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  • Hello everybody! Welcome to

  • Travel in Taiwan. My name is Johan and

  • I'm going to show you some pictures of

  • a hot-spring town

  • called Guanziling today. If you don't know where

  • Guanziling is, let me show you on Google Map.

  • Here we have Taiwan. If you don't know where Taiwan is,

  • it's in Asia,

  • here you see China, Japan and here

  • are the Philippines. So we are based in Taipei

  • in the north of Taiwan, and Guanziling is

  • all the way down here,

  • around here.

  • So it's in

  • southern Taiwan and it's close

  • to the city of Chiayi

  • which is about here.

  • Can't see the name. But it's part of Tainan City, which is

  • around here.

  • Tainan City. How did we get there?

  • We took...

  • Let me first show you how far it is.

  • It's 304 kilometers.

  • It's about 300 kilometers

  • from Taipei to Guanziling and

  • it takes about

  • more than three hours by car.

  • This time we didn't take the car, but we took the high-speed rail,

  • which also follows the western coast.

  • All the way down here. The nearest

  • high-speed railway station to Guanziling is Chiayi.

  • And the station is outside

  • Chiayi City and the

  • high-speed railway station is at Taibao, which is about here. So how did we get from

  • the station to Guanziling,

  • which is here?

  • There are a few options. There is no direct bus,

  • public bus from here to here. So if you want to take the bus, you have to

  • first take

  • the shuttle bus to Chiayi City.

  • Oh, first let me show you the

  • information about the high-speed rail.

  • If you take the high-speed rail from Taipei

  • to Chiayi at 8 o'clock, you will arrive at

  • Chiayi at 9:24,

  • so it's one hour and 24 minutes.

  • And it costs you 1,180 NT dollars.

  • If you take the conventional train,

  • you can do that as well, from

  • Taipei to Chiayi.

  • You leave at 8 and you'll arrive at 11:30.

  • So it's 3 hours and 30 minutes.

  • Two hours more than the high-speed rail, and it will cost you

  • 600, that's half the price.

  • Like I said, from the

  • high-speed railway station to Guanziling, there is no bus.

  • So you have to take the bus first to downtown Chiayi.

  • Actually to the railway station there. And you can do this

  • by using the THSR shuttle bus,

  • which is free. You just have to show your

  • train ticket, and it takes about half an hour to go to

  • downtown Chiayi. In Chiayi you can take the bus,

  • you can take the bus from Chiayi to Guanziling.

  • And I show you the bus company's website. There is no

  • English here.

  • You have different bus routes here. And the one to Guanziling

  • is this one, it's number 7214.

  • Chiayi to Guanziling. Let me open it

  • and show you. Buses leave on top of the hour

  • or each hour, 7, 8, 9 and so on, and here you can see quite a lot of stops.

  • I don't know exactly how long it takes, probably

  • about an hour or maybe 40 or maybe 50 minutes.

  • And it will cost you,

  • if you look here, the price list, this is Chiayi,

  • and this is Guanziling. So it's

  • 93 Taiwan dollars, which is about

  • 3 bucks US.

  • If you don't want to

  • take the bus and if you want

  • to make it quicker, you can do what we did, we went,

  • we took the high-speed rail to

  • the high-speed railway station and just took a taxi from there to Guanziling.

  • There are taxis

  • waiting outside and you have to negotiate the price.

  • I think they will ask for 800 NT-Dollar

  • and I think we agreed on 700

  • or something like that.

  • The taxi will go from here to Guanziling across...

  • They will take some minor roads here

  • and they will pass the town of Baihe. Baihe is here.

  • This is an interesting place.

  • They have a lot of lotus flower fields,

  • which is quite nice in the summer. Let me show you

  • how it looks. Those are

  • beautiful lotus flowers.

  • They have

  • a lot of lotus flower fields, and actually you can sit on those

  • leaves, if you are not too heavy.

  • And they do have a flower festival,

  • a lotus flower festival during the summer.

  • Let's go back to the map.

  • The map is here. So, you pass Baihe,

  • and then you come to the Guanziling area.

  • This is plains.

  • The flatlands, the area of Guanziling is

  • quite hilly, those are the foot hills

  • of the central mountains.

  • And Guanziling is here and

  • it's in a small valley.

  • Let me show you some pictures.

  • It's not really a very attractive

  • for my taste, a very attractive village

  • in terms of architecture and buildings.

  • They have a little stream here, they tried to make it prettier by

  • building this kind of walkways,

  • and you have a bridge over the highway here,

  • where you can go from the lower section of Guanziling to the

  • higher section, upper section, where you have

  • more hotels and...

  • this is the older part of town

  • where you can see some of the

  • older hot-spring hotels, which have been around

  • for quite a long time. You can see the different spellings

  • of Kuan Tzu Ling, Guanziling.

  • This a very old house, probably built during the Japanese...

  • the early 20th century, by the Japanese.

  • And have a look here.

  • They have a bridge over the river.

  • We did look around a bit, but then

  • it was time to have lunch, and for lunch we went to a restaurant called

  • Top Rock.

  • Let me show you the map where it is.

  • This is the Guanziling area.

  • And the restaurant where we had lunch

  • is about here, this one. So from

  • here, the main area,

  • if you walk, it's like 10-15 minutes.

  • And if you want to have a look,

  • how it looks on Street View.

  • Have a look.

  • It's somewhere, you come

  • up here, this highway, the 175.

  • There is a bend in the road and

  • the restaurant is hidden behind those trees.

  • Let me show you some pictures. It's the Rock

  • Top, Top Rock or Rock Top? Rock Top restaurant.

  • You can see the entrance

  • and here it says,

  • they have chicken. G means chicken.

  • And afternoon tea and you go in there,

  • very lovely place. "We are in business"

  • "Ying ya zhong"

  • Then we met this guy.

  • This is the owner, it's not a gangster, he looks a bit, but he's very friendly.

  • And he introduced us to the dishes on the menu.

  • We first had some refreshing juice, and then

  • we had this one, a vegetable

  • dish, and

  • then we had some sausages. Very nice.

  • And then, this was the best part of the

  • meal, free-range chicken,

  • from a farm in the area. Very delicious, tender meat.

  • Very flavorful, really great, great stuff.

  • The area around Guanziling is also known as

  • coffee country. They have coffee plantations

  • there, and they actually use the coffee beans

  • to make soup. You see, those are coffee beans and it's very

  • strong flavored chicken soup. And we also had

  • this very delicious pork. Here you can see all the dishes at once.

  • And you sit in this kind of simple

  • dining room, the windows

  • are open and you can see outside,

  • it's green and very nice.

  • And they also have a coffee shop place. And the people there are very friendly.

  • And they have

  • this old car, from the, I don't know, from the '50s

  • or maybe from

  • the '60s.

  • Then we went on

  • to do some

  • sightseeing around Guanziling.

  • Let's go back to the map.

  • It's slow, the computer.

  • Here is the restaurant, and we went further down,

  • the 175.

  • It becomes 172, not 72.

  • And there is a place called the Guanziling

  • "Shui Huo Tong Yuan", and that translated

  • it means Water Fire Spring.

  • Let's see it on

  • Google Street View. Let's see what it looks like.

  • Should be here.

  • You see, here's the highway. And it is just

  • down here somewhere.

  • You go down here. There are stairs. Let me show you how it looks.

  • Let me show you some photos.

  • "Shui Huo Tong Yuan". There is no English here.

  • It means Water and Fire Spring.

  • You go down there, and that's basically it. It's a very small place.

  • There you can see the fire coming out of the wall.

  • Some gas coming out there, and someone must have ignited it.

  • And they have water there.

  • So, fire coming out of the water. And you see

  • there is some very old

  • plate there, and

  • the fire is burning all the time, even during heavy rain.

  • Even during typhoons. And this is the owner of the restaurant

  • where we had lunch and this young lady drove us around.

  • She is from the Siraya National Scenic Area,

  • which Guanziling

  • is part of. So we had

  • a car and were driven around.

  • That was very nice.

  • Some more photos. There are some eateries

  • down there, you can see, you can have noodles, rice,

  • rice noodles, bamboo tube rice,

  • and stinky tofu, very important. Then we went

  • to another place. This one to

  • have coffee. Let's go back to the map.

  • So, no no no no...

  • From the Fire and

  • Water spring we went further down

  • here the road to the Guanziling

  • Biyun Temple. There is a temple there, a very nice one.

  • If you have time to look around

  • and if you have means of transport, because there is no

  • public transport, it's very good idea

  • to take this road here

  • to go to the Biyun Temple. And the temple looks

  • like... Let me show you.

  • Biyun Temple is here. It's actually a very pretty temple.

  • It looks like this.

  • Very old. It looks a bit like it could be in

  • Mainland China, for me at least. It's called Biyun Temple, the

  • "Temple of the Azure Clouds".

  • You can see nice temple art.

  • Dragons up there and I don't know who this is.

  • Maybe can check it out online.

  • Phoenix and dragons.

  • And those are very cute lions in front of

  • the entrance. There is one on the left and one on the right side.

  • We made photos here.

  • And I like this temple quite a lot.

  • Then we went on.

  • We took the car back here, went here,

  • and then went down the 175. And the 175 is known as

  • "Coffee Road" because there are a lot of

  • coffee plantations on the side of the road.

  • Let me show you some pictures online.

  • The area is called Dongshan,

  • and it's the Dongshan Coffee Road.

  • And you have

  • quite a few... looks like this.

  • Very hilly place

  • and the roads are very nice, if you

  • like bicycling and you don't mind to

  • cycle up and down the hills, it's a great place to

  • have fun on bicycles, and there you can

  • sit, there are a lot of coffee shops with nice

  • views and we went to

  • one that's called... this one.

  • So,

  • it's called Hoe vs. Flower.

  • There is no English here, but it's called

  • Hoe vs Flower and I show you pictures.

  • This is the path

  • up to the coffee shop, and they have very nice

  • lamp shades.

  • Colorful and cute, and you see a lot of

  • flowers and stuff like that. Welcome.

  • You can sit outside under trees

  • when the weather is nice.

  • The owner did make this all himself.

  • And here he is, the owner, a very nice guy.

  • If you sit there

  • and talk to him, he will tell you a lot about

  • his own story. He did work in

  • the big city once, in a publishing company, and then decided it was enough

  • and he went back to the country side, where he did work as a

  • pig farmer, but then he didn't like it anymore

  • and he opened this coffee shop, in the middle of

  • nowhere, basically. It's really up in the hills

  • somewhere along the highway.

  • He likes his coffee very much and he can tell you a lot

  • about coffee beans and what he likes about coffee.

  • Here you can see coffee beans. Very friendly guy.

  • And this is how he makes the coffee,

  • very strong and aromatic.

  • Very nice guy. His customer love it.

  • And you can sit outside here,

  • this is the wooden deck, they have

  • a nice Golden Retriever as well, a friendly dog.

  • And even if it's raining you can go there and sit inside

  • and enjoy the nice views of the hills. And if you wonder

  • how far it is away from New York for example, here you can see

  • New York, 12,000 kilometers.

  • A very nice coffee shop called Hoe vs Flowers.

  • Then we finally went back to Guanziling

  • to actually do what we came for

  • and that is taking

  • a hot-spring bath.

  • We went back and the place we did stay is

  • this hotel, called the King's Garden Villa.

  • Just to show you... they have a website,

  • they say, there's an English version, but

  • it doesn't really work for me. So I just show you

  • a basic room here. It starts at 5,000

  • NT dollar and goes up to

  • 9,000 for a Honeymoon Room.

  • Let me show you pictures.

  • The King's Garden Villa.

  • We came there in the late evening, so it was dark already.

  • That's how it looks in the evening.

  • This is the lobby

  • and this was our room, very simple, but

  • not cheap, the beds are

  • very comfortable and what's good about every room in this

  • hotel is the bathroom.

  • You can take your private hot-spring bath, very clean and comfortable.

  • And that's how it looks in the morning. They have these

  • white wooden buildings. This is the main building and they have

  • smaller ones where you have the guestrooms. Very clean,

  • spotless clean and very nice attention to detail.

  • Here you have a coffee shop and this is

  • the lobby again.

  • It's a bit like a small village.

  • We had

  • breakfast here.

  • This is open and you can see,

  • take the breakfast there and see the mountains and they make

  • omelets there. And then we checked out

  • a few other rooms. This is one,

  • a suite where you have American

  • country house style going on.

  • Very clean and modern,

  • very comfortable, very nice if you want

  • to go for a weekend. Here you can see a nice

  • bathroom again. And then we went...

  • This is the bedroom.

  • And then we went to the public bath area.

  • They have this kind of

  • cave theme. There you can see the

  • pools there, and the temperature, 40 degrees.

  • There were other people there

  • and you see the water is gray.

  • Guanziling has, the soil is, they have this

  • gray mud, which is supposed to be good for your skin.

  • We did take a dip there and then we relaxed

  • on the chairs there.

  • And you can see the temperature.

  • 39 degrees. Very pleasant.

  • And this is actually a Chinese medicine bath.

  • Very strong smell, also supposed to be good for you.

  • And they also have

  • water jets where you can massage yourself.

  • And they have a very lovely

  • pool, just a normal pool, no hot-spring water.

  • And it's a

  • very relaxing place.

  • It's not cheap but very nice.

  • Then we went to a second place.

  • We visited two places, and the second place is called

  • the Toong Mao

  • Hot Spring Resort,

  • something like that.

  • And they do have an English website, but it's not very good, so

  • just to give you an idea what the

  • room rates are. It starts at 3,200

  • per night, a very simple

  • room and then

  • goes up to 8,000 for a VIP room. And we also made

  • pictures here. Let me show you.

  • One room. We didn't sleep there, we just checked out the rooms.

  • Very basic, but has all the things you need.

  • On the balcony they have a very small area

  • where you can take a hot spring bath, which we did. Hot water,

  • cold water, and you take a bath from 9 to midnight.

  • If you stand up you can look here,

  • you can see some of the scenery outside.

  • And they do have a public area

  • as well. This is a swimming pool.

  • And they have a hot-spring area here, and they do also have this

  • muddy water, gray muddy water, and they supply

  • the mud. You can put it on and

  • and enjoy it.

  • Which we did, we had some fun there.

  • And we really did enjoy our hot-spring bathing there. We really love hot springs.

  • And that was already the last...

  • This is already the last picture. We really enjoyed...

  • We just spent one day there in

  • Guanziling and we had fun. If you want to read more about

  • Guanziling and the area, you can go to

  • our website,

  • which should be opening in a minute.

  • Yah, here

  • This was the

  • November/December issue of

  • 2012. You can see here.

  • Oh, my computer is dying

  • right now. You can see, here we have

  • a website where you can read all

  • issues online, starting with

  • Those are the

  • latest issues. The computer is really slow right now.

  • OK, starting with the

  • first issue here.

  • May/June 2010 and then

  • the issue with the article about

  • Guanziling, November/

  • December 2012

  • and now we are at

  • March already, March 2014. And if you click here,

  • you don't need to register, you just go there and

  • click on it. It will load, hopefully soon.

  • Travel in Taiwan No. 45

  • There you can see

  • the issue loading

  • and you can see here, they have an overview. The article

  • is here. And there you can read

  • about.., actually not only Guanziling but the

  • Siraya National Scenic Area and Chiayi City.

  • So we did also go to other places there and you can read about it.

  • The computer is very slow today.

  • Another option you have, if you want to read about Taiwan is

  • and if you have an iPad you can actually download

  • the Travel in Taiwan magazine

  • iPad app, and that's at the

  • iTunes store.

  • And here you can see it.

  • Just go to iTunes and look for Travel in Taiwan.

  • And you can download the

  • app free of cost,

  • and it's nice because you can see

  • more pictures there, and if you want to read more about us

  • and Travel in Taiwan, you can go to our Facebook page.

  • Deng, deng, deng...

  • And here we have it.

  • We have a Facebook page with updates about

  • what's going on in Taiwan, if you are interested.

  • That's about it.

  • Thank you very much for watching and

  • hopefully..., ah, btw.

  • All the links to the websites I have opened

  • in this video, I will put

  • under this video

  • in the descriptions below this video on

  • Youtube.

  • Thanks for watching and see you again soon.

Hello everybody! Welcome to


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A2 初級

関子嶺温泉街1日/關子嶺泡溫泉玩1天 (1 Day in the hot-spring town of Guanziling/關子嶺泡溫泉玩1天)

  • 5522 342
    Ashley Chen に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日