996.
in "は月や年に対して使います。つまり、"in" June、"in" 1996 です。
Notice also that Rob said "at" the weekend.
また、ロブが "at" the weekend と言ったことにも注目してほしいです。
Rob speaks British English so he used "at" the weekend. Some other speakers will say "on" the weekend. It's perfectly fine.
Robはイギリス英語を話すので、"at "the weekend を使いました。他のスピーカーは週末に "on "と言う人もいます。それは全く問題ありません。
And we're talking about time expressions with "in," "on," and "at".
We are. So to recap, we use "on" with days of the week, dates, and special days.
We use "at" with times and particular points in the day.
時間や一日の中の特定のポイントに "at "を使用します。
British people say "at" the weekend.
イギリス人は"at" the weekendと言います。
And we also use "at" with festivals.
また、festivals「お祭り」には "at" を使うこともあります。
We use "in" for seasons, months, and years.
季節、月、年などには "in "を使います。
And now for a quiz. Fill the gaps with "in," "on" or "at". Ready? Number one. What do you usually do __ the weekend?
では、クイズです。空欄に "in"、"on"、"at "を入れてください。準備はいい?1番。What do you usually do __ the weekend?
And the answer is "at".
答えは、"at" です。
Good. Number two. Don't be late. The film starts __ nine.
よし、2番。Don't be late. The film starts __ nine.
And the answer is "at".
答えは "at" です。
And the last one, there are usually fireworks in London __ New Year's Eve.
最後の問題です、there are usually fireworks in London __ New Year's Eve.
And the answer is "on". Well done if you got them all right.
答えは "on" です。全て当たっていたら、よくできました。
Well done indeed. And now for today's top tip for learning vocabulary: Instead of learning individual new words, try learning small chunks of language like time phrases.
They will be easier to learn and they make your English sound a lot more natural.
There's more about this at bbclearningenglish.com. Join us again for more 6 Minute Vocabulary. Bye.
これについては bbclearningenglish.com で詳しく説明しています。また6分間ボキャブラリーをお楽しみください。さようなら。