字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Today we're heading outside Tokyo for an event a whole year in the making. 今日は東京の郊外へ向かいます The area we're heading to is Matsuda, 松田町を訪れ and the event is nothing other than the mikan harvest. みかん狩りを楽しみます! Let's go! 行きましょう! [Life in Japan theme song] 東京から東名で1時間 松田はみかんで有名です Off the Tomei expressway, about an hour from Tokyo, is an area full of mikan trees called Matsuda. 友人の農園で みかんを収穫します Here, one of our friends has a farm and invited us out to their annual mikan picking. ‐ 着地はどうするの? - 分からないね Wait, where are they going to land. Where are they going to land. I don't know. 寒そう! It's got to be cold. ちょっと寒いね I think it would be a little cold. ジョシュアが来たね! Oh here comes Joshua! Whoa, whoa Joshua. サム! Samu! 週末の松田近辺は渋滞しています The drive to get to Matsuda is full of traffic on Saturdays, 他の皆をのんびり待ちます so we were waiting for the rest of the group to show up before picking mikans. お腹が空いたので お弁当の時間です But no problem, everyone was hungry and had brought their own bento to eat. 下に行くよ Oh here we go, down the path. 何があるかな? What will we find. 気を付けて! Whoa. Watch your step. 不思議なランチスポットでした As we walked towards our lunch spot, we weren't quite sure what had gotten into. 午後はみかん狩りです! But a tree loaded with fruit promised us a great afternoon. 楽しみだね! This would be a fun day indeed. すごい! Oh wow! 友人のリカが 歓迎してくれました Our friend Rika welcomed us to her beautiful picnic area, 富士山が良く見える場所です complete with a bbq pit and playground, not to mention some great views of Mt Fuji. ジョン 絶景だね! Well John, this is the year of the views. Fuji-san! そうだろ? Right? Yeah man. 富士山です Views of Fuji. 雲とキスだね Cloud kissed Fuji-san. テント持ってきた? John, did you bring your tent? キャンプに良い場所 We should have brought tents. We should have brought tents. We could have been camping here. ここは最高だね 起きたら富士山が見える! Like right here. Would be perfect. You just wake up, look out and look at Fuji. 最高! Man! So true. - いいね! - キャンプに最適! That is awesome. This would be a great camp spot. 景色も凄いですが ルースが何か見つけたようです As my friend John and I swooned for the view, Ruth was busy swooning over something else. それは? What is that Ruth? 味噌ベースの料理よ Oh, it's like a really thick misoshiru soup. 名前は… Called... called something. この料理は? Hey, what's the name of this? 豚汁! Tonjiru. すごい! Ohhhh. Ohh boy. 美味しそう! Nice! Enjoy. 友達の家に来ています! 最高のお天気! Having some fun at a friend's place. What a beautiful day. Wow. ヒッチハイカーかな? カマキリ? Becca you got a hitchhiker there. A praying mantis. 二人乗りだね! Look at this swing partner you've got here Anna. エリアナとジョシュア Eliana, Joshua 食事の後 お待ちかねの時間です! After everyone had eaten and played their hearts out, the long-awaited moment arrived. みかん狩りです! It was time to pick some mikans. 気を付けて! Don't let go! 大丈夫? Is this legal? 黒部峡谷みたい! Kurobe! Kurobe Gorge. 怖いね! Oh man, crazy. 日本の柑橘類は 西洋の物と少し違います Japanese citrus fruits are similar and yet different to the varieties found in the Western Hemisphere. 薩摩みかんを 初めて食べた時 When we first saw the Satsuma Oranges at our local grocery store and gave them a try, 濃厚な甘酸っぱさに 夢中になりました! we instantly fell in love with the sweet, tart taste packed into these little oranges. 食べやすくて おやつに最適 "みかん" の響きもいいですね! They're easy to peal and great for a snack, but we prefer their Japanese name: the mikan. どうだい? Joshua you got some, huh? 美味しい? Is it good? みかん好き? You like mikans, don't you. 美味しい? Is it yummy? ベッカはこのみかんにする? Becca's going to pick this mikan right here, huh? 採れた? You get it? Oh you got it! いいね! Oh nice. 茎を取る? And you have to get the stem off. Is that what you're working on? 腐らない様に Yeah, or it's going to spoil. これから食べるんだよ! Look what I just now peeled. And now I'm going to eat it right now. いいね! Ok, lets see. 採れたよ! Whew! Got it! Got it. It looks good. 美味しそう It's pretty good. サラはそれにする? Oh Sarah, you going to get one? 食べながら みかん狩り! Oh, you're eating a mikan while picking mikans. 他のみかんが傷付かない様に 茎を綺麗に取り除く必要があります When picking mikans, you need to completely remove the stem, otherwise they can poke other mikans in the basket and cause them to go sour. 採れたね! And if one goes sour, they all go sour! 美味しそう! Oh, there's another one. 1・2・3! Oh, that looks delicious! 素敵よ! 1, 2, 3 look at mommy! 写真撮るわよ! Yay. Good job! ベッカ! パパも試食していい? Ok, let me take a picture of you! うん Oh Becca! Can I try a piece of this? 見てください! Yes 試食します Look at this - oh my goodness! - カメラさん! - 何? Ok we're going to try this right now. みかんはどこでしょう? Hey camera! What? - どこ? - ポケットの中! Guess where my mikan is? I don't have any! 僕のだよ! Where did it go? In my pocket! みかんが豊作! Here's what I got. You got a mikan too. みかん農園に来ています! Everybody's got Mikans! Ah! La la la! 収穫します! Today we are at a Mikan orchard. 大きいです! Picking mikans... Look how big mine is アナは向こう Look how big it is. ジョシュアはどこかしら Anna's over there 豊作です! Joshua's somewhere. どうした? There's just so many mikans. どうぶつの森みたい What were you saying Joshua? 何で? I was saying this is like Animal Crossing, you know why? みかんの木が出てくるから! Why? どうぶつの森にも? Because there's mikans all the time in the trees— sometimes! どうぶつの森の木にみかんがあるの Just like Animal Crossing, huh? - あれもみかん! - そうだね! Because in Animal Crossing there's some mikans on the trees みかんが沢山! See? Mikan there... Yeah, there's Mikans サラ みかん狩りは楽しい? Mikans everywhere! Mikans everywhere! とても! Sarah, what do you think? Is picking mikans pretty cool? 茎を綺麗に切るんだよね? So cool. 他のミカンが悪くならない様に Then you have to cut the top off so it's not sharp, right? Yeah. 熱中していると あっという間に箱が一杯になります! So the other mikans don't go bad. どれ位のみかんを 収穫したでしょうか? Picking mikans is so much fun you have to be careful, before you know it you've filled a whole bucket without even trying. アイゼンマン家は? As the afternoon went on, I began to wonder just how many mikans our family had picked! - 箱一杯! - 7人家族だから Look at all the mikans of the Eisenmanns! That's right. 楽しいわ! Look at- that's a whole bushel? 採るわよ It's for 7 people you know! ルースも夢中です 我が家も沢山収穫しました Momma's having fun! Momma chan 巨大みかん! I am picking mikans, yo. 立派だね! Ruth was in her element, and quickly adding to our basket. It was fun to see the whole family really get into it. うん Daddy look at my humungous mikan! 英語で何て言う? Wow, that is a massive mikan! ジョンおじさんは "キューティーズ" って言ってるね Ok goodbye. 何で? Did you hear what they're called in English? 小さくて可愛いからかな? Uncle John says they're called "Cuties" — in English ルースが戻って来ました Why Cuties? ♪ 収穫の 実りの時~ ♪ Cutie? I don't know. It's a cute little tangerine or cute little orange. ♪ 収穫の 実りの時~ ♪ Ruth's ready for the harvest. 赤ちゃん! It's like (singing) bringing in the sheaves... I like these little ones... ”枝を見つけた!” (singing) bringing in the sheaves... They're easy for my kids too. みかんも採りたいかな? Oh my, baby! 早口言葉を思い出しました He's like "I found a stick, yes!" これをご存じですか? I wanna pick a mikan too! At least a mikan stick, huh? 庭には2羽 ニワトリがいる! All the time in the orchard reminded us of one of our favorite Japanese tongue twisters: それだよ! Do you know how to say “There are two chickens in the garden” in Japanese? 早口言葉! Niwa niwa niwa niwatori ga iru. 楽しそうだね! Ah! That's what you wanted me to say! 楽しそうな場所だね Tongue twisters! いよいよです! 何個収穫したかを量ります Look at that! You just chilling right here, huh? 1週間 毎日食べれるかも? That's as cool place as any just to chill I guess. 遂にだね! Finally the time came to weigh out. ありがとう The big question would soon be answered: how many mikans did we pick. 10キロね おいくら? Was it more or less than the others? Would we still like mikans in a week? 2,000円 Alright, yes! イジーも採った? Oh thanks, arigatou. これもイジーの? Ten kilograms... so how much do I owe you? 7キロ 10 times 2, that's 2,000 yen, right? そうだね Debs, I think that Izzy picked those too, ne? 我が家は何個 収穫したでしょうか? Are those Izzy's also? I think so. 楽しい! Seven [kg] ありがとう! I think we should take that. 11キロ While Ben and Debbie figured out just how many mikans their family picked, we tallied up our total. すごい! Ah, so much fun! 2,000円は破格ですが 皆の時間はプライスレスです! Thank you! ベン インタビューの時間 Ah... ah! Ok, that's 11 [kg] 調子はどう? 11! Yep. ブロック家の収穫は? 11 kilos, wow! 11キロだと思ったら 子供達が別に5キロ収穫していて All those mikans for around $20 is pretty awesome, but doing it together with friends and family is priceless! 合計16キロ! Hey Ben... can I get the official interview? お腹いっぱい! How's it going? How's it going here, Ben san? 最高! Hey! How much, how much fruit did the Block family pick? 子供は夢中になると 止まらなさそうですね Well, we had about 11 kilos and then somehow my daughter had another bucket of about 5 kilos or so 何個採った? So altogether we have 16 kilos of mikan. ポケットの中? Whew! Going to be eating good! ママに渡して! Awesome ママに渡して I guess the Block kids just couldn't be stopped when it came to picking mikans. At least my kids were all done now. 落とさないで O Joshua, you still have some?! 雪だるま? 見せて! Yeah! Oh, they're in your shirt?! みかん 雪だるま! Oh my goodness! And over there? OK, go give them to mommy. いいね! Go show mommy, ok? ミシガンを思い出すよ Don't drop them. またみかんが出てきた! I'm trying to get them. ママに渡して Mikan snowman — let's see it. - ママもビックリ - まだあるの? Mikan snowman, yeah! みかんが豊作な一日でした! Good job, Sarah. 来年も来ると思いますか? This reminds me of Michigan. もちろんです! 来年の収穫が楽しみです! Oh look, there's more mikan, you're not done yet! "チャンネル登録" を是非お願いします! Go take it to mommy. 来週の12/24(金)は クリスマスイブです! Let mommy deal with it. 19時にパズコーヒーショップから ライブ配信をお届けします! You got more?! 今年はコーヒーショップで 皆さんも参加できます! (※感染対策の上 実施します) And that was our adventure picking mikans not far from Mt Fuji. 概要欄に 案内を書いています (※感染対策の上 実施します) So I guess the big question now is: do we still like mikans? チャンネルへの応援 ありがとうございます! The answer is yes! And we're already looking forward to next year! また次回 お会いしましょう And if you like these videos, consider subscribing to our channel! Next week, on Friday, December 24 it's Christmas Eve And at 7 PM JST we're going to do our livestream of Life in Japan, a Christmas Family Celebration. And if you are in the area, you can join us in person at Paz Coffee Shop All the details are in the description, so please check it out. So thanks for liking, subscribing to this channel and until next time... Until next week, we'll see you on Life in Japan. Bye bye.
B1 中級 日本語 収穫 キロ 狩り どうぶつ ジョシュア ルース Picking Mikans (Japanese Tangerines) | Life in Japan Episode 138 4 0 Summer に公開 2021 年 10 月 29 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語