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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • I thought this debate was settled.


  • I thought that /gɪf/, with a hard G, had won.

    G (ギ) の発音をする/gɪf/ (ギフ) が勝ったのだと思っていました。

  • But apparently not.


  • It is more popular than /ʤɪf/, but it's not a landslide.

    /ʤɪf/ (ジフ) よりは多く使われているようですが、圧倒的に多いというわけではありません。

  • In a 2014 survey, only 70% of people said /gɪf/.

    2014年の調査では、/gɪf/ (ギフ) と答えた人は7割にとどまりました。

  • And the format's creator, Steve Wilhite, argues that it should be /ʤɪf/, and has been arguing that for a long time.

    そして、このフォーマットの作成者であるスティーブ・ウィルハイトは、/ʤɪ/ (ジフ) であるべきだと主張し、長い間それを主張してきました。

  • In fact, when the Webby Awards let him give one of their famous five-words-only acceptance speeches, he said, " It's pronounced /ʤɪf/, not /gɪf/."

    実際、ウェビー賞の受賞スピーチで、「発音は/gɪf/ (ギフ) でなく/ʤɪf/ (ジフ) です」と言ったことがあります。

  • This is the slide he put up with that, and uh, yeah, you can see the problem there.


  • Now, one of the most fundamental principles of modern linguistics is descriptivism.


  • There should be no value judgment about particular words or pronunciations or types of speech.


  • There must be no correct way to speak handed down from on high.


  • We describe how people speak, if language changes, we change with it.


  • So the Oxford English Dictionary accepts both pronunciations, despite Steve Wilhite calling them "Wrong. End of story."


  • Turns out, even if you invented a word, you don't get to make the call on how it's pronounced.


  • Whether he likes it or not, /gɪf/ is the more common pronunciation.

    彼が好むと好まざるとにかかわらず、/gɪf/ (ギフ) がより一般的な発音です。

  • That said: Linguistics also gives us the tools to look at all the other words in English and figure out, "Well, okay. We've got this new word. What other words is it most like?"


  • You might hear the argument that /gɪf/ is short for Graphics Interchange Format.

    /gɪf/ はGraphics Interchange Format の略であると聞いたことがあるかと思います。

  • Graphics, not /ʤ/raphics.

    グラフィックです、ジュラフィック (/ʤ/raphics) ではありません。

  • But that's not how English treats acronyms.


  • In JPEG, the P isn't short for "potography."

    JPEGの場合、Pは "ポトグラフィー (Potography) "の略ではありません。

  • In the same way, laser isn't pronounced "lass-uhr," and scuba isn't "scubb-uh."

    同じように、レーザーは "lass-uhr"、スキューバは "scubb-uh "ではありません。

  • So rather than acronyms, what about other English words?


  • Well, in the red corner: git, gift, gaffer. In the blue corner: gin, gist, gel.


  • Ok, so if you went through the whole dictionary, which side would have more words?


  • Well, in 2015, a researcher called Michael Dow did just that, only counting the words that have one morpheme.

    2015年にマイケル・ダウという研究者が、形態素 (意味をもつ最小単位) が1つしかない単語だけを数えるということを行いました。

  • So words like "gift," you can't break that down into smaller lexical parts.


  • "Gift-ed" wouldn't count, you can break that down into "gift" and "ed."

    「gift-ed」はカウントされません、「gift」と「ed 」に分解できるからです。

  • So just using those really basic words, it's a victory for the /ʤɪf/-ers.

    そういう基本的な単語を使うと、/ʤɪf/ (ジ) の発音の価値です。

  • There are more words where "g-i" is pronounced /ʤɪ/ than /gɪ/.

    「g-i」を /gɪ/ (ギ) よりも /ʤɪ/ (ジ) と発音する単語の方が多いです。

  • But... the /gɪ/ words are are used more often, so the likelihood of each pronunciation is about equal.

    しかし、 /gɪ/ (ギ) の発音をする単語をより頻繁に使うので、それぞれの発音を使う機会はほぼ同じくらいです。

  • But if you only look at words that start with g-i, /gɪ/ is more common.

    しかし、g-iで始まる単語だけを見ると、/gɪ/ (ギ) の方がより一般的です。

  • So now we're on a question of psycholinguistics!


  • When we read a new word, do we consider all the times we've seen those letters before anywhere, or do we favor ones that are in the same position?


  • And even if we do, why do we pick one over the other?


  • Unless you're very young, GIF is a word that you almost certainly read before you heard.


  • And the first time you ever saw those three letters, your brain instantly tried to match them to patterns you already knew.


  • Gib, gift, gin, git, give.


  • Maybe /ʤ/ill or /g/ill, both of which are valid English words, one's an old measurement, one's a part of a fish.

    おそらく、/ʤ/ill (ジル) と /g/ill (ギル) はどちらも有効な英単語ですが、1つ (ジル) は古い測定方法で、1つ (ギル) は魚の部位の一つです。

  • /ʤ/illingham or /g/illingham, both English towns, a couple of hundred miles apart.

    /ʤ/illingham (ジリングハム) や /g/illingham (ギリングハム) はどちらもイギリスの町で、数百マイル離れています。

  • In a split second, your brain went through everything that it knew about g-i, decided which pronunciation you thought was right, and then locked that in your head.

    一瞬のうちに、あなたの脳は g-i について知っていることをすべて調べ、どの発音が正しいと思うかを決め、それを頭の中に閉じ込めるのです。

  • The correct answer is, of course...


  • My co-author Gretchen McCulloch has a great podcast called Lingthusiasm, that covers all sorts of things like this.

    私の共著者であるGretchen McCullochは、「Lingthusiasm」という素晴らしいポッドキャストで、このようなことをいろいろと取り上げています。

  • I recommend it, and the link is in the description.


I thought this debate was settled.


審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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