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Why is bubble tea addictive?Which is the next PAA we are gonna talk about.
The answer is extracted from an article titled "The Main Reason Why Bubble Tea is Addictive
& It's Not Due to the Pearls" published by goodyfeed.com, which is a Singapore online magazine.
I just read their about page, it sounds like a Singapore version of BuzzFeed.
According to this article, the main reason that bubble tea is addictive is the caffeine in the tea.
I want to say I do not agree with the thesis of this article, because if that is the case,
The sales of the Chun Shui Tang teahouse should be evenly distributed to all caffeinated drinks, right?
It won't be like ...bubble tea makes up 80-90% of their sale?
I give kudo to this article because it did point out how much caffeine you can potentially ingest by drinking bubble tea.
It cited statistics from caffeineinformer.com, in which they tested ten samples of bubble
tea, the amount of caffeine in each cup is about 100 to 160 mg, which average out to
about 130 mg per cup.
To put you into perspective, some coffee only has about 100 mg per cup.
So you can potentially drink more caffine by drinking bubble tea compared to drinking coffee
Well, it sure is crazy, but it won't kill you, right?
Let's talk about another two PAAs : Can tapioca pearls kill you?, and Does tapioca contain
cyanide?Hello, everyone!
This short video is part of the original What People Also Ask series, in which I preach
how to find useful information using Google's People Also Ask feature.
Every week, I make a video focusing on one specific entity with more in-depth content.
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