字幕表 動画を再生する
This is a day in the life of a Japanese manga artist living in a share house.
今回は漫画家シェアハウスに住む 若手漫画家の1日の生活に密着すっぞ
Mm hmm.
今回の主人公は野火 東京の郊外に住む25歳
Mhm mhm.
This is no B-25 years old living in the outskirts of Tokyo and he's just waking up.
彼は広島出身で、今は漫画家を目指してるやつだけが住める ユニークなシェアハウスに住んでんだ
He's originally from Hiroshima.
But now living in this unique shared house reserved for only aspiring Manyika A.
「トキワ荘プロジェクト」っつープロジェクトの サポートを受けてるんだ
住居の提供やいち早くプロとして自活できるように なるためのサポートが受けられんだぞ
Manga artists.
日本っぺぇ、手軽だけど健康なメシだな! 毎日こればっか食ってんのか?
He lives with three other Monica under the special program called Tokiwa So project which provides a living space in addition to support to help develop a manga artist's career, wow, he's mixing NATO Mazzuca seaweed and egg.
Kind of a unique japanese, quick but healthy meal.
Do you eat this often?
You're so healthy.
子供ん頃、絵ばっか描いてるタイプ ではなかったみてぇなんだけど
Oh you drink protein too, which is despite not really drawing as a kid, he started creating manga, a style of japanese comic books six years ago under the name Nobody Kitaro, He enrolled in an a bookie design college in Hiroshima Prefecture and studied manga and illustration for two years, eventually moving to Tokyo to pursue his career as a manga ca.
6年前から「野火けーたろ」っつー名前で 日本の漫画家として活動してるんだ
And recently received the biannual award for upcoming manga from chiba Tetsuya, the creator of the popular manga, Asano joe.
広島にある穴吹デザイン専門学校の マンガ・イラスト科で2年間勉強した後
Good morning everyone.
I'm back with another day in the life.
A lot of you asked me to do another manga artist.
So here we are.
おっす、みんな! 今日は一日密着動画の撮影に来てるぞ
But this time I'm going to be following an aspiring manga artist living in a shared house.
Let's go see what nobody is doing right now.
今回は、ちょっと変わったシェアハウスに住む 漫画家の卵に密着すっぞ
So I just made it into the share house and nobody should be on the second floor.
Good morning, Did you sleep well last night he has a deadline in one week for his first ever publisher paid me kitty a complete manga story that ends in one episode and he's still working on the story.
So it makes sense why he's just a bit stressed.
How far are you from finishing?
He says that one of the most challenging and time consuming aspects for him is building the actual story for his manga.
It usually requires many redraft and endless adjustments to get it flowing perfectly.
For example, he said it took him two months to create his last manga, what are you doing now in the mornings?
ちなみに「読み切り」ってのは、 一話のエピソードで終わる漫画のことだぞ
He feels that his mind is most clear.
So he typically starts his day creating manga, but to ensure he works on all aspects of his craft throughout the day.
He maintains a schedule to keep on track and motivated and this morning it seems like he's starting to work on his story plot for his.
Um so let me quickly explain what happens during the manga creation process.
野火にとって一番難しくて時間がかかるのは 漫画のストーリーを考えてる時なんだって
After finishing the plot, he'll work on the name of a rough drawing layout plan for his yummy kitty, which he needs to produce for his editor.
実際に作画の作業に移れるようになるまで 何度もストーリーを書き直して
It looks like a bigger version of these tiny tails with a lot more detail.
After getting feedback, nobody has to repeat this process several times until the editor approves the content at which point he'll start working on his Genco, the final manuscript that gets submitted to the editor before publishing he's typing random words.
What's that for?
How many manga have you fully completed?
朝は頭がすっきりしてるから 大体は漫画の作業から一日を始めるらしいぞ
What's the name of the manga you last made?
So it looks like nobody is going to be doing this for a while.
スケジュール管理をして、作業の管理と モチベーションを維持するように心掛け店が
So while he's doing that, let's do what we do and explore this place.
Okay, so let's see what's upstairs.
先に、この読み切り漫画を描き上げるためにどんな工程があるのか 簡単に説明すっぞ
Oh wow, look at this room.
Mm hmm.
So apparently this is a free room.
It has everything you need.
この細かいタイルにディテールを 入れたでっかい版がネームだぞ
It has a bed, it has a desk and a place to put your clothes.
編集からフィードバックをもらった後に、 野火はこの工程を何回か行って
Okay, so let's see if anyone is in this room.
Oh, that's one of his housemates.
「原稿」っつーのは、出版用に編集部に提出する 完成した最終版のことだ
Can I bother you for a second?
What are you doing right now?
How long have you been living here?
Why did you decide to live here?
Is it easy working on your manga here, can I see your work, what's the title and what's your name?
And cool, these are there toilets with that typical old school japanese home styling fairly clean for a shared house.
オラはこのシェアハウスのなかを ちょっくら探検してくるぞ
I guess nobody's done working on his manga for now and it seems like he's going outside.
Mhm Where are you heading to as among the artists is a constant level of creative output required.
So nobody thinks it's important to get out once in a while to take inspiration from new experiences.
Oh he switches back back to the front, A typical show of courtesy in Japan when riding trains or win in other crowded areas.
机とベット、洋服収納… 必要なものは基本的に揃っているっぽい
He found his Mp five A.
A manga, A friend who's more experienced today, they decided to go to Akihabara because nobody wanted to specifically take some photos here to use as background images for his manga.
Apparently they don't necessarily need to draw all of their backgrounds but instead use photos and edited in a manga production software like clip studio.
No b.
What do you look for when taking photos?
What kind of photos are you taking in the past?
Mongo is strictly drawn with paper and ink.
But in this new digital age electronic tablets and pcs are becoming more and more than standard, which is helping artists today produce content more quickly and efficiently?
It's lunch time.
It seems that they decided to pick up some wagyu burgers and find a place to eat outside.
So how did you guys meet?
What kind of manga do you create?
He says that a publisher was looking for an artist on their social media who could create a manga centered around fencing.
Nobody spotted it and told him about it.
When did you decide to become a monk?
漫画家っつーのは、常にクリエィティブな アウトプットが求められるから
Thank you.
定期的に外にでて、新しい経験をから 創造性を膨らませるのが大事だって考えてる
One of the main reasons why nobody asked me to send by today is he wanted to get some advice about the plot direction for his manga.
日本では電車や混んでいる場所では こうすんのがマナーなんだ
So what do you think?
So what happens if you're late for your deadline?
先輩って言ったけど、 つまり漫画家の経験値が高い友達のことだ
It's understandable that he wants to start his career with credibility.
今日、秋葉原に来たのは、漫画の背景用に この場所の資料写真を撮影したかったからなんだ
Now equipped with the senpai sage advice, nobody has regained much of its focus, what are you going to do now?
実は、漫画の背景って全て 手で描いてるわけじゃねぇらしい
So nobody found this job through his friend on social media and now he works for the company remotely and sometimes at their office, he usually works about 3 to 4 hours when he works from home, but since he needs to work on his name today is only gonna work for about an hour.
最近は写真を取り込んで、 クリップスタジオのような漫画制作ソフトで編集するんだって
The average starting manga artists annual income in Japan is around 2 to 4 million yen.
About 17 to $35,000.
So to supplement living costs, many take on part time or assistant jobs are you done?
Do you always stand while you draw?
新しいこのデジタル時代 、タブレットやPCで描くのがスタンダードになってきてるんだ
He's using a welcome screen tablet.
このおかげで、今の漫画家は新しいコンテンツをより早く、 効率的に制作できるんだ
Apparently welcome is used by many manga artists in Japan and is one of the most popular brands for its ease of use and precise drawing tools.
Oh and that's his shortcut keyboard.
Cool, Where are you going to be now?
He has his taking command on a counseling meeting with an advisor from the Tokyo.
So program scheduled regularly to discuss how his manga is developing in addition to how he's living in the shared house.
とある編集者がフェンシングを題材に 漫画を描ける人材をSNS上で募集をかけてて
In fact, there are many young artists living in Tokyo.
Also shared houses throughout Tokyo and often Manuka starting a new career faced many roadblocks.
So advisors visit to share and guide all of them in industry knowledge and know how, so that the artists have as many tools as possible to help continue them on their path and to increase their chances of success.
That's all it is when nobody hits a creative wall with his stories or simply needs to get some fresh air.
He takes a walk along the river by his house.
No be.
もし締め切りに間に合わなかったら どうなっちまうんだ?
So how's your story coming along now?
先輩からの為になるアドバイスのおかげで だいぶまとまってきたみてぇだ
By the way, are there any new ways to earn income aside from going through publishers?
He says there are so many types of digital manga and e books available these days.
It's given away to any book agents that will help release a Monica's work to hundreds of platforms for a fee at the same time.
This new digital era has also given opportunity to Mongolia in niche markets like dark manga that would have never been approved by established publishers.
Okay, Oh he's back on his tablet.
What are you doing now in the past to build any sort of career as a Monica and artists only option was to work with the publisher to earn a living which required them to do a walk in interview or get recognized by winning an award.
日本の駆け出しの漫画家の 平均年収は200〜400万円って言われてる
But this practice has slightly changed in Japan as social media has provided Manyika alternative ways to promote and earn a living with their manga, aspiring Monica can now be discovered online and some can even earn a living by publishing their manga on various online platforms.
But working with a publisher even to this day remains a prudent path to a lucrative career.
だから生活費を稼ぐために、多くの漫画家がバイトか 漫画家のアシスタントの仕事をしているんだ
So what did you upload has been involved in an online group of manga artists for the last two years where every saturday a topic is announced and each member is required to create their own to page manga When he's done with it, he posted on twitter and picks it, which is the largest social media platform for manga artists and illustrators in Japan.
He makes a point to update his span box, which is like a blog space every day by the way, do you think?
Going to school to learn about manga gave you an advantage?
He says that the skills he learned at school in two years can probably be learned in half a year working as a manga assistant, but the largest advantage was the opportunity to meet other aspiring Monica.
His road wasn't easy though as he realized that many of the other students were more talented than him.
使い勝手の良さと精巧な作画ツールで、 一番人気なブランドなんだ
So after graduating, he realistically took a job working at an electronic store for three years, but later seeing one of his younger classmates get their manga published reignited his passion to re pursue his manga ca career.
Oh I guess he's cooking his own dinner now and there's his housemate, I guess he got some good in from Matsuyama smells so good.
Nobody is fairly close to his house mates.
「トキワ荘プロジェクト」ではアドバイザーとの面談が 定期的に設定されていて
So when there's a chance they eat together and naturally they often discuss manga right now, Nobody showing him one of his latest manga to get his feedback.
漫画の進捗や、シェアハウスでの暮らしに関して 話し合うんだ
It's one of the benefits of living with other manga artists.
実際、東京都内の「トキワ荘プロジェクト」には たくさんの若手漫画家がシェアハウスに住んでる
Nobody says that he appreciates living in an environment where others share a common love for manga while also having a different perspective in life in the garden.
プロになるまでの過程で、若い漫画家たちは 様々な壁にぶち当たるから
So what do you think about nobody's manga now that he's bathed, it's time to refocus on the plot he's been struggling with all day, be honest.
アドバイザーは業界の知識や ノウハウを駆使して住居者を後押しするんだ
Do you think you can finish the story line?
可能な限りサポート提供して、プロの漫画家としての チャンスを掴む手助けをしてくれるんだぞ
Now look up, what about the name, are you going to be okay?
So it looks like nobody will be doing this the rest of the night as he has to finish this movie by the end of the week.