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  • What's the longest journey you've ever  been on and how did you manage to reach  

  • your destination without getting lost? - I'm  going this way! - Oh, we're going this way!  

  • My recent trip to Belize took me 5,000 miles,  11 hours on a plane, six hours on a bus and  

  • a lot of time zoning out while watching pretty  terrible films. But long before we humans devised  

  • our ingenious technology and transportation for  getting around, animals of all kinds have been  

  • making their own spectacular journeys across  the globe. And that's what we're exploring on  

  • CrowdScience from the BBC World Service. I'm Anand  Jagatia, and I'm taking you on a two-part journey  

  • to the Americas to try and understand some of the  most impressive feats of animal migration on Earth.  

  • - This is a greycap bird. This individual probably  made about three or four trips already to Belize.  

  • Birds like this greycap arrive in Belize  from North America for the winter, year in,  

  • year out, but how do they, or in fact any migrating  animal, know where they're heading? It's something  

  • that's been bothering one of our listeners  in Kenya, called Moses. Here's his question:  

  • Moses: Hi CrowdScience. My question is, how are long-distance migrating birds like the Arctic tern  

  • able to navigate vast oceans and distances in  flight? How come they never get lost? Similarly,  

  • how do turtles not get lost traversing  thousands of miles under ocean water?  

  • Anand: Thanks Moses. It's such a great question and it's  also a huge one. So much so, that we've decided to  

  • make it into a two-part CrowdScience specialthe science of how animals actually find their  

  • way around is a fast-moving and really exciting  area of research, and we're dedicating the next  

  • episode to that. But before we can answer Moses's  question about how animals navigate over such huge  

  • distances, you need to understand where they  go and why they go there in the first place,  

  • and it's these amazing voyages that we're covering  in this episode. So let's get to it.   

  • David Barrie: The amazing thing is

  • that animals are migrating all over  the planet, large animals, small animals, birds,  

  • whales, insects, you name it, fish...  Anand: This is David Barrie. He's a sailor with plenty of  

  • his own experience navigating out at sea, but he's  also written a book on animal migration called  

  • Incredible Journeys.  

  • DB: At one extreme you've gotbird like the Arctic tern which, with the help of 

  • tracking devices, we now know may travel a hundred  thousand kilometres in the space of a year between,  

  • as it were, the Arctic and the Antarctic and back  again, and then you've got a huge animal like the  

  • humpback whale, which will spend a long period of  time feeding down in the southern ocean around  

  • Antarctica, building up its reserves of fat before  cruising steadily north into warm waters around  

  • the equator where it will breed and have its youngThen you've got the monarch butterfly, which is a  

  • famous example of a migrant, and less famous, butthink almost as fascinating, is the bogong moth of  

  • Australia, which starts its life in Queensland and  then it flies about a thousand kilometres south,  

  • travelling by night, and spends the summer months  hidden away in little caves, little cracks in the  

  • rocks on the top of the snowy mountains in new  South Wales, and then amazingly at the end of  

  • the summer months it emerges and then flies  all the way back to Queensland, and we're now  

  • beginning to get to grips with how these  navigational feats are performed.  

  • Anand: You might have seen some of the astonishingly long journeys  that animals can make on television in wildlife  

  • documentaries, and the fact that many animalsfrom whales to wildebeest, migrate over their lives  

  • probably isn't news to you. But that wasn't always  the case. People had some very different ideas for  

  • what happened to the animals around them when they  vanished for large parts of the year.   

  • DB: Migration was kind of a controversial idea until the 19th  Century. I mean, nobody was really quite sure where  

  • birds went, for example, during the winter. And  there were these bizarre theories that people  

  • cooked up like, you know, swallows maybe went to  sleep at the bottom of ponds during the winter  

  • months when they disappeared. But it was really  in the 19th Century that people finally confirmed  

  • that migration was a real thing and it was first  really established in relation to birds and  

  • one of the more bizarre episodes was the discovery  in north Germany of a stork which had been  

  • shot with an arrow that was plainly of African  origin. This poor wretched beast arrived in  

  • northern Germany with this arrow stuck in it and  and it was obvious that it must have been to  

  • to Africa because of this arrow. So that  was the first sort of hard evidence, if you like...  

  • Anand: The poor bird was still alive, sort of  struggling

  • DB: Yes, it was still alive, I guess 

  • it got shot because it ended up in a museumpoor thing. But after that, people of course  

  • gathered more and more evidence of of migration  in a whole host of different animal species.  

  • Anand: It might sound slightly ridiculous that people  back then seriously thought that swallows went to  

  • sleep in the bottom of ponds, but when you think  of the alternative: that swallows fly thousands  

  • of miles from the uk all the way to South Africayou can see why people were a bit sceptical that  

  • migration was a real thing. Take the case of birds  like the Arctic tern, which listener Moses asked  

  • about, and David mentioned might travel a hundred  thousand kilometres in a year. What could possibly  

  • be worth the immense effort that a trip like that  would involve? Why don't birds just stick to the  

  • places where they're born?

  • Tim Guilford: Not all birds migrate by  any means. In the tropics, long-distance migration  

  • is relatively rare; in the seasonally constant rich  tropical regions of Earth then it makes sense to  

  • to breed and live all year round in approximately  the same place.  

  • Anand: This is Tim Guilford, professor of 

  • animal behaviour at the University of Oxford, where  he studies bird migration

  • TG: But a very striking 

  • feature of our planet is that it is seasonal, so  as soon as you start getting into higher latitudes  

  • then you have lots of sunlight in summer and  not very much in winter, and this drives massive  

  • seasonal differences in resource availabilityIn the Arctic, for example, is very unproductive  

  • on land in the winter, a very harsh place to live, but  in the short summer season it's almost constant  

  • energy, and that feeds through into resourcesplant growth, insects, and therefore food.  

  • And so in order to exploit them, you've got to  make these very long journeys. It's got to be a  

  • trade-off between the risks and energetic costs  of these long journeys, and the rewards of  

  • essentially being able to exploit an endless  summer. There are many different kinds of migration,  

  • even long-distance migration, and different  species and different groups of animals and  

  • different groups of birds handle this problem in  in very different ways. For example, some species  

  • are only partial migrants, which means that only  a proportion of the individuals will migrate,  

  • and presumably there are differences between  these individuals in their energetic balances or  

  • whatever which makes the trade-off change. But in  terms of how migration is sort of executed, if we  

  • can use that word, this also varies between small  songbirds, which have to make very long journeys  

  • over harsh terrain, for them, like crossing the  Mediterranean or the Sahara, places they can't stop,  

  • and seabirds which can effectively stop  wherever they want on their nonetheless long  

  • journeys. So sometimes the dangers and the trials  that have to be overcome lead to very different  

  • kinds of migratory strategy.  

  • Anand: Different species  of birds will face different balances between 

  • these trade-offs, and some species take their  dedication to migration to the next level

  • TG: Some really sustained migratory birds, like the bar-tailed  godwit, they will start to digest, internally, the  

  • organs that they don't need whilst they're on  passage, whilst they're making these journeys,  

  • they actually eat their  own gizzards and stomachs, in large measure,  

  • in order to make themselves lighter so they can carry  more fuel, and then when they reach a stopover site,  

  • or reach their destination, the first thing they  do is to regrow those internal organs. I mean it's  

  • an extraordinary level of preparation. You're only  allowed to carry a small hand baggage, essentially,  

  • on these long flights, and so you've got to  adapt to that.   

  • Anand: The food at their destination

  • must be unbelievably good for a bar-tailed  godwit to eat part of itself just to get there.  

  • Our understanding of bird migration has comelong way from thinking that birds hibernated at  

  • the bottom of ponds. But how exactly have  scientists mapped out avian flight paths  

  • across the globe? Sounds like an obvious questionbut birds have wings and we don't, so how have they followed them?  

  • Well, much of it has been based on  a deceptively simple system that was devised some  

  • time ago, but is still used very much today.

  • TG: The classic technique was to place a mark, a little  

  • metal ring, on a bird's leg, with an individual  identity number and probably an address that  

  • somebody who found the bird anywhere in the  world could send the ring to, and then to plot  

  • the distribution and timing of these recoveries  of birds that have been ringed. So this ringing  

  • started really at the very end of the 19th Century,  I suppose, in Denmark, and has been going strong  

  • ever since. Thousands of people still go out  putting rings on birds of all sorts of different  

  • species and people observe them with binoculars  in different places or recover them from birds  

  • that have finally died. And that information  and the timing of these recoveries has allowed  

  • scientists to reconstruct the migratory routes  and journeys of many, many species over the decades.  

  • Anand: Ringing, or banding, is a very clever solution  for keeping tabs on bird populations.  

  • It's a straightforward idea in theorybut in practice it takes a lot of work.  

  • So to see how it happens in the feathered flesh  and to hear about how it's useful, we're heading  

  • to Belize, one of the top destinations for  migrating birds in the Americas, in the hope  

  • that we can catch some. We drive in our 4x4 along  bumpy, muddy roads into the heart of Cockscomb Basin  

  • Wildlife Sanctuary, which is co-run with the Belize  Audubon Society. It's full of lush, tropical forest  

  • and we've come to meet a team of biologists and  birders who are working here for the next week.  

  • - I like your t-shirt, by the way! What does your  t-shirt say? - I'm not lost, I'm just bird watching!  

  • This is project leader Abidas Ash. She's a  bird biologist from the University of Belize's  

  • Environment Research Institute.

  • Abidas Ash: We have a bird-banding station here for long-term monitoring.  

  • We're catching and releasing birdsbut while doing that we're actually  

  • getting a lot more data on them, so we're looking  at ageing, sexing, looking at the status of the bird,  

  • the conditions of the birds, and tagging them.

  • Anand: You can hear that the dense trees  

  • around us are full of birds which, just like  me and producer Mel, are beginning to wake up  

  • as dawn is breaking. It's a cool and clear morning  and we've actually been really lucky with the  

  • weather, because it's been raining pretty heavily  for the past few days.

  • - 06:30? Okay yeah so it's 06:30.

  • The first step in putting a band on a bird is to  catch yourself a bird, and that is no easy feat.  

  • It involves using a series of specially  designed nets that surround the research station  

  • and a team of people, including our  guide Emmanuel, who have to open them  

  • up every morning.   

  • Emmanuel: So we'll be opening nets  every half an hour, and then here we have

  • net number 13, yeah. These nets are  pretty much blind to the bird  

  • so whenever a bird would fly, it will just fly  through, and then we have what we call the pockets  

  • and then that's where the birds get trapped

  • Anand: Imagine a long volleyball net or a badminton net  

  • which is made of very very thin fibres that are  almost impossible to see in the dim morning light.  

  • Trust me, I almost walked into a few. - So what  happens, so the birds kind of come fly down to this sort of level?

  • Emmanuel: So most of our target species, they  will fly low, like the warblers, the thrushes.  

  • So now this is the the best time to have  your nets open, when it's early morning,  

  • because this is the time when the birds are  usually active.

  • Anand: So the early bird catches the worm

  • but the early bird-catcher catches the birds!

  • Emmanuel: Yeah! So banding has showed that yes, birds are more active early morning.  

  • Anand: As the birds make their first  flights through the canopy the team are hoping  

  • that a few unwitting individuals will fly into the net.

  • Emmanuel: You have to be a trained extractor  

  • for you to take out the bird. So usually it takes  about a minute, because we try to do it fast so  

  • the bird doesn't get stressed. Yeah. And then  hopefully we get some birds in the net.  

  • Anand: With all 16 nets assembled, we head back to the  banding station, in a clearing in the jungle, to wait.  

  • And while we do that, it's a good time to  mention that you're listening to CrowdScience  

  • from the BBC World Service. And this week is the  first of a two-part special on animal migration.  

  • So far, we've heard some of the reasons why animals  bother travelling thousands of miles on a yearly  

  • basis, when they could just stay put. And now we're  meeting the scientists who are working out where  

  • migratory birds in Belize fly off to. A career in  monitoring bird migration takes a lot of patience.  

  • So while we're wandering around waiting for the  nets to fill up, I caught up with Abidas about what  

  • makes Cockscomb such a sanctuary for wildlife.  - So walking around this place, you can really  

  • hear, especially at night, loads of different types  of bird calls. How many different species of birds  

  • live in the sanctuary?

  • Abidas Ash: I think about 300+  species have been recorded here in  

  • the sanctuary, and here where we're doing some  banding, in just six hours yesterday we recorded 72-75 species.

  • Anand: What's special about this kind  of climate and this environment that the birds like?  

  • Abidas: Well, it's all about resources availability. The  wildlife sanctuary is pretty big and there is  

  • just enough space for them to be able to occupy  the area.

  • Anand: So is that why migratory birds might come here for the winter?

  • Abidas: Yes. Down here in Central  and South America, that's where around that time we  

  • have certain plant species that are fruiting, we  also have abundance in insects as well.  

  • Anand: Soon it's time to head back out and check on the nets. - So are you always a little bit nervous before you go out  

  • and check the nets to see if you've got anythingEmmanuel: Of course, yeah, so what I'm more nervous about is  

  • to get a stressed bird. So sometimes when a bird is  tangled and it's getting stressed, you get stressed as well.  

  • Anand: I'm still struggling to find my bearings, but the  team quickly stride out in different directions.

  • - I'm quite nervous actually as well...

  • ...hopefully it won't be an anti-climax.

  • Nothing in that net.

  • The first few nets are all empty, but then...   

  • Abidas: So when we have a bird in the net we need to extract

  • the bird the same way the bird went in. So I'm just  gonna take it out, and since this is a hummingbird,  

  • there's usually different grips that you  need to use to actually take out birds, so this  

  • is pretty much a body grasp grip, where I'm just  holding the body, some netting went around his head  

  • so I removed all of that, and now I'm putting it  into my bander script

  • Anand: You make it look so easy!

  • Abidas: It's practise!

  • Anand: It's such a beautiful birdso it's a really kind of emerald green  

  • hummingbird with an orange bill.

  • Abidas: Yes, so this  is a rufous-tailed hummingbird, see how green...?  

  • Anand: Woah, it literally is like a jewel, it's so shiny it's  like iridescent!   

  • Abidas: Yes! I put it in the bag, so the bag is

  • for them to, you know, stay calm and not to fight, so  they can breathe through and everything, and then  

  • we're going to take it back again to the banding  station where we have a couple more nets to check.

  • Anand: It's really impressive to see how deftly Abidas  manages to rescue these delicate creatures from  

  • inside the nets. We take the hummingbird back  to the station, where Emmanuel and the others  

  • also have full cotton bags gently  pulsating with life inside.

  • The team immediately gets to workEmmanuel delicately lifts each bird  

  • from the bag and inspects themlooking at their size, weight, and  

  • feather conditions, calling out what he  sees, while somebody else notes it down.

  • Some of these are local species, while others  are migrants. They examine the wing feathers 

  • and they also blow on the soft downy covering on  the breast and skull to expose the skin underneath,  

  • and they make a whole bunch of other observations.  

  • Abidas: For some species, the eye colour changes with age 

  • the roof of the mouth could help with that  as well, the shape of the feathers, and those  

  • are characteristics we combine together and  that helps us to determine the age of the bird.  

  • Anand: Watching this slick, coordinated operation, it's  clear how much knowledge and skill these guys have.  

  • The last step is for Emmanuel to very carefully  attach a thin aluminium band to the bird's tiny  

  • leg with a set of pliers.

  • Emmanuel: When I started to  do banding, this was the hardest part  

  • for me, yeah, to place these bands on birds.

  • It's finicky work, but the serial number on the band  

  • will mean that researchers can track this  individual if it shows up again. And that's  

  • really what we're hoping for, that we'll catch  a migratory bird that already has a band on it.  

  • And eventually, we get one.   

  • Abidas: This is a good one.

  • Anand: So this has been caught beforeAbidas: Yes. Let me check the band number actually.  

  • Just based on this sequence, it is about two or  three years ago that we caught this individual, so  

  • this individual probably made about three or four  trips already to Belize. This is a greycap bird  

  • it's pretty much all on the east coast of  America and some parts of Canada as well, and  

  • it migrates all the way to Panama Anand: Wow, it's a really long way!

  • Abidas: Yes. So this one here decides  

  • Belize is the best spot for me, so I'll stay  here, spend my winter here, I've got enough food and everything

  • Getting a bird that has been  banded three or four years ago, that's really  

  • good because it shows us that this specific habitat  that we're actually monitoring is very important  

  • for those birds that are coming back from year  to year, to winter in this specific area, and it  

  • means that there's a lot of food resources, waterspace available for them to be able to stay there.  

  • We're gonna see, hopefully someone catches them and  recognise a band, and so we submit our data to the  

  • Institute of Bird Populations, and they submit to  the bird-banding lab, and then if you catch a bird,  

  • or you find a bird with a band on it, so they send  you data and tell you, ok, well this bird  

  • was banded here, give you the exact locationswhen it was banded, the age and the sex it was recorded as.  

  • Anand: This routine of checking netsextracting birds, examining, banding, and releasing  

  • them repeats every 30 minutes all morning. In  one of the quieter moments, Abidas asks me  

  • if I want to give her a hand.

  • Abidas: So do you want to release itAnand: Yeah I'd love to. So how do I hold it

  • It's like when someone gives you their baby, you  don't want to drop it!

  • Abidas: So you're going to put  

  • your two fingers around the neck of the birdSo the neck of the bird is very narrow, so  

  • you're not squeezing anything, ok, and then the  rest of your fingers form a cage around the body  

  • of the bird, just to keep everything intactand then you stretch out your hand and from  

  • there it will fly off. Anand: OK.

  • Abidas: You can make it fly this way instead, so... Anand: So... like this?

  • Abidas: Yes! There you go!

  • Yeah!

  • Anand: Amazing! Like a magician!

  • So why bother to collect all this data? Well, combining all of these snapshots of the bird's  

  • health and their location to build up a picture  of migration is vitally important for conservation.  

  • And according to a recent report from 2018, 40%  of bird species globally are falling. As migrant  

  • birds make their long journeys, they need safe  resting and feeding points along their routes,  

  • and problems like habitat loss in  one of these key stopover sites  

  • could mean that our travelling birds don't get  enough energy to make it to their destinations.  

  • And so the data from stations like this one  in Belize is really important for monitoring  

  • populations and their survival, and for spotting  issues happening to the birds along the way.  

  • Cockscomb obviously can't do this alone, and  it's part of a much bigger network of more than  

  • 200 stations all over Mexico, Central and South  America called the MoSI programme. Through its work,  

  • MoSI aims to understand what might be driving  species declines, and how we can reverse that.  

  • And there have been some success stories, like the wood  thrush: a bird that's much beloved in North America,  

  • which has benefited from the work at Cockscomb.  

  • Abidas: The wood thrush is a species that has been 

  • heavily studied just because their population was  really declining, and you know no one really knew  

  • what exactly was happening for the population to  decline, and that's when they start focusing on  

  • mostly where they're wintering, basically, and  that's where they noticed that a huge factor  

  • contributing to the decline is deforestation  and forest degradation, and that's where a lot of  

  • work and studies and research has been going on  so that they can start working with communities,  

  • working with different organisations and NGOs to  try to help to mitigate that issue there, and from  

  • there, that's where they start noticing that the  thrushes are slowly coming back now, but you know it  

  • took pretty much a village to try to ensure that  that happened.

  • Anand: Seeing Abidas and her colleagues  

  • find a bird that they'd already captured a few  years ago illustrates how powerful banding can be

  • despite it being quite a basic techniqueBut banding is really just the first step.  

  • Modern technology means researchers can learn way  more about bird migration than ever before.  

  • Tim Guilford, who we heard from earlier, told me about  the kinds of devices which he uses in his own research.

  • Tim Guilford: Miniaturisation of technology has really  driven some amazing changes in what we're able to  

  • discover about bird migration. In particular, there  are two kinds of devices that we use in our work  

  • on seabirds. One will be familiar to everyonethat's GPS (Global Positioning System).

  • You can put miniature GPS on birds as  

  • small as songbirds now, actually, but we put them  on shearwaters to track their foraging journeys  

  • as they go out into the Atlantic and come back  with food for their chicks, and this allows us to  

  • understand a great deal about how they movewhat drives their movements. There's another  

  • technology that has now become very widespread in  studies of migration, that's called the geolocator.  

  • This is a little tiny device, it weighs maybe a gramand you can fit this on a leg ring. It registers,  

  • every day, light. And if you know the time of  dawn and dusk from your light trace, and you  

  • know the length of the day, these are the two  bits of information that a mariner would use  

  • to calculate their position anywhere on the globeand these little devices store this information  

  • on board every day of the year, and then when our  seabirds come back to breed the following year,  

  • we can download that information and  reconstruct the bird's track, and that's  

  • really given us enormous power in understanding  the migratory journeys, stopovers, variation in  

  • that, and of course the changes in migratory  patterns driven by things like climate change.  

  • Anand: Devices like this can give you a lot more thansnapshot. They go with the animal to places that  

  • as humans we'd struggle to follow, and they can  tell us about aspects of these journeys which  

  • have remained mysterious until now.   

  • TG: We're starting to learn now that the Arctic tern's journey is

  • more nuanced than that, and we think that many  of them stop over in the central north Atlantic,  

  • where there's a very rich area which attracts  seabirds and other migratory animals from very  

  • long distances as a kind of refuelling  station. This has just been made into  

  • a high seas marine protected area, the largest  in the northern hemisphere, on the basis of  

  • tracking data from birds around the northern  hemisphere. So we're starting to discover these  

  • hot spots of activity in migratory species  far out at sea that we never knew about.  

  • Anand: That story is a clear example of how  tracking data can help with conservation.  

  • But there are other ways of telling where animals  have come from, besides using tracking devices.  

  • TG: So as well as tracking birds using technologywe can also use their genetics nowadays  

  • to identify which populations they came from  and modern genotyping techniques are really  

  • revolutionising the study of bird migration

  • Anand: With just a single feather, it's possible to learn  

  • a whole host of things about bird migration by  sequencing the animal's DNA. And that's just what  

  • Professor Kristen Ruegg does in her research at  Colorado State University in the US

  • Kristen Ruegg: We start by sequencing

  • bird genomes, so we try to understand  how birds are related across geographic space.  

  • So we build these maps of genetic relationships  across their breeding range and then we  

  • use information in the DNA of feathers  collected anywhere across the annual cycle to do  

  • what we like to call, like, ancestry websites  for birds. So we genetically identify birds  

  • captured anywhere along their annual cycle  back to their breeding population of origin.  

  • Anand: That's really clever. So you can get all of that  information just from feathers

  • KR: It really only takes, you know, a couple nanograms of DNA, tiny, tiny amounts of DNA, and we can get that DNA from  

  • the tip of a feather, to sequence the  whole genome, and then we use that information  

  • to then identify the origin of the bird, and many  other things we can get from the genome too.  

  • Anand: Have you got like a room in your lab that's just full  of all of the feathers that you've been analysing?  

  • KR: Yes. Well actually there's  many rooms, so it's a huge effort.  

  • Anand: I was going to say, you could makereally cool museum or like an art installation  

  • or something, or my producer was suggesting you  could make a huge feather boa or something,  

  • and use it as like a way of communicating  the research!

  • KR: You know, when you come to my lab,

  • what it basically is, is like 15 freezers  full of... so it's a lot less pretty than that, but  

  • it's pretty massive in scale, yeahAnand: So I'm really curious, what kind of stuff  

  • can you learn from this genomic analysis  why is the DNA information useful to you?  

  • KR: One of the main things that we focus  on with the Bird Genoscape Project  

  • is understanding, you know, which populations  are genetically distinct from other populations,  

  • and that has important implications for their  conservation, both from a legal perspective, like  

  • how it provides the ability to document that  a population is genetically distinct can  

  • help with garnering protection for that particular  population, you know, within a legal framework.  

  • And in addition, those genetically distinct populations  that are endangered or threatened might migrate to  

  • different areas than other populations, so we can  then use our our, you know, feathers collected from  

  • somewhere else across the annual cycle to make  these important population-specific connections  

  • and understand sort of where across the  full annual cycle of a bird, whether it be  

  • breeding, migratory stopover, or wintering, an  endangered population may be migrating, rather  

  • than focusing across the entire breeding rangewhich can be overwhelming in terms of when you  

  • have very limited conservation dollars.

  • Anand: This kind of genetic analysis can help researchers  

  • work out if different populations of birds within  a species might be facing different threats, which  

  • can help to make more effective conservation  policies. And once you've got a genome, one of  

  • the really interesting things you can do is study  the role of individual genes in migratory behaviour

  • KR: The other sort of suite of genes that we've been  involved in looking at are genes that are linked  

  • to migratory timing, and these would also have  kind of a link back to, you know, climate change  

  • because as the climate changes, spring comes  at different times, right, across the world,  

  • and it's really important for birds to sync up the  timing of their migration with the timing of peak  

  • resource availability  in spring, for most species,  

  • and so being able to get that timing right  is really important, and studies have shown, for  

  • decades, that there's some component of  migratory timing that is genetically controlled,  

  • and so if you know, if we can identify the suite  of genes that are important to migratory timing,  

  • we can also use that to help inform, you  know, which species might be able to adapt  

  • to changing climate conditions, and which may not

  • Anand: So potentially you can look at a population and  

  • see whether there might be slight differences in  the birds and the timings that they use to migrate?

  • KR: That's right. One of the  important components of that is, if there is  

  • what we call standing genetic variation, or genetic  diversity, genetic variation at the genes  

  • underlying migratory timing, let's say, then  populations may be able to evolve  

  • and respond to intense selection for  differences in the timing cues, but if  

  • there's a population with a lot less diversity at  that gene controlling migratory timing, then they  

  • may not have the capacity to respond to selective  pressures or, you know, changing migratory timing.

  • Anand: Scientists now have a rich understanding of where  birds travel on their migrations across the world,  

  • which as we've heard is a big part of conservation  efforts. But something which remains much less  

  • clear is how birds manage these incredible  feats. How can a starling accurately make it  

  • thousands of miles to a destination it's never  been to before? Research in this field is making  

  • new discoveries all the time, and that's what  we'll be hearing about on the next episode.  

  • And we'll be turning to one of the greatest  mysteries in the whole of the animal kingdom:  

  • the navigational abilities of sea turtlesThey can travel between whole continents over  

  • the course of their lives, and yet return  to the exact same beach where they hatched.  

  • We'll be meeting a team who are tracking sea  turtles off the coast of Florida, and joining  

  • them on a trip out into the ocean on board their  research boat.  

  • - The boat's called the RV Luminia

  • it's a third-generation turtle catching boat

  • Anand: And this man, David Godfrey is our skipper

  • David Godfrey: It's easy for us to monitor turtles on land and observe them, study them, but out in this marine environment  

  • it gets really difficult to piece together all the  different aspects of their lives, their physiology,  

  • what they're eating, how they're behaving, so this  in-water type of research is really important  

  • to understanding, answering a lot of questions  that we need to know to protect them, and this  

  • idea of migration, where they're traveling  at what times, is really critical to  

  • protecting every life phase of these animalsSo in Crystal River we have this area we know  

  • is developmental habitat, we know they're spending  a certain amount of time here, and we really want  

  • to know at what point are they going to leave this  habitat, and what are the next habitats they're  

  • using that we may not know about. Because  obviously things happen in the marine environment,  

  • you've got commercial fishing activities, you've  got... occasionally you have oil spills out here,  

  • there's lots of recreational boating, mining, you  name it, it's going on in the marine environment,  

  • and we need to understand how our  actions are affecting these animals,  

  • and in order to ascertain that, we need as  much information as we can about where these  

  • animals are going, and those migrations  are critical for long-term conservation.

  • Anand: Turtles may look peaceful and serene, but don't let  that fool you; they are surprisingly fast and very  

  • agile. Catching them quickly becomes a high-speed  chase through the water, which we were not  

  • expecting, and you need to hold on tight.

  • - That's a little green turtle right there, right side, throwing hard...

  • - Can somebody get a waypoint?

  • - We have green turtle, turning towards us... that's a ray, avoid that...

  • - You see it David? - Yup, I got it. - Small turtle.

  • - You thought it was a fish.  - Directly ahead of us turning, alright hard right...  

  • Anand: That's on the next episode of CrowdSciencewhere we'll be looking inside the brains and  

  • the bodies of birds and turtles, to  figure out how they find their way.  

  • See you then! This week's CrowdScience was  presented by me, Anand Jagatia, and produced by  

  • Melanie Brown. If you have a question you want us  to look at, then email us at

  • Thanks for listening! Bye!

What's the longest journey you've ever  been on and how did you manage to reach  


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How birds travel thousands of miles every year - CrowdScience, BBC World Service Podcast

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    王杰 に公開 2022 年 05 月 22 日