字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント sponsored by squarespace in this video この動画では東京のおすすめコーヒーショップを紹介するぞ i'm going to share with you 今日はコーヒー好きのためにお届けするぜ my favorite coffee shops in tokyo 今までもあちこちコーヒーショップを紹介たけど [Music] コーヒーショップだけにフィーチャーした動画はまだだったな so this video is for all of my coffee この動画ではオラのおすすめコーヒーショップだけを まとめて紹介していくぜ lovers i know i've done a few videos 過去に紹介したところは今回パスするけど 概要欄にリンクがあるから見てくれ already featuring coffee shops here and いつものように、オラの日常はインスタでチェックしてくれ there チェンネルサポートはグッズ購入からお願いな! but i haven't done a video yet 日本のことや日本旅行について知りたい人は DISCORDコミュニティーを見にきてくれよな showcasing それではサードウェーブコーヒー動画スタート!! just coffee shops so in this video i ラテ好きな人にはここ! STREAMER COFFEE COMPANYがおすすめだ wanted to do 原宿キャットストリートの裏通りにあるぞ exactly that and show you some of my シロップみたいにトロトロのエスプレッソでつくる めちゃくちゃうめぇラテが飲めるぞ favorite spots 通常の3倍のコーヒー豆から抽出されてるから 濃度が濃くてめちゃうまい around the area and so i'm not redundant STREAMER COFFEE は東京でめちゃ有名なスポットだ i won't show you the coffee shops that オラが今きてるこの渋谷で、他にも 原宿、五反田、中目黒、世田谷にもあるぞ i've already featured ラテアートでめちゃ有名な バリスタ澤田洋史氏プロデュースなんだぞ but i will leave links in the 使われているエスプレッソマシーンは オリジナルラテをつくるため、特別にカスタムされてんだ description so definitely check those 今日おすすめをいくつか紹介するぜ out これはスタンダードなカフェラテだ おめぇらもみんな好きだろ? also before i start if you want to see これはミリタリーラテっていって 抹茶とホワイトチョコ入りだ what i'm doing on the daily check out my 抹茶が好きな人はこれで決まりだな instagram account if you want to help 抹茶が濃すぎないから ちょっと苦手な人でも楽しめるぞ support the channel まじ無理って人じゃなければな like always check out the tokyo merch オラの友達でそこまで抹茶好きでない奴が これはうまいって言ってたんだよ and if you guys have any questions about たまにはこういうのも試してもいいかもな japan or japan travels ふつうのラテ好きな人はそっちも、もちろんうまい check out the discord community that all もしくは、このラズベリーもあるぜ said let me take you to the third wave これは期間限定のラズベリーラテだ of coffee hitters このラズベリーラテ、オラめちゃ好きなんだよな number one streamer coffee company so if 今日はメニューになかったけど作ってもらったぜ もう少しでメニューに載るらしい! you're all about that latte life then ちなみにラテと一緒にフードメニューもあるんだけど look no further コーヒーの方にめちゃ力入れてるから 食べ物は近くの店のものだ but beware you'll have to make your way 次のスポットは原宿"駅"にある猿田彦珈琲 The Bridgeだ to the back streets of harajuku's cat JR原宿駅新駅舎2階にある street they make a delicious cup of 木造の旧駅舎の南側に去年できたばっかりだ latte with a 元俳優の大塚朝之氏がオープンしたコーヒーショップで thick syrupy espresso packing three 一瞬にしてめちゃ有名になったんだぞ times more coffee beans than average so 今、日本に14店舗、台湾に3店舗ショップがある you're gonna get a concentrated hit of ショップの名前、猿田彦の由来は 「みちひらき」で有名な神様らしいぞ that good good 猿田彦神社からも正式に許可を得てるから the streamers is one of those go-to ここのコーヒー豆は、門出を祝う ウェディングギフトとしても喜ばれてる spots that a lot of people in tokyo love ありがたいコーヒーだな this spot that i'm here now in shibuya 普通のドリップコーヒーを注文したんだけど is actually one of the 東京で一番うまいコーヒーのひとつだな first spots but they do also have a few ん〜〜〜、神様のコーヒーだぜ other spots like harajuku gotanda 1号店は恵比須に2011年にオープンした nakameguro and setagaya the shop was そっちの店を紹介したかったんだけど ちょっとちっちぇからな produced by a japanese barista hiroshi 28平方メートルくらいらしい sawada who's super famous in the latte 多くの人が入れるのはこっちだからな 恵比須じゃなくて原宿店を紹介したぜ art それにめちゃうまいデカフェがあることも 紹介しとかないとな industry what's nice is that they use マイコのおすすめデカフェスポットでもあるんだぜ these customized espresso machines from 赤ちゃんも生まれたしな the us to make their original 今日は一緒にBBQサンドイッチもオーダーしたぜ cafe latte so today i just wanted to 外は焼かれてて、見て!この溶けてるチーズ!! show you a few of their special ones オラ、ポークとチーズの組み合わせまじ好きなんだよな so this is their standard cafe latte まじ、うまっ which everyone loves right here 外はカリッカリで、中身はもちもち but i also wanted to show you that this ジューシーなポークと溶けたチーズ ちょっとだけレタスもあるな is their military ホットコーヒーと、ホットサンドイッチ これ以上にうまいもんねぇな latte it has matcha and white chocolate KITASANDO COFFEE は ちょっと離れたところにあるんだけど inside 北参道駅からは徒歩3分だ oh for the matcha lovers and this is it でもちょっと面白い話がある matcha itself このショップのオーナーは元メルペイのCEOで キャッシュレスってのを広めたかったんだ is not too strong if you like really だからこの店はキャッシュレス really don't like 現金持ってきてもダメだぜ クレジットカードか、もしくはアプリだな matcha then it's probably still easy to アプリで事前に注文もできる drink so you can probably still 今日はアイスコーヒーを注文した プアオーバーコーヒーだ drink this one i've had friends that ちょっとひと口 have had this matcha before and they say フルーティな風味がするぜ that they're not fans of matcha but in プアオーバーの中でも北参道ブレンドを選んだんだ fact they like this so オラ、苦味が強いのより フルーティなのが好きだからな it is something that you might want to いつも5〜6種類のコーヒー豆が用意されてあって 毎日そこから選べるんだ try if you don't like much so much 選べるフレイバーの種類が多いのがいいよな but you know if you do just like the ここでこの動画のスポンサーSQUARE SPACEの宣伝だ regular latte stick with that もし知らない人がいたら and if you can get this raspberry one SQUARE SPACEはオラがおすすめの ウェブサイト制作をするサイトなんだ this one is their seasonal hitter a オラのウェブサイト TOKYO ZEBRAも もちろんSQUARE SPACEを使ってる raspberry latte SQUARE SPACEの良さはここだ but that raspberry the seasonal 新しいプロジェクトやビジネスを始めたばかりの人も raspberry is my favorite SQUARE SPACEはツールが全て揃ってて プロみたいに洒落たサイトが作れるようになってる in fact it's not even on the menu today 例えば、ポートフォリオ&ギャラリーデザインで カスタムしたり、パスワード機能もつけられる but i asked them for it and it's going パワーアップしたブログ機能は スレッド作れたり、コメント欄、いいねもできて to be on there soon so コミュニティの繋がりをもてる they were able to make it and just so オラが大好きな統計機能もついてるぞ that you know they do have food to take 閲覧者やユニークビジター、ページビューなど 期間別に確認できる on to go with you with your latte but squarespace.comにアクセスして まずは無料トライアルで試してくれ since the shop focuses on making only 準備が整ったら https://squarespace.com/paolofromtokyoにアクセス! coffee the food is made by other local 最初のドメインかウェブサイトが10%オフになるぞ shops それでは、次のスポットへ [Music] 渋谷道玄坂を上の方まで進んでくと ABOUT LIFE COFFEE BREWERSがある number two sara tohiko coffee the bridge ちっちぇえけどうまいし まじそこまで登ってく価値あるぜ two to the next stop is harajuku station びっくりするかもしれないけど チャリンコめちゃあるんだぜ i mean really we're at the station this 今日はドリップコーヒーを注文した グアテマラブレンドだ hot one is located on the second floor なんでここを紹介したかったかって言うと of the newly built harajuku station ここまじで角っこで、こんなちっこいのに building which is open まじうまいコーヒー飲めるんだよな just last year on the south side of the 何がそんな特別かって フレンドシップロースターの豆を使ってるんだ old wooden building the shop was opened 例えば、武蔵小山の AMAMERIA ESPRESSO by a former actor tomoyuki otsuka and 目黒の SWITCH COFFEE TOKYO got ultra popular with the quickness and 自由が丘の ONIBUS COFFEE now there's 14 つまりコーヒーのセレクトショップってことだ shops all throughout japan and even いい感じだし、今回の動画で紹介する価値あるだろ? three in taiwan the name side of tehiko 豆の種類もめちゃあるんだけど 迷ってもチャートがあるから大丈夫だぜ comes from a japanese god known for どんなフレーバーのコーヒーが飲みたいか聞いてくれて opening up the path to all new things 甘いのがいいって言うと グアテマラをすすめてくれたぜ and the shop itself is approved by the ちょっとひと口 official japanese shrine so its coffee このフレーバーもめちゃいいな beans are often used as a wedding gift あっなるほど、確かに甘味も感じるな to symbolize a new beginning バリスタめちゃすげぇな coffee truly blessed by the gods i got 青山学院大学付近から最近トランクホテルそばに移転した THE LOCAL COFFEE STAND their 2階に店があるから、さらに穴場感があるな standard coffee but it ain't that THE LOCALに行ってきたぜ standard it is めちゃにぎわってたからこの動画には欠かせないな one of the best here in tokyo 雰囲気も若い活気もあって良かったんだけど that is coffee for the gods the original 動画撮影するのにはちょっとざわざわしてたから 今外に出てきたぞ shop is in a bee suit and it was founded 何しゃべってっかわかりやすいようにな in 2011. 寒くなってきたから、コーヒーのゆげ見える? i wanted to show you that shop but it's ひと口 a little small it's about only 28 ニカラグアのハンドドリップコーヒー注文したんだけど square meters so a lot more people will ここもタイプが違うたくさんのコーヒー豆から選ぶことができる go to this one so i wanted to show you でもここは今回の中で一番見つけにくい店かもな this one instead also something worth 今までの店は1階にあったり 店のロゴがわかりやすく窓にあったりしてたけど noting about the coffee here is that ここは2階 they make a really でもコーヒーも人もいい感じ good decaf in fact it's one of my gosh 雰囲気もいいしな favorite decal チェックしにくる価値あるぜ especially when she had the baby also ローカルのおすすめスポット、その名もTHE LOCAL! today i decided to go with an old 原宿のキャットストリートにある THE ROASTERY barbecue sandwich you can see it's been 世界中のスペシャリティコーヒーが楽しめる grilled on the outside 今日はどこに行こうかな? just like so oh look at that melted 今日はハンドドリップばっかりだな cheese i love ここの店のいいとこは ハンドドリップコーヒーを飲みたいとき pork and melted cheese 店の奥に行くと豆の香りを試すことができて ひとつひとつ説明をしてくれるんだぜ oh that's a bomb i love it a crispy これはコスタリカのコーヒー outer shell and a gooey inside it has a それではひと口 juicy pulled pork melted cheese and then ダークチェリー、レーズンバターの香り a little bit of それからミルクキャラメル、はちみつ まじ、うまっ lettuce in there hot coffee 毎朝この店で焙煎してんだってさ and a hot sandwich can't beat that 今日は来たのがちょっと遅かったから 焙煎してるところは見せられないけど number three kita sando coffee でも毎朝焙煎だって [Music] 豆自体も売ってるし、家でも楽しめるな [Music] 以上がオラのおすすめコーヒーショップだ so this place is a little off the beaten 楽しんでくれたか? いいねボタンよろしくな path but it is only three minutes from もっと東京ガイドとか日本のこととか知りたかったら チャンネル登録まってるぜ kitasando station また来週!! it does have an interesting story though the owner of this spot is a former ceo for merpe and what he wanted to do was spread cashless pay so that this place is actually cashless so don't bring your cash bring your credit card or they also have apps where you can pre-order your coffee and order it that way so today i got the iced coffee it's the poured over let me just have a drink real quick oh yeah that has that fruity flavor when i chose the pour over coffee i chose the kita sando version and this is kind of like more fruity which i actually prefer over like really really bitter coffee so what you can expect is they usually have a five to six different types of coffee beans that you can choose from every day i mean just the fact that it has so many different flavors to choose from is pretty awesome before i continue on i wanted to give a quick shout out to our sponsor today squarespace if you guys don't already know then squarespace is my go-to to build my online presence in fact i use squarespace to build my website tokyo zebra here are some of my favorite reasons to use squarespace whether you're starting your passion project or building a business squarespace has all the tools to get it done while also looking ultra sleek and professional at the same time they support numerous portfolios and gallery designs which you can customize and even password protect so the right people see your work use its fully integrated blogging tools and commenting features such as threaded comments replies and likes to help engage your community and my favorite built-in analytics to see how your visits unique visitors and page views trend over time so go to squarespace.com today for your free trial and when you're ready to check out go to squarespace and dot com forward slash paulo from tokyo and get 10 off your first domain or website that said let's move on to the next spot number four about life coffee brewer all the way at the top of shibuya's dogenzaka you'll find this amazing hole in the wall coffee stand that's definitely worth the climb and no surprise though that you'll find a lot of bikes up here foreign so today we got the drippy drip coffee guatemala version and what's interesting about this spot that i'm showing you now is that it is just on the corner of the street it's just this little shop but they have the most amazing coffee what's really special about this place is that they use friendship roasters for example amameria espresso in musashi kosugi switch coffee tokyo and meguro onibas coffee and jugalka so it's pretty much like a select coffee shop which is pretty cool and therefore worth mentioning in today's video and they do have a lot of different beans here but you don't need to be overwhelmed because they do have a chart which will help you kind of sort through it so today they asked me like what kind of flavors that i want and if i wanted something a little sweeter and they recommended the guatemala beans have a little a sip of this [Music] oh man that's another awesome flavor oh there you go that has kind of like a sweeter taste to it man these baristas that know what the deal is all about number five the local coffee stand this shop used to be just near ayamagaku in university but recently relocated next to the trunk hotel hidden on the second floor it's become even more of a hidden local spot hello all right so we just went to the local really really popular joint that deserved a spot in this video it has just like a really cool vibe in there like a very very young vibe and it was just a little bit too loud for me to do the video in there so i decided to go outside so that you guys can hear me a little better it is getting cold as you can see the steam coming from my coffee right there let's have a drink of this so yeah i got the hand drip it's from nicaragua again you can choose from all different types of roasted beans in fact this one would be definitely definitely hard to find now before in their previous store like they were on the first floor and they had kind of like name of the shop the local just on the window but now it is on the second floor but the coffee the people and everything is still the same even kind of like the vibe is still the same so definitely worth checking out this spot another local spot from i guess the local and number six the roastery also located in harajuku's cat street the rosary sells some of the finest single origin coffee from around the world where should we travel to today us all right so today we are all about the hand brew what i love about this place is that if you get the hand brew you can go to the back and they have all of these different beans that you can choose from they let you smell the beans and they like have an explanation for every single one today i got some beans from costa rica let me just try this right now [Music] oh this one has flavors like dark cherry and raisin butter also some milk caramel and honey this is amazing and they even roast their own beans here every morning they do it unfortunately we're a little bit late today so i can't actually show you but they do it every morning they also sell all the beans here so you can buy it in a bag and take it home with you which is also pretty nice so those are my favorite coffee shops i hope you guys like it, if you did help me out and hit that like button if you guys want to see more tokyo guys japan guides or anything related to japan hit that subscribe button and the bubble and i'll catch you guys in the next one
B1 中級 日本語 コーヒー ショップ すすめ 原宿 squarespace ドリップ Best Japanese Coffee Shops in Tokyo 44 4 Summer に公開 2022 年 03 月 18 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語