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  • It was in March of 2020,

  • I went to hold an election at a church I was responsible for,

  • and Sister Chen was elected as church leader.

  • I felt Sister Chen was of good caliber,

  • but because she'd just started to perform the duty of church leader,

  • she wasn't very familiar with church work,

  • so I decided to stay there for a while so I could train her.

  • To help the sister get familiar with and master the church work as quickly as possible,

  • I went to every group meeting with her,

  • and I told her about some principles of church work.

  • It wasn't long before she became familiar with all the work,

  • and she focused on seeking the truth when she ran into problems.

  • Her fellowship on God's words was enlightening.

  • Some brothers and sisters attending the meetings raised some questions,

  • and before I thought it through,

  • Sister Chen was able to react immediately,

  • quickly finding God's words for a solution.

  • When discussing the work,

  • she was also able to integrate a problem, and find relevant principles to solve it.

  • Seeing that Sister Chen was quite capable at doing work, and was progressing quickly,

  • I suddenly felt under some pressure.

  • I was responsible for her work, so I had to find solutions before she did.

  • But I hadn't thought about some things as thoroughly as she had,

  • so would the others find a leader who had just been elected more capable than me?

  • It was then that I thought,

  • "No, I have to prove my work capabilities.

  • I can't let the brothers and sisters look down on me."

  • From then on, when I went to further meetings with the sister,

  • I paid special attention to how the other brothers and sisters fellowshiped,

  • trying to work out what ultimately were the problems with their states,

  • as well as what had caused them,

  • and I was obsessed with rushing to solve problems before Sister Chen did.

  • But the more quickly I tried to solve them,

  • the more tense I became, the harder it got to think.

  • I couldn't get a clear view of the brothers' and sisters' states.

  • Later, Sister Chen's fellowshiping ended up solving the problems.

  • When I heard the brothers and sisters praising Sister Chen for communicating well,

  • and I saw how they looked to her for answers,

  • I felt even more awkward.

  • I hated myselfhow could I be so stupid?

  • How could I not be as good as Sister Chen?

  • I felt a vague sense of negativity.

  • If things went on this way, I feared I'd be left behind in the dust.

  • I used to compare myself to others, I also felt that agony.

  • It's not easy to gain the Holy Spirit's work.

  • Sure.

  • I remember one day

  • I had a meeting with Sister Chen and several of the other recently elected deacons,

  • in which I discovered

  • that they had not yet grasped the principles about electing individuals.

  • And some unsuitable people had been elected as group leaders.

  • I looked at these matters and felt somewhat concerned.

  • Thinking about the fact that I had been a leader for longer than Sister Chen,

  • and that my understanding of election principles was better than hers,

  • I thought I could explain the matter to them effectively,

  • and this could be an opportunity for our brothers and sisters

  • to see that I understood the truth and had a clear grasp of things,

  • and that I was still better than Sister Chen.

  • So, I found some relevant principles, and we all discussed them together.

  • Sister Chen incorporated these principles

  • and discussed what sort of person should be chosen to serve as a group leader.

  • I listened as Sister Chen fellowshiped without using real examples,

  • and I secretly liked it.

  • Sister Chen had been in a leadership position for a short time,

  • and didn't have much experience.

  • I would use real examples next,

  • and our brothers and sisters would hear

  • that I could give lots of examples and details,

  • and would certainly feel that I was worthy of being responsible for the work,

  • and that my fellowshiping was meticulous and comprehensive.

  • When I thought about this, I felt pleased with myself.

  • I cleared my throat, smiled,

  • and then talked about all the various problems and errors

  • the other churches encountered in the elections.

  • I talked about them for a while,

  • and when I was done, I just waited for the brothers and sisters to praise me.

  • But then Sister Chen said that

  • currently, the church's main problem

  • was that people didn't know the principles of electing group leaders,

  • and that we needed to fellowship clearly on the truths of that.

  • She said that the examples I had given were not very helpful.

  • When Sister Chen finished speaking, another deacon said she agreed with her.

  • At the time, I did not feel very good about this.

  • The things they both said struck me in quite a negative manner,

  • and I was totally confused.

  • Those deacons were all looking at me, making me feel ashamed.

  • At first I thought that I would be able to save some face,

  • but I was wrong.

  • Not only could I not save face, but I was even more embarrassed.

  • Would the others think that even though I had been a leader for so long,

  • a newly elected leader was better than me, that I was no good?

  • As soon as I thought this,

  • I avoided looking at everyone

  • and just sat there awkwardly.

  • Pretty soon, a deacon asked Sister Chen a question,

  • and she provided very clear fellowship.

  • I felt like I'd been completely outdone by her,

  • and all my nervous energy just brought me down.

  • It was as if I'd been utterly defeated, and I couldn't even lift my head.

  • I thought about Sister Chen's rapid progress and good caliber.

  • She was better than me in lots of ways.

  • I felt worse the more I thought about it.

  • She stole the limelight completely away from me.

  • I began to develop a bias against her,

  • and I didn't even want to continue partnering with her in my duty.

  • After the gathering,

  • Sister Chen suggested we attend a group's gathering together a couple days later.

  • Without even looking at her, I coldly said to her,

  • "Sister Zhou and I will be visiting another group that day."

  • Her face got quite flushed and she seemed uneasy.

  • I kept ignoring her so she left.

  • On the way home,

  • I thought about the gathering Sister Chen was attending by herself.

  • She didn't know that group of people very well.

  • What if something came up that required mutual discussion to resolve?

  • If I didn't go,

  • and she ran into something she didn't know how to address,

  • would that hold up our work?

  • I wanted to go back and find her,

  • but when I thought about how humiliated I'd been in that gathering,

  • I got upset

  • and I started pitting myself against her:

  • "Since your caliber's so great and you're good at everything,

  • you do it yourself."

  • And so, my corrupt disposition overpowered my pangs of conscience.

  • Without any hesitation, I got on my bike and rode straight home.

  • That night I lay in bed tossing and turning, totally unable to get any sleep.

  • I couldn't stop thinking about how quickly Sister Chen had been making progress,

  • how everyone admired her.

  • If I stayed in that church, wouldn't I just be like a prop for her?

  • I figured I may as well leave this church.

  • But this thought left me with an uneasy feeling.

  • Sister Chen was doing really well with the church,

  • but she and some of the deacons were all new.

  • There were lots of principles they didn't fully understand,

  • which could lead to mistakes.

  • Now this could be bad for the work of God's house.

  • I knew I should stay there and help them for a while longer,

  • that taking off so suddenly would be irresponsible.

  • Yes, we must consider the work of God's house.

  • How did you end up getting through this?

  • You see, I knew it was wrong to be in the state I was in,

  • so I came before God and I prayed,

  • asking Him to guide me to understand His will and to know myself.

  • The next day I ran into a passage of His words in

  • Paragraph 5:

  • God's words are extremely clear.

  • When people live in arrogance,

  • they always want to come out on top, to be better than others.

  • That sort of person puts their reputation and status above all else.

  • When they can't outdo others or gain others' approval,

  • they become negative, despairing, even refusing to do their duty.

  • I saw that I was the type of person God was exposing.

  • I had a really arrogant disposition and longed for name and status.

  • When I was first getting to know Sister Chen,

  • I thought I was more capable in work

  • and better at fellowshiping on the truth to resolve problems,

  • and I was happy to fellowship with her and to help her.

  • But later when I saw how good her caliber was and how fast she learned,

  • and that the others thought highly of her,

  • I felt like my own position was threatened.

  • So I started to compare myself to her,

  • trying everything to look better than her.

  • I wanted to prove my own capability.

  • Especially with the problem selecting a team leader,

  • I wanted to use my fellowship on the principles to show off and be admired.

  • However, some of my fellowship missed the mark,

  • so Sister Chen gave me a heads up.

  • I didn't reflect on myself and I got a chip on my shoulder about her

  • and I didn't want to work with her.

  • I even wanted to abandon my commission and leave that church.

  • I saw through reflection

  • that I had been totally preoccupied with reputation and with status,

  • and not at all with doing my duty well.

  • I realized I was derelict in my duty.

  • Being laid bare that way was God's judgment and chastisement of me

  • so that I could reflect and set my incorrect motives and perspectives straight.

  • I had more peace of mind after understanding God's will.

  • Thanks be to God!

  • After that I read more of God's words where He exposes antichrist dispositions.

  • Amen!

  • God's words dissect why people don't want to be secondary to others,

  • why they chase after status.

  • They're driven by the desire to be adored and admired,

  • and this is an antichrist's path.

  • - Yes. - True.

  • Status is more important than anything else for antichrists.

  • They never do their duty to understand the truth or to apply the principles,

  • and they don't care about pleasing God.

  • They're just scheming ways to lord over others,

  • how to get people to admire them

  • to achieve their wild ambition of seizing people from God.

  • Compared to God's words on antichrists,

  • I saw that I hadn't gotten to a point quite that serious yet,

  • but I was displaying signs of an antichrist disposition.

  • When I saw Sister Chen making so much progress

  • and being praised by brothers and sisters,

  • I started to dislike her and to exclude her.

  • I felt like she kept me from shining, that she stole my thunder.

  • I was living by satanic poisons like

  • "Stand above the rest" and "There's only one alpha male."

  • I was constantly fighting for status, to be first.

  • I felt like whoever was on top had power, had the final say,

  • and that power and status were more important than anything.

  • I even treated God's church

  • as my own personal arena to fight for status, to satiate my unhinged desires.

  • I was on an antichrist's path,

  • opposing God, and seriously offending God's disposition.

  • I saw how dangerous the path I was on was

  • and how much God hated it.

  • There was also the fact that Sister Chen was new to her duty,

  • so if she had been constrained, held back,

  • and this had harmed her duty she was doing,

  • I would be doing evil.

  • I felt really guilty and saw how I was living by my satanic disposition,

  • just struggling for position.

  • That not only harmed and hindered others,

  • but I could also be eliminated for doing evil and harming the church's work.

  • Pursuing name and status really is an antichrist's path.

  • It would be so dangerous to keep pursuing that.

  • Yes.

  • I really saw that going after personal status is not a good path to take.

  • I felt genuinely afraid

  • and didn't want to live within that corrupt disposition anymore.

  • I wanted to repent to God.

  • What was your practice and entry after that?

  • After that, I read God's words to find a path of practice.

  • There was this in

  • Paragraph 3:

  • Amen!

  • By reading God's words, I saw that

  • however great someone's caliber is or what kinds of gifts they have

  • is all predestined by God,

  • and it all contains God's wisdom.

  • God doesn't need us to understand all, to do all, be better than all others.

  • He wants us to fill our own roles well.

  • If we can put our own strengths, our own parts to the best use,

  • He is happy.

  • Yes.

  • If we're arrogant and self-assured, always wanting to go fight for ourselves,

  • we'll just make fools of ourselves and live miserable lives.

  • Yeah.

  • I also found a path of practice in God's words,

  • which is being brave enough to admit my shortcomings.

  • I didn't have Sister Chen's caliber and I didn't have her work skills.

  • Those were facts, determined by God.

  • I needed to be reasonable and submit to God's rule,

  • dutifully be a decent person, put my heart into my duty,

  • and give more thought to how to work hand in hand with Sister Chen

  • so we could take on the church's work as a team.

  • That was really God's will.

  • Definitely.

  • God's words also mentioned

  • that the work of God's house can't be taken on by any one person.

  • Everyone needs to work together.

  • We all look at things differently,

  • so when we compensate for each other's weaknesses,

  • we'll see things from a broader perspective.

  • It's only when we're united that the Holy Spirit guides us,

  • and we can be effective in our duties.

  • - Yeah. - Yes.

  • Once I realized all this, I sought out Sister Chen

  • and opened up to her about my state over that period of time,

  • and I offered her an apology.

  • And from then on, in gatherings together,

  • I didn't try to make my fellowship better than hers anymore,

  • but I listened carefully when she was talking, listening with all my heart.

  • If she missed something, I tried to pitch in with my fellowship.

  • I shared what I understood but no more.

  • With that kind of collaboration,

  • our fellowship became more and more effective,

  • and Sister Chen and I were closer than ever.

  • Thanks be to God!

  • Sister Chen was promoted a couple months later,

  • and we were working side-by-side.

  • We jointly managed the work of a few churches.

  • One day, we got a message from a leader

  • saying that one part of our work had been really successful.

  • This left me feeling kind of down,

  • because if the leader knew that was taken care of by Sister Chen,

  • maybe she would think much more of her?

  • That evening, Sister Chen asked me

  • how she could do that work to make it more effective.

  • I thought, "This work has already yielded results.

  • If we talk it out together, it can only get better and better.

  • Then wouldn't that really make her look better than me?"

  • At that thought, I didn't want to discuss it with her anymore.

  • But then I realized I was falling into a state of fighting for name and gain again,

  • so I made the effort to pray to God and forsake my flesh.

  • And these words of God came to mind:

  • God says we can't think only of our own interests,

  • that the interests and the work of God's house have to come first.

  • We have to do things to benefit others' life entry.

  • That's the only way to show we're devoted to our duty.

  • - Absolutely. - Yes.

  • I knew I had to do what God requires,

  • so I talked with Sister Chen about how we could work on that work,

  • all of the current issues, and how we could address them.

  • In a gathering the next day,

  • I gave fellowship on my recent state and everything I understood from that.

  • The more I shared,

  • the more I felt that pursuing name and status really isn't a good path.

  • I felt so much disgust and hatred toward myself.

  • I didn't want to be reined in by my satanic disposition anymore.

  • I gladly accepted God's judgment and chastisement,

  • and did my duty, down-to-earth.

  • Since then, whenever I run into problems,

  • I pray to God and really think about what would benefit God's house.

  • I've learned to pick up on Sister Chen's strong points

  • so we can make up for each other's weaknesses.

  • Doing this left me feeling at ease and at peace,

  • and we're much more efficient in our duty now.

  • This little bit of change I've achieved

  • has been entirely thanks to God's judgment and chastisement.

  • - Thanks be to God! - Amen!

It was in March of 2020,


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2021 Christian Testimony Video |"The Bonds of Corruption"

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    hb に公開 2022 年 01 月 03 日